Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of mycollab-ui. * * mycollab-ui is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mycollab-ui is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with mycollab-ui. If not, see <>. */ package com.mycollab.vaadin.ui; import com.mycollab.common.i18n.ShellI18nEnum; import com.mycollab.core.UserInvalidInputException; import com.mycollab.core.utils.ColorUtils; import com.mycollab.module.user.domain.AccountTheme; import com.mycollab.module.user.service.AccountThemeService; import com.mycollab.spring.AppContextUtil; import com.mycollab.vaadin.MyCollabUI; import com.mycollab.vaadin.UserUIContext; import com.vaadin.server.Page; /** * @author MyCollab Ltd. * @since 4.1.2 */ public class ThemeManager { public static void loadMobileTheme(int sAccountId) { AccountThemeService themeService = AppContextUtil.getSpringBean(AccountThemeService.class); AccountTheme accountTheme = themeService.findTheme(sAccountId); if (accountTheme == null) { accountTheme = themeService.findDefaultTheme(MyCollabUI.getAccountId()); if (accountTheme == null) { throw new UserInvalidInputException( UserUIContext.getMessage(ShellI18nEnum.ERROR_CAN_NOT_LOAD_THEME)); } } StringBuilder extraStyles = new StringBuilder(); extraStyles.append( ".v-touchkit-navbar-caption { width: " + (UIUtils.getBrowserWidth() - 144) + "px !important; }"); extraStyles.append(".v-touchkit-navbar-caption span { width: " + (UIUtils.getBrowserWidth() - 144) + "px !important; }"); if (accountTheme.getVtabsheetbg() != null) { extraStyles.append(".section { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheetbg() + "; }"); extraStyles.append( ".v-navbar-quickmenu-content { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheetbg() + "; }"); extraStyles.append( ".slidemenu .v-window-contents { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheetbg() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".project-dashboard .project-info-layout { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheetbg() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() != null) { extraStyles.append(".project-dashboard .project-info-layout .v-icon { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".project-dashboard .project-info-layout .project-name { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".project-dashboard .project-info-layout .meta-info { color: " + ColorUtils.darkerColor("#" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext()) + "; }"); extraStyles.append( ".v-navbar-quickmenu-content .v-button { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".slidemenu .v-window-contents .v-button { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + " !important; }"); extraStyles.append(".section { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".section .v-touchkit-navbutton { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + " !important; }"); extraStyles.append(".section .v-touchkit-navbutton::after { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + " !important; }"); extraStyles.append(".slidemenu .v-window-contents .menulabel { color: " + ColorUtils.brighterColor("#" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext()) + "; }"); } /* Action Buttons */ if (accountTheme.getActionbtn() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-touchkit-tabbar-toolbar .v-button.selected { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + " !important; }"); extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-action-btn, .v-button-action-btn:focus { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getActionbtntext() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-touchkit-tabbar-toolbar .v-button.selected { color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-action-btn, .v-button-action-btn:focus { color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + "; }"); } /* Option Buttons */ if (accountTheme.getOptionbtn() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-touchkit-tabbar-toolbar .v-button { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtn() + " !important; }"); extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-option-btn, .v-button-option-btn:focus { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtn() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getOptionbtntext() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-touchkit-tabbar-toolbar .v-button { color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtntext() + " !important; }"); extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-option-btn, .v-button-option-btn:focus { color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtntext() + "; }"); } /* Danger Buttons */ if (accountTheme.getDangerbtn() != null) { } if (accountTheme.getDangerbtntext() != null) { } if (extraStyles.length() > 0) { Page.getCurrent().getStyles().add(extraStyles.toString()); } } public static void loadDesktopTheme(int sAccountId) { AccountThemeService themeService = AppContextUtil.getSpringBean(AccountThemeService.class); AccountTheme accountTheme = themeService.findTheme(sAccountId); if (accountTheme == null) { accountTheme = themeService.findDefaultTheme(MyCollabUI.getAccountId()); if (accountTheme == null) { throw new UserInvalidInputException( UserUIContext.getMessage(ShellI18nEnum.ERROR_CAN_NOT_LOAD_THEME)); } } StringBuilder extraStyles = new StringBuilder(); /* Top Menu */ if (accountTheme.getTopmenubg() != null) { extraStyles.append(".topNavigation { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenubg() + "; }"); extraStyles.append("#login-header { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenubg() + "; }"); extraStyles .append(".topNavigation #mainLogo { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenubg() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getTopmenubgselected() != null) { extraStyles.append(".topNavigation .serviceMenuContainer .service-menu .v-button.selected {" + " background-color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenubgselected() + "; }"); extraStyles.append( ".topNavigation .serviceMenuContainer .service-menu .v-button:hover { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenubgselected() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".v-button.add-btn-popup:hover { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenubgselected() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".topNavigation { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenubgselected() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getTopmenutext() != null) { extraStyles.append(".topNavigation .v-button { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".subDomain { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".accountMenuContainer .v-popup-indicator::before { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutext() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getTopmenutextselected() != null) { extraStyles.append(".topNavigation .serviceMenuContainer .service-menu .v-button.selected { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutextselected() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".topNavigation .serviceMenuContainer .service-menu .v-button:hover { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutextselected() + "; }"); extraStyles.append( ".v-button.add-btn-popup:hover { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutextselected() + "; }"); extraStyles.append( ".topNavigation { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutextselected() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".topNavigation .v-icon { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutextselected() + "; }"); } /* Vertical Tabsheet */ if (accountTheme.getVtabsheetbg() != null) { extraStyles.append(".vertical-tabsheet .navigator-wrap { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheetbg() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() != null) { extraStyles.append(".vertical-tabsheet .v-button-tab > .v-button-wrap { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append( ".closed-button .v-button-wrap .v-icon { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append( ".expand-button .v-button-wrap .v-icon { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".project-info .header { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".crmContainer .navigator-wrap .basic-info { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".intro-text-wrap .v-label { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getVtabsheetbgselected() != null) { extraStyles.append(".vertical-tabsheet { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheetbgselected() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".vertical-tabsheet .v-button-tab:hover {background-color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheetbgselected() + ";}"); } if (accountTheme.getVtabsheettextselected() != null) { extraStyles.append(".vertical-tabsheet > .v-button-wrap { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettextselected() + "; }"); //Color while hover on sidebar menu extraStyles.append(".vertical-tabsheet .v-button-tab .v-button-wrap:hover {color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettextselected() + "!important;}"); extraStyles.append(".vertical-tabsheet .v-button-tab:hover .v-button-wrap {color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettextselected() + "!important;}"); //Volume text display bar in file manager extraStyles.append( ".v-label.volumeUsageInfo div { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettextselected() + ";}"); } /* Action Buttons */ if (accountTheme.getActionbtn() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-greenbtn, .v-button-greenbtn:focus { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".splitbutton:hover .v-button.v-button-greenbtn, .v-button-greenbtn:hover { " + "background-color: " + ColorUtils.darkerColor("#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn()) + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".upload-field .v-upload-immediate .v-button {background-color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".upload-field .v-upload-immediate .v-button:hover {background-color: " + ColorUtils.darkerColor("#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn()) + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".optionPopupContent .action-wrap:hover {" + "background-color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + "};"); extraStyles.append(".v-buttongroup.toggle-btn-group { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + "; }"); //Button paging extraStyles.append(".v-button.buttonPaging.current, .v-button.buttonPaging:hover { background-color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + "; }"); //Selection background of selected item extraStyles.append(".v-filterselect-suggestpopup .gwt-MenuItem-selected { background-color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + "; }"); //Year block of activity stream extraStyles.append(".v-label.year-lbl { box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + ";}"); //Date label of activity stream extraStyles.append(".activity-list .feed-block-wrap .date-lbl { background-color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".activity-list .feed-block-wrap .date-lbl::after{ border-left-color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".activity-list .feed-block-wrap:hover .date-lbl { background-color:" + ColorUtils.darkerColor("#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn()) + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".activity-list .feed-block-wrap:hover .date-lbl::after{ border-left-color:" + ColorUtils.darkerColor("#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn()) + ";}"); // Button group default button extraStyles.append(".v-buttongroup.toggle-btn-group .v-button.btn-group-default {background-color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + ";}"); extraStyles .append(".v-buttongroup.toggle-btn-group .v-button.btn-group-default:hover {background-color:" + ColorUtils.darkerColor("#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn()) + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".v-context-menu-container .v-context-menu .v-context-submenu:hover " + "{background-color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + ";}"); } if (accountTheme.getActionbtntext() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-greenbtn, .v-button-greenbtn:focus { color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".upload-field .v-upload-immediate .v-button, .upload-field .v-upload-immediate " + ".v-button:focus {color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".optionPopupContent .action-wrap .v-button-action .v-button-wrap:hover" + " {" + "color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + "};"); //Button paging extraStyles.append(".v-button.buttonPaging.current, .v-button.buttonPaging:hover { color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + "; }"); //Selection text color of selected item extraStyles.append(".v-filterselect-suggestpopup .gwt-MenuItem-selected { color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + "; }"); //Date label of activity stream extraStyles.append( ".activity-list .feed-block-wrap .date-lbl { color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-block {color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".v-context-menu-container .v-context-menu .v-context-submenu:hover " + "{color:#" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + ";}"); } /* Option Buttons */ if (accountTheme.getOptionbtn() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-graybtn, .v-button-graybtn:focus { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtn() + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".splitbutton:hover .v-button-graybtn, .v-button-graybtn:hover { background-color: " + ColorUtils.darkerColor("#" + accountTheme.getOptionbtn()) + ";}"); //Set toggle button group background extraStyles.append(".v-buttongroup.toggle-btn-group .v-button { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtn() + ";}"); extraStyles.append(".v-buttongroup.toggle-btn-group .v-button:hover { background-color: " + ColorUtils.darkerColor("#" + accountTheme.getOptionbtn()) + ";}"); } if (accountTheme.getOptionbtntext() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-graybtn, .v-button-graybtn:focus { color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtntext() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".v-buttongroup.toggle-btn-group .v-button { color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtntext() + "; }"); } /* Danger Buttons */ if (accountTheme.getDangerbtn() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-redbtn, .v-button-redbtn:focus { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getDangerbtn() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".v-button-redbtn:hover { background-color: " + ColorUtils.darkerColor("#" + accountTheme.getDangerbtn(), 0.1) + "; }"); //Set style of popup content action extraStyles.append(".optionPopupContent .action-wrap.danger .v-button-action { color: #" + accountTheme.getDangerbtn() + "; }"); extraStyles.append(".optionPopupContent .action-wrap.danger:hover {" + "background-color: #" + accountTheme.getDangerbtn() + ";}"); } if (accountTheme.getDangerbtntext() != null) { extraStyles.append(".v-button.v-button-redbtn, .v-button-redbtn:focus { color: #" + accountTheme.getDangerbtntext() + "; }"); } if (extraStyles.length() > 0) { Page.getCurrent().getStyles().add(extraStyles.toString()); } } public static void loadDemoTheme(AccountTheme accountTheme) { StringBuilder demoExtraStyles = new StringBuilder(); /* Top Menu */ if (accountTheme.getTopmenubg() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .topNavigation { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenubg() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getTopmenubgselected() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .topNavigation .service-menu.v-buttongroup .v-button.selected { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenubgselected() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getTopmenutext() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append(".example-block .topNavigation .v-button-caption { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutext() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getTopmenutextselected() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .topNavigation .service-menu.v-buttongroup .v-button.selected .v-button-caption { color: #" + accountTheme.getTopmenutextselected() + "; }"); } /* Vertical Tabsheet */ if (accountTheme.getVtabsheetbg() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .navigator-wrap { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheetbg() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getVtabsheetbgselected() != null) { demoExtraStyles .append(".example-block .vertical-tabsheet { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheetbgselected() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .vertical-tabsheet .v-button-tab > .v-button-wrap > .v-button-caption { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettext() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getVtabsheettextselected() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .vertical-tabsheet > .v-button-wrap > .v-button-caption { color: #" + accountTheme.getVtabsheettextselected() + "; }"); } /* Action Buttons */ if (accountTheme.getActionbtn() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .v-button.v-button-greenbtn, .example-block .v-button-greenbtn:focus { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtn() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getActionbtntext() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .v-button.v-button-greenbtn, .example-block .v-button-greenbtn:focus { color: #" + accountTheme.getActionbtntext() + "; }"); } /* Option Buttons */ if (accountTheme.getOptionbtn() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .v-button.v-button-graybtn, .example-block .v-button-graybtn:focus { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtn() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getOptionbtntext() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .v-button.v-button-graybtn, .example-block .v-button-graybtn:focus { color: #" + accountTheme.getOptionbtntext() + "; }"); } /* Danger Buttons */ if (accountTheme.getDangerbtn() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .v-button.v-button-redbtn, .example-block .v-button-redbtn:focus { background-color: #" + accountTheme.getDangerbtn() + "; }"); } if (accountTheme.getDangerbtntext() != null) { demoExtraStyles.append( ".example-block .v-button.v-button-redbtn, .example-block .v-button-redbtn:focus { color: #" + accountTheme.getDangerbtntext() + "; }"); } if (demoExtraStyles.length() > 0) { Page.getCurrent().getStyles().add(demoExtraStyles.toString()); } } }