Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * <p>Title: MySQL StressTool</p>
 * <p>Description: </p>
 * <p>Copyright: Marco Tusa Copyright (c) 2012 Marco Tusa Copyright (c) 2012</p>
 * @author Marco Tusa
 * @version 1.0
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * <p>Company: MySQL</p>

package com.mysql.stresstool;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.MethodUtils;

 * <p>Title: </p>
 * <p>Description: </p>
 * <p>Copyright: Marco Tusa Copyright (c) 2012 Copyright (c) 2008</p>
 * <p>Company: </p>
 * @author not attributable
 * @version 1.0
public class RunnableQuerySelect implements Runnable, RunnableSelectQueryInterface {

    private File queriesFileIn;
    //    Connection conn = null;

    private Map jdbcUrlMap;
    private boolean repeat = false;
    private int repeatNumber = 0;
    private int ID;
    private boolean doLog = true;
    private int sleepFor;
    private String dbType = "MySQL";
    private String engine;
    private long executionTime;
    private MySQLStats mySQLStatistics;
    private boolean active;
    private boolean doSimplePk = false;
    private int iBatchSelect = 200;
    private String sqlQuery;
    private PrimaryKeyRangeDefiner pkRange;
    private Map classConfig = null;
    private int numberOfprimaryTables = 1;
    private int numberOfSecondaryTables = 1;
    private boolean useAutoIncrement = false;
    private int numberOfJoinTables = 0;
    private int numberOfIntervalKeys = 0;
    private String selectFilterMethod = "range";
    private String joinField = null;
    private boolean forceIndex = false;
    private String indexName = null;
    private int sleepSelect = 0;
    private int selectLimit = 100;

    private static final ArrayList<String> CLASS_PARAMETERS = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("numberOfprimaryTables",
            "numberOfSecondaryTables", "useAutoIncrement", "numberOfJoinTables", "numberOfIntervalKeys",
            "selectFilterMethod", "joinField", "forceIndex", "indexName", "sleepSelect", "selectLimit"));

    public int getSelectLimit() {
        return selectLimit;

    public void setSelectLimit(int selectLimit) {
        this.selectLimit = selectLimit;

    public RunnableQuerySelect() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // handle the error


     * When an object implementing interface <code>Runnable</code> is used to create a thread, starting the thread causes the object's <code>run</code> method to be called in
     * that separately executing thread.
     * @todo Implement this java.lang.Runnable method
    public void run() {

        Connection conn = createConnection();

        if (conn != null) {
            ThreadInfo thInfo;
            thInfo = new ThreadInfo();
            active = true;
            StressTool.setInfoSelect(this.ID, thInfo);

            try {
                Statement stmt = null;
                ResultSet rs = null;
                stmt = conn.createStatement();
                PreparedStatement pstmt;
                long execTime = 0;
                int repeat = 0;
                int sqlParameterNumbers = 0;

                long threadTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();

                if (this.sqlQuery != null && !this.sqlQuery.equals("")) {
                    try {

                        pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
                        sqlParameterNumbers = pstmt.getParameterMetaData().getParameterCount();

                    } catch (SQLException sqlex) {
                } else {
                    pstmt = null;

                String[][] sqlParameterValues;

                if (this.sqlQuery == null || this.sqlQuery.equals("")) {
                    pkRange = new PrimaryKeyRangeDefiner(repeatNumber);
                    pkRange = setPkRange(conn, pkRange);

                    //                              3351000110
                    sqlParameterValues = null;
                } else {
                    sqlParameterValues = new String[repeatNumber][sqlParameterNumbers];
                    for (repeat = 0; repeat < repeatNumber; repeat++) {
                        for (int pvalue = 0; pvalue < sqlParameterNumbers; pvalue++) {
                            sqlParameterValues[repeat][pvalue] = "3"
                                    + String.valueOf(StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(500000000).intValue());


                for (repeat = 0; repeat < repeatNumber; repeat++) {
                    int pkStart = 0;
                    int pkEnds = 0;
                    int recordFound = 0;
                    if (repeat > 0 && pkRange.getLooprefresh() < (repeat - pkRange.getLastResetLoop())) {
                        pkRange = setPkRange(conn, pkRange);

                    if (pkRange.getKeyStart(repeat) > 0 && pkRange.getKeyEnd(repeat) > 0) {
                        pkStart = pkRange.getKeyStart(repeat);
                        pkEnds = pkRange.getKeyEnd(repeat);

                    if (pkStart > pkEnds) {
                        int dummy = pkStart;
                        pkStart = pkEnds;
                        pkEnds = dummy;

                    if (pkEnds == 0)

                    String select = "";

                    select = generateSelectString(pkStart, pkEnds, select);
                    int[] iLine = null;

                    try {

                        long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();

                        try {
                            if (this.sqlQuery != null && !this.sqlQuery.equals("")) {

                                if (this.getIBatchSelect() > 0) {
                                    for (int pstmtbatch = 0; pstmtbatch < this.getIBatchSelect(); pstmtbatch++) {
                                        for (int ii = 1; ii <= sqlParameterNumbers; ii++) {
                                            pstmt.setString(ii, sqlParameterValues[StressTool
                                                    .getNumberFromRandom(repeatNumber).intValue()][ii - 1]);
                                            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
                                            //                                             System.out.print(this.sqlQuery + " BATCH | " + ii +" | " + sqlParameterValues[repeat][ii - 1] + "\n") ;
                                } else {
                                    for (int ii = 1; ii <= sqlParameterNumbers; ii++) {
                                        pstmt.setString(ii, sqlParameterValues[repeat][ii - 1]);
                                        //                                        System.out.print(this.sqlQuery + " | " + ii +" | " + sqlParameterValues[repeat][ii - 1] + "\n") ;
                                    rs = pstmt.executeQuery();


                            } else {
                                rs = stmt.executeQuery(select);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                        } finally {
                            if (rs != null) {
                                rs = null;

                        long timeEnds = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        //                            recordFound = rs.getRow();

                        execTime = (timeEnds - timeStart);

                    } catch (SQLException sqle) {

                    } finally {
                        if (rs != null) {
                            rs = null;

                        //                            intDeleteInterval++;
                        if (doLog)
                                    "Query Select TH = " + this.getID() + " Id = " + pkStart + " IdEnd = " + pkEnds
                                            + " Record found = " + recordFound + " Exec Time(ms) =" + execTime);

                    if (sleepFor > 0 || this.getSleepSelect() > 0) {
                        if (this.getSleepSelect() > 0) {
                        } else
                //                System.out.println("Query Select/Delete TH = " + this.getID() + " COMPLETED! ");

                long threadTimeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
                this.executionTime = (threadTimeEnd - threadTimeStart);
                //                this.setExecutionTime(executionTime);

                active = false;
                StressTool.setInfoSelect(this.ID, thInfo);
                stmt = null;


            } catch (Exception ex) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block



     * @param pkStart
     * @param pkEnds
     * @param select
     * @return
    private String generateSelectString(int pkStart, int pkEnds, String select) {

        int numberOfRangeKey = this.getNumberOfIntervalKeys();
        String joinAttribute = this.getJoinField();

        String primaryTable = "tbtest" + StressTool.getNumberFromRandomMinMax(1, getNumberOfprimaryTables());
        int maxJoinTableIndex = StressTool.getNumberFromRandomMinMax(1, getNumberOfJoinTables()).intValue();
        String secondaryChildRetieved = "tbtest_child"
                + StressTool.getNumberFromRandomMinMax(1, maxJoinTableIndex).intValue();

        String indexHint = "";
        if (this.forceIndex && this.getIndexName() != null) {
            indexHint = " FORCE INDEX(" + this.getIndexName() + ") ";

         * Build the select on the base of condition passed
         * If joins =0 then build a straight select respecting the filterMethod conditions
         * Like range|in|equality 
         * If Join apply then build the query with the given child tables
         * respecting the same filterMethod conditions
         * */

        if (dbType.equals("MySQL") && !this.isDoSimplePk() && getNumberOfJoinTables() == 0) {
            select = "Select " + primaryTable + ".a,b,c,counter," + primaryTable + ".time," + primaryTable
                    + ".partitionid," + primaryTable + ".strrecordtype";

            if (this.getSelectFilterMethod().toLowerCase().equals("range")) {
                select = select + "from " + primaryTable + indexHint + " where " + primaryTable + ".a > " + pkStart
                        + " and " + primaryTable + ".a <" + pkEnds + " limit " + this.getSelectLimit();
            } else if (this.getSelectFilterMethod().toLowerCase().equals("in")) {

                String sPk = "";
                sPk = calculaltePK(pkStart, pkEnds, sPk);
                select = select + "from " + primaryTable + indexHint + " where " + primaryTable + ".a IN (" + sPk
                        + ") limit " + this.getSelectLimit();
            } else {
                select = select + "from " + primaryTable + indexHint + " where " + primaryTable + ".a = " + pkStart
                        + " limit " + this.getSelectLimit();

        } else if (dbType.equals("MySQL") && !this.isDoSimplePk() && getNumberOfJoinTables() > 0) {
            String childFieldsToShow = "";
            String childJoinsConditions = " from " + primaryTable + indexHint;

            for (int idxf = 1; idxf <= maxJoinTableIndex; idxf++) {
                childFieldsToShow = childFieldsToShow + ", tbtest_child" + idxf + ".a, tbtest_child" + idxf
                        + ".time";
                childJoinsConditions = childJoinsConditions + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tbtest_child" + idxf + " ON  "
                        + primaryTable + "." + joinAttribute + " = tbtest_child" + idxf + ".a";

            select = "Select " + primaryTable + ".a,b,c,counter," + primaryTable + ".time," + primaryTable
                    + ".partitionid," + primaryTable + ".strrecordtype, " + secondaryChildRetieved + ".stroperation"
                    + childFieldsToShow + childJoinsConditions;

            if (this.getSelectFilterMethod().toLowerCase().equals("range")) {
                select = select + " where " + primaryTable + ".a > " + pkStart + " and " + primaryTable + ".a <"
                        + pkEnds + " limit " + this.getSelectLimit();
            } else if (this.getSelectFilterMethod().toLowerCase().equals("in")) {
                String sPk = "";
                sPk = calculaltePK(pkStart, pkEnds, sPk);
                select = select + " where " + primaryTable + ".a IN (" + sPk + ") limit " + this.getSelectLimit();
            } else {
                select = select + " where " + primaryTable + ".a = " + pkStart + " limit " + this.getSelectLimit();

        } else if (this.isDoSimplePk()) {
            String sPk = "";
            sPk = calculaltePK(pkStart, pkEnds, sPk);

            select = "Select " + primaryTable + ".a,b,c,counter," + primaryTable + ".time,strrecordtype ";
            select = select + "from " + primaryTable + " where " + primaryTable + ".a in( " + sPk + " ) Limit "
                    + this.getSelectLimit();

        //      System.out.println(select);
        return select;

     * @param conn
    private PrimaryKeyRangeDefiner setPkRange(Connection conn, PrimaryKeyRangeDefiner pkRange) {

        int repeat = pkRange.getLastResetLoop();
        if (pkRange.getLen() == 0) {

            int[] values = getMaxSelectValue(conn);

            for (int repeatLoc = repeat; repeatLoc < repeatNumber; repeatLoc++) {
                pkRange.setKeyEnd(StressTool.getNumberFromRandomMinMax(values[0], values[1]).intValue());
        } else if (repeat > 0 && pkRange.isRefresh() && pkRange.getLooprefresh() < repeat) {

            int[] values = getMaxSelectValue(conn);
            for (int repeatLoc = repeat; repeatLoc < repeatNumber; repeatLoc++) {
                pkRange.setKeyEnd(StressTool.getNumberFromRandomMinMax(values[0], values[1]).intValue());
        return pkRange;

     * @return
     * check for the max value of the table tbtest1 and for the min value return an array of int where element 0 is MIN element 1 is MAX
    private int[] getMaxSelectValue(Connection conn) {
        //return StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(2147483647).intValue();
        String primaryTable = "tbtest" + StressTool.getNumberFromRandomMinMax(1, getNumberOfprimaryTables());

        Statement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        int[] values = new int[2];

        try {
            stmt = conn.createStatement();
            rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT MIN(a) mi, MAX(a) ma from " + primaryTable + " FORCE INDEX(IDX_a)");
            while ( {
                values[0] = rs.getInt("mi");
                values[1] = rs.getInt("ma");

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            try {
            } catch (Throwable th) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable th) {

        return values;


     * @param pkStart
     * @param pkEnds
     * @param sPk
     * @return
     * Rerurn the interval of values for an IN syntax comma separated
    private String calculaltePK(int pkStart, int pkEnds, String sPk) {
        int iloop = 0;
        for (int iPk = pkStart; iPk <= pkEnds; iPk++) {
            sPk = sPk + iPk;
            if (iloop++ >= this.getIBatchSelect())

            if (iPk != pkEnds)
                sPk = sPk + ",";
        return sPk;

     * @Generate internal connection for launched thread one per thread no shared
    private Connection createConnection() {
        Connection conn = null;

        try {
            if (jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType") != null && !((String) jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType")).equals("MySQL")) {
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection((String) jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType"), "test", "test");
            } else
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection((String) jdbcUrlMap.get("jdbcUrl"));
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
        return conn;

    Vector getTablesValues() {

        return null;


    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public void setQueriesFileIn(File queriesFileIn) {
        this.queriesFileIn = queriesFileIn;

    public void setJdbcUrl(Map jdbcUrlMapIn) {
        this.jdbcUrlMap = (Map) jdbcUrlMapIn;

    public void setRepet(boolean repeat) {
        this.repeat = repeat;

    public void setRepeatNumber(int repeatNumber) {
        this.repeatNumber = repeatNumber;

    public void setDoLog(boolean doLog) {
        this.doLog = doLog;

    public void setSleepFor(int sleepFor) {
        this.sleepFor = sleepFor;

    public void setDbType(String dbType) {
        this.dbType = dbType;

    public void setEngine(String engine) {
        this.engine = engine;

    public void setExecutionTime(long executionTime) {
        this.executionTime = executionTime;

    public void setID(int ID) {
        this.ID = ID;

    public File getQueriesFileIn() {
        return queriesFileIn;

    public String getJdbcUrl() {
        return (String) jdbcUrlMap.get("jdbcUrl");

    public boolean isRepeat() {
        return repeat;

    public int getRepeatNumber() {
        return repeatNumber;

    public boolean isDoLog() {
        return doLog;

    public int getSleepFor() {
        return sleepFor;

    public String getDbType() {
        return dbType;

    public String getEngine() {
        return engine;

    public long getExecutionTime() {
        return executionTime;

    public int getID() {
        return ID;

    public MySQLStats getMySQLStatistics() {
        return mySQLStatistics;

    public boolean isActive() {
        return active;

    public void setMySQLStatistics(MySQLStats mySQLStatistics) {
        this.mySQLStatistics = mySQLStatistics;

    public void setActive(boolean active) { = active;

     * @param doSimplePk the doSimplePk to set
    public void setDoSimplePk(boolean doSimplePk) {
        this.doSimplePk = doSimplePk;

     * @return the doSimplePk
    public boolean isDoSimplePk() {
        return doSimplePk;

     * @param iBatchSelect the iBatchSelect to set
    public void setIBatchSelect(int iBatchSelect) {
        this.iBatchSelect = iBatchSelect;

     * @return the iBatchSelect
    public int getIBatchSelect() {
        return iBatchSelect;

     * @return the sqlQuery

    private String getSqlQuery() {
        return sqlQuery;

     * @param sqlQuery the sqlQuery to set
    public void setSqlQuery(String sqlQuery) {
        this.sqlQuery = sqlQuery;

    public boolean doSimplePk() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return false;

    public boolean getDoDelete() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return false;

    public boolean isOperationShort() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return false;

    public boolean isUseBatchInsert() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return false;

    public void setDoDelete(boolean doDelete) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void setOperationShort(boolean operationShort) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void setUseBatchInsert(boolean useBatchInsert) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


     * @return the joinField
    public String getJoinField() {
        return joinField;

     * @param joinField the joinField to set
    public void setJoinField(String joinField) {
        this.joinField = joinField;

     * @return the numberOfprimaryTables
    public int getNumberOfprimaryTables() {
        return numberOfprimaryTables;

     * @param numberOfprimaryTables the numberOfprimaryTables to set
    public void setNumberOfprimaryTables(int numberOfprimaryTables) {
        this.numberOfprimaryTables = numberOfprimaryTables;

     * @return the numberOfSecondaryTables
    public int getNumberOfSecondaryTables() {
        return numberOfSecondaryTables;

     * @param numberOfSecondaryTables the numberOfSecondaryTables to set
    public void setNumberOfSecondaryTables(int numberOfSecondaryTables) {
        this.numberOfSecondaryTables = numberOfSecondaryTables;

     * @return the numberOfJoinTables
    public int getNumberOfJoinTables() {
        return numberOfJoinTables;

     * @param numberOfJoinTables the numberOfJoinTables to set
    public void setNumberOfJoinTables(int numberOfJoinTables) {
        this.numberOfJoinTables = numberOfJoinTables;

     * @return the numberOfIntervalKeys
    public int getNumberOfIntervalKeys() {
        return numberOfIntervalKeys;

     * @param numberOfIntervalKeys the numberOfIntervalKeys to set
    public void setNumberOfIntervalKeys(int numberOfIntervalKeys) {
        this.numberOfIntervalKeys = numberOfIntervalKeys;

     * @return the selectFilterMethod
    public String getSelectFilterMethod() {
        return selectFilterMethod;

     * @param selectFilterMethod the selectFilterMethod to set
    public void setSelectFilterMethod(String selectFilterMethod) {
        this.selectFilterMethod = selectFilterMethod;

    * @return the forceIndex
    public boolean isForceIndex() {
        return forceIndex;

     * @param forceIndex the forceIndex to set
    public void setForceIndex(boolean forceIndex) {
        this.forceIndex = forceIndex;

     * @return the indexName
    public String getIndexName() {
        return indexName;

     * @param indexName the indexName to set
    public void setIndexName(String indexName) {
        this.indexName = indexName;

     * @return the useAutoIncrement
    public boolean isUseAutoIncrement() {
        return useAutoIncrement;

     * @param useAutoIncrement the useAutoIncrement to set
    public void setUseAutoIncrement(boolean useAutoIncrement) {
        this.useAutoIncrement = useAutoIncrement;

     * @return the sleepSelect
    public int getSleepSelect() {
        return sleepSelect;

     * @param sleepSelect the sleepSelect to set
    public void setSleepSelect(int sleepSelect) {
        this.sleepSelect = sleepSelect;

    public void setClassConfiguration(Map mConfig) {
        classConfig = mConfig;

        for (int i = 0; i < CLASS_PARAMETERS.size(); i++) {
            try {
                String methodName = (String) CLASS_PARAMETERS.get(i);
                methodName = methodName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
                        + methodName.substring(1, methodName.length());
                methodName = "set" + methodName;

                String valueM = (String) classConfig.get(CLASS_PARAMETERS.get(i));
                //            System.out.println(methodName + " = " + valueM);

                if (valueM != null) {
                    if (valueM.equals("true") || valueM.equals("false")) {
                        MethodUtils.invokeMethod(this, methodName, Boolean.parseBoolean(valueM));
                    } else if (Utils.isNumeric(valueM)) {

                        MethodUtils.invokeMethod(this, methodName, Integer.parseInt(valueM));
                    } else
                        //               PropertyUtils.setProperty(this,methodName,valueM);
                        //                     MethodUtils.setCacheMethods(false);
                        MethodUtils.invokeMethod(this, methodName, valueM);

            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

