Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 nabla * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * */ package com.nabla.wapp.server.auth; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasypt.util.password.PasswordEncryptor; import org.jasypt.util.password.StrongPasswordEncryptor; import com.nabla.wapp.server.database.ConnectionTransactionGuard; import com.nabla.wapp.server.database.Database; import com.nabla.wapp.server.database.LockTableGuard; import com.nabla.wapp.server.general.Assert; import com.nabla.wapp.shared.auth.IRootUser; import com.nabla.wapp.shared.general.IntegerSet; import com.nabla.wapp.shared.general.SelectionDelta; import com.nabla.wapp.shared.model.IRoleTable; public class UserManager { public interface IRoleListProvider { Map<String, String[]> get(); } private static final String LOCK_USER_TABLES = "role WRITE, user WRITE, user_role WRITE, role_definition WRITE, user_definition WRITE"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UserManager.class); private final Connection conn; public UserManager(final Connection conn) { Assert.argumentNotNull(conn); this.conn = conn; } public boolean initializeDatabase(final IRoleListProvider roleListProvider, final String rootPassword) throws SQLException { Assert.argumentNotNull(roleListProvider); final LockTableGuard lock = new LockTableGuard(conn, LOCK_USER_TABLES); try { if (!Database.isTableEmpty(conn, IRoleTable.TABLE)) return true; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("initializing role tables"); final Map<String, String[]> roles = roleListProvider.get(); Assert.state(!roles.containsKey(IRootUser.NAME)); final ConnectionTransactionGuard guard = new ConnectionTransactionGuard(conn); try { final PreparedStatement stmtRole = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO role (name,uname,privilege,internal) VALUES(?,?,?,?);", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); final Map<String, Integer> roleIds = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); try { stmtRole.clearBatch(); stmtRole.setBoolean(4, true); // add privileges and default roles for (final Map.Entry<String, String[]> role : roles.entrySet()) { stmtRole.setString(1, role.getKey()); stmtRole.setString(2, role.getKey().toUpperCase()); stmtRole.setBoolean(3, role.getValue() == null); stmtRole.addBatch(); } if (!Database.isBatchCompleted(stmtRole.executeBatch())) return false; final ResultSet rsKey = stmtRole.getGeneratedKeys(); try { for (final Map.Entry<String, String[]> role : roles.entrySet()) {; roleIds.put(role.getKey(), rsKey.getInt(1)); } } finally { rsKey.close(); } } finally { stmtRole.close(); } final PreparedStatement stmtDefinition = conn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO role_definition (role_id,child_role_id) VALUES(?,?);"); try { stmtDefinition.clearBatch(); for (final Map.Entry<String, String[]> role : roles.entrySet()) { final String[] definition = role.getValue(); if (definition == null) continue; stmtDefinition.setInt(1, roleIds.get(role.getKey())); for (final String child : definition) { final Integer childId = roleIds.get(child); if (childId == null) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("child role '" + child + "' not defined!"); return false; } stmtDefinition.setInt(2, childId); stmtDefinition.addBatch(); } } if (!Database.isBatchCompleted(stmtDefinition.executeBatch())) return false; } finally { stmtDefinition.close(); } // add 'root' user Database.executeUpdate(conn, "INSERT INTO user (name,uname,active,password) VALUES(?,?,TRUE,?);", IRootUser.NAME, IRootUser.NAME.toUpperCase(), getPasswordEncryptor().encryptPassword(rootPassword)); return guard.setSuccess(true); } finally { guard.close(); } } finally { lock.close(); } } public Integer isValidSession(final String userName, final String password) throws SQLException { Assert.argumentNotNull(userName); Assert.argumentNotNull(password); final PreparedStatement stmt = conn .prepareStatement("SELECT id, password FROM user WHERE uname LIKE ? AND active=TRUE;"); try { stmt.setString(1, userName); final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); try { if ( { try { if (getPasswordEncryptor().checkPassword(password, rs.getString("password"))) return rs.getInt("id"); } catch (Throwable x) { log.error("failed to check password", x); return null; } } } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { stmt.close(); } return null; } public Integer addUser(final String userName, final String password) throws SQLException { Assert.argumentNotNull(userName); Assert.argumentNotNull(password); if (userName.equalsIgnoreCase(IRootUser.NAME)) // ROOT name not allowed return null; return Database.addUniqueRecord(conn, "INSERT INTO user (name,uname,password) VALUES(?,?,?);", userName, userName.toUpperCase(), getPasswordEncryptor().encryptPassword(password)); } public Integer cloneUser(final Integer fromUserId, final String userName, final String password) throws SQLException { final ConnectionTransactionGuard guard = new ConnectionTransactionGuard(conn); try { final Integer id = unguardedCloneUser(fromUserId, userName, password); guard.setSuccess(); return id; } finally { guard.close(); } } public Integer unguardedCloneUser(final Integer fromUserId, final String userName, final String password) throws SQLException { final Integer userId = addUser(userName, password); if (userId == null) return null; // copy user definition and roles Database.executeUpdate(conn, "INSERT INTO user_definition (user_id,role_id,object_id)" + " SELECT ? AS 'user_id', t.role_id, t.object_id" + " FROM user_definition AS t" + " WHERE t.user_id=?;", userId, fromUserId); Database.executeUpdate(conn, "INSERT INTO user_role (user_id,role_id,object_id)" + " SELECT ? AS 'user_id', t.role_id, t.object_id" + " FROM user_role AS t" + " WHERE t.user_id=?;", userId, fromUserId); return userId; } public boolean removeUsers(final IntegerSet userIds) throws SQLException { Database.executeUpdate(conn, "UPDATE user SET uname=NULL WHERE id IN (?);", userIds); return true; } public void restoreUsers(final IntegerSet userIds) throws SQLException { Assert.argumentNotNull(userIds); if (!userIds.isEmpty()) Database.executeUpdate(conn, "UPDATE user SET uname=UPPER(name) WHERE id IN (?);", userIds); } public Integer addRole(final String name) throws SQLException { Assert.argumentNotNull(name); if (IRootUser.NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) // ROOT name not allowed return null; return Database.addUniqueRecord(conn, "INSERT INTO role (name,uname) VALUES(?,?);", name, name.toUpperCase()); } public boolean removeRoles(final IntegerSet roleIds) throws SQLException { Assert.argumentNotNull(roleIds); Assert.argument(!roleIds.isEmpty()); final LockTableGuard lock = new LockTableGuard(conn, LOCK_USER_TABLES); try { final ConnectionTransactionGuard guard = new ConnectionTransactionGuard(conn); try { // delete roles from 'role', 'role_definition', 'user_definition' tables Database.executeUpdate(conn, "DELETE FROM role WHERE id IN (?);", roleIds); return guard.setSuccess(updateUserRoleTable()); } finally { guard.close(); } } finally { lock.close(); } } public boolean updateRoleDefinition(final Integer roleId, final SelectionDelta delta) throws SQLException { Assert.argumentNotNull(roleId); Assert.argumentNotNull(delta); final LockTableGuard lock = new LockTableGuard(conn, LOCK_USER_TABLES); try { final ConnectionTransactionGuard guard = new ConnectionTransactionGuard(conn); try { if (delta.isRemovals()) Database.executeUpdate(conn, "DELETE FROM role_definition WHERE role_id=? AND child_role_id IN (?);", roleId, delta.getRemovals()); if (delta.isAdditions()) { final PreparedStatement stmt = conn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO role_definition (role_id, child_role_id) VALUES(?,?);"); try { stmt.clearBatch(); stmt.setInt(1, roleId); for (final Integer childId : delta.getAdditions()) { stmt.setInt(2, childId); stmt.addBatch(); } if (!Database.isBatchCompleted(stmt.executeBatch())) return false; } finally { stmt.close(); } } return guard.setSuccess(updateUserRoleTable()); } finally { guard.close(); } } finally { lock.close(); } } public boolean updateUserDefinition(final Integer objectId, final Integer userId, final SelectionDelta delta) throws SQLException { Assert.argumentNotNull(userId); Assert.argumentNotNull(delta); final LockTableGuard lock = new LockTableGuard(conn, LOCK_USER_TABLES); try { final ConnectionTransactionGuard guard = new ConnectionTransactionGuard(conn); try { if (delta.isRemovals()) { if (objectId == null) Database.executeUpdate(conn, "DELETE FROM user_definition WHERE object_id IS NULL AND user_id=? AND role_id IN (?);", userId, delta.getRemovals()); else Database.executeUpdate(conn, "DELETE FROM user_definition WHERE object_id=? AND user_id=? AND role_id IN (?);", objectId, userId, delta.getRemovals()); } if (delta.isAdditions()) { final PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO user_definition (object_id, user_id, role_id) VALUES(?,?,?);"); try { stmt.clearBatch(); if (objectId == null) stmt.setNull(1, Types.BIGINT); else stmt.setInt(1, objectId); stmt.setInt(2, userId); for (final Integer childId : delta.getAdditions()) { stmt.setInt(3, childId); stmt.addBatch(); } if (!Database.isBatchCompleted(stmt.executeBatch())) return false; } finally { stmt.close(); } } return guard.setSuccess(updateUserRoleTable()); } finally { guard.close(); } } finally { lock.close(); } } public void changeUserPassword(final String userName, final String password) throws SQLException { Assert.argumentNotNull(userName); Assert.argumentNotNull(password); Database.executeUpdate(conn, "UPDATE user SET password=? WHERE uname LIKE ?;", getPasswordEncryptor().encryptPassword(password), userName); } public void onUserLogged(final Integer userId) throws SQLException { Database.executeUpdate(conn, "UPDATE user SET last_login=now() WHERE id=?;", userId); } public static PasswordEncryptor getPasswordEncryptor() { return new StrongPasswordEncryptor(); } public boolean updateUserRoleTable() throws SQLException { final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Set<Integer>>> userRoles = loadUserRoles(); Database.executeUpdate(conn, "DELETE FROM user_role;"); final PreparedStatement stmt = conn .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO user_role (object_id, user_id, role_id) VALUES(?,?,?);"); try { stmt.clearBatch(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, Set<Integer>>> e : userRoles.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey() == null) stmt.setNull(1, Types.BIGINT); else stmt.setInt(1, e.getKey()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Integer>> ee : e.getValue().entrySet()) { stmt.setInt(2, ee.getKey()); for (Integer roleId : ee.getValue()) { stmt.setInt(3, roleId); stmt.addBatch(); } } } return Database.isBatchCompleted(stmt.executeBatch()); } finally { stmt.close(); } } private Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Set<Integer>>> loadUserRoles() throws SQLException { final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Set<Integer>>> userRoles = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, Set<Integer>>>(); final Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { // load all roles and privileges final Map<Integer, Role> roles = new HashMap<Integer, Role>(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT id, name FROM role;"); try { while ( roles.put(rs.getInt("id"), new Role(rs.getInt("id"), rs.getString("name"))); // read first level of role tree rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT role_definition.role_id, role_definition.child_role_id" + " FROM role_definition INNER JOIN role ON" + " WHERE role.privilege=FALSE;"); while ( { final Integer parentId = rs.getInt("role_id"); final Integer childId = rs.getInt("child_role_id"); if (childId == parentId) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("'role_definition' table contains a recursive branch in role '" + roles.get(parentId).getName() + "'. Skipping branch"); continue; } roles.get(parentId).put(childId, roles.get(childId)); } // load user definition rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT user_definition.object_id, user_definition.user_id, user_definition.role_id" + " FROM user_definition INNER JOIN user ON" + " WHERE user.uname IS NOT NULL;"); while ( { Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> m; Integer id = Database.getInteger(rs, "object_id"); if (userRoles.containsKey(id)) m = userRoles.get(id); else { m = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>(); userRoles.put(id, m); } Set<Integer> ids; id = rs.getInt("user_id"); if (m.containsKey(id)) ids = m.get(id); else { ids = new HashSet<Integer>(); m.put(id, ids); } final Role role = roles.get(rs.getInt("role_id")); if (role != null) ids.addAll(role.getDefinition()); } } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { stmt.close(); } return userRoles; } }