Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright 2013 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * The class implementing a conformity rule that checks if the zones in ELB and ASG are the same. */ public class SameZonesInElbAndAsg implements ConformityRule { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InstanceHasStatusUrl.class); private final Map<String, AWSClient> regionToAwsClient = Maps.newHashMap(); private AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider; private static final String RULE_NAME = "SameZonesInElbAndAsg"; private static final String REASON = "Availability zones of ELB and ASG are different"; /** * Constructs an instance with the default AWS credentials provider chain. * @see com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain */ public SameZonesInElbAndAsg() { this(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain()); } /** * Constructs an instance with the passed AWS Credential Provider. * @param awsCredentialsProvider */ public SameZonesInElbAndAsg(AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider) { this.awsCredentialsProvider = awsCredentialsProvider; } @Override public Conformity check(Cluster cluster) { List<String> asgNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (AutoScalingGroup asg : cluster.getAutoScalingGroups()) { asgNames.add(asg.getName()); } Collection<String> failedComponents = Lists.newArrayList(); for (AutoScalingGroup asg : cluster.getAutoScalingGroups()) { List<String> asgZones = getAvailabilityZonesForAsg(cluster.getRegion(), asg.getName()); for (String lbName : getLoadBalancerNamesForAsg(cluster.getRegion(), asg.getName())) { List<String> lbZones = getAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer(cluster.getRegion(), lbName); if (!haveSameZones(asgZones, lbZones)) {"ASG %s and ELB %s do not have the same availability zones", asgZones, lbZones)); failedComponents.add(lbName); } } } return new Conformity(getName(), failedComponents); } @Override public String getName() { return RULE_NAME; } @Override public String getNonconformingReason() { return REASON; } /** * Gets the load balancer names of an ASG. Can be overridden in subclasses. * @param region the region * @param asgName the ASG name * @return the list of load balancer names */ protected List<String> getLoadBalancerNamesForAsg(String region, String asgName) { List<> asgs = getAwsClient(region) .describeAutoScalingGroups(asgName); if (asgs.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Not found ASG with name %s", asgName)); return Collections.emptyList(); } else { return asgs.get(0).getLoadBalancerNames(); } } /** * Gets the list of availability zones for an ASG. Can be overridden in subclasses. * @param region the region * @param asgName the ASG name. * @return the list of the availability zones that the ASG has. */ protected List<String> getAvailabilityZonesForAsg(String region, String asgName) { List<> asgs = getAwsClient(region) .describeAutoScalingGroups(asgName); if (asgs.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Not found ASG with name %s", asgName)); return null; } else { return asgs.get(0).getAvailabilityZones(); } } /** * Gets the list of availability zones for a load balancer. Can be overridden in subclasses. * @param region the region * @param lbName the load balancer name. * @return the list of the availability zones that the load balancer has. */ protected List<String> getAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer(String region, String lbName) { List<LoadBalancerDescription> lbs = getAwsClient(region).describeElasticLoadBalancers(lbName); if (lbs.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Not found load balancer with name %s", lbName)); return null; } else { return lbs.get(0).getAvailabilityZones(); } } private AWSClient getAwsClient(String region) { AWSClient awsClient = regionToAwsClient.get(region); if (awsClient == null) { awsClient = new AWSClient(region, awsCredentialsProvider); regionToAwsClient.put(region, awsClient); } return awsClient; } private boolean haveSameZones(List<String> zones1, List<String> zones2) { if (zones1 == null || zones2 == null) { return true; } if (zones1.size() != zones1.size()) { return false; } for (String zone : zones1) { if (!zones2.contains(zone)) { return false; } } for (String zone : zones2) { if (!zones1.contains(zone)) { return false; } } return true; } }