Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright 2013 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import static; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; /** * * @author dweeks */ public class ConsistentListingAspectTest { private static final String GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"; private static final String AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"; private static final String AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ConsistentListingAspectTest.class.getName()); private static DynamoDBMetastore meta; private static CloudWatchAlertDispatcher alert; private static MetastoreJanitor janitor; private static Configuration conf; private static FileSystem markerFs; private static FileSystem deleteFs; private static Path testPath; @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { final String runId = Integer.toHexString(new Random().nextInt()); for (final String envVar : asList(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)) { if (isNullOrEmpty(System.getenv(envVar))) { fail("Required environment variable " + envVar + " is not defined"); } } conf = new Configuration(); conf.set("", System.getenv(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)); conf.set("", System.getenv(AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)); conf.set("", "steel-ridge-91615"); conf.set("", ""); conf.set("", ""); conf.set("", System.getenv(GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS)); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.disable", false); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.failOnError", true); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.metastore.deleteMarker.enabled", true); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.reporting.disabled", true); conf.setLong("s3mper.listing.recheck.count", 10); conf.setLong("s3mper.listing.recheck.period", 1000); conf.setFloat("s3mper.listing.threshold", 1); conf.set("", "ConsistentListingMetastoreTest-" + runId); conf.set("s3mper.metastore.impl", ""); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.metastore.create", true); testPath = new Path(System.getProperty("fs.test.path", "gs://rohan-test/test-" + runId)); markerFs = FileSystem.get(testPath.toUri(), conf); Configuration deleteConf = new Configuration(conf); deleteConf.setBoolean("s3mper.metastore.deleteMarker.enabled", false); deleteFs = FileSystem.get(testPath.toUri(), deleteConf); meta = new DynamoDBMetastore(); meta.initalize(testPath.toUri(), conf); while (true) { try { meta.list(asList(testPath)); break; } catch (Exception e) { if ((e instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) || (e.getCause() instanceof ResourceNotFoundException)) { Thread.sleep(1000); } else { throw e; } } } alert = new CloudWatchAlertDispatcher(); alert.init(testPath.toUri(), conf); Configuration janitorConf = new Configuration(conf); janitorConf.setBoolean("s3mper.metastore.deleteMarker.enabled", false); janitor = new MetastoreJanitor(); janitor.initalize(testPath.toUri(), janitorConf); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception { if (janitor != null) { janitor.clearPath(testPath); } if (markerFs != null) { markerFs.close(); } if (deleteFs != null) { deleteFs.close(); } if (meta != null) { meta.close(); } } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { System.out.println("========================== Setting Up =========================== "); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.disable", false); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.failOnError", true); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.metastore.deleteMarker.enabled", true); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.reporting.disabled", true); conf.setLong("s3mper.listing.recheck.count", 10); conf.setLong("s3mper.listing.recheck.period", 1000); conf.setFloat("s3mper.listing.threshold", 1); janitor.clearPath(testPath); deleteFs.delete(testPath, true); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { System.out.println("========================== Tearing Down ========================="); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.metastore.deleteMarker.enabled", false); janitor.clearPath(testPath); deleteFs.delete(testPath, true); conf.setFloat("s3mper.listing.threshold", 1); } @Test public void testFileCreateMethods() throws Throwable { System.out.println("testFileCreateMethods"); Path file = new Path(testPath + "/create-methods.test"); //create(Path) OutputStream fout = deleteFs.create(file); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); List<FileInfo> files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); System.out.println("create(Path, Progressable)"); fout = deleteFs.create(file, new Progressable() { @Override public void progress() { } }); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); System.out.println("create(Path, boolean)"); fout = deleteFs.create(file, true); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); System.out.println("create(Path, short)"); fout = deleteFs.create(file, (short) 1); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); System.out.println("create(Path, boolean, int)"); fout = deleteFs.create(file, true, 4096); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); System.out.println("create(FileSystem, Path, FsPermission)"); fout = deleteFs.create(deleteFs, file, FsPermission.getDefault()); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); System.out.println("create(FileSystem, short, Progressable)"); fout = deleteFs.create(file, (short) 1, new Progressable() { @Override public void progress() { } }); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); System.out.println("create(FileSystem, boolean, int, Progressable)"); fout = deleteFs.create(file, true, 4096, new Progressable() { @Override public void progress() { } }); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); System.out.println("create(FileSystem, boolean, int, short, long)"); fout = deleteFs.create(file, true, 4096, (short) 1, 100000000); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); System.out.println("create(FileSystem, boolean, int, short, long, Progressable)"); fout = deleteFs.create(file, true, 4096, (short) 1, 100000000, new Progressable() { @Override public void progress() { } }); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(file.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(file.getParent(), true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); } @Test public void testUpdateMetastore() throws Throwable { System.out.println("updateMetastore"); Path arg1Path = new Path(testPath + "/update.test"); OutputStream fout = deleteFs.create(arg1Path); assertNotNull(fout); fout.close(); List<FileInfo> files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(arg1Path.getParent())); assertEquals(1, files.size()); deleteFs.delete(arg1Path, true); janitor.clearPath(testPath); } @Test public void testWritePerformace() throws Throwable { System.out.println("testWritePerformace"); int fileCount = Integer.getInteger("test.file.count", 10); int threadCount = Integer.getInteger("test.thread.count", 5); List<FileCreator> writeThreads = new ArrayList<FileCreator>(); for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { FileCreator f = new FileCreator(deleteFs, fileCount, i); f.start(); writeThreads.add(f); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (FileCreator t : writeThreads) { t.join(); } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (FileCreator t : writeThreads) { + " failures: " + t.failures); }"Total time for writes: " + (stop - start)); List<FileInfo> files = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(testPath)); assertEquals(fileCount * threadCount, files.size()); janitor.clearPath(testPath); } @Test public void testAlerts() throws Exception { System.out.println("testAlerts"); Path alertFile = new Path(testPath + "/alert.test"); conf.setLong("s3mper.listing.recheck.count", 0); meta.add(alertFile, false); int count = Integer.getInteger("test.alert.count", 5); int sleep = Integer.getInteger("test.alert.sleep", 1000); int alerts = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { try { deleteFs.listStatus(testPath); } catch (Exception e) {"[%d of %d alerts]: %s", i, count, e.getMessage())); alerts++; } Thread.sleep(sleep); } assertEquals("Listing failures didn't match", count, alerts); meta.delete(alertFile); } @Test public void testRecursiveDelete() throws Exception { System.out.println("testDeleteDirectory"); Path p = testPath; System.out.println("Creating dirs/files"); for (int level = 0; level < 5; level++) { p = new Path(p, "" + level); deleteFs.mkdirs(p); deleteFs.create(new Path(p, "file.txt")).close(); } p = testPath; for (int level = 0; level < 5; level++) { p = new Path(p, "" + level); assertTrue("Incorrect Entry Count: " + p, meta.list(Collections.singletonList(p)).size() >= 1); } System.out.println("Sleeping for 5s"); Thread.sleep(5000); System.out.println("Calling delete . . ."); deleteFs.delete(new Path(testPath + "/0"), true); System.out.println("Sleeping for 5s"); Thread.sleep(5000); p = testPath; for (int level = 0; level < 5; level++) { p = new Path(p, "" + level); boolean empty = false; List<FileInfo> listing = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(p)); if (listing.isEmpty()) { empty = true; } else { empty = true; for (FileInfo f : listing) { if (!f.isDeleted()) { empty = false; break; } } } assertTrue("Entry found for path: " + p, empty); } p = testPath; for (int level = 0; level < 5; level++) { p = new Path(p, "" + level); janitor.clearPath(p); } } @Test public void testTimeout() throws Exception { System.out.println("testTimeout"); int currentTimeout = meta.getTimeout(); meta.setTimeout(5); int count = Integer.getInteger("test.timeout.count", 4); int sleep = Integer.getInteger("test.timeout.sleep", 1000); int timeouts = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { try { meta.list(Collections.singletonList(testPath)); } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof TimeoutException)) { fail("Caught non-timeout exception"); } timeouts++;"Caught exception: " + e.getClass()); } Thread.sleep(sleep); } meta.setTimeout(currentTimeout); assertEquals("Timeouts test failed", count, timeouts); } @Test public void testTimeoutAlerts() throws Exception { System.out.println("testTimeoutAlerts"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { alert.timeout("testAlert", Collections.singletonList(testPath)); } } @Test public void testRecheckBackoff() throws Exception { System.out.println("testRecheckBackoff"); Path path = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/backoff.test"); meta.add(path, false); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { deleteFs.listStatus(testPath); } catch (Exception e) { } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); long time = stop - start; meta.delete(path); System.out.println("Time taken (ms): " + time); assertTrue("Recheck Backoff Failed", time > TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10)); } @Test public void testDeleteMarker() throws Exception { System.out.println("testDeleteMarker"); Path path = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/deleteMarker.test"); OutputStream fout = deleteFs.create(path); fout.close(); List<FileInfo> listing = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(testPath)); assertEquals("Metastore listing size was incorrected", 1, listing.size()); deleteFs.delete(path, true); listing = meta.list(Collections.singletonList(testPath)); assertEquals("Metastore listing size after delete was incorrected", 1, listing.size()); assertTrue("Delete marker was not present", listing.get(0).isDeleted()); meta.delete(path); } @Test public void testDeleteMarkerListing() throws Exception { Path p1 = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/deleteMarkerListing-1.test"); Path p2 = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/deleteMarkerListing-2.test"); Path p3 = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/deleteMarkerListing-3.test"); deleteFs.create(p1).close(); deleteFs.create(p2).close(); deleteFs.create(p3).close(); deleteFs.delete(p1, false); deleteFs.delete(p3, false); assertEquals("Wrong number of fs listed files", 1, deleteFs.listStatus(testPath).length); assertEquals("Wrong number of metastore listed files", 3, meta.list(Collections.singletonList(testPath)).size()); } @Test public void testThreshold() throws Exception { Path p1 = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/deleteMarkerListing-1.test"); Path p2 = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/deleteMarkerListing-2.test"); Path p3 = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/deleteMarkerListing-3.test"); deleteFs.create(p1).close(); deleteFs.create(p2).close(); meta.add(p3, false); conf.setFloat("s3mper.listing.threshold", 0.5f); System.out.println("Watining for s3 . . ."); Thread.sleep(10000); try { FileStatus[] files = deleteFs.listStatus(testPath); assertEquals("Didn't list the correct number of files", 2, files.length); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Threshold not met, but should have been"); } } @Test public void testRecoveryMessage() throws Exception { Path p1 = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/recovery-1.test"); final Path p2 = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/recovery-2.test"); conf.setBoolean("s3mper.reporting.disabled", false); deleteFs.create(p1).close(); meta.add(p2, false); System.out.println("Watining for s3 . . ."); Thread.sleep(10000); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { System.out.println("Creating missing file"); Thread.sleep(1500); deleteFs.create(p2).close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }); t.start(); deleteFs.listStatus(testPath); } @Test public void testTaskFailure() throws Exception { Path p1 = new Path(testPath.toUri() + "/task-fail-1.test"); } private static class FileCreator extends Thread { int instance; int count; FileSystem fs; volatile int failures = 0; public FileCreator(FileSystem fs, int count, int instance) { super("Test FileCreateThread-" + instance); this.fs = fs; this.count = count; this.instance = instance; } @Override public void run() { try { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Path p = new Path(testPath + "/perf-" + instance + "-" + i); log.debug(("Creating file: " + p)); try { fs.create(p); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("", e); failures++; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("", e); } } } }