Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Singleton @Trace public class RedisExecutionDAO extends BaseDynoDAO implements ExecutionDAO { // Keys Families private final static String IN_PROGRESS_TASKS = "IN_PROGRESS_TASKS"; private final static String WORKFLOW_TO_TASKS = "WORKFLOW_TO_TASKS"; private final static String SCHEDULED_TASKS = "SCHEDULED_TASKS"; private final static String TASK = "TASK"; private final static String WORKFLOW = "WORKFLOW"; private final static String PENDING_WORKFLOWS = "PENDING_WORKFLOWS"; private final static String WORKFLOW_DEF_TO_WORKFLOWS = "WORKFLOW_DEF_TO_WORKFLOWS"; private final static String CORR_ID_TO_WORKFLOWS = "CORR_ID_TO_WORKFLOWS"; private IndexDAO indexer; @Inject public RedisExecutionDAO(DynoProxy dynoClient, ObjectMapper om, IndexDAO indexer, Configuration config) { super(dynoClient, om, config); this.indexer = indexer; } @Override public List<Task> getPendingTasksByWorkflow(String taskName, String workflowId) { List<Task> tasks = new LinkedList<>(); List<Task> pendingTasks = getPendingTasksForTaskType(taskName); pendingTasks.forEach(pendingTask -> { if (pendingTask.getWorkflowInstanceId().equals(workflowId)) { tasks.add(pendingTask); } }); return tasks; } @Override public List<Task> getTasks(String taskDefName, String startKey, int count) { List<Task> tasks = new LinkedList<>(); List<Task> pendingTasks = getPendingTasksForTaskType(taskDefName); boolean startKeyFound = (startKey == null) ? true : false; int foundcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pendingTasks.size(); i++) { if (!startKeyFound) { if (pendingTasks.get(i).getTaskId().equals(startKey)) { startKeyFound = true; if (startKey != null) { continue; } } } if (startKeyFound && foundcount < count) { tasks.add(pendingTasks.get(i)); foundcount++; } } return tasks; } @Override public List<Task> createTasks(List<Task> tasks) { List<Task> created = new LinkedList<Task>(); for (Task task : tasks) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(task, "task object cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(task.getTaskId(), "Task id cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(task.getWorkflowInstanceId(), "Workflow instance id cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(task.getReferenceTaskName(), "Task reference name cannot be null"); task.setScheduledTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); String taskKey = task.getReferenceTaskName() + "" + task.getRetryCount(); Long added = dynoClient.hset(nsKey(SCHEDULED_TASKS, task.getWorkflowInstanceId()), taskKey, task.getTaskId()); if (added < 1) { logger.debug("Task already scheduled, skipping the run " + task.getTaskId() + ", ref=" + task.getReferenceTaskName() + ", key=" + taskKey); continue; } dynoClient.sadd(nsKey(WORKFLOW_TO_TASKS, task.getWorkflowInstanceId()), task.getTaskId()); dynoClient.sadd(nsKey(IN_PROGRESS_TASKS, task.getTaskDefName()), task.getTaskId()); updateTask(task); created.add(task); } return created; } @Override public void updateTasks(List<Task> tasks) { for (Task task : tasks) { updateTask(task); } } @Override public void updateTask(Task task) { task.setUpdateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (task.getStatus() != null && task.getStatus().isTerminal()) { task.setEndTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } dynoClient.set(nsKey(TASK, task.getTaskId()), toJson(task)); if (task.getStatus() != null && task.getStatus().isTerminal()) { dynoClient.srem(nsKey(IN_PROGRESS_TASKS, task.getTaskDefName()), task.getTaskId()); } indexer.index(task); } @Override public void removeTask(String taskId) { Task task = getTask(taskId); String taskKey = task.getReferenceTaskName() + "" + task.getRetryCount(); dynoClient.hdel(nsKey(SCHEDULED_TASKS, task.getWorkflowInstanceId()), taskKey); dynoClient.srem(nsKey(IN_PROGRESS_TASKS, task.getTaskDefName()), task.getTaskId()); dynoClient.srem(nsKey(WORKFLOW_TO_TASKS, task.getWorkflowInstanceId()), task.getTaskId()); dynoClient.del(nsKey(TASK, task.getTaskId())); } @Override public Task getTask(String taskId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(taskId, "taskId name cannot be null"); Task task = null; String taskJsonStr = dynoClient.get(nsKey(TASK, taskId)); if (taskJsonStr != null) { task = readValue(taskJsonStr, Task.class); } return task; } @Override public List<Task> getTasks(List<String> taskIds) { List<Task> tasks = new LinkedList<Task>(); List<String> nsKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); taskIds.forEach(taskId -> nsKeys.add(nsKey(TASK, taskId))); for (String key : nsKeys) { String json = dynoClient.get(key); if (json != null) { tasks.add(readValue(json, Task.class)); } } return tasks; } @Override public List<Task> getTasksForWorkflow(String workflowId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(workflowId, "workflowId cannot be null"); List<Task> tasks = new LinkedList<Task>(); Set<String> taskIds = dynoClient.smembers(nsKey(WORKFLOW_TO_TASKS, workflowId)); tasks = getTasks(new ArrayList<String>(taskIds)); return tasks; } @Override public List<Task> getPendingTasksForTaskType(String taskName) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(taskName, "task name cannot be null"); List<Task> tasks = new LinkedList<Task>(); Set<String> taskIds = dynoClient.smembers(nsKey(IN_PROGRESS_TASKS, taskName)); tasks = getTasks(new ArrayList<String>(taskIds)); return tasks; } @Override public String createWorkflow(Workflow workflow) { workflow.setCreateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); return insertOrUpdateWorkflow(workflow, false); } @Override public String updateWorkflow(Workflow workflow) { workflow.setUpdateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); return insertOrUpdateWorkflow(workflow, true); } @Override public void removeWorkflow(String workflowId) { Workflow wf = getWorkflow(workflowId, false); // Remove from lists String key = nsKey(WORKFLOW_DEF_TO_WORKFLOWS, wf.getWorkflowType(), dateStr(wf.getCreateTime())); dynoClient.srem(key, workflowId); dynoClient.srem(nsKey(CORR_ID_TO_WORKFLOWS, wf.getCorrelationId()), workflowId); dynoClient.srem(nsKey(PENDING_WORKFLOWS, wf.getWorkflowType()), workflowId); // Remove the object dynoClient.del(nsKey(WORKFLOW, workflowId)); for (Task task : wf.getTasks()) { removeTask(task.getTaskId()); } indexer.remove(workflowId); } @Override public void removeFromPendingWorkflow(String workflowType, String workflowId) { dynoClient.srem(nsKey(PENDING_WORKFLOWS, workflowType), workflowId); } @Override public Workflow getWorkflow(String workflowId) { return getWorkflow(workflowId, true); } @Override public Workflow getWorkflow(String workflowId, boolean includeTasks) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(workflowId, "workflowId name cannot be null"); String json = dynoClient.get(nsKey(WORKFLOW, workflowId)); if (json == null) { throw new ApplicationException(Code.NOT_FOUND, "No such workflow found by id: " + workflowId); } Workflow workflow = readValue(json, Workflow.class); if (includeTasks) { List<Task> tasks = getTasksForWorkflow(workflowId); tasks.sort(Comparator.comparingLong(Task::getScheduledTime).thenComparingInt(Task::getSeq)); workflow.setTasks(tasks); } return workflow; } @Override public List<String> getRunningWorkflowIds(String workflowName) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(workflowName, "workflowName cannot be null"); List<String> wfIds = new LinkedList<String>(); Set<String> pendingWfs = dynoClient.smembers(nsKey(PENDING_WORKFLOWS, workflowName)); wfIds = new LinkedList<String>(pendingWfs); return wfIds; } @Override public List<Workflow> getPendingWorkflowsByType(String workflowName) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(workflowName, "workflowName cannot be null"); List<Workflow> workflows = new LinkedList<Workflow>(); List<String> wfIds = getRunningWorkflowIds(workflowName); for (String wfId : wfIds) { workflows.add(getWorkflow(wfId)); } return workflows; } @Override public List<Workflow> getWorkflowsByType(String workflowName, Long startTime, Long endTime) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(workflowName, "workflowName cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(startTime, "startTime cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(endTime, "endTime cannot be null"); List<Workflow> workflows = new LinkedList<Workflow>(); // Get all date strings between start and end List<String> dateStrs = dateStrBetweenDates(startTime, endTime); dateStrs.forEach(dateStr -> { String key = nsKey(WORKFLOW_DEF_TO_WORKFLOWS, workflowName, dateStr); dynoClient.smembers(key).forEach(wfId -> { try { Workflow wf = getWorkflow(wfId); if (wf.getCreateTime().longValue() >= startTime.longValue() && wf.getCreateTime().longValue() <= endTime.longValue()) { workflows.add(wf); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }); }); return workflows; } @Override public List<Workflow> getWorkflowsByCorrelationId(String correlationId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(correlationId, "correlationId cannot be null"); List<Workflow> workflows = new LinkedList<Workflow>(); Set<String> workflowIds = dynoClient.smembers(nsKey(CORR_ID_TO_WORKFLOWS, correlationId)); for (String wfId : workflowIds) { workflows.add(getWorkflow(wfId)); } return workflows; } private String insertOrUpdateWorkflow(Workflow workflow, boolean update) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(workflow, "workflow object cannot be null"); if (workflow.getStatus().isTerminal()) { workflow.setEndTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } List<Task> tasks = workflow.getTasks(); workflow.setTasks(new LinkedList<>()); // Store the workflow object dynoClient.set(nsKey(WORKFLOW, workflow.getWorkflowId()), toJson(workflow)); if (!update) { // Add to list of workflows for a workflowdef String key = nsKey(WORKFLOW_DEF_TO_WORKFLOWS, workflow.getWorkflowType(), dateStr(workflow.getCreateTime())); dynoClient.sadd(key, workflow.getWorkflowId()); if (workflow.getCorrelationId() != null) { // Add to list of workflows for a correlationId dynoClient.sadd(nsKey(CORR_ID_TO_WORKFLOWS, workflow.getCorrelationId()), workflow.getWorkflowId()); } } // Add or remove from the pending workflows if (workflow.getStatus().isTerminal()) { dynoClient.srem(nsKey(PENDING_WORKFLOWS, workflow.getWorkflowType()), workflow.getWorkflowId()); } else { dynoClient.sadd(nsKey(PENDING_WORKFLOWS, workflow.getWorkflowType()), workflow.getWorkflowId()); } workflow.setTasks(tasks); indexer.index(workflow); return workflow.getWorkflowId(); } private static String dateStr(Long timeInMs) { Date date = new Date(timeInMs); return dateStr(date); } private static String dateStr(Date date) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); return format.format(date); } private static List<String> dateStrBetweenDates(Long startdatems, Long enddatems) { List<String> dates = new ArrayList<String>(); Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Date startdate = new Date(startdatems); Date enddate = new Date(enddatems); calendar.setTime(startdate); while (calendar.getTime().before(enddate) || calendar.getTime().equals(enddate)) { Date result = calendar.getTime(); dates.add(dateStr(result)); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } return dates; } public long getPendingWorkflowCount(String workflowName) { String key = nsKey(PENDING_WORKFLOWS, workflowName); return dynoClient.scard(key); } }