Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package com.n1t3slay3r.empirecraft.main;

import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;

 * @author Dylan Malec
public final class Update {

    // The project's unique ID
    private final int projectID;

    // An optional API key to use, will be null if not submitted
    private final String apiKey;
    private static String playername;

    // Keys for extracting file information from JSON response
    private static final String API_NAME_VALUE = "name";
    private static final String API_LINK_VALUE = "downloadUrl";
    private static final String API_RELEASE_TYPE_VALUE = "releaseType";
    private static final String API_FILE_NAME_VALUE = "fileName";
    private static final String API_GAME_VERSION_VALUE = "gameVersion";

    // Static information for querying the API
    private static final String API_QUERY = "/servermods/files?projectIds=";
    private static final String API_HOST = "";

     * Check for updates anonymously (keyless)
     * @param projectID The BukkitDev Project ID, found in the "Facts" panel on
     * the right-side of your project page.
    public Update(int projectID) {
        this(projectID, null);

     * Check for updates using your Curse account (with key)
     * @param projectID The BukkitDev Project ID, found in the "Facts" panel on
     * the right-side of your project page.
     * @param apiKey Your ServerMods API key, found at
    public Update(int projectID, String apiKey) {
        this.projectID = projectID;
        this.apiKey = apiKey;


    public Update(int projectID, String apiKey, String player) {
        this.projectID = projectID;
        this.apiKey = apiKey;
        playername = player;

        playername = null;

     * Query the API to find the latest approved file's details.
    public void query() {
        URL url;

        try {
            // Create the URL to query using the project's ID
            url = new URL(API_HOST + API_QUERY + projectID);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

        try {
            // Open a connection and query the project
            URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();

            if (apiKey != null) {
                // Add the API key to the request if present
                conn.addRequestProperty("X-API-Key", apiKey);

            // Add the user-agent to identify the program
            conn.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "ServerModsAPI-Example (by Gravity)");

            // Read the response of the query
            // The response will be in a JSON format, so only reading one line is necessary.
            final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
            String response = reader.readLine();

            // Parse the array of files from the query's response
            JSONArray array = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(response);

            if (array.size() > 0) {
                // Get the newest file's details
                JSONObject latest = (JSONObject) array.get(array.size() - 1);

                // Get the version's title
                String versionName = (String) latest.get(API_NAME_VALUE);

                // Get the version's link
                String versionLink = (String) latest.get(API_LINK_VALUE);

                // Get the version's release type
                String versionType = (String) latest.get(API_RELEASE_TYPE_VALUE);

                // Get the version's file name
                String versionFileName = (String) latest.get(API_FILE_NAME_VALUE);

                // Get the version's game version
                String versionGameVersion = (String) latest.get(API_GAME_VERSION_VALUE);

                if (playername != null) {
                            .sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "The latest version of " + ChatColor.GOLD
                                    + versionFileName + ChatColor.YELLOW + " is " + ChatColor.GOLD + versionName
                                    + ChatColor.YELLOW + ", a " + ChatColor.GOLD + versionType.toUpperCase()
                                    + ChatColor.YELLOW + " for " + ChatColor.GOLD + versionGameVersion
                                    + ChatColor.YELLOW + ", available at: " + ChatColor.GOLD + versionLink);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("The latest version of " + versionFileName + " is " + versionName + ", a "
                            + versionType.toUpperCase() + " for " + versionGameVersion + ", available at: "
                            + versionLink);
        } catch (IOException e) {