Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Netspective Communications LLC. All rights reserved. * * Netspective Communications LLC ("Netspective") permits redistribution, modification and use of this file in source * and binary form ("The Software") under the Netspective Source License ("NSL" or "The License"). The following * conditions are provided as a summary of the NSL but the NSL remains the canonical license and must be accepted * before using The Software. Any use of The Software indicates agreement with the NSL. * * 1. Each copy or derived work of The Software must preserve the copyright notice and this notice unmodified. * * 2. Redistribution of The Software is allowed in object code form only (as Java .class files or a .jar file * containing the .class files) and only as part of an application that uses The Software as part of its primary * functionality. No distribution of the package is allowed as part of a software development kit, other library, * or development tool without written consent of Netspective. Any modified form of The Software is bound by these * same restrictions. * * 3. Redistributions of The Software in any form must include an unmodified copy of The License, normally in a plain * ASCII text file unless otherwise agreed to, in writing, by Netspective. * * 4. The names "Netspective", "Axiom", "Commons", "Junxion", and "Sparx" are trademarks of Netspective and may not be * used to endorse products derived from The Software without without written consent of Netspective. "Netspective", * "Axiom", "Commons", "Junxion", and "Sparx" may not appear in the names of products derived from The Software * without written consent of Netspective. * * 5. Please attribute functionality where possible. We suggest using the "powered by Netspective" button or creating * a "powered by Netspective(tm)" link to for each application using The Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS AND * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, * ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. * * NETSPECTIVE AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE OR ANY THIRD PARTY AS A * RESULT OF USING OR DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WILL NETSPECTIVE OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER * CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF HE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * */ package; import; import com.netspective.medigy.model.session.ProcessSession; import com.netspective.medigy.model.session.SessionManager; import com.netspective.medigy.reference.custom.GeographicBoundaryType; import com.netspective.medigy.reference.custom.CachedCustomReferenceEntity; import com.netspective.medigy.reference.custom.claim.ClaimServiceCodeType; import; import; import; import; import; import com.netspective.medigy.reference.custom.person.PersonIdentifierType; import com.netspective.medigy.reference.custom.person.PersonRoleType; import com.netspective.medigy.reference.custom.person.EthnicityType; import com.netspective.medigy.util.HibernateUtil; import com.netspective.medigy.util.HibernateConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import java.beans.BeanInfo; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; public class EntitySeedDataPopulator { private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EntitySeedDataPopulator.class); private Session session; private HibernateConfiguration configuration; private Party globalParty; public EntitySeedDataPopulator(final Session session, final HibernateConfiguration configuration) { this.session = session; this.configuration = configuration; } public void populateSeedData() throws HibernateException { com.netspective.medigy.model.session.Session session = new ProcessSession(); session.setProcessName(EntitySeedDataPopulator.class.getName()); HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); HibernateUtil.getSession().save(session); SessionManager.getInstance().pushActiveSession(session); if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Initializing with seed data"); globalParty = new Party(Party.SYS_GLOBAL_PARTY_NAME); HibernateUtil.getSession().save(globalParty); for (final Map.Entry<Class, Class> entry : configuration.getCustomReferenceEntitiesAndCachesMap() .entrySet()) { final Class aClass = entry.getKey(); CachedCustomReferenceEntity[] cachedEntities = (CachedCustomReferenceEntity[]) entry.getValue() .getEnumConstants(); Object[][] data = new Object[cachedEntities.length][3]; int i = 0; for (final CachedCustomReferenceEntity c : cachedEntities) { data[i][0] = c.getCode(); data[i][1] = c.getCode(); // LABEL data[i][2] = globalParty; i++; } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) + " cached enums addded."); populateEntity(HibernateUtil.getSession(), aClass, new String[] { "code", "label", "party" }, data); } HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); SessionManager.getInstance().popActiveSession(); } protected void populateFacilityTypes() { populateEntity(session, FacilityType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "party" }, new Object[][] { { FacilityType.Cache.BUILDING.getCode(), "Building", globalParty }, { FacilityType.Cache.CLINIC.getCode(), "Clinic", globalParty }, { FacilityType.Cache.FLOOR.getCode(), "Floor", globalParty }, { FacilityType.Cache.HOSPITAL.getCode(), "Hospital", globalParty }, { FacilityType.Cache.MEDICAL_BUILDING.getCode(), "Medical Building", globalParty }, { FacilityType.Cache.OFFICE.getCode(), "Office", globalParty }, { FacilityType.Cache.PLANT.getCode(), "Plant", globalParty }, { FacilityType.Cache.ROOM.getCode(), "Room", globalParty }, { FacilityType.Cache.WAREHOUSE.getCode(), "Warehouse", globalParty }, }); } protected void populateClaimServiceCodeTypes() { populateEntity(session, ClaimServiceCodeType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "party" }, new Object[][] { { ClaimServiceCodeType.Cache.CPT_CODE.getCode(), "Building", globalParty }, { ClaimServiceCodeType.Cache.HCPCS_CODE.getCode(), "Clinic", globalParty }, { ClaimServiceCodeType.Cache.REV_CODE.getCode(), "Floor", globalParty }, }); } protected void populateEthnicityTypes() { populateEntity(session, EthnicityType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "party" }, new Object[][] { { EthnicityType.Cache.AFRICAN_AMERICAN.getCode(), "African American", globalParty }, { EthnicityType.Cache.ASIAN_PACIFIC_ISLANDER.getCode(), "Asian/Pacific Islander", globalParty }, { EthnicityType.Cache.CAUCASIAN.getCode(), "Caucasian", globalParty }, { EthnicityType.Cache.HISPANIC.getCode(), "Hispanic", globalParty }, { EthnicityType.Cache.NATIVE_AMERICAN.getCode(), "Native American", globalParty }, }); } protected void populateGeographicBoundaries() { populateEntity(session, GeographicBoundaryType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "party" }, new Object[][] { { GeographicBoundaryType.Cache.CITY.getCode(), "City", globalParty }, { GeographicBoundaryType.Cache.STATE.getCode(), "State", globalParty }, { GeographicBoundaryType.Cache.POSTAL_CODE.getCode(), "Postal Code", globalParty }, { GeographicBoundaryType.Cache.COUNTY.getCode(), "County", globalParty }, { GeographicBoundaryType.Cache.PROVINCE.getCode(), "Province", globalParty }, { GeographicBoundaryType.Cache.COUNTRY.getCode(), "Country", globalParty }, }); } protected void populatePersonIdentifierType() throws HibernateException { populateEntity(session, PersonIdentifierType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "party" }, new Object[][] { { PersonIdentifierType.Cache.SSN.getCode(), "SSN", globalParty }, { PersonIdentifierType.Cache.DRIVERS_LICENSE.getCode(), "Driver's License", globalParty }, }); } protected void populatePartyRelationshipType() throws HibernateException { populateEntity(session, PartyRelationshipType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "party" }, new Object[][] { { PartyRelationshipType.Cache.PATIENT_RESPONSIBLE_PARTY.getCode(), "Parent-Child", globalParty }, { PartyRelationshipType.Cache.ORGANIZATION_ROLLUP.getCode(), "Organization Rollup", globalParty }, { PartyRelationshipType.Cache.PARTNERSHIP.getCode(), "Partnership", globalParty }, { PartyRelationshipType.Cache.CUSTOMER_RELATIONSHIP.getCode(), "Customer Relationship", globalParty }, }); } protected void populatePersonRoleType() throws HibernateException { populateEntity(session, PersonRoleType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "description", "party" }, new Object[][] { { PersonRoleType.Cache.PARENT.getCode(), "Parent", null, globalParty }, { PersonRoleType.Cache.CHILD.getCode(), "Child", null, globalParty }, { PersonRoleType.Cache.FAMILY_MEMBER.getCode(), "Family Member", null, globalParty }, { PersonRoleType.Cache.DEPENDENT.getCode(), "Dependent", null, globalParty }, { PersonRoleType.Cache.EMPLOYEE.getCode(), "Employee", null, globalParty }, }); } protected void populateOrganizationRoleType() throws HibernateException { populateEntity(session, OrganizationRoleType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "description", "party" }, new Object[][] { { OrganizationRoleType.Cache.PROSPECT.getCode(), "Prospect", null, globalParty }, { OrganizationRoleType.Cache.DIVISION.getCode(), "Division", null, globalParty }, { OrganizationRoleType.Cache.OTHER_ORG_UNIT.getCode(), "Other Organization Unit", null, globalParty }, { OrganizationRoleType.Cache.DEPARTMENT.getCode(), "Department", null, globalParty }, { OrganizationRoleType.Cache.SUBSIDIARY.getCode(), "Subsidiary", null, globalParty }, { OrganizationRoleType.Cache.PARENT_ORG.getCode(), "Parent Organization", null, globalParty }, }); } protected void populateInsurancePolicyType() throws HibernateException { populateEntity(session, InsurancePolicyType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "description", "party" }, new Object[][] { { InsurancePolicyType.Cache.INDIVIDUAL_INSURANCE_POLICY.getCode(), "Individual Insurance Policy", null, globalParty }, { InsurancePolicyType.Cache.GROUP_INSURANCE_POLICY.getCode(), "Group Insurance Policy", null, globalParty }, }); } protected void populateInsurancePolicyRoleType() throws HibernateException { populateEntity(session, InsurancePolicyRoleType.class, new String[] { "code", "label", "description", "party" }, new Object[][] { { InsurancePolicyRoleType.Cache.INSURED_CONTRACT_HOLDER.getCode(), "Insured Contract Holder", null, globalParty }, { InsurancePolicyRoleType.Cache.INSURED_DEPENDENT.getCode(), "Insured Dependent", null, globalParty }, { InsurancePolicyRoleType.Cache.INSURANCE_PROVIDER.getCode(), "Insurance Provider", null, globalParty }, }); } protected void populateEntity(final Session session, final Class entityClass, final String[] propertyList, final Object[][] data) throws HibernateException { try { final Hashtable pdsByName = new Hashtable(); final BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(entityClass); final PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) { final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = descriptors[i]; if (descriptor.getWriteMethod() != null) pdsByName.put(descriptor.getName(), descriptor.getWriteMethod()); } for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { final Object entityObject = entityClass.newInstance(); for (int j = 0; j < propertyList.length; j++) { final Method setter = (Method) pdsByName.get(propertyList[j]); if (setter != null) setter.invoke(entityObject, new Object[] { data[i][j] }); }; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); throw new HibernateException(e); } } }