Java tutorial
/** * Copyright(C) 2014 * NEC Corporation All rights reserved. * * No permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software * and its documentation for any purpose is granted. * This software is provided under applicable license agreement only. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException; import org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException; import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author vuta * */ public class FixedSystemCostServiceImpl implements FixedSystemCostService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InventoryServiceImpl.class); private static final int STATE_DELETE = 1; private static final int STATE_UPDATE = 2; private static final int STATE_INSERT = 3; private static final int STATE_COPY = 4; private final FixedSystemCostRepository fixedSystemCostRepository; private final SerialNumberService serialNumberService; public FixedSystemCostServiceImpl(FixedSystemCostRepository fixedSystemCostRepository, SerialNumberService serialNumberService) { this.fixedSystemCostRepository = fixedSystemCostRepository; this.serialNumberService = serialNumberService; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<FixedSystemCostBean> findByOrgCodeAndMonth(String orgCode, String monthly, boolean isCopying) throws ServiceException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(orgCode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Organization's code must not be null or empty"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(monthly)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Monthly must not be null or empty"); } final Session session = HibernateSessionManager.getSession(); Transaction tx = null; List<FixedSystemCostBean> fixedSystemCosts = new ArrayList<>(); try { StringBuffer sql; if (!isCopying) { sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT a.RecID as recID, a.KmkCode as kmkCode, a.ShoriKbn as shoriKbn,"); sql.append( " a.Tekiyo as tekiyo, a.HSKbn as hsKbn, a.kingaku as kingaku, a.UpdNo as updNo, ( SELECT d.kmkNameR FROM AT106 d WHERE d.DelKbn = :delKbn AND d.KmkCode = a.kmkCode) as kmkNameR"); sql.append(" FROM AT017 a WHERE a.Getsudo =:getSudo and a.StrCode =:strCode AND a.DelKbn = 2"); sql.append(" ORDER BY HSKbn ASC, KmkCode ASC"); } else { sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT a.RecID as recID, a.KmkCode as kmkCode, a.ShoriKbn as shoriKbn,"); sql.append( " a.Tekiyo as tekiyo, a.HSKbn as hsKbn, a.kingaku as kingaku, a.UpdNo as updNo, ( SELECT d.kmkNameR FROM AT106 d WHERE d.DelKbn = :delKbn AND d.KmkCode = a.kmkCode) as kmkNameR"); sql.append( " FROM AT017 a WHERE a.Getsudo =:getSudo and a.StrCode =:strCode AND a.DelKbn = 2 AND HSKbn = 1"); sql.append(" ORDER BY HSKbn ASC, KmkCode ASC"); } tx = session.beginTransaction(); // Query query = fixedSystemCostRepository.getSQLQuery(session, sql.toString()); query.setParameter("delKbn", Constants.DEFAULT_DEL_KBN); query.setParameter("strCode", orgCode); query.setParameter("getSudo", monthly); query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(FixedSystemCostBean.class)); // fixedSystemCosts = query.list(); // Release transaction tx.commit(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(fixedSystemCosts)) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException( "Could not find any object in monthly " + monthly + " for the organization " + orgCode); } } catch (SQLGrammarException | GenericJDBCException ex) { if (tx != null) { tx.commit(); } throw new ServiceException("An exception occured while get data ", ex); } finally { HibernateSessionManager.closeSession(session); } return fixedSystemCosts; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public synchronized boolean insertFixedSystemCost(String monthly, JSONFixedSystemCost jsonFixedSystemCost) throws ServiceException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(monthly)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Monthly must not be null or empty"); } if (jsonFixedSystemCost == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inventory must not be null or empty"); } User user = AuthenticatedUserDetails.getUserPrincipal(); if (user == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Sorry, you don't have a permission to use this. Please login with right permission"); } final Session session = HibernateSessionManager.getSession(); Transaction tx = null; boolean isInserted = Boolean.FALSE; try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append(" INSERT INTO AT017 "); //sql.append(" (RecID, StrCode, GetSudo, KmkCode, ShoriKbn, Tekiyo , Kingaku, HSKbn,TanCode, UpdNo, DelKbn) "); sql.append( " (RecID, StrCode, GetSudo, KmkCode, ShoriKbn, Tekiyo , Kingaku, HSKbn, TanCode, UpdNo, DelKbn, "); sql.append(" APInf1, APInf2, RecCkbn, StfCodeC, StfCodeU, PrdNoC, TimeC, PrdNoU, TimeU) "); sql.append( " VALUES(:recID, :strCode, :getSudo, :kmkCode, :shoriKbn, :tekiyo, :kingaku, :hsKbn, :tanCode, :updNo, :delKbn, "); sql.append(" :aPInf1, :aPInf2, :recCkbn, :stfCodeC, :stfCodeU, :prdNoC, now(), :prdNoU, now())"); tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = fixedSystemCostRepository.getSQLQuery(session, sql.toString()) .setParameter("recID", jsonFixedSystemCost.getRecID()) .setParameter("strCode", user.getOrganization().getStrCode()).setParameter("getSudo", monthly) .setParameter("kmkCode", jsonFixedSystemCost.getKmkCode()) .setParameter("shoriKbn", jsonFixedSystemCost.getShoriKbn()) .setParameter("tekiyo", jsonFixedSystemCost.getTekiyo()) .setParameter("kingaku", jsonFixedSystemCost.getKingaku()) .setParameter("hsKbn", jsonFixedSystemCost.getHsKbn()) .setParameter("tanCode", user.getUsrCode()).setParameter("updNo", Constants.DEFAULT_INT_ONE) .setParameter("delKbn", Constants.STATUS_ACTIVE) .setParameter("aPInf1", user.getUsrCode()).setParameter("aPInf2", user.getUsrCode()) .setParameter("recCkbn", Constants.DEFAULT_KBN).setParameter("stfCodeC", user.getUsrCode()) .setParameter("stfCodeU", user.getUsrCode()); try { String version = ProductHelper.getProductInfor().getVersion(); query.setParameter("prdNoC", version); query.setParameter("prdNoU", version); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // int result = query.executeUpdate(); isInserted = result > 0; tx.commit(); } catch (SQLGrammarException | GenericJDBCException ex) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException("An exception occured while inserting data ", ex); } finally { HibernateSessionManager.closeSession(session); } return isInserted; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean updateFixedSystemCost(JSONFixedSystemCost jsonFixedSystemCost) throws ServiceException { if (jsonFixedSystemCost == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inventory must not be null or empty"); } User user = AuthenticatedUserDetails.getUserPrincipal(); if (user == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Sorry, you don't have a permission to use this. Please login with right permission"); } final Session session = HibernateSessionManager.getSession(); Transaction tx = null; boolean isUpdated = Boolean.FALSE; try { StringBuilder sqlUpdate = new StringBuilder(); sqlUpdate.append(" UPDATE AT017 c"); sqlUpdate.append(" SET c.KmKCode=:kmkCode, "); sqlUpdate.append( " c.ShoriKbn = :shoriKbn, c.tanCode = :tanCode, c.APInf2 =:apInf2, c.StfCodeU = :stfCodeU, c.prdNoU = :prdNoU, c.TimeU = NOW(),"); sqlUpdate.append( " c.Tekiyo = :tekiYo, c.HSKbn = :hsKbn, c.Kingaku = :kingaku, c.UpdNo = (:updNo + 1), c.RecCkbn = :recCkbn, c.DelKbn = :delKbn "); sqlUpdate.append(" WHERE c.RecID = :recID AND c.UpdNo = :updNo"); tx = session.beginTransaction(); // Query query = fixedSystemCostRepository.getSQLQuery(session, sqlUpdate.toString()); query.setParameter("kmkCode", jsonFixedSystemCost.getKmkCode()); query.setParameter("shoriKbn", jsonFixedSystemCost.getShoriKbn()); query.setParameter("tanCode", user.getUsrCode()); query.setParameter("apInf2", user.getUsrCode()); query.setParameter("stfCodeU", user.getUsrCode()); query.setParameter("tekiYo", jsonFixedSystemCost.getTekiyo()); query.setParameter("hsKbn", jsonFixedSystemCost.getHsKbn()); query.setParameter("kingaku", jsonFixedSystemCost.getKingaku()); query.setParameter("updNo", jsonFixedSystemCost.getUpdNo()); query.setParameter("recID", jsonFixedSystemCost.getRecID()); query.setParameter("delKbn", Constants.STATUS_ACTIVE); query.setParameter("recCkbn", Constants.DEFAULT_KBN); try { query.setParameter("prdNoU", ProductHelper.getProductInfor().getVersion()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Can not get product informations when update help record"); } // int result = query.executeUpdate(); isUpdated = result > 0; tx.commit(); } catch (SQLGrammarException | GenericJDBCException ex) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException("An exception occured while updating data ", ex); } finally { HibernateSessionManager.closeSession(session); } return isUpdated; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean deleteByRecordId(String recId) throws ServiceException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(recId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array FixedSystemCost must not be null or empty"); } final Session session = HibernateSessionManager.getSession(); Transaction tx = null; boolean isDeleted = Boolean.FALSE; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); String sql = " DELETE FROM FixedSystemCost a WHERE a.recID = :recID"; Query query = fixedSystemCostRepository.getQuery(session, sql).setParameter("recID", recId); // isDeleted = query.executeUpdate() > 0; // Release transaction tx.commit(); } catch (SQLGrammarException | GenericJDBCException ex) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } throw new ServiceException("An error occurred while delete FixedSystemCost list"); } finally { HibernateSessionManager.closeSession(session); } return isDeleted; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public JSONBean handleData(String monthly, JSONFixedSystemCost[] fixedSystemCosts) throws ServiceException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(monthly)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Monthly must not be null or empty"); } User user = AuthenticatedUserDetails.getUserPrincipal(); if (user == null) { logger.warn("Sorry, you don't have a permission to use this. Please login with right permission"); // throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Sorry, you don't have a permission to use this. Please login with right permission"); } // if have any object have state = copy then delete data of month if (fixedSystemCosts.length <= 0 || fixedSystemCosts[0].getState() == STATE_COPY) { final Session session = HibernateSessionManager.getSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { String sqlDelete = "DELETE from AT017 WHERE AT017.StrCode = :strCode AND AT017.Getsudo = :getSudo AND AT017.DelKbn = 2 AND AT017.HSKbn <> 0"; tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query deleteQuery = fixedSystemCostRepository.getSQLQuery(session, sqlDelete); deleteQuery.setParameter("strCode", user.getOrganization().getStrCode()); deleteQuery.setParameter("getSudo", monthly); deleteQuery.executeUpdate(); // tx.commit(); } catch (SQLGrammarException | GenericJDBCException ex) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } return new JSONBean(Boolean.FALSE, -1, MessageHelper.getSystemError()); } finally { HibernateSessionManager.closeSession(session); } } for (JSONFixedSystemCost fixedSystemCost : fixedSystemCosts) { int state = fixedSystemCost.getState(); switch (state) { case STATE_DELETE: { //delete data from table boolean deleteState = deleteByRecordId(fixedSystemCost.getRecID()); if (!deleteState) { logger.warn("Could not delete the record with entity's code " + fixedSystemCost.getRecID() + " and updNo = " + fixedSystemCost.getUpdNo()); // Update not successful return new JSONBean(Boolean.FALSE, 2, MessageHelper.get(MsgConstants.CM_UPD_M03)); } break; } case STATE_UPDATE: { boolean updateState = updateFixedSystemCost(fixedSystemCost); if (!updateState) { logger.warn("Could not update the record with entity's code " + fixedSystemCost.getRecID() + " and updNo = " + fixedSystemCost.getUpdNo()); // Update not successful return new JSONBean(Boolean.FALSE, 2, MessageHelper.get(MsgConstants.CM_UPD_M01)); } break; } case STATE_COPY: case STATE_INSERT: { String maximumSeqNo = null; try { final String REC_CODE = "AT017.RecID"; maximumSeqNo = serialNumberService.generateUUIDByRecID(REC_CODE); } catch (ServiceException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); // return new JSONBean(Boolean.FALSE, -1, MessageHelper.getSystemError()); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(maximumSeqNo)) { logger.warn("Could not generate a sequence number at this time"); // return new JSONBean(Boolean.FALSE, 2, MessageHelper.get(MsgConstants.CM_UPD_M03)); }"Old serial number is {} and maximum serial number is {}", fixedSystemCost.getRecID(), maximumSeqNo); // Creating a new one move transfer for the given sequence number fixedSystemCost.setRecID(maximumSeqNo); // Insert data into table boolean insertResult = insertFixedSystemCost(monthly, fixedSystemCost); if (!insertResult) { logger.warn("Could not delete the record with entity's code " + fixedSystemCost.getRecID() + " and updNo = " + fixedSystemCost.getUpdNo()); // Update not successful return new JSONBean(Boolean.FALSE, 2, MessageHelper.get(MsgConstants.CM_UPD_M03)); }"Successfully created a new one move transfer"); break; } default: { break; } } }"Handle submission data from client successfuly"); return new JSONBean(Boolean.TRUE, 1, MessageHelper.get(MsgConstants.CM_UPD_M02)); } }