Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Michael Vogt <> * * This file is part of PixelController. * * PixelController is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PixelController is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PixelController. If not, see <>. */ package com.neophob; import java.awt.event.WindowListener; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import processing.core.PApplet; import com.neophob.sematrix.core.glue.Collector; import com.neophob.sematrix.core.glue.FileUtils; import com.neophob.sematrix.core.jmx.TimeMeasureItemGlobal; import com.neophob.sematrix.core.output.ArduinoOutput; import com.neophob.sematrix.core.output.Output; import; import; import com.neophob.sematrix.core.setup.InitApplication; import com.neophob.sematrix.gui.GeneratorGuiCreator; import com.neophob.sematrix.gui.OutputGui; import com.neophob.sematrix.gui.handler.KeyboardHandler; import com.neophob.sematrix.gui.handler.WindowHandler; /** * The Class PixelController. * * @author michu */ public class PixelController extends PApplet { /** The log. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PixelController.class.getName()); /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1336765543826338205L; /** The Constant FPS. */ public static final int FPS = 25; /** setup gui constants */ private static final int TEXT_Y_OFFSET = 140; private static final int TEXT_Y_HEIGHT = 15; private static final int SETUP_FONT_BIG = 20; private static final int SETUP_FONT_SMALL = 12; private static final int SETUP_WINDOW_WIDTH = 600; private static final int SETUP_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 500; private Collector collector; /** The output. */ private Output output; private OutputGui matrixEmulator; /** more setup stuff */ private boolean initialized = false; private boolean initializationFailed = false; private int setupStep = 0; private float steps = 1f / 7f; private ApplicationConfigurationHelper applicationConfig; private FileUtils fileUtils; /** * * @param text * @param textYOffset */ public void drawSetupText(String text, int textYOffset) { fill(240); textSize(SETUP_FONT_SMALL); text(text, 40, textYOffset); } /** * * @param val */ public void drawProgressBar(float val) { fill(64); rect(10, 40, 580, 50); if (val > 1.0) { val = 1.0f; } fill(227, 122, 182); rect(10, 40, 580 * val, 50); } /** * */ public void setup() { try { LOG.log(Level.INFO, "\n\nPixelController " + getVersion() + " -\n\n"); size(SETUP_WINDOW_WIDTH, SETUP_WINDOW_HEIGHT); background(0); noStroke(); //try to display the pixelcontroller logo String splashimg = "setup" + File.separatorChar + "splash.jpg"; try { image(loadImage(splashimg), 0, 111); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Failed to load splash logo (" + splashimg + ")", e); } //write pixelcontroller text textSize(SETUP_FONT_BIG); fill(227, 122, 182); text("PixelController " + getVersion(), 10, 29); text("Loading...", 10, 120); drawProgressBar(0.0f); drawSetupText("Load Configuration", TEXT_Y_OFFSET + TEXT_Y_HEIGHT * setupStep); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Setup() call failed!", e); } } /** * Asynchronous initialize PixelController and display progress in GUI */ public void asyncInitApplication() { try { switch (setupStep) { case 0: fileUtils = new FileUtils(); applicationConfig = InitApplication.loadConfiguration(fileUtils); String rootPath = applicationConfig.getResourcePath(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(rootPath)) { //use processing root path rootPath = this.sketchPath; } setupStep++; drawProgressBar(steps); drawSetupText("Create Collector", TEXT_Y_OFFSET + TEXT_Y_HEIGHT * setupStep); return; case 1: this.collector = Collector.getInstance(); setupStep++; drawProgressBar(steps * setupStep); drawSetupText("Initialize System", TEXT_Y_OFFSET + TEXT_Y_HEIGHT * setupStep); return; case 2: this.collector.init(fileUtils, applicationConfig); frameRate(applicationConfig.parseFps()); noSmooth(); setupStep++; drawProgressBar(steps * setupStep); drawSetupText("Initialize OSC Server", TEXT_Y_OFFSET + TEXT_Y_HEIGHT * setupStep); return; case 3: this.collector.initDaemons(applicationConfig); setupStep++; drawProgressBar(steps * setupStep); drawSetupText("Initialize Output device", TEXT_Y_OFFSET + TEXT_Y_HEIGHT * setupStep); return; case 4: this.output = InitApplication.getOutputDevice(this.collector, applicationConfig); if (this.output == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No output device found!"); } this.collector.setOutput(output); setupStep++; drawProgressBar(steps * setupStep); drawSetupText("Apply Settings", TEXT_Y_OFFSET + TEXT_Y_HEIGHT * setupStep); return; case 5: InitApplication.setupInitialConfig(collector, applicationConfig); setupStep++; drawProgressBar(steps * setupStep); drawSetupText("Initialize GUI", TEXT_Y_OFFSET + TEXT_Y_HEIGHT * setupStep); return; case 6: this.matrixEmulator = new OutputGui(applicationConfig, this.output, this); //create gui window if (applicationConfig.getProperty(ConfigConstant.SHOW_DEBUG_WINDOW, "true") .equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { //create GUI Window GeneratorGuiCreator ggc = new GeneratorGuiCreator(this, applicationConfig.getDebugWindowMaximalXSize(), applicationConfig.getDebugWindowMaximalYSize(), getVersion()); //register GUI Window in the Keyhandler class, needed to do some specific actions (select a visual...) KeyboardHandler.setRegisterGuiClass(ggc.getGuiCallbackAction()); } setupStep++; drawProgressBar(steps * setupStep); drawSetupText("Finished", TEXT_Y_OFFSET + TEXT_Y_HEIGHT * setupStep); try { //now start a little hack, remove all window listeners, so we can control //the closing behavior ourselves. for (WindowListener wl : frame.getWindowListeners()) { frame.removeWindowListener(wl); } //add our own window listener frame.addWindowListener(new WindowHandler(this)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, "failed to remove/add window listeners", e); } return; default: break; } LOG.log(Level.INFO, "--- PixelController Setup END ---"); LOG.log(Level.INFO, "---------------------------------"); LOG.log(Level.INFO, ""); background(0); initialized = true; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Failed to init PixelController!", e); textSize(SETUP_FONT_BIG); fill(227, 122, 182); int errorYPos = 370; text("PixelController Error", 10, errorYPos); drawSetupText("Failed to initialize PixelController! See log/pixelcontroller.log for more detail!s", errorYPos + 20); drawSetupText("Error message:", errorYPos + 40); drawSetupText(" " + e.getMessage(), errorYPos + 60); initializationFailed = true; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see processing.core.PApplet#draw() */ public void draw() { if (initializationFailed) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PixelController failed to start..."); } if (!initialized) { asyncInitApplication(); return; } if (Collector.getInstance().isInPauseMode()) { //no update here, we're in pause mode return; } // update all generators try { Collector.getInstance().updateSystem(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Collector.getInstance().updateSystem() failed!", e); } //TODO calculate fps in pixelcontroller-core this.collector.getPixConStat().setCurrentFps(frameRate); // update matrixEmulator instance long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.matrixEmulator.update(); this.collector.getPixConStat().trackTime(TimeMeasureItemGlobal.MATRIX_EMULATOR_WINDOW, System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); if (this.output != null && this.output.getClass().isAssignableFrom(ArduinoOutput.class)) { this.output.logStatistics(); } } /** * register single keyboard handler */ public void keyPressed() { if (keyCode == ESC) { //ignored key = 0; } else { KeyboardHandler.keyboardHandler(key, keyCode); } } /** * * @return */ public String getVersion() { String version = this.getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(version)) { return "v" + version; } return "Developer Snapshot"; } /** * Is PixelController finished initializing? * * @return */ public boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; } /** * The main method. * * @param args the arguments */ public static void main(String args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] { PixelController.class.getName().toString() }); } }