Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import org.I0Itec.zkclient.IZkConnection; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * <p> * Bridge between ZKClient and Curator. Accomplished via an implementation for * {@link IZkConnection} which is the abstraction ZKClient uses to wrap the raw ZooKeeper handle * </p> * * <p> * Once allocated, bridge to ZKClient via: * <code><pre> * ZKClient zkClient = new ZkClient(new CuratorZKClientBridge(curatorInstance, timeout)); * </pre></code> * </p> */ public class CuratorZKClientBridge implements IZkConnection { private final CuratorFramework curator; private final AtomicReference<CuratorListener> listener = new AtomicReference<CuratorListener>(null); /** * @param curator Curator instance to bridge */ public CuratorZKClientBridge(CuratorFramework curator) { this.curator = curator; } /** * Return the client * * @return client */ public CuratorFramework getCurator() { return curator; } @Override public void connect(final Watcher watcher) { if (watcher != null) { CuratorListener localListener = new CuratorListener() { @Override public void eventReceived(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { if (event.getWatchedEvent() != null) { watcher.process(event.getWatchedEvent()); } } }; curator.getCuratorListenable().addListener(localListener); listener.set(localListener); try { BackgroundCallback callback = new BackgroundCallback() { @Override public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception { WatchedEvent fakeEvent = new WatchedEvent(Watcher.Event.EventType.None, curator.getZookeeperClient().isConnected() ? Watcher.Event.KeeperState.SyncConnected : Watcher.Event.KeeperState.Disconnected, null); watcher.process(fakeEvent); } }; curator.checkExists().inBackground(callback).forPath("/foo"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } @Override public void close() throws InterruptedException { // NOTE: the curator instance is NOT closed here CuratorListener localListener = listener.getAndSet(null); if (localListener != null) { curator.getCuratorListenable().removeListener(localListener); } } @Override public String create(String path, byte[] data, CreateMode mode) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { try { return curator.create().withMode(mode).forPath(path, data); } catch (Exception e) { adjustException(e); } return null; // will never execute } @Override public void delete(String path) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException { try { curator.delete().forPath(path); } catch (Exception e) { adjustException(e); } } @Override public boolean exists(String path, boolean watch) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { try { return watch ? (curator.checkExists().watched().forPath(path) != null) : (curator.checkExists().forPath(path) != null); } catch (Exception e) { adjustException(e); } return false; // will never execute } @Override public List<String> getChildren(String path, boolean watch) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { try { return watch ? curator.getChildren().watched().forPath(path) : curator.getChildren().forPath(path); } catch (Exception e) { adjustException(e); } return null; // will never execute } @Override public byte[] readData(String path, Stat stat, boolean watch) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { try { if (stat != null) { return watch ? curator.getData().storingStatIn(stat).watched().forPath(path) : curator.getData().storingStatIn(stat).forPath(path); } else { return watch ? curator.getData().watched().forPath(path) : curator.getData().forPath(path); } } catch (Exception e) { adjustException(e); } return null; // will never execute } @Override public void writeData(String path, byte[] data, int expectedVersion) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { try { curator.setData().withVersion(expectedVersion).forPath(path, data); } catch (Exception e) { adjustException(e); } } @Override public ZooKeeper.States getZookeeperState() { try { return curator.getZookeeperClient().getZooKeeper().getState(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public long getCreateTime(String path) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { try { Stat stat = curator.checkExists().forPath(path); return (stat != null) ? stat.getCtime() : 0; } catch (Exception e) { adjustException(e); } return 0; } @Override public String getServers() { return curator.getZookeeperClient().getCurrentConnectionString(); } private void adjustException(Exception e) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { if (e instanceof KeeperException) { throw (KeeperException) e; } if (e instanceof InterruptedException) { throw (InterruptedException) e; } throw new RuntimeException(e); } }