Java tutorial
/** * <p>Title: MySQL StressTool</p> * * <p>Description: </p> * * <p>Copyright: Marco Tusa Copyright (c) 2012 Marco Tusa Copyright (c) 2012</p> * @author Marco Tusa * @version 1.0 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * <p>Company: MySQL</p> * */ package com.mysql.stresstool; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.MethodUtils; /** * <p>Title: </p> * * <p>Description: </p> * * <p>Copyright: Marco Tusa Copyright (c) 2012 Copyright (c) 2011</p> * * <p>Company: </p> * * @author not attributable * @version 1.0 */ public class RunnableQueryInsert extends RunnableInsertBasic implements Runnable, RunnableQueryInsertInterface { private File queriesFileIn; // Connection conn = null; private Map jdbcUrlMap; private boolean repeat = false; private int repeatNumber = 0; private int ID; private boolean doLog = true; private int sleepFor; private boolean operationShort = false; private String dbType = "MySQL"; private String engine; private long executionTime; private boolean doDelete; private boolean active = false; private boolean useBatchInsert; private MySQLStats mySQLStatistics; private boolean doSimplePk = false; private int iBatchInsert = 50; private boolean ignoreBinlog = false; private Map classConfig = null; private String lazyInsert1 = ""; private String lazyInsert2 = ""; private String lazyLongText = ""; private int numberOfprimaryTables = 1; private int numberOfSecondaryTables = 1; private boolean useAutoIncrement = false; private int sleepWrite = 0; private static final ArrayList<String> CLASS_PARAMETERS = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList("numberOfprimaryTables", "numberOfSecondaryTables", "useAutoIncrement", "sleepWrite")); public RunnableQueryInsert() { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { // handle the error } // Random rnd = new Random(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#run() */ public void run() { BufferedReader d = null; Connection conn = null; try { if (jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType") != null && !((String) jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType")).equals("MySQL")) { conn = DriverManager.getConnection((String) jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType"), "test", "test"); } else conn = DriverManager.getConnection((String) jdbcUrlMap.get("jdbcUrl")); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (conn != null) { try { Statement stmt = null; // ResultSet rs = null; // ResultSet rs2 = null; conn.setAutoCommit(false); stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.execute("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0"); long execTime = 0; int pkStart = 0; int pkEnds = 0; int intDeleteInterval = 0; int intBlobInterval = 0; int intBlobIntervalLimit = StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(4).intValue(); ThreadInfo thInfo; long threadTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); active = true; thInfo = new ThreadInfo(); thInfo.setId(this.ID); thInfo.setType("insert"); thInfo.setStatusActive(this.isActive()); StressTool.setInfo(this.ID, thInfo); boolean lazy = false; int lazyInterval = 0; for (int repeat = 0; repeat <= repeatNumber; repeat++) { String query = null; ArrayList insert1 = null; ArrayList insert2 = null; int pk = 0; if (repeat > 0 && lazyInterval < 500) { lazy = true; ++lazyInterval; } else { lazy = false; lazyInterval = 0; } intBlobInterval++; //IMPLEMENTING lazy Vector v = this.getTablesValues(lazy); insert1 = (ArrayList<String>) v.get(0); insert2 = (ArrayList<String>) v.get(1); // System.out.println(insert1); // System.out.println(insert2); // pk = ((Integer) v.get(2)).intValue(); int[] iLine = { 0, 0 }; // pkStart = StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(2147483647).intValue(); // pkEnds = StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(2147483647).intValue(); try { long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.ignoreBinlog) stmt.execute("SET sql_log_bin=0"); stmt.execute("SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824"); if (dbType.equals("MySQL") && !engine.toUpperCase().equals("BRIGHTHOUSE")) stmt.execute("BEGIN"); else stmt.execute("COMMIT"); // stmt.execute("SET TRANSACTION NAME 'TEST'"); { Iterator<String> it = insert1.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { stmt.addBatch(; } } if (!this.doSimplePk) { if (intBlobInterval > intBlobIntervalLimit) { Iterator<String> it = insert2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { stmt.addBatch(; } intBlobInterval = 0; } } iLine = stmt.executeBatch(); stmt.clearBatch(); // System.out.println("Query1 = " + insert1); // System.out.println("Query2 = " + insert2); // stmt.execute("START TRANSACTION"); // stmt.execute(insert1); // iLine = stmt.executeBatch(); // conn.commit(); long timeEnds = System.currentTimeMillis(); execTime = (timeEnds - timeStart); } catch (Exception sqle) { conn.rollback(); System.out.println("FAILED QUERY1==" + insert1); System.out.println("FAILED QUERY2==" + insert2); sqle.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); //conn.close(); //this.setJdbcUrl(jdbcUrl); //System.out.println("Query Insert TH RE-INIZIALIZING"); } finally { // conn.commit(); stmt.execute("COMMIT"); // intDeleteInterval++; if (doLog) { System.out.println("Query Insert TH = " + this.getID() + " Loop N = " + repeat + " " + iLine[0] + "|" + ((iLine.length > 1) ? iLine[1] : 0) + " Exec Time(ms) =" + execTime + " Running = " + repeat + " of " + repeatNumber + " to go =" + (repeatNumber - repeat) + " Using Lazy=" + lazy); } } thInfo.setExecutedLoops(repeat); if (sleepFor > 0 || this.getSleepWrite() > 0) { if (this.getSleepWrite() > 0) { Thread.sleep(getSleepWrite()); } else Thread.sleep(sleepFor); } } long threadTimeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.executionTime = (threadTimeEnd - threadTimeStart); // this.setExecutionTime(executionTime); active = false; // System.out.println("Query Insert TH = " + this.getID() + " COMPLETED! TOTAL TIME = " + execTime + "(ms) Sec =" + (execTime/1000)); thInfo.setExecutionTime(executionTime); thInfo.setStatusActive(false); StressTool.setInfo(this.ID, thInfo); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } Vector getTablesValues(boolean refresh) { String longtextFld = ""; boolean lazy = false; int afld = 0; long counterFld = 0; if (refresh && !lazyInsert1.equals("")) { lazy = true; longtextFld = lazyLongText; } else { if (operationShort) longtextFld = StressTool.getStringFromRandom(254).substring(0, 240); else longtextFld = StressTool.getStringFromRandom(40000); } Vector v = new Vector(); StringBuffer insert1 = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer insert2 = new StringBuffer(); // String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); ArrayList<String> insertList1 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<String> insertList2 = new ArrayList(); int pk = StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(2147483647).intValue(); String insert1Str = ""; if (dbType.endsWith("MySQL")) { for (int iTable = 1; iTable <= this.getNumberOfprimaryTables(); iTable++) { if (this.doSimplePk) { insert1.append("insert INTO tbtest" + iTable + " (uuid,a,b,c,counter,partitionid,strrecordtype) VALUES"); } else { insert1.append("insert INTO tbtest" + iTable + " (uuid,a,b,c,counter,partitionid,strrecordtype) VALUES"); } if (this.useBatchInsert) { insert1Str = ""; if (lazy) { insert1Str = lazyInsert1; } else { insert1Str = "\"" + (this.doSimplePk ? longtextFld.substring(0, 6) : longtextFld.substring(0, 99)) + "\","; insert1Str = insert1Str + "\"" + (this.doSimplePk ? longtextFld.substring(0, 10) : longtextFld.substring(0, 199)) + "\","; insert1Str = insert1Str + StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(2147483647) * StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(20) + ","; insert1Str = insert1Str + StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(20) + ","; insert1Str = insert1Str + "\"" + StressTool.getStringFromRandom(2) + "\""; insert1Str = insert1Str + ")"; lazyInsert1 = insert1Str; } for (int ibatch = 0; ibatch <= this.iBatchInsert; ibatch++) { // uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); pk = StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(2147483647).intValue(); if (ibatch > 0) { insert1.append(",(UUID()," + pk + ","); } else { insert1.append("(UUID()," + pk + ","); } insert1.append(insert1Str); } } else { insert1Str = ""; insert1Str = insert1Str + "(UUID()," + pk + ","; if (lazy) { insert1Str = lazyInsert1; } else { insert1Str = insert1Str + "\"" + (this.doSimplePk ? longtextFld.substring(0, 6) : longtextFld.substring(0, 99)) + "\","; insert1Str = insert1Str + "\"" + (this.doSimplePk ? longtextFld.substring(0, 10) : longtextFld.substring(0, 199)) + "\","; insert1Str = insert1Str + StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(2147483647) * StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(20) + ","; insert1Str = insert1Str + StressTool.getNumberFromRandom(20) + ","; insert1Str = insert1Str + "\"" + StressTool.getStringFromRandom(2) + "\""; insert1Str = insert1Str + ")"; lazyInsert1 = insert1Str; } insert1.append(insert1Str); } if (!insertList1.equals("")) insertList1.add(insert1.toString()); insert1.delete(0, insert1.length()); } } if (!this.doSimplePk) { if (dbType.endsWith("MySQL")) { String insert2Str = ""; String insert2bStr = ""; for (int iTable = 1; iTable <= this.getNumberOfSecondaryTables(); iTable++) { insert2Str = ""; insert2Str = insert2Str + "insert INTO tbtest_child" + iTable + " (a,stroperation) VALUES("; insert2Str = insert2Str + pk + ","; if (lazy && !lazyInsert2.equals("")) { insert2bStr = lazyInsert2; } else { lazyInsert2 = "\"" + longtextFld + "\") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE partitionid=0"; insert2bStr = lazyInsert2; // insert2Str = insert2Str + "\"" + longtextFld + "\") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE partitionid=0"; // lazyInsert2 = insert2Str; } if (!insert2Str.equals("")) insertList2.add(insert2Str + insert2bStr); } } } v.add(0, insertList1); v.add(1, insertList2); // v.add(2, new Integer(pk)); return v; } public static void main(String[] args) { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setQueriesFileIn( */ public void setQueriesFileIn(File queriesFileIn) { this.queriesFileIn = queriesFileIn; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setJdbcUrl(java.lang.String) */ // public void setJdbcUrl(Map jdbcUrl) { // this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl; // try { // this.conn= DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl); // } catch (SQLException ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } // } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setJdbcUrl(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public void setJdbcUrl(Map jdbcUrlMap) { this.jdbcUrlMap = jdbcUrlMap; // try { // if(jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType") != null && !((String)jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType")).equals("MySQL")) // { // this.conn=DriverManager.getConnection((String)jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType"),"test", "test"); // } // else // this.conn= DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl); // } catch (SQLException ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setRepet(boolean) */ public void setRepet(boolean repeat) { this.repeat = repeat; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setRepeatNumber(int) */ public void setRepeatNumber(int repeatNumber) { this.repeatNumber = repeatNumber; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setDoLog(boolean) */ public void setDoLog(boolean doLog) { this.doLog = doLog; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setSleepFor(int) */ public void setSleepFor(int sleepFor) { this.sleepFor = sleepFor; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setOperationShort(boolean) */ public void setOperationShort(boolean operationShort) { this.operationShort = operationShort; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setDbType(java.lang.String) */ public void setDbType(String dbType) { this.dbType = dbType; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setEngine(java.lang.String) */ public void setEngine(String engine) { this.engine = engine; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setExecutionTime(long) */ public void setExecutionTime(long executionTime) { this.executionTime = executionTime; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setDoDelete(boolean) */ public void setDoDelete(boolean doDelete) { this.doDelete = doDelete; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setActive(boolean) */ public void setActive(boolean active) { = active; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setUseBatchInsert(boolean) */ public void setUseBatchInsert(boolean useBatchInsert) { this.useBatchInsert = useBatchInsert; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setID(int) */ public void setID(int ID) { this.ID = ID; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getQueriesFileIn() */ public File getQueriesFileIn() { return queriesFileIn; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getJdbcUrl() */ public String getJdbcUrl() { return (String) jdbcUrlMap.get("jdbcUrl"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#isRepeat() */ public boolean isRepeat() { return repeat; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getRepeatNumber() */ public int getRepeatNumber() { return repeatNumber; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#isDoLog() */ public boolean isDoLog() { return doLog; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getSleepFor() */ public int getSleepFor() { return sleepFor; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#isOperationShort() */ public boolean isOperationShort() { return operationShort; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getDbType() */ public String getDbType() { return dbType; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getEngine() */ public String getEngine() { return engine; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getExecutionTime() */ public long getExecutionTime() { return executionTime; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getDoDelete() */ public boolean getDoDelete() { return doDelete; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#isActive() */ public boolean isActive() { return active; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#isUseBatchInsert() */ public boolean isUseBatchInsert() { return useBatchInsert; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getID() */ public int getID() { return ID; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getMySQLStatistics() */ public MySQLStats getMySQLStatistics() { return mySQLStatistics; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setMySQLStatistics(com.mysql.stresstool.MySQLStats) */ public void setMySQLStatistics(MySQLStats mySQLStatistics) { this.mySQLStatistics = mySQLStatistics; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setDoSimplePk(boolean) */ public void setDoSimplePk(boolean doSimplePk) { this.doSimplePk = doSimplePk; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#doSimplePk() */ public boolean doSimplePk() { return doSimplePk; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#setIBatchInsert(int) */ public void setIBatchInsert(int iBatchInsert) { this.iBatchInsert = iBatchInsert; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.mysql.stresstool.RunnableQueryInsertInterface#getIBatchInsert() */ public int getIBatchInsert() { return iBatchInsert; } public boolean isIgnoreBinlog() { return ignoreBinlog; } public void setIgnoreBinlog(boolean ignoreBinlog) { this.ignoreBinlog = ignoreBinlog; } @Override public boolean createSchema(StressTool sTool) { // Custom schema creation this is the default for the stresstool but can be anything String DropTables1 = "Drop table IF EXISTS tbtest"; String DropTables2 = "Drop table IF EXISTS tbtest_child"; String TruncateTables1 = "Truncate table tbtest"; String TruncateTables2 = "Truncate table tbtest_child"; Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; try { if (jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType") != null && !((String) jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType")).equals("MySQL")) { conn = DriverManager.getConnection((String) jdbcUrlMap.get("dbType"), "test", "test"); } else conn = DriverManager.getConnection((String) jdbcUrlMap.get("jdbcUrl")); conn.setAutoCommit(false); stmt = conn.createStatement(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int iTable = 1; iTable <= this.getNumberOfprimaryTables(); iTable++) { sb.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tbtest" + iTable + "("); if (this.isUseAutoIncrement()) { sb.append("`autoInc` bigint(11) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,"); } sb.append(" `a` int(11) NOT NULL,"); sb.append(" `uuid` char(36) NOT NULL,"); sb.append(" `b` varchar(100) NOT NULL,"); sb.append(" `c` char(200) NOT NULL,"); sb.append(" `counter` bigint(20) NULL, "); sb.append(" `time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,"); sb.append(" `partitionid` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"); sb.append(" `strrecordtype` char(3) NULL"); if (this.isUseAutoIncrement()) { sb.append(", PRIMARY KEY (`autoInc`), INDEX `IDX_a` (a), INDEX `IDX_uuid` (uuid) "); } else { if (!this.doSimplePk) sb.append(", PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`), INDEX `IDX_a` (a) "); else sb.append(", PRIMARY KEY (`a`), INDEX `IDX_uuid` (uuid) "); } sb.append(") ENGINE=" + sTool.tableEngine); if (!sb.toString().equals("")) stmt.addBatch(sb.toString()); sb.delete(0, sb.length()); } String tbts1 = sb.toString(); sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int iTable = 1; iTable <= this.getNumberOfSecondaryTables(); iTable++) { sb.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tbtest_child" + iTable); sb.append("(`a` int(11) NOT NULL,"); sb.append("`bb` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,"); sb.append(" `partitionid` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"); if (operationShort) sb.append(" `stroperation` VARCHAR(254) NULL,"); else sb.append(" `stroperation` TEXT(41845) NULL,"); sb.append(" `time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); sb.append(", PRIMARY KEY (`a`,`bb`), UNIQUE(`bb`)"); sb.append(") ENGINE=" + sTool.tableEngine); if (!sb.toString().equals("")) stmt.addBatch(sb.toString()); sb.delete(0, sb.length()); } String tbts2 = sb.toString(); System.out.println(tbts1); if (!doSimplePk) System.out.println(tbts2); if (sTool.droptable) { System.out.println( "****============================================================================*******"); for (int iTable = 1; iTable <= this.getNumberOfprimaryTables(); iTable++) { System.out.println( "**** Please wait DROP table tbtest" + iTable + " it could take a LOT of time *******"); stmt.execute(DropTables1 + iTable); } if (!doSimplePk) { for (int iTable = 1; iTable <= this.getNumberOfSecondaryTables(); iTable++) { System.out.println("**** Please wait DROP table tbtest_child" + iTable + " it could take a LOT of time *******"); stmt.execute(DropTables2 + iTable); } } stmt.execute("COMMIT"); System.out.println("**** DROP finished *******"); System.out.println( "****============================================================================*******"); } if (sTool.createtable) stmt.executeBatch(); if (sTool.truncate) { System.out.println( "****============================================================================*******"); for (int iTable = 1; iTable <= this.getNumberOfprimaryTables(); iTable++) { System.out.println("**** Please wait TRUNCATE table tbtest" + iTable + " it could take a LOT of time *******"); stmt.execute(TruncateTables1 + iTable); } if (!doSimplePk) { for (int iTable = 1; iTable <= this.getNumberOfSecondaryTables(); iTable++) { System.out.println("**** Please wait TRUNCATE table tbtest_child" + iTable + " it could take a LOT of time *******"); stmt.execute(TruncateTables2 + iTable); } } System.out.println("**** TRUNCATE finish *******"); System.out.println( "****============================================================================*******"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace( ); return false; } finally { try { conn.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException ex1) { ex1.printStackTrace(); return false; } } } public String getLazyInsert1() { return lazyInsert1; } public void setLazyInsert1(String lazyInsert1) { this.lazyInsert1 = lazyInsert1; } public String getLazyInsert2() { return lazyInsert2; } public void setLazyInsert2(String lazyInsert2) { this.lazyInsert2 = lazyInsert2; } public String getLazyLongText() { return lazyLongText; } public void setLazyLongText(String lazyLongText) { this.lazyLongText = lazyLongText; } public int getNumberOfprimaryTables() { return numberOfprimaryTables; } public void setNumberOfprimaryTables(int numberOfprimaryTables) { this.numberOfprimaryTables = numberOfprimaryTables; } public int getNumberOfSecondaryTables() { return numberOfSecondaryTables; } public void setNumberOfSecondaryTables(int numberOfSecondaryTables) { this.numberOfSecondaryTables = numberOfSecondaryTables; } public boolean isDoSimplePk() { return doSimplePk; } public void setRepeat(boolean repeat) { this.repeat = repeat; } @Override public void setClassConfiguration(Map mConfig) { classConfig = mConfig; for (int i = 0; i < CLASS_PARAMETERS.size(); i++) { try { String methodName = (String) CLASS_PARAMETERS.get(i); methodName = methodName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + methodName.substring(1, methodName.length()); methodName = "set" + methodName; String valueM = (String) classConfig.get(CLASS_PARAMETERS.get(i)); // System.out.println(methodName + " = " + valueM); if (valueM != null) { if (valueM.equals("true") || valueM.equals("false")) { MethodUtils.invokeMethod(this, methodName, Boolean.parseBoolean(valueM)); } else if (Utils.isNumeric(valueM)) { MethodUtils.invokeMethod(this, methodName, Integer.parseInt(valueM)); } else // PropertyUtils.setProperty(this,methodName,valueM); // MethodUtils.setCacheMethods(false); MethodUtils.invokeMethod(this, methodName, valueM); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } public boolean isUseAutoIncrement() { return useAutoIncrement; } public void setUseAutoIncrement(boolean useAutoIncrement) { this.useAutoIncrement = useAutoIncrement; } /** * @return the sleepWrite */ public int getSleepWrite() { return sleepWrite; } /** * @param sleepWrite the sleepWrite to set */ public void setSleepWrite(int sleepWrite) { this.sleepWrite = sleepWrite; } }