Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 Pablo Pavon-Marino. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Pablo Pavon-Marino - Jose-Luis Izquierdo-Zaragoza, up to version 0.3.1 * Pablo Pavon-Marino - from version 0.4.0 onwards ******************************************************************************/ package com.net2plan.libraries; import cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.DoubleFactory1D; import cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.DoubleFactory2D; import cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.DoubleMatrix1D; import cern.colt.matrix.tdouble.DoubleMatrix2D; import com.net2plan.interfaces.networkDesign.*; import com.net2plan.libraries.GraphUtils.JUNGUtils; import com.net2plan.utils.CollectionUtils; import com.net2plan.utils.Constants; import com.net2plan.utils.Pair; import com.net2plan.utils.Quadruple; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * Class for destination-based routing (IP-like). * * @author Pablo Pavon-Marino, Jose-Luis Izquierdo-Zaragoza */ public class IPUtils { /** * Link attribute name for IP weight setting. * */ public final static String IP_WEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "ospf-linkWeight"; private IPUtils() { } /** * <p>Returns the cost of a routing scheme according to the carried traffic per * link and link capacities, assuming the IGP-WO cost model.</p> * * <p>Let <i>E</i> be a set of links, where <i>u<sub>e</sub></i> is the capacity * for link <i>e ∈ E</i>, and <i>y<sub>e</sub></i> is the carried traffic * by link <i>e ∈ E</i>. Then, the total cost of the associated routing, * denoted as <i>C</i>, is the sum for every link <i>e ∈ E</i> of its * associated cost <i>c<sub>e</sub></i>, which is computed as follows:</p> * * <ul> * <li><i>c<sub>e</sub></i> = <i>y<sub>e</sub></i> , if <i>ρ<sub>e</sub> ∈ [0, 1/3)</i></li> * <li><i>c<sub>e</sub></i> = 3 * <i>y<sub>e</sub></i> - (2 / 3) * <i>u<sub>e</sub></i>, if <i>ρ<sub>e</sub> ∈ [1/3, 2/3)</i></li> * <li><i>c<sub>e</sub></i> = 10 * <i>y<sub>e</sub></i> - (16 / 3) * <i>u<sub>e</sub></i>, if <i>ρ<sub>e</sub> ∈ [2/3, 9/10)</i></li> * <li><i>c<sub>e</sub></i> = 70 * <i>y<sub>e</sub></i> - (178 / 3) * <i>u<sub>e</sub></i>, if <i>ρ<sub>e</sub> ∈ [9/10, 1)</i></li> * <li><i>c<sub>e</sub></i> = 500 * <i>y<sub>e</sub></i> - (1468 / 3) * <i>u<sub>e</sub></i>, if <i>ρ<sub>e</sub> ∈ [1, 11/10)</i></li> * <li><i>c<sub>e</sub></i> = 5000 * <i>y<sub>e</sub></i> - (16318 / 3) * <i>u<sub>e</sub></i>, otherwise</li> * </ul> * * <p>where <i>ρ<sub>e</sub></i> is the ratio <i>y<sub>e</sub></i> / <i>u<sub>e</sub></i>.</p> * * <p>Reference: {@code H. mit, "Techniques and Tools for Intra-domain Traffic Engineering," Ph.D. Thesis, Universit Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), December 2009}</p> * * @param y_e Carried traffic per link * @param u_e Capacity per link * @return IGP cost */ public static double calculateIGPCost(DoubleMatrix1D y_e, DoubleMatrix1D u_e) { double cost = 0; for (int cont = 0; cont < y_e.size(); cont++) { final double y_e_thisLink = y_e.get(cont); final double u_e_thisLink = u_e.get(cont); double phi = 0; double aux = y_e_thisLink; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 3.0 * y_e_thisLink - (2.0 / 3.0) * u_e_thisLink; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 10.0 * y_e_thisLink - (16.0 / 3.0) * u_e_thisLink; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 70.0 * y_e_thisLink - (178.0 / 3.0) * u_e_thisLink; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 500.0 * y_e_thisLink - (1468.0 / 3.0) * u_e_thisLink; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 5000.0 * y_e_thisLink - (16318.0 / 3.0) * u_e_thisLink; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; cost += phi; } return cost; } /** * <p>Returns the cost of a routing scheme according to the carried traffic per * link and the link capacity vectors, assuming the IGP-WO cost model.</p> * * @param y_e Carried traffic per link vector * @param u_e Link capacity vector * @return IGP cost * @see #calculateIGPCost(DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix1D) */ public static double calculateIGPCost(double[] y_e, double[] u_e) { int E = u_e.length; double cost = 0; for (int linkId = 0; linkId < E; linkId++) { double phi = 0; double aux = y_e[linkId]; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 3.0 * y_e[linkId] - (2.0 / 3.0) * u_e[linkId]; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 10.0 * y_e[linkId] - (16.0 / 3.0) * u_e[linkId]; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 70.0 * y_e[linkId] - (178.0 / 3.0) * u_e[linkId]; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 500.0 * y_e[linkId] - (1468.0 / 3.0) * u_e[linkId]; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; aux = 5000.0 * y_e[linkId] - (16318.0 / 3.0) * u_e[linkId]; if (aux >= phi) phi = aux; cost += phi; } return cost; } private static void checkIPWeight(double linkWeight) { if (linkWeight < 1) throw new Net2PlanException("Link weights must be greater or equal than 1"); } /** * Computes the resulting carried traffic according to a link weight setting * and OSPF/ECMP routing. * * @param netPlan Network design * @param optionalLayer Network layer (optional) * @param linkWeightVector Cost per link * @return A {@link com.net2plan.utils.Quadruple Quadruple} composed of {@code f_de} (splitting rules), {@code x_de} (carried traffic for demand 'd' through link 'e'), {@code r_d} (end-to-end carried traffic for demand 'd'), and {@code y_e} (carried traffic by link 'e') */ public static Quadruple<DoubleMatrix2D, DoubleMatrix2D, DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix1D> computeCarriedTrafficFromIGPWeights( NetPlan netPlan, DoubleMatrix1D linkWeightVector, NetworkLayer... optionalLayer) { NetworkLayer layer = netPlan.checkInThisNetPlanOptionalLayerParameter(optionalLayer); if (linkWeightVector == null) linkWeightVector = IPUtils.getLinkWeightVector(netPlan, layer); final List<Node> nodes = netPlan.getNodes(); final List<Link> links = netPlan.getLinks(layer); final List<Demand> demands = netPlan.getDemands(layer); final DoubleMatrix1D h_d = netPlan.getVectorDemandOfferedTraffic(layer); final DoubleMatrix2D f_te = IPUtils.computeECMPRoutingTableMatrix_fte(nodes, links, linkWeightVector); final DoubleMatrix2D f_de = GraphUtils.convert_fte2fde(demands, f_te); final Quadruple<DoubleMatrix2D, DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix1D, List<Constants.RoutingCycleType>> q_noFailure = GraphUtils .convert_fde2xde(nodes, links, demands, h_d, f_de); final DoubleMatrix2D x_de = q_noFailure.getFirst(); final DoubleMatrix1D r_d = q_noFailure.getSecond(); final DoubleMatrix1D y_e = q_noFailure.getThird(); return Quadruple.of(f_de, x_de, r_d, y_e); } /** * * @param nodes List of nodes * @param links List of links * @param demands List of demands * @param linkWeightVector Cost per link vector * @return Forwarding rule mapping, where key is the demand-outgoing link pair and the value is the splitting ratio */ public static DoubleMatrix2D computeECMPForwardingRules_fde(List<Node> nodes, List<Link> links, List<Demand> demands, DoubleMatrix1D linkWeightVector) { final int N = nodes.size(); DoubleMatrix2D splittingRatioMap = DoubleFactory2D.sparse.make(demands.size(), links.size()); double[][] costMatrix = new double[N][N]; for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { Arrays.fill(costMatrix[n], Double.MAX_VALUE); costMatrix[n][n] = 0; } Map<Link, Double> linkWeightMap = CollectionUtils.toMap(links, linkWeightVector); Transformer<Link, Double> nev = JUNGUtils.getEdgeWeightTransformer(linkWeightMap); Map<Pair<Node, Node>, Set<Link>> linksPerNodePair = new LinkedHashMap<Pair<Node, Node>, Set<Link>>(); for (Link link : links) { Pair<Node, Node> nodePair_thisLink = Pair.of(link.getOriginNode(), link.getDestinationNode()); final int a_e = link.getOriginNode().getIndex(); final int b_e = link.getDestinationNode().getIndex(); costMatrix[a_e][b_e] = Math.min(costMatrix[a_e][b_e], nev.transform(link)); Set<Link> links_thisNodePair = linksPerNodePair.get(nodePair_thisLink); if (links_thisNodePair == null) { links_thisNodePair = new LinkedHashSet<Link>(); linksPerNodePair.put(nodePair_thisLink, links_thisNodePair); } links_thisNodePair.add(link); } for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (i == k) continue; for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (j == k || j == i) continue; double newValue = costMatrix[i][k] + costMatrix[k][j]; if (newValue < costMatrix[i][j]) costMatrix[i][j] = newValue; } } } for (Demand demand : demands) { final int b_d = demand.getEgressNode().getIndex(); for (Node node : nodes) { final int n = node.getIndex(); if (n == b_d) continue; double distNodeToEgress = costMatrix[n][b_d]; if (distNodeToEgress == Double.MAX_VALUE) continue; Set<Link> A_t = new LinkedHashSet<Link>(); for (Node intermediateNode : nodes) { if (node.equals(intermediateNode)) continue; final int m = intermediateNode.getIndex(); double distIntermediateToEgress = costMatrix[m][b_d]; if (distIntermediateToEgress == Double.MAX_VALUE) continue; Collection<Link> linksFromNodeToIntermediate = linksPerNodePair .get(Pair.of(node, intermediateNode)); if (linksFromNodeToIntermediate == null) continue; for (Link link : linksFromNodeToIntermediate) { double weight_thisLink = linkWeightMap.get(link); checkIPWeight(weight_thisLink); if (Math.abs(weight_thisLink - (distNodeToEgress - distIntermediateToEgress)) < 1E-10) A_t.add(link); } } int outdegree = A_t.size(); if (outdegree > 0) for (Link link : A_t) splittingRatioMap.set(demand.getIndex(), link.getIndex(), 1.0 / outdegree); } } return splittingRatioMap; } /** * Computes the routing table matrix according to an OSPF/ECMP scheme. For * each destination node <i>t</i>, and each link <i>e</i>, {@code f_te[t][e]} * sets the fraction of the traffic targeted to node <i>t</i> that arrives * (or is generated in) node <i>a(e)</i> (the initial node of link <i>e</i>), * that is forwarded through link <i>e</i>. It must hold that for every * node <i>n</i> different of <i>t</i>, the sum of the fractions * <i>f<sub>te</sub></i> along its outgoing links must be 1. For every * destination <i>t</i>, <i>f<sub>te</sub></i> = 0 for all the links <i>e</i> * that are outgoing links of <i>t</i>. * @param nodes List of nodes * @param links List of links * @param linkWeightVector Cost per link vector * @return Destination-based routing in the form <i>f<sub>te</sub></i> (fractions of traffic in a node, that is forwarded through each of its output links to node {@code t}) */ public static DoubleMatrix2D computeECMPRoutingTableMatrix_fte(List<Node> nodes, List<Link> links, DoubleMatrix1D linkWeightVector) { final int N = nodes.size(); final int E = links.size(); DoubleMatrix2D f_te = DoubleFactory2D.sparse.make(N, E); double[][] costMatrix = new double[N][N]; for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { Arrays.fill(costMatrix[n], Double.MAX_VALUE); costMatrix[n][n] = 0; } Map<Link, Double> linkWeightMap = CollectionUtils.toMap(links, linkWeightVector); Transformer<Link, Double> nev = JUNGUtils.getEdgeWeightTransformer(linkWeightMap); Map<Pair<Node, Node>, Set<Link>> linksPerNodePair = new LinkedHashMap<Pair<Node, Node>, Set<Link>>(); for (Link link : links) { final int a_e = link.getOriginNode().getIndex(); final int b_e = link.getDestinationNode().getIndex(); costMatrix[a_e][b_e] = Math.min(costMatrix[a_e][b_e], nev.transform(link)); Pair<Node, Node> nodePair_thisLink = Pair.of(link.getOriginNode(), link.getDestinationNode()); Set<Link> links_thisNodePair = linksPerNodePair.get(nodePair_thisLink); if (links_thisNodePair == null) { links_thisNodePair = new LinkedHashSet<Link>(); linksPerNodePair.put(nodePair_thisLink, links_thisNodePair); } links_thisNodePair.add(link); } for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (i == k) continue; for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (j == k || j == i) continue; double newValue = costMatrix[i][k] + costMatrix[k][j]; if (newValue < costMatrix[i][j]) costMatrix[i][j] = newValue; } } } for (Node egressNode : nodes) { final int t = egressNode.getIndex(); for (Node node : nodes) { final int n = node.getIndex(); if (n == t) continue; double distNodeToEgress = costMatrix[n][t]; if (distNodeToEgress == Double.MAX_VALUE) continue; Set<Link> A_t = new LinkedHashSet<Link>(); for (Node intermediateNode : nodes) { if (nodes.equals(intermediateNode)) continue; final int m = intermediateNode.getIndex(); double distIntermediateToEgress = costMatrix[m][t]; if (distIntermediateToEgress == Double.MAX_VALUE) continue; Collection<Link> linksFromNodeToIntermediate = linksPerNodePair .get(Pair.of(node, intermediateNode)); if (linksFromNodeToIntermediate == null) continue; for (Link link : linksFromNodeToIntermediate) { double weight_thisLink = linkWeightMap.get(link); checkIPWeight(weight_thisLink); if (Math.abs(weight_thisLink - (distNodeToEgress - distIntermediateToEgress)) < 1E-10) A_t.add(link); } } int outdegree = A_t.size(); if (outdegree > 0) for (Link link : A_t) f_te.set(t, link.getIndex(), 1.0 / outdegree); } } return f_te; } /** * Computes the routing table matrix according to an OSPF/ECMP scheme. For * each destination node <i>t</i>, and each link <i>e</i>, {@code f_te[t][e]} * sets the fraction of the traffic targeted to node <i>t</i> that arrives * (or is generated in) node <i>a(e)</i> (the initial node of link <i>e</i>), * that is forwarded through link <i>e</i>. It must hold that for every * node <i>n</i> different of <i>t</i>, the sum of the fractions * <i>f<sub>te</sub></i> along its outgoing links must be 1. For every * destination <i>t</i>, <i>f<sub>te</sub></i> = 0 for all the links <i>e</i> * that are outgoing links of <i>t</i>. * * @param nodeIds Set of node identifiers. It is mandatory that can be iterated in ascending order * @param linkMap Map of links, where the key is the unique link identifier and the value is a {@link com.net2plan.utils.Pair Pair} representing the origin node and the destination node of the link, respectively. It is mandatory that can be iterated in ascending order * @param linkWeightMap Cost per link, where the key is the link identifier and the value is the link weight (null means each link will have a weight equal to '1'). No special iteration-order (i.e. ascending) is required * @return Destination-based routing in the form <i>f<sub>te</sub></i> (fractions of traffic in a node, that is forwarded through each of its output links to node {@code t}) */ // public static DoubleMatrix2D computeECMPRoutingTableMatrix(Set<Long> nodeIds, Map<Long, Pair<Long, Long>> linkMap, Map<Long, Double> linkWeightMap) // { // int N = nodeIds.size(); // int E = linkMap.size(); // DoubleMatrix2D f_te = DoubleFactory2D.sparse.make(N, E); // // Map<Long, Integer> nodeId2LinearIndexMap = CollectionUtils.convertId2LinearIndexMap(nodeIds); // double[][] costMatrix = new double[N][N]; // for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) // { // Arrays.fill(costMatrix[n], Double.MAX_VALUE); // costMatrix[n][n] = 0; // } // // Transformer<Long, Double> nev = JUNGUtils.getEdgeWeightTransformer(linkWeightMap); // // Map<Pair<Long, Long>, Set<Long>> linkIdsPerNodePair = new LinkedHashMap<Pair<Long, Long>, Set<Long>>(); // for(Entry<Long, Pair<Long, Long>> entry : linkMap.entrySet()) // { // long linkId = entry.getKey(); // Pair<Long, Long> nodePair_thisLink = entry.getValue(); // int a_e = nodeId2LinearIndexMap.get(nodePair_thisLink.getFirst()); // int b_e = nodeId2LinearIndexMap.get(nodePair_thisLink.getSecond()); // costMatrix[a_e][b_e] = Math.min(costMatrix[a_e][b_e], nev.transform(linkId)); // // Set<Long> linkIds_thisNodePair = linkIdsPerNodePair.get(nodePair_thisLink); // if (linkIds_thisNodePair == null) // { // linkIds_thisNodePair = new LinkedHashSet<Long>(); // linkIdsPerNodePair.put(nodePair_thisLink, linkIds_thisNodePair); // } // // linkIds_thisNodePair.add(linkId); // } // // for(int k = 0; k < N; k++) // { // for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) // { // if (i == k) continue; // // for(int j = 0; j < N; j++) // { // if (j == k || j == i) continue; // // double newValue = costMatrix[i][k] + costMatrix[k][j]; // if (newValue < costMatrix[i][j]) costMatrix[i][j] = newValue; // } // } // } // // Map<Long, Integer> linkId2LinearIndex = CollectionUtils.convertId2LinearIndexMap(linkMap.keySet()); // for (long egressNodeId : nodeIds) // { // int t = nodeId2LinearIndexMap.get(egressNodeId); // for (long nodeId : nodeIds) // { // int n = nodeId2LinearIndexMap.get(nodeId); // if (n == t) continue; // // double distNodeToEgress = costMatrix[n][t]; // if (distNodeToEgress == Double.MAX_VALUE) continue; // // Set<Long> A_t = new LinkedHashSet<Long>(); // for (long intermediateNodeId : nodeIds) // { // if (nodeId == intermediateNodeId) continue; // // int m = nodeId2LinearIndexMap.get(intermediateNodeId); // // double distIntermediateToEgress = costMatrix[m][t]; // if (distIntermediateToEgress == Double.MAX_VALUE) continue; // // Collection<Long> linksFromNodeToIntermediate = linkIdsPerNodePair.get(Pair.of(nodeId, intermediateNodeId)); // if (linksFromNodeToIntermediate == null) continue; // // for (long linkId : linksFromNodeToIntermediate) // { // double weight_thisLink = linkWeightMap.get(linkId); // checkIPWeight(weight_thisLink); // // if (Math.abs(weight_thisLink - (distNodeToEgress - distIntermediateToEgress)) < 1E-10) // A_t.add(linkId); // } // } // // int outdegree = A_t.size(); // // if (outdegree > 0) // { // for (long linkId : A_t) // { // int e = linkId2LinearIndex.get(linkId); // f_te.setQuick(t, e, 1.0 / outdegree); // } // } // } // } // // return f_te; // } /** * Returns the weight associated to a given link. * * @param link Link * @return Link weight (or {@code Double.MAX_VALUE} if link is down) */ public static double getLinkWeight(Link link) { if (link.isDown()) return Double.MAX_VALUE; double linkWeight = 1; String str_linkWeight = link.getAttribute(IP_WEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); try { linkWeight = Double.parseDouble(str_linkWeight); } catch (Throwable e) { } checkIPWeight(linkWeight); return linkWeight; } /** * Obtains the vector of ink weights from a given a network design. * * @param netPlan Network design * @param optionalLayer Network layer (optional) * @return Link weight vector */ public static DoubleMatrix1D getLinkWeightVector(NetPlan netPlan, NetworkLayer... optionalLayer) { NetworkLayer layer = netPlan.checkInThisNetPlanOptionalLayerParameter(optionalLayer); DoubleMatrix1D linkWeights = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(netPlan.getNumberOfLinks(layer)); for (Link link : netPlan.getLinks(layer)) linkWeights.set(link.getIndex(), getLinkWeight(link)); return linkWeights; } // /** // * Obtains a destination-based routing from a given network design. // * // * @param netPlan Network design // * @return A destination-based routing in the form of fractions <i>f<sub>te</sub></i> (fraction of the traffic targeted to node <i>t</i> that arrives (or is generated in) node <i>a</i>(<i>e</i>) (the initial node of link <i>e</i>), that is forwarded through link <i>e</i>) // * @since 0.3.1 // */ // public static DoubleMatrix2D getRoutingTableMatrix(NetPlan netPlan, NetworkLayer ... optionalLayer) // { // NetworkLayer layer = netPlan.checkInThisNetPlanOptionalLayerParameter(optionalLayer); // if (netPlan.getRoutingType(layer) == RoutingType.HOP_BY_HOP_ROUTING) // return netPlan.getMatrixGraphUtils.conv // Set<Long> nodeIds = netPlan.getNodeIds(); // Map<Long, Pair<Long, Long>> linkMap = netPlan.getLinkMap(); // Map<Long, Pair<Long, Long>> demandMap = netPlan.getDemandMap(); // Map<Long, Long> d_p = netPlan.getRouteDemandMap(); // Map<Long, Double> x_p = netPlan.getRouteCarriedTrafficMap(); // Map<Long, List<Long>> seqLinks = netPlan.getRouteAllSequenceOfLinks(); // // convert_xp2fte(List<Node> nodes, List<Link> linkMap, List<Demand> demandMap, List<Route> routes) // // return GraphUtils.convert_xp2fte(nodeIds, linkMap, demandMap, d_p, x_p, seqLinks); // } // /** * Outputs a given set of routing tables to a {@code String}. For debugging purposes. * * @param nodes List of nodes * @param links List of links * @param f_te Destination-based routing in the form of fractions <i>f<sub>te</sub></i> (fraction of the traffic targeted to node <i>t</i> that arrives (or is generated in) node <i>a</i>(<i>e</i>) (the initial node of link <i>e</i>), that is forwarded through link <i>e</i>) * @return A {@code String} from the given routing tables */ public static String routingTableMatrixToString(List<Node> nodes, List<Link> links, DoubleMatrix2D f_te) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); final int N = nodes.size(); int i = 0; for (Node node : nodes) { out.append(String.format("Routing table for n%d%n", node.getId())); Set<Link> outgoingLinks_thisNode = node.getOutgoingLinksAllLayers(); boolean thereAreRoutes = false; if (!outgoingLinks_thisNode.isEmpty()) { for (Node egressNode : nodes) { if (node.equals(egressNode)) continue; final int t = egressNode.getIndex(); thereAreRoutes = false; StringBuilder out_thisEgressNode = new StringBuilder(); out_thisEgressNode.append(String.format("dst: n%d, gw:", egressNode.getId())); for (Link link : outgoingLinks_thisNode) { final int e = link.getIndex(); double trafficValue = f_te.get(t, e); if (trafficValue < 0) continue; out_thisEgressNode.append(String.format(" [e%d (n%d): %f]", link.getId(), links.get(link.getIndex()).getDestinationNode().getId(), trafficValue)); thereAreRoutes = true; } out_thisEgressNode.append(String.format("%n")); if (thereAreRoutes) out.append(out_thisEgressNode); } } if (!thereAreRoutes) out.append("Empty"); i++; if (i < N) { out.append(String.format("%n")); } } return out.toString(); } /** * Sets the OSPF/ECMP forwarding rules in the given design, according to the * given IGP weight setting. Any previous routing information (either source * routing or hop-by-hop routing) will be removed. This method calls * sequentually to {@code computeECMPForwardingRules} and {@code setForwardingRules} methods. * * @param netPlan Network design * @param optionalLayer Network layer (optional) * @param linkWeightMap Cost per link vector */ public static void setECMPForwardingRulesFromLinkWeights(NetPlan netPlan, DoubleMatrix1D linkWeightMap, NetworkLayer... optionalLayer) { NetworkLayer layer = netPlan.checkInThisNetPlanOptionalLayerParameter(optionalLayer); Quadruple<DoubleMatrix2D, DoubleMatrix2D, DoubleMatrix1D, DoubleMatrix1D> q = computeCarriedTrafficFromIGPWeights( netPlan, linkWeightMap, layer); DoubleMatrix2D f_de = q.getFirst(); netPlan.setForwardingRules(f_de, layer); } /** * Sets the weight associated to the link. * * @param link Link * @param linkWeight IGP weight associated to the link (must be greater or equal than one) */ public static void setLinkWeight(Link link, double linkWeight) { checkIPWeight(linkWeight); link.setAttribute(IP_WEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Double.toString(linkWeight)); } /** * Sets the weight associated to every link. * * @param netPlan Network design * @param linkWeight IGP weight associated to each link (must be greater or equal than one) * @param optionalLayer Network layer (optional) */ public static void setLinkWeights(NetPlan netPlan, double linkWeight, NetworkLayer... optionalLayer) { NetworkLayer layer = netPlan.checkInThisNetPlanOptionalLayerParameter(optionalLayer); checkIPWeight(linkWeight); for (Link link : netPlan.getLinks(layer)) link.setAttribute(IP_WEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Double.toString(linkWeight)); } /** * Sets the weight associated to each link. * * @param netPlan Network design * @param optionalLayer Network layer (optional * @param linkWeightVector IGP weight per link (must be greater or equal than one) */ public static void setLinkWeights(NetPlan netPlan, DoubleMatrix1D linkWeightVector, NetworkLayer... optionalLayer) { NetworkLayer layer = netPlan.checkInThisNetPlanOptionalLayerParameter(optionalLayer); if (linkWeightVector.size() != netPlan.getLinks(layer).size()) throw new Net2PlanException("Wrong array size"); for (int cont = 0; cont < linkWeightVector.size(); cont++) checkIPWeight(linkWeightVector.get(cont)); for (int cont = 0; cont < linkWeightVector.size(); cont++) { Link link = netPlan.getLink(cont, layer); link.setAttribute(IP_WEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Double.toString(linkWeightVector.get(cont))); } } }