Java tutorial
/* * Copyright(C) 2014 * NEC Corporation All rights reserved. * * No permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * and its documentation for any purpose is granted. * This software is provided under applicable license agreement only. */ package; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * {@link ProfitByShopService} * * @author huonghv * */ public class ProfitByShopServiceImpl implements ProfitByShopService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProfitByShopServiceImpl.class); private BudgetPerformanceService budgetPerformanceService; private InventoryService inventoryService; private TightenService tightenService; private ActualViewService actualViewService; private ConsumptionTaxRateService consumptionTaxRateService; private String[] kmkCodeJs = { Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7111, Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7521, Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8110, Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8210, Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8310 }; public ProfitByShopServiceImpl(BudgetPerformanceService budgetPerformanceService, InventoryService inventoryService, TightenService tightenService, ActualViewService actualViewService, ConsumptionTaxRateService consumptionTaxRateService) { this.budgetPerformanceService = budgetPerformanceService; this.inventoryService = inventoryService; this.tightenService = tightenService; this.actualViewService = actualViewService; this.consumptionTaxRateService = consumptionTaxRateService; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ProfitMonthlyBean aggregateByOrgCodeAndMonthly(String orgCode, Date monthly, Date businessDay) throws ServiceException { "Starting aggregate profit by shop with given organization code, current month and bussiness day."); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(orgCode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aggregation profit by shop: Organization code must not be empty"); } if (monthly == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aggregation profit by shop: monthly must not be null"); } if (businessDay == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aggregation profit by shop: business day must not be null"); } /* Get jiseki object by organization code and monthly */ String strMonthly = DateFormatUtil.format(monthly, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); VJiseki jisekis = null; try { jisekis = actualViewService.findByOrgCodeAndMonthly(orgCode, strMonthly); // [A] } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); // jisekis = null; } // Get budget performance informations Date previousYear = DateUtil.monthsToSubtract(monthly, 12); String strPreviousYear = DateFormatUtil.format(previousYear, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); Map<String, BudgetPerformance> mapPreviousYear = new HashMap<String, BudgetPerformance>(); Map<String, BudgetPerformance> mapCurrentYear = new HashMap<String, BudgetPerformance>(); try { mapPreviousYear = budgetPerformanceService.findByOrgCodeAndMonthAndKmkCodeJs(orgCode, strPreviousYear, kmkCodeJs); // [B1] } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); // mapPreviousYear = null; } try { mapCurrentYear = budgetPerformanceService.findByOrgCodeAndMonthAndKmkCodeJs(orgCode, strMonthly, kmkCodeJs); // [B2] } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); // mapCurrentYear = null; } // Inventory price previous month for No13 Date previousMonth = DateUtil.monthsToSubtract(monthly, 1); // [C] Double inventoryPricePreviousMonth = getInventory(orgCode, previousMonth); // Inventory price current month for No22 Double inventoryPriceCurrentMonth = getInventory(orgCode, monthly); // [D] /* Get and determine the mode to create the object ProfitByShopBean */ Date tightenMonth = getTightenBusinessDay(businessDay);"current date " + monthly + " is " + (monthly.after(tightenMonth) ? " future " : " present ") + " of " + tightenMonth); // Get tax rate of current month double taxRate = 0; try { taxRate = consumptionTaxRateService.findActualTaxRateByDate(monthly); // taxRate = consumptionTaxRateService.findTaxRateByDate(monthly); // // old version, update 23/07/2014 } catch (ObjectNotFoundException | IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); // taxRate = 0; } int restDay = DateUtil.getNumberOfDays(monthly, businessDay); int daysInMonth = DateUtil.getActualMaximumOfMonth(businessDay); "Finished aggregation profit by shop with given organization code, current month and bussiness day."); // return calculateProfitMonthly(jisekis, mapPreviousYear, mapCurrentYear, inventoryPricePreviousMonth, inventoryPriceCurrentMonth, (tightenMonth == null ? true : !(monthly.after(tightenMonth))), taxRate, restDay, daysInMonth); } /** * * @param jiseki * @param mapPreviousYearBudget * @param mapCurrentYearBudget * @param inventoryPricePreviousMonth * @param inventoryPriceCurrentMonth * @param mode * @param taxRate * @param restDay * @param daysInMonth * @return */ private ProfitMonthlyBean calculateProfitMonthly(VJiseki jiseki, Map<String, BudgetPerformance> mapPreviousYearBudget, Map<String, BudgetPerformance> mapCurrentYearBudget, Double inventoryPricePreviousMonth, Double inventoryPriceCurrentMonth, boolean mode, double taxRate, int restDay, int daysInMonth) { final int HUNDRED = 100; final int THOUSAND = 1000; ProfitMonthlyBean profitMonthlyBean = new ProfitMonthlyBean(); if (jiseki == null && mapPreviousYearBudget == null && mapCurrentYearBudget == null && inventoryPricePreviousMonth == null && inventoryPriceCurrentMonth == null) { return profitMonthlyBean; } // Double tmp = null; // // No10 (No6) // if (!mode && jiseki != null) { // Double uriSkKG = jiseki.getUriSkKG(); // if (uriSkKG != null) { // tmp = Math.floor((uriSkKG - Math // .floor((uriSkKG / (HUNDRED + taxRate)) * taxRate)) // / THOUSAND); // integer // tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); // } // } // profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentFoodIncome(tmp); // Modified by SONDN: Update SPEC 20141222 // No10 (No6) if (!mode && jiseki != null) { Double uriSkKG = jiseki.getUriSkKG(); Double ktSkKG = jiseki.getKtSkKG(); Double idoSkKGU = jiseki.getIdoSkKGU(); Double idoSkKGH = jiseki.getIdoSkKGH(); if (uriSkKG != null || ktSkKG != null || idoSkKGU != null || idoSkKGH != null) { double step1 = uriSkKG == null ? 0 : uriSkKG - Math.floor((uriSkKG / (HUNDRED + taxRate)) * taxRate); double step2 = ktSkKG == null ? 0 : ktSkKG; if (restDay != -1) { step2 = (step2 / daysInMonth) * restDay; } double step3 = idoSkKGU == null ? 0 : idoSkKGU; double step4 = idoSkKGH == null ? 0 : idoSkKGH; tmp = Math.floor((step1 + step2 + step3 - step4) / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentFoodIncome(tmp); // No11 (No7) tmp = null; if (!mode && jiseki != null) { Double uriKrKG = jiseki.getUriKrKG(); Double ktKrKG = jiseki.getKtKrKG(); if (uriKrKG != null || ktKrKG != null) { double step1 = uriKrKG == null ? 0 : uriKrKG - Math.floor((uriKrKG / (HUNDRED + taxRate)) * taxRate); double step2 = ktKrKG == null ? 0 : ktKrKG; if (restDay != -1) { step1 = (step1 / daysInMonth) * restDay; step2 = (step2 / daysInMonth) * restDay; } tmp = Math.floor((step1 + step2) / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentManageIncome(tmp); // No12 (No8) tmp = null; if (mapPreviousYearBudget != null && mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7111) != null) { tmp = mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7111).getJisekiKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearIncomeTotal(tmp); // No13 (No9) tmp = null; if (mapCurrentYearBudget != null && mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7111) != null) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7111).getYosanKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setExpectedYearIncomeTotal(tmp); // No14 (No10) tmp = null; if (mode && mapCurrentYearBudget != null && mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7111) != null) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7111).getJisekiKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { Math.floor(tmp = tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } else if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentFoodIncome() != null || profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentManageIncome() != null) { // check // No10 // or // No11 // not // null // No10 + No11; tmp = (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentFoodIncome() == null ? 0 : profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentFoodIncome()) + (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentManageIncome() == null ? 0 : profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentManageIncome()); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentYearIncomeTotal(tmp); // No15 (No11) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No12 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No14 / No12; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalPreviousYearIncomeRatio(tmp); // No16 (No12) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No13 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No14 / No13; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() / profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalExpectedYearIncomeRatio(tmp); // No18 (No14) = No27 tmp = null; if (mapPreviousYearBudget != null && mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7521) != null) { tmp = mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7521).getJisekiKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearCostPrice(tmp); profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearCostPriceTotal(tmp); // No27 // No19 (No15) tmp = null; profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearCostPriceRatio(tmp); // No20 (No16) = No29 tmp = null; if (mapCurrentYearBudget != null && mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7521) != null) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7521).getYosanKingaku(); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setExpectedCostPrice(tmp); profitMonthlyBean.setExpectedCostPriceTotal(tmp); // No29 // No21 (No17) tmp = null; profitMonthlyBean.setExpectedCostPriceRatio(tmp); // No22 (No18) tmp = null; if (mode && mapCurrentYearBudget != null && mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7521) != null) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K7521).getJisekiKingaku(); tmp = (tmp == null ? 0 : Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND)); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } else if (jiseki != null) { if (jiseki.getKtSrKG() != null || jiseki.getKgcSrKG() != null || jiseki.getKgcSrKG() != null || jiseki.getKnSrKG() != null || jiseki.getIdoSrKGU() != null || jiseki.getIdoSrKGH() != null) { double step1 = (jiseki.getKtSrKG() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getKtSrKG()); if (restDay != -1) { step1 = (step1 / daysInMonth) * restDay; } double step2 = (jiseki.getKgcSrKG() == null ? 0 : (jiseki.getKgcSrKG() - Math.floor((jiseki.getKgcSrKG() / (HUNDRED + taxRate)) * taxRate))); tmp = Math.floor(((jiseki.getKnSrKG() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getKnSrKG()) + step1 + step2 + (jiseki.getIdoSrKGU() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getIdoSrKGU()) - (jiseki.getIdoSrKGH() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getIdoSrKGH())) / THOUSAND); // Integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentCostPrice(tmp); // No23 (No19) tmp = null; if (!mode && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPrice() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentFoodIncome() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentFoodIncome() != 0) { // check // No14 not // null or // dif 0 // No22 / No10; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPrice() / profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentFoodIncome()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentCostPriceRatio(tmp); // No24 (No20) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPrice() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearCostPriceTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearCostPriceTotal() != 0) { // check // No27 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No22 / No27; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPrice() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearCostPriceTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousCostPriceRatioTotal(tmp); // No25 (No21) tmp = null; if ((profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPrice() != null) && ((profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedCostPriceTotal() != null) && (profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedCostPriceTotal() != 0))) { // check No29 not // null or dif 0 // No22 / No29; tmp = RoundNumericUtil .round((profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPrice() / profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedCostPriceTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalExpectedCostPriceRatio(tmp); // No26 (No22) tmp = null; if (!mode && inventoryPriceCurrentMonth != null) { tmp = inventoryPriceCurrentMonth / THOUSAND; // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(tmp.intValue()))); } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentInventoryCost(tmp); // No17 (No13) tmp = null; if (mode || profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentInventoryCost() == null || inventoryPricePreviousMonth == null) { tmp = null; } else { // update SPEC 01/09/2014 if (restDay != -1 && (inventoryPriceCurrentMonth != null && inventoryPriceCurrentMonth == 0.0d)) { tmp = null; } else { tmp = inventoryPricePreviousMonth / 1000; tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(tmp.intValue()))); } // end } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousInventoryCost(tmp); // No28 (No24) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearCostPriceTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No12 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No27 / No12; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round((profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearCostPriceTotal() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearCostPriceRatioTotal(tmp); // No30 (No26) tmp = null; if ((profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedCostPriceTotal() != null) && ((profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != null) && (profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != 0))) { // check No13 // not null or // dif 0 // No29 / No13; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedCostPriceTotal() / profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setExpectedCostPriceRatioTotal(tmp); // No31 (No27) = No17 + No22 - No26 tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousInventoryCost() != null || profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPrice() != null || profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentInventoryCost() != null) { tmp = (profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousInventoryCost() == null ? 0 : profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousInventoryCost()) + (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPrice() == null ? 0 : profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPrice()) - (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentInventoryCost() == null ? 0 : profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentInventoryCost()); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentCostPriceTotal(tmp); // No32 (No28) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPriceTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No14 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No31 / No14; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPriceTotal() / profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentCostPriceRatioTotal(tmp); // No33 (No29) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPriceTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearCostPriceTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearCostPriceTotal() != 0) { // check // No27 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No31 / No27; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round((profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPriceTotal() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearCostPriceTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalCostPriceRatio(tmp); // No34 (No30) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPriceTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedCostPriceTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedCostPriceTotal() != 0) { // check // No27 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No31 / No29; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPriceTotal() / profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedCostPriceTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalExpCostPriceRatio(tmp); // No35 (No31) tmp = null; if (mapPreviousYearBudget != null && mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8110) != null) { tmp = mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8110).getJisekiKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearHumanCost(tmp); // No36 (No32) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearHumanCost() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No12 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No35 / No12; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearHumanCost() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearHumanCostRatio(tmp); // No37 (No33) tmp = null; if (mapCurrentYearBudget != null && mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8110) != null) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8110).getYosanKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setExpectedHumanCost(tmp); // No38 (No34) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedHumanCost() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No13 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No37 / No13; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedHumanCost() / profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setExpectedHumanCostRatio(tmp); // No39 (No35) tmp = null; if (mode && mapCurrentYearBudget != null && mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8110) != null) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8110).getJisekiKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } else if (jiseki != null) { if (jiseki.getKtJkKG() != null || jiseki.getKgcJkKG() != null || jiseki.getJkJkKG() != null || jiseki.getIdoJkKGU() != null || jiseki.getIdoJkKGH() != null || jiseki.getHelpJkKGU() != null || jiseki.getHelpJkKGH() != null) { double step1 = (jiseki.getKtJkKG() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getKtJkKG()); if (restDay != -1) { step1 = (step1 / daysInMonth) * restDay; } double step2 = (jiseki.getKgcJkKG() == null ? 0 : (jiseki.getKgcJkKG() - Math.floor((jiseki.getKgcJkKG() / (HUNDRED + taxRate)) * taxRate))); tmp = Math.floor(((jiseki.getJkJkKG() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getJkJkKG()) + step1 + step2 + (jiseki.getIdoJkKGU() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getIdoJkKGU()) - (jiseki.getIdoJkKGH() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getIdoJkKGH()) + (jiseki.getHelpJkKGU() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getHelpJkKGU()) - (jiseki.getHelpJkKGH() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getHelpJkKGH())) / THOUSAND); // Integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentHumanCost(tmp); // No40 (No36) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentHumanCost() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No14 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No39 / No14; tmp = RoundNumericUtil .round((profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentHumanCost() / profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentHumanCostRatio(tmp); // No41 (No37) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentHumanCost() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearHumanCost() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearHumanCost() != 0) { // check // No35 // not // null // or // dif 0 // No39 / No35; tmp = RoundNumericUtil .round((profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentHumanCost() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearHumanCost()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalPreviousYearHumanCostRatio(tmp); // No42 (No38) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentHumanCost() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedHumanCost() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedHumanCost() != 0) { // check // No37 not // null or // dif 0 // No39 / No37; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentHumanCost() / profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedHumanCost()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalExpectedYearHumanCostRatio(tmp); // No43 (No39) tmp = null; if (mapPreviousYearBudget != null && mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8210) != null) { tmp = mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8210).getJisekiKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearBudget(tmp); // No44 (No40) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearBudget() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No12 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No43 / No12; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearBudget() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearBudgetRatio(tmp); // No45 (No41) tmp = null; if (mapCurrentYearBudget != null && mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8210) != null) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8210).getYosanKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setExptectedBudget(tmp); // No46 (No42) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getExptectedBudget() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No13 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No45 / No13; tmp = RoundNumericUtil .round((profitMonthlyBean.getExptectedBudget() / profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setExptectedBudgetRatio(tmp); // No47 (No43) tmp = null; if (mode && mapCurrentYearBudget != null && mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8210) != null) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8210).getJisekiKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } else if (jiseki != null) { if (jiseki.getKtKhKG() != null || jiseki.getKgcKhKG() != null || jiseki.getUriKhKG() != null || jiseki.getKnKhKG() != null || jiseki.getIdoKhKGH() != null || jiseki.getIdoKhKGU() != null) { double step1 = (jiseki.getKtKhKG() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getKtKhKG()); double step2 = (jiseki.getKgcKhKG() == null ? 0 : (jiseki.getKgcKhKG() - Math.floor((jiseki.getKgcKhKG() / (HUNDRED + taxRate)) * taxRate))); double step3 = (jiseki.getUriKhKG() == null ? 0 : (jiseki.getUriKhKG() - Math.floor((jiseki.getUriKhKG() / (HUNDRED + taxRate)) * taxRate))); if (restDay != -1) { step1 = (step1 / daysInMonth) * restDay; step3 = (step3 / daysInMonth) * restDay; } tmp = Math.floor((step1 + (jiseki.getKnKhKG() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getKnKhKG()) + step2 + step3 + (jiseki.getIdoKhKGU() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getIdoKhKGU()) - (jiseki.getIdoKhKGH() == null ? 0 : jiseki.getIdoKhKGH())) / THOUSAND); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentBudget(tmp); // No 48 (No44) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentBudget() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No14 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No47 / No14; tmp = RoundNumericUtil .round((profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentBudget() / profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentBudgetRatio(tmp); // No49 (No45) tmp = null; if ((profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentBudget() != null) && ((profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearBudget() != null) && (profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearBudget() != 0))) { // check No43 not // null or dif 0 // No47 / No43; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentBudget() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearBudget()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalPreviousYearBudgetRatio(tmp); // No50 (No46) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentBudget() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExptectedBudget() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExptectedBudget() != 0) { // check No45 // not null // or dif 0 // No47 / No45; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentBudget() / profitMonthlyBean.getExptectedBudget()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalExpectedBudgetRatio(tmp); // No51 (No47) tmp = null; if (mapPreviousYearBudget != null && mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8310) != null) { tmp = mapPreviousYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8310).getJisekiKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearPersonnelProfit(tmp); // No52 (No48) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearPersonnelProfit() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No12 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No51 / No12; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round((profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearPersonnelProfit() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setPreviousYearPersonnelProfitRatio(tmp); // No53 (No49) tmp = null; if (mapCurrentYearBudget != null && mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8310) != null) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8310).getYosanKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { // hungpd: amount tighten equals business day if (restDay != -1) { tmp = (tmp / daysInMonth) * restDay; } // hungpd: end tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setExpectedPersonnelProfit(tmp); // No54 (No50) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedPersonnelProfit() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // check // No13 // not // null // or // dif // 0 // No53 / No13; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round((profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedPersonnelProfit() / profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setExpectedPersonnelProfitRatio(tmp); // No55 (No51) tmp = null; if ((mode) && (mapCurrentYearBudget != null) && (mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8310) != null)) { tmp = mapCurrentYearBudget.get(Constants.DEFAULT_KMKCODEJ_K8310).getJisekiKingaku(); if (tmp != null) { tmp = Math.floor(tmp / THOUSAND); // integer tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } else { // No55 = No14 - No31 - No39 - No47 if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != null || profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPriceTotal() != null || profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentHumanCost() != null || profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentBudget() != null) { tmp = (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() == null ? 0 : profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal()) - (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPriceTotal() == null ? 0 : profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentCostPriceTotal()) - (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentHumanCost() == null ? 0 : profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentHumanCost()) - (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentBudget() == null ? 0 : profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentBudget()); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentPersonnelProfit(tmp); // No56 (No52) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentPersonnelProfit() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal() != 0) { // No55 / No14; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentPersonnelProfit() / profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentYearIncomeTotal()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setCurrentPersonnelProfitRatio(tmp); // No57 (No53) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentPersonnelProfit() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearPersonnelProfit() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearPersonnelProfit() != 0) { // No55 / No51; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round((profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentPersonnelProfit() / profitMonthlyBean.getPreviousYearPersonnelProfit()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalPreviousYearPersonnelProfitRatio(tmp); // No58 (No54) tmp = null; if (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentPersonnelProfit() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedPersonnelProfit() != null && profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedPersonnelProfit() != 0) { // No55 / No53; tmp = RoundNumericUtil.round( (profitMonthlyBean.getCurrentPersonnelProfit() / profitMonthlyBean.getExpectedPersonnelProfit()) * HUNDRED, 1); tmp = (tmp == 0.0d ? null : tmp); } profitMonthlyBean.setTotalExpectedPersonnelProfitRatio(tmp); return profitMonthlyBean; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Date checkAvailableByOrgCodeAndMothly(String orgCode, Date monthly, Date businessDay, boolean nextOrPrevious) throws ServiceException {"Check available next or previous month to aggregate profit by shop."); // if (StringUtils.isEmpty(orgCode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Organization's code must not be null or empty"); } if (monthly == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Monthly must not be null"); } if (businessDay == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Business day must not be null"); } // for the case processing month is the business one, disable the next // month String strBusinessMonth = DateFormatUtil.format(businessDay, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); String strProcessingMonth = DateFormatUtil.format(monthly, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); if (nextOrPrevious && strBusinessMonth.equals(strProcessingMonth)) { return null; } Date monthToCheck = nextOrPrevious ? DateUtil.monthsToAdd(monthly, 1) : DateUtil.monthsToSubtract(monthly, 1); String strMonthly = DateFormatUtil.format(monthToCheck, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); Date tightenMonth = getTightenBusinessDay(businessDay); boolean isAvailable = monthToCheck.after(tightenMonth) ? actualViewService.checkAvailableByOrgCodeAndMonthly(orgCode, strMonthly) : budgetPerformanceService.checkAvailableByOrgCodeAndMonthly(orgCode, strMonthly); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strMonthly) && isAvailable) {"Check available next or previous month to aggregate profit by shop have done."); // return monthToCheck; }"Check available next or previous month to aggregate profit by shop have done."); // return null; } /** * Get tighten business day * * @param businessDay * The business day * @return Tighten month */ private Date getTightenBusinessDay(Date businessDay) { Date tightenMonth = null; try { Tighten tighten = tightenService.findByClassifyAndMonth(Constants.DEFAULT_KBN); tightenMonth = DateFormatUtil.parse(tighten.getGetSudo(), DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { // tightenMonth = DateUtil.monthsToSubtract(businessDay, 3); } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException | ParseException ex) { // tightenMonth = null; } // return tightenMonth; } /** * Get shop's inventory of determine month * * @param orgCode * The organization (shop) code * @param month * Month to get inventory * @return Inventory value return * @throws ServiceException * Runtime error occur */ private Double getInventory(String orgCode, Date month) throws ServiceException { try { String strMonth = DateFormatUtil.format(month, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); // return inventoryService.calculateInventoryByOrgCodeAndMonthly(orgCode, strMonth); } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException | ObjectNotFoundException ex) { return null; } } }