Source code

Java tutorial


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|  Copyright (C) 2015 PayPal                                                                                          |
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package com.mycompany.myselion.sample.selion;

import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import com.paypal.selion.annotations.MobileTest;
import com.paypal.selion.platform.grid.Grid;
import com.paypal.selion.platform.utilities.WebDriverWaitUtils;

 * This class has test cases that demonstrates how to use SeLion for running tests against mobile apps using appium 
 * and apps placed in selion hub storage.
public class AppiumAndroidSeLionHubTest {

     * This test demonstrates how to use SeLion for running tests against a Native ANDROID app using appium 
     * and apps placed in selion hub storage. 
     * <ul>
     * <li>
     * An instance of selion grid should be spawned and the appium instance should be registered to this grid.</li>
     * <li>
     * The app selendroid-test-app-0.14.0.apk to be tested should be uploaded to SeLion hub storage 
     * provided by SeLion grid.</li>
     * <li>
     * The format of the appPath for the apps in the SeLion hub storage is as follows 
     * selion-hub-storage:{user-guid}:{folderName}:{file} where user-guid is a random unique guid and it is mandatory 
     * while uploading a file. foldername is an optional parameter and this test case is configured without folder name.</li>
     * </ul>
    @MobileTest(appPath = "selion-hub-storage:guid:selendroid-test-app-0.15.0.apk", device = "android:5.0.1", deviceType = "Android Emulator")
    public void testWithNativeAppWithSelionHub() {
        RemoteWebDriver driver = Grid.driver();
        WebElement textField = driver.findElement("io.selendroid.testapp:id/my_text_field"));
        assertEquals("true", textField.getAttribute("enabled"));
        textField.sendKeys("Appium Android Native Test");
        assertEquals("Appium Android Native Test", textField.getText());
