Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.mygdx.managers; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputAdapter; import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.Controller; import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.ControllerListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.Controllers; import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.PovDirection; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import; import com.mygdx.utilities.XBox360Pad; /** * * @author looch */ public class InputProcessor_Gamepad extends InputAdapter implements ControllerListener { //**************** // GAMEPAD //**************** private final float SENSITIVITY = 0.4f; private boolean moveRight = false, moveLeft = false, moveUp = false, moveDown = false; public InputProcessor_Gamepad() { GameInputProcessor.controller = true; GameInputProcessor.KEY_ACTION_0 = XBox360Pad.BUTTON_A; GameInputProcessor.KEY_ACTION_1 = XBox360Pad.BUTTON_B; GameInputProcessor.KEY_ACTION_2 = XBox360Pad.BUTTON_X; GameInputProcessor.KEY_ACTION_ACTION = XBox360Pad.BUTTON_Y; GameInputProcessor.MAIN_ESC = XBox360Pad.BUTTON_START; } public void update() { if (MainGame.hasControllers) { // Update movement based on movement of left stick // Give a "deadzone" of 0.2 - -0.2, meaning the first 20% in either direction will be ignored. // This keeps controls from being too twitchy // Move by up to 10 pixels per frame if full left or right. // Once again I flipped the sign on the Y axis because I prefer inverted Y axis controls. //move right if (Controllers.getControllers().first().getAxis(XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_X) > SENSITIVITY && !moveRight) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MOVE_RIGHT, true); moveRight = true; } else if (Controllers.getControllers().first().getAxis(XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_X) <= SENSITIVITY && moveRight) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MOVE_RIGHT, false); moveRight = false; } //move left if (Controllers.getControllers().first().getAxis(XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_X) < -SENSITIVITY && !moveLeft) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MOVE_LEFT, true); moveLeft = true; } else if (Controllers.getControllers().first().getAxis(XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_X) >= -SENSITIVITY && moveLeft) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MOVE_LEFT, false); moveLeft = false; } //down if (Controllers.getControllers().first().getAxis(XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_Y) > SENSITIVITY && !moveDown) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MOVE_DOWN, true); moveDown = true; } else if (Controllers.getControllers().first().getAxis(XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_Y) <= SENSITIVITY && moveDown) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MOVE_DOWN, false); moveDown = false; } //up if (Controllers.getControllers().first().getAxis(XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_Y) < -SENSITIVITY && !moveUp) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MOVE_UP, true); moveUp = true; } else if (Controllers.getControllers().first().getAxis(XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_Y) >= -SENSITIVITY && moveUp) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MOVE_UP, false); moveUp = false; } // Poll if user hits start button, if they do, reset position of sprite /* if(Controllers.getControllers().first().getButton(XBox360Pad.BUTTON_START)) System.out.println("@ControllerInputProc start"); */ } } // connected and disconnect dont actually appear to work for XBox 360 controllers. @Override public void connected(Controller controller) { MainGame.hasControllers = true; } @Override public void disconnected(Controller controller) { MainGame.hasControllers = false; } @Override public boolean buttonDown(Controller controller, int buttonCode) { if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_A) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ATT_ZERO, true); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_B) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ATT_ONE, true); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_X) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ATT_TWO, true); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_Y) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ACTION, true); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_LB) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ATT_FOUR, true); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_RB) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.SKILL_SELECT, true); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_START) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MAIN_ESC, true); System.out.println("@ControllerInputProc start PRESS "); } return false; } @Override public boolean buttonUp(Controller controller, int buttonCode) { if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_A) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ATT_ZERO, false); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_B) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ATT_ONE, false); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_X) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ATT_TWO, false); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_Y) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ACTION, false); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_LB) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.ATT_FOUR, false); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_RB) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.SKILL_SELECT, false); } if (buttonCode == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_START) { GameKeyLibrary.setKey(GameKeyLibrary.MAIN_ESC, false); System.out.println("@ControllerInputProc start RELEASE "); } return false; } @Override public boolean axisMoved(Controller controller, int axisCode, float value) { // This is your analog stick // Value will be from -1 to 1 depending how far left/right, up/down the stick is // For the Y translation, I use a negative because I like inverted analog stick // Like all normal people do! ;) /* // Left Stick if(axisCode == XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_X) System.out.println("@MainGame PRESS: axis_left_x"); if(axisCode == XBox360Pad.AXIS_LEFT_Y) System.out.println("@MainGame PRESS: axis_left_y"); // Right stick if(axisCode == XBox360Pad.AXIS_RIGHT_X) System.out.println("@MainGame PRESS: axis_right_x"); */ return false; } @Override public boolean povMoved(Controller controller, int povCode, PovDirection value) { // This is the dpad if (value == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT) System.out.println("@MainGame PRESS: dpad_left"); if (value == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT) System.out.println("@MainGame PRESS: dpad_right"); if (value == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_DPAD_UP) System.out.println("@MainGame PRESS: dpad_up"); if (value == XBox360Pad.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN) System.out.println("@MainGame PRESS: dpad_down"); return false; } @Override public boolean xSliderMoved(Controller controller, int sliderCode, boolean value) { return false; } @Override public boolean ySliderMoved(Controller controller, int sliderCode, boolean value) { return false; } @Override public boolean accelerometerMoved(Controller controller, int accelerometerCode, Vector3 value) { return false; } }