Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 Mark Browning, StellaArtois * Licensed under the LGPL 3.0 or later (See for details) */ package com.mtbs3d.minecrift.settings; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.SortedSet; import com.mtbs3d.minecrift.provider.MCOpenVR; import com.mtbs3d.minecrift.settings.profile.ProfileReader; import com.mtbs3d.minecrift.control.VRControllerButtonMapping; import com.mtbs3d.minecrift.control.ViveButtons; import com.mtbs3d.minecrift.settings.profile.ProfileManager; import com.mtbs3d.minecrift.settings.profile.ProfileWriter; import com.mtbs3d.minecrift.utils.KeyboardSimulator; import de.fruitfly.ovr.IOculusRift; import de.fruitfly.ovr.enums.EyeType; import jopenvr.VR_IVRSystem_FnTable.GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole_callback; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings; import net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.inventory.EntityEquipmentSlot; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.lwjgl.util.Color; public class VRSettings { public static final int VERSION = 2; public static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(); public static VRSettings inst; public JSONObject defaults = new JSONObject(); public static final int UNKNOWN_VERSION = 0; public final String DEGREE = "\u00b0"; public static final int INERTIA_NONE = 0; public static final int INERTIA_NORMAL = 1; public static final int INERTIA_LARGE = 2; public static final int INERTIA_MASSIVE = 3; public static final float INERTIA_NONE_ADD_FACTOR = 1f / 0.01f; public static final float INERTIA_NORMAL_ADD_FACTOR = 1f; public static final float INERTIA_LARGE_ADD_FACTOR = 1f / 4f; public static final float INERTIA_MASSIVE_ADD_FACTOR = 1f / 16f; public static final int RENDER_FIRST_PERSON_FULL = 0; public static final int RENDER_FIRST_PERSON_HAND = 1; public static final int RENDER_FIRST_PERSON_NONE = 2; public static final int RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE_ALWAYS = 0; public static final int RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE_HUD = 1; public static final int RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE_NEVER = 2; public static final int RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE_ALWAYS = 0; public static final int RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE_HUD = 1; public static final int RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE_NEVER = 2; public static final int MIRROR_OFF = 0; public static final int MIRROR_ON_ONE_THIRD_FRAME_RATE = 1; public static final int MIRROR_ON_FULL_FRAME_RATE = 2; public static final int MIRROR_ON_ONE_THIRD_FRAME_RATE_SINGLE_VIEW = 3; public static final int MIRROR_ON_FULL_FRAME_RATE_SINGLE_VIEW = 4; public static final int MIRROR_MIXED_REALITY = 5; public static final int MIRROR_FIRST_PERSON = 6; public static final int HUD_LOCK_HEAD = 1; public static final int HUD_LOCK_HAND = 2; public static final int HUD_LOCK_WRIST = 3; public static final int HUD_LOCK_BODY = 4; public static final int FREEMOVE_CONTROLLER = 1; public static final int FREEMOVE_HMD = 2; public static final int FREEMOVE_RUNINPLACE = 3; public static final int NO_SHADER = -1; public int version = UNKNOWN_VERSION; public int renderFullFirstPersonModelMode = RENDER_FIRST_PERSON_HAND; // VIVE - hand only by default public int shaderIndex = NO_SHADER; public String stereoProviderPluginID = "openvr"; public String badStereoProviderPluginID = ""; public boolean storeDebugAim = false; public int smoothRunTickCount = 20; public boolean smoothTick = false; //Jrbudda's Options public String[] vrQuickCommands; //Control public boolean vrReverseHands = false; public boolean vrReverseShootingEye = false; public VRControllerButtonMapping[] buttonMappings; public float vrWorldScale = 1.0f; public float vrWorldRotation = 0f; public float vrWorldRotationCached; public float vrWorldRotationIncrement = 45f; public float xSensitivity = 1f; public float ySensitivity = 1f; public float keyholeX = 15; public double headToHmdLength = 0.10f; public float autoCalibration = -1; public float manualCalibration = -1; public float playerEyeHeight = 1.62f; // //Locomotion public int inertiaFactor = INERTIA_NORMAL; public boolean walkUpBlocks = true; // VIVE default to enable climbing public boolean simulateFalling = true; // VIVE if HMD is over empty space, fall public boolean weaponCollision = true; // VIVE weapon hand collides with blocks/enemies public float movementSpeedMultiplier = 1.0f; // VIVE - use full speed by default public boolean vrFreeMove = false; public int vrFreeMoveMode = this.FREEMOVE_CONTROLLER; public boolean vrAllowLocoModeSwotch = true; public boolean vrLimitedSurvivalTeleport = true; public boolean seated = false; public boolean seatedUseHMD = false; public float jumpThreshold = 0.05f; public float sneakThreshold = 0.4f; public boolean realisticJumpEnabled = true; public boolean realisticSneakEnabled = true; public boolean realisticClimbEnabled = true; public boolean realisticSwimEnabled = true; public boolean realisticRowEnabled = true; public float walkMultiplier = 1; public boolean vrAllowCrawling = false; //unused public boolean vrShowBlueCircleBuddy = true; public boolean vehicleRotation = false; //unused public boolean animaltouching = true; // //Rendering public boolean useFsaa = true; // default to off public boolean useFOVReduction = false; // default to off public boolean vrUseStencil = true; public boolean insideBlockSolidColor = false; //unused public float renderScaleFactor = 1.0f; public int displayMirrorMode = MIRROR_ON_FULL_FRAME_RATE_SINGLE_VIEW; // //Mixed Reality public Color mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(); public float mixedRealityAspectRatio = 16F / 9F; public boolean mixedRealityRenderHands = false; public boolean mixedRealityUnityLike = true; public boolean mixedRealityMRPlusUndistorted = true; public boolean mixedRealityAlphaMask = false; public float mixedRealityFov = 40; public float vrFixedCamposX = 0; public float vrFixedCamposY = 0; public float vrFixedCamposZ = 0; public float vrFixedCamrotPitch = 0; public float vrFixedCamrotYaw = 0; public float vrFixedCamrotRoll = 0; public float mrMovingCamOffsetX = 0; public float mrMovingCamOffsetY = 0; public float mrMovingCamOffsetZ = 0; public float mrMovingCamOffsetPitch = 0; public float mrMovingCamOffsetYaw = 0; public float mrMovingCamOffsetRoll = 0; // //HUD/GUI public boolean vrTouchHotbar = true; public float hudScale = 1.5f; public float hudDistance = 1.25f; public float hudPitchOffset = -2f; public float hudYawOffset = 0.0f; public boolean floatInventory = true; //false not working yet, have to account for rotation and tilt in MCOpenVR>processGui() public boolean menuAlwaysFollowFace; public int vrHudLockMode = HUD_LOCK_HAND; public boolean hideGui = false; // VIVE show gui public boolean hudOcclusion = false; public float crosshairScale = 1.0f; public int renderInGameCrosshairMode = RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE_ALWAYS; public int renderBlockOutlineMode = RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE_ALWAYS; public float hudOpacity = 0.95f; public boolean menuBackground = false; public float menuCrosshairScale = 1f; public boolean useCrosshairOcclusion = false; // private Minecraft mc; public VRSettings(Minecraft minecraft, File dataDir) { // Assumes GameSettings (and hence optifine's settings) have been read first mc = minecraft; inst = this; // Store our class defaults to a member variable for later use storeDefaults(); // Legacy config files. Note that in general these files will be by-passed // by the Profile handling in ProfileManager. loadOptions and saveOptions ill // be redirected to the profile manager using ProfileReader and ProfileWriter // respectively. // Load settings from the file this.loadOptions(); } public void loadOptions() { loadOptions(null); } public void loadDefaults() { loadOptions(this.defaults); } public void loadOptions(JSONObject theProfiles) { // Load Minecrift options try { ProfileReader optionsVRReader = new ProfileReader(ProfileManager.PROFILE_SET_VR, theProfiles); String var2 = ""; while ((var2 = optionsVRReader.readLine()) != null) { try { String[] optionTokens = var2.split(":"); if (optionTokens[0].equals("version")) { this.version = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } // if (optionTokens[0].equals("firstLoad")) // { // this.firstLoad = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); // } if (optionTokens[0].equals("stereoProviderPluginID")) { this.stereoProviderPluginID = optionTokens[1]; } if (optionTokens[0].equals("badStereoProviderPluginID")) { if (optionTokens.length > 1) { // Trap if no entry this.badStereoProviderPluginID = optionTokens[1]; } } if (optionTokens[0].equals("hudOpacity")) { this.hudOpacity = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); if (hudOpacity < 0.15f) hudOpacity = 1.0f; } if (optionTokens[0].equals("menuBackground")) { this.menuBackground = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("renderFullFirstPersonModelMode")) { this.renderFullFirstPersonModelMode = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("shaderIndex")) { this.shaderIndex = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("walkUpBlocks")) { this.walkUpBlocks = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("displayMirrorMode")) { this.displayMirrorMode = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mixedRealityKeyColor")) { String[] split = optionTokens[1].split(","); this.mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(split[0]), Integer.parseInt(split[1]), Integer.parseInt(split[2])); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mixedRealityRenderHands")) { this.mixedRealityRenderHands = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mixedRealityUnityLike")) { this.mixedRealityUnityLike = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mixedRealityUndistorted")) { this.mixedRealityMRPlusUndistorted = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mixedRealityAlphaMask")) { this.mixedRealityAlphaMask = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mixedRealityFov")) { this.mixedRealityFov = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("insideBlockSolidColor")) { this.insideBlockSolidColor = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("hudScale")) { this.hudScale = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("renderScaleFactor")) { this.renderScaleFactor = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrHudLockMode")) { this.vrHudLockMode = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("hudDistance")) { this.hudDistance = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("hudPitchOffset")) { this.hudPitchOffset = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("hudYawOffset")) { this.hudYawOffset = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("useFsaa")) { this.useFsaa = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("movementSpeedMultiplier")) { this.movementSpeedMultiplier = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("renderInGameCrosshairMode")) { this.renderInGameCrosshairMode = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("renderBlockOutlineMode")) { this.renderBlockOutlineMode = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("crosshairScale")) { this.crosshairScale = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("menuCrosshairScale")) { this.menuCrosshairScale = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("renderInGameCrosshairMode")) { this.renderInGameCrosshairMode = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("renderBlockOutlineMode")) { this.renderBlockOutlineMode = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("hudOcclusion")) { this.hudOcclusion = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("menuAlwaysFollowFace")) { this.menuAlwaysFollowFace = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("useCrosshairOcclusion")) { this.useCrosshairOcclusion = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("inertiaFactor")) { this.inertiaFactor = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("smoothRunTickCount")) { this.smoothRunTickCount = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("smoothTick")) { this.smoothTick = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("hideGui")) { this.hideGui = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } // VIVE START - new options if (optionTokens[0].equals("simulateFalling")) { this.simulateFalling = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("weaponCollision")) { this.weaponCollision = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("animalTouching")) { this.animaltouching = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } // VIVE END - new options //JRBUDDA if (optionTokens[0].equals("allowCrawling")) { this.vrAllowCrawling = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("allowModeSwitch")) { this.vrAllowLocoModeSwotch = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("freeMoveDefault")) { this.vrFreeMove = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("limitedTeleport")) { this.vrLimitedSurvivalTeleport = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("reverseHands")) { this.vrReverseHands = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("stencilOn")) { this.vrUseStencil = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("bcbOn")) { this.vrShowBlueCircleBuddy = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("worldScale")) { this.vrWorldScale = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("worldRotation")) { this.vrWorldRotation = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrWorldRotationIncrement")) { this.vrWorldRotationIncrement = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrFixedCamposX")) { this.vrFixedCamposX = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrFixedCamposY")) { this.vrFixedCamposY = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrFixedCamposZ")) { this.vrFixedCamposZ = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrFixedCamrotPitch")) { this.vrFixedCamrotPitch = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrFixedCamrotYaw")) { this.vrFixedCamrotYaw = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrFixedCamrotRoll")) { this.vrFixedCamrotRoll = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mrMovingCamOffsetX")) { this.mrMovingCamOffsetX = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mrMovingCamOffsetY")) { this.mrMovingCamOffsetY = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mrMovingCamOffsetZ")) { this.mrMovingCamOffsetZ = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mrMovingCamOffsetPitch")) { this.mrMovingCamOffsetPitch = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mrMovingCamOffsetYaw")) { this.mrMovingCamOffsetYaw = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("mrMovingCamOffsetRoll")) { this.mrMovingCamOffsetRoll = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrTouchHotbar")) { this.vrTouchHotbar = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("seated")) { this.seated = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("jumpThreshold")) { this.jumpThreshold = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("sneakThreshold")) { this.sneakThreshold = this.parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("realisticSneakEnabled")) { this.realisticSneakEnabled = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("seatedhmd")) { this.seatedUseHMD = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("realisticJumpEnabled")) { this.realisticJumpEnabled = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("realisticClimbEnabled")) { this.realisticClimbEnabled = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("realisticSwimEnabled")) { this.realisticSwimEnabled = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("realisticRowEnabled")) { this.realisticRowEnabled = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("headToHmdLength")) { this.headToHmdLength = parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("walkMultiplier")) { this.walkMultiplier = parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vrFreeMoveMode")) { this.vrFreeMoveMode = Integer.parseInt(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("xSensitivity")) { this.xSensitivity = parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("ySensitivity")) { this.ySensitivity = parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("keyholeX")) { this.keyholeX = parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("autoCalibration")) { this.autoCalibration = parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("manualCalibration")) { this.manualCalibration = parseFloat(optionTokens[1]); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("vehicleRotation")) { this.vehicleRotation = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].equals("fovReduction")) { this.useFOVReduction = optionTokens[1].equals("true"); } if (optionTokens[0].startsWith("BUTTON_") || optionTokens[0].startsWith("OCULUS_")) { VRControllerButtonMapping vb = new VRControllerButtonMapping( Enum.valueOf(ViveButtons.class, optionTokens[0]), ""); String[] pts = optionTokens[1].split("_"); if (pts.length == 1 || !optionTokens[1].startsWith("keyboard")) { vb.FunctionDesc = optionTokens[1]; vb.FunctionExt = 0; } else { vb.FunctionDesc = pts[0]; vb.FunctionExt = (char) pts[1].getBytes()[0]; } this.buttonMappings[vb.Button.ordinal()] = vb; } if (optionTokens[0].startsWith("QUICKCOMMAND_")) { String[] pts = optionTokens[0].split("_"); int i = Integer.parseInt(pts[1]); if (optionTokens.length == 1) vrQuickCommands[i] = ""; else vrQuickCommands[i] = optionTokens[1]; } //END JRBUDDA } catch (Exception var7) { logger.warn("Skipping bad VR option: " + var2); var7.printStackTrace(); } } optionsVRReader.close(); } catch (Exception var8) { logger.warn("Failed to load VR options!"); var8.printStackTrace(); } } public void processBindings() { //process button mappings int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < buttonMappings.length; i++) { VRControllerButtonMapping vb = buttonMappings[i]; if (vb == null) { //shouldnt vb = new VRControllerButtonMapping(ViveButtons.values()[i + offset], "none"); buttonMappings[i] = vb; } if (vb.FunctionDesc.equals("none")) { vb.key = null; vb.FunctionExt = 0; } else if (vb.FunctionDesc.startsWith("keyboard")) { vb.key = null; if (vb.FunctionDesc.contains("-")) vb.FunctionExt = 0; } else { KeyBinding[] var3 = mc.gameSettings.keyBindings; for (final KeyBinding keyBinding : var3) { if (keyBinding.getKeyDescription().equals(vb.FunctionDesc)) { vb.key = keyBinding; vb.FunctionExt = 0; break; } } } if (vb.key == null && !vb.FunctionDesc.startsWith("keyboard")) System.out.println("Unknown key binding: " + vb.FunctionDesc); } } public void resetSettings() { // Get the Minecrift defaults loadDefaults(); } public String getKeyBinding(VRSettings.VrOptions par1EnumOptions) { String var2 = par1EnumOptions.getEnumString(); String var3 = var2 + ": "; String var4 = var3; String var5; switch (par1EnumOptions) { case OTHER_HUD_SETTINGS: return var2; case OTHER_RENDER_SETTINGS: return var2; case LOCOMOTION_SETTINGS: return var2; case MOVEMENT_MULTIPLIER: return var4 + String.format("%.2f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.movementSpeedMultiplier) }); case HUD_OPACITY: if (this.hudOpacity > 0.99) return var4 + "Opaque"; return var4 + String.format("%.2f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.hudOpacity) }); case RENDER_MENU_BACKGROUND: return this.menuBackground ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case HUD_HIDE: return this.hideGui ? var4 + "YES" : var4 + "NO"; case RENDER_FULL_FIRST_PERSON_MODEL_MODE: if (this.renderFullFirstPersonModelMode == RENDER_FIRST_PERSON_FULL) return var4 + "Full"; else if (this.renderFullFirstPersonModelMode == RENDER_FIRST_PERSON_HAND) return var4 + "Hand"; else if (this.renderFullFirstPersonModelMode == RENDER_FIRST_PERSON_NONE) return var4 + "None"; case MIRROR_DISPLAY: switch (this.displayMirrorMode) { case MIRROR_OFF: default: return var4 + "OFF"; case MIRROR_ON_ONE_THIRD_FRAME_RATE: return var4 + "DUAL (1/3)"; case MIRROR_ON_FULL_FRAME_RATE: return var4 + "DUAL (Full)"; case MIRROR_ON_ONE_THIRD_FRAME_RATE_SINGLE_VIEW: return var4 + "SINGLE (1/3)"; case MIRROR_ON_FULL_FRAME_RATE_SINGLE_VIEW: return var4 + "SINGLE (Full)"; case MIRROR_MIXED_REALITY: return var4 + "MIXED REALITY"; case MIRROR_FIRST_PERSON: return var4 + "UNDISTORTED"; } case MIXED_REALITY_KEY_COLOR: if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(0, 0, 0))) { return var4 + "BLACK"; } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(255, 0, 0))) { return var4 + "RED"; } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(255, 255, 0))) { return var4 + "YELLOW"; } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(0, 255, 0))) { return var4 + "GREEN"; } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(0, 255, 255))) { return var4 + "CYAN"; } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(0, 0, 255))) { return var4 + "BLUE"; } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(255, 0, 255))) { return var4 + "MAGENTA"; } return var4 + this.mixedRealityKeyColor.getRed() + " " + this.mixedRealityKeyColor.getGreen() + " " + this.mixedRealityKeyColor.getBlue(); case MIXED_REALITY_RENDER_HANDS: return this.mixedRealityRenderHands ? var4 + "YES" : var4 + "NO"; case MIXED_REALITY_UNITY_LIKE: return this.mixedRealityUnityLike ? var4 + "Unity" : var4 + "Side-by-Side"; case MIXED_REALITY_UNDISTORTED: return this.mixedRealityMRPlusUndistorted ? var4 + "YES" : var4 + "NO"; case MIXED_REALITY_ALPHA_MASK: return this.mixedRealityAlphaMask ? var4 + "YES" : var4 + "NO"; case MIXED_REALITY_FOV: return var4 + String.format("%.0f\u00B0", new Object[] { Float.valueOf( }); case INSIDE_BLOCK_SOLID_COLOR: return this.insideBlockSolidColor ? var4 + "SOLID COLOR" : var4 + "TEXTURE"; case WALK_UP_BLOCKS: return this.walkUpBlocks ? var4 + "YES" : var4 + "NO"; case HUD_SCALE: return var4 + String.format("%.2f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.hudScale) }); case HUD_LOCK_TO: switch (this.vrHudLockMode) { // VIVE - lock to hand instead of body case HUD_LOCK_HAND: return var4 + " hand"; case HUD_LOCK_HEAD: return var4 + " head"; case HUD_LOCK_WRIST: return var4 + " wrist"; case HUD_LOCK_BODY: return var4 + " body"; } case HUD_DISTANCE: return var4 + String.format("%.2f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.hudDistance) }); case HUD_PITCH: return var4 + String.format("%.0f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.hudPitchOffset) }); case HUD_YAW: return var4 + String.format("%.0f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.hudYawOffset) }); case RENDER_SCALEFACTOR: return var4 + String.format("%.1f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.renderScaleFactor) }); case FSAA: return this.useFsaa ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case CROSSHAIR_SCALE: return var4 + String.format("%.2f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.crosshairScale) }); case MENU_CROSSHAIR_SCALE: return var4 + String.format("%.2f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.menuCrosshairScale) }); case RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE: if (this.renderInGameCrosshairMode == RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE_HUD) return var4 + "With HUD"; else if (this.renderInGameCrosshairMode == RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE_ALWAYS) return var4 + "Always"; else if (this.renderInGameCrosshairMode == RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE_NEVER) return var4 + "Never"; case RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE: if (this.renderBlockOutlineMode == RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE_HUD) return var4 + "With HUD"; else if (this.renderBlockOutlineMode == RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE_ALWAYS) return var4 + "Always"; else if (this.renderBlockOutlineMode == RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE_NEVER) return var4 + "Never"; case HUD_OCCLUSION: return this.hudOcclusion ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case MENU_ALWAYS_FOLLOW_FACE: return this.menuAlwaysFollowFace ? var4 + "ALWAYS" : var4 + "SEATED"; case CROSSHAIR_OCCLUSION: return this.useCrosshairOcclusion ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case MONO_FOV: return var4 + String.format("%.0f\u00B0", new Object[] { Float.valueOf( }); case INERTIA_FACTOR: if (this.inertiaFactor == INERTIA_NONE) return var4 + "Automan"; else if (this.inertiaFactor == INERTIA_NORMAL) return var4 + "Normal"; else if (this.inertiaFactor == INERTIA_LARGE) return var4 + "A lot"; else if (this.inertiaFactor == INERTIA_MASSIVE) return var4 + "Even more"; // VIVE START - new options case SIMULATE_FALLING: return this.simulateFalling ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case WEAPON_COLLISION: return this.weaponCollision ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case ANIMAL_TOUCHING: return this.animaltouching ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; // VIVE END - new options //JRBUDDA case ALLOW_MODE_SWITCH: return this.vrAllowLocoModeSwotch ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case MOVE_MODE: if (this.vrFreeMove == false) { return var4 + "Teleport"; } else return var4 + "Free Move"; case ALLOW_CRAWLING: return this.vrAllowCrawling ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case LIMIT_TELEPORT: return this.vrLimitedSurvivalTeleport ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case REVERSE_HANDS: return this.vrReverseHands ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case STENCIL_ON: return this.vrUseStencil ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case BCB_ON: return this.vrShowBlueCircleBuddy ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case WORLD_SCALE: return var4 + String.format("%.2f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.vrWorldScale) }) + "x"; case WORLD_ROTATION: return var4 + String.format("%.0f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.vrWorldRotation) }); case WORLD_ROTATION_INCREMENT: return var4 + String.format("%.0f", new Object[] { Float.valueOf(this.vrWorldRotationIncrement) }); case TOUCH_HOTBAR: return this.vrTouchHotbar ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case PLAY_MODE_SEATED: return this.seated ? var4 + "SEATED" : var4 + "STANDING"; //END JRBUDDA case REALISTIC_JUMP: return this.realisticJumpEnabled ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case SEATED_HMD: return this.seatedUseHMD ? var4 + "HMD" : var4 + "CROSSHAIR"; case REALISTIC_SNEAK: return this.realisticSneakEnabled ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case REALISTIC_CLIMB: return this.realisticClimbEnabled ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case REALISTIC_SWIM: return this.realisticSwimEnabled ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case REALISTIC_ROW: return this.realisticRowEnabled ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case VEHICLE_ROTATION: return this.vehicleRotation ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; case CALIBRATE_HEIGHT: return var2; case WALK_MULTIPLIER: return var4 + String.format("%.1f", walkMultiplier); case X_SENSITIVITY: return var4 + String.format("%.2f", xSensitivity); case Y_SENSITIVITY: return var4 + String.format("%.2f", ySensitivity); case KEYHOLE: return var4 + String.format("%.0f", keyholeX); case RESET_ORIGIN: return var2; case FREEMOVE_MODE: switch (this.vrFreeMoveMode) { // VIVE - lock to hand instead of body case FREEMOVE_CONTROLLER: return var4 + " Controller"; case FREEMOVE_HMD: return var4 + " HMD"; case FREEMOVE_RUNINPLACE: return var4 + " RunInPlace"; } case FOV_REDUCTION: return this.useFOVReduction ? var4 + "ON" : var4 + "OFF"; default: return ""; } } public float getOptionFloatValue(VRSettings.VrOptions par1EnumOptions) { switch (par1EnumOptions) { case MOVEMENT_MULTIPLIER: return this.movementSpeedMultiplier; case HUD_SCALE: return this.hudScale; case HUD_OPACITY: return this.hudOpacity; case HUD_DISTANCE: return this.hudDistance; case HUD_PITCH: return this.hudPitchOffset; case HUD_YAW: return this.hudYawOffset; case CROSSHAIR_SCALE: return this.crosshairScale; case MENU_CROSSHAIR_SCALE: return this.menuCrosshairScale; case WALK_MULTIPLIER: return this.walkMultiplier; case X_SENSITIVITY: return this.xSensitivity; case Y_SENSITIVITY: return this.ySensitivity; case KEYHOLE: return this.keyholeX; // VIVE START - new options case WORLD_SCALE: if (vrWorldScale == 0.1f) return 0; if (vrWorldScale == 0.25f) return 1; if (vrWorldScale >= 0.5f && vrWorldScale <= 2.0f) return (vrWorldScale / 0.1f) - 3f; if (vrWorldScale == 3) return 18; if (vrWorldScale == 4) return 19; if (vrWorldScale == 6) return 20; if (vrWorldScale == 8) return 21; if (vrWorldScale == 10) return 22; if (vrWorldScale == 12) return 23; if (vrWorldScale == 16) return 24; if (vrWorldScale == 20) return 25; if (vrWorldScale == 30) return 26; if (vrWorldScale == 50) return 27; if (vrWorldScale == 75) return 28; if (vrWorldScale == 100) return 29; return 7; case WORLD_ROTATION: return vrWorldRotation; case WORLD_ROTATION_INCREMENT: if (vrWorldRotationIncrement == 10f) return 0; if (vrWorldRotationIncrement == 36f) return 1; if (vrWorldRotationIncrement == 45f) return 2; if (vrWorldRotationIncrement == 90f) return 3; if (vrWorldRotationIncrement == 180f) return 4; return 0; case MONO_FOV: return; case MIXED_REALITY_FOV: return this.mixedRealityFov; case RENDER_SCALEFACTOR: return this.renderScaleFactor; // VIVE END - new options default: return 0.0f; } } /** * For non-float options. Toggles the option on/off, or cycles through the list i.e. render distances. */ public void setOptionValue(VRSettings.VrOptions par1EnumOptions, int par2) { switch (par1EnumOptions) { case RENDER_MENU_BACKGROUND: this.menuBackground = !this.menuBackground; break; case HUD_HIDE: this.hideGui = !this.hideGui; break; case RENDER_FULL_FIRST_PERSON_MODEL_MODE: this.renderFullFirstPersonModelMode++; if (this.renderFullFirstPersonModelMode > RENDER_FIRST_PERSON_NONE) this.renderFullFirstPersonModelMode = RENDER_FIRST_PERSON_FULL; break; case MIRROR_DISPLAY: this.displayMirrorMode++; if (this.displayMirrorMode > MIRROR_FIRST_PERSON) this.displayMirrorMode = MIRROR_OFF; break; case MIXED_REALITY_KEY_COLOR: if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(0, 0, 0))) { this.mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(255, 0, 0); } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(255, 0, 0))) { this.mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(255, 255, 0); } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(255, 255, 0))) { this.mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(0, 255, 0); } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(0, 255, 0))) { this.mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(0, 255, 255); } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(0, 255, 255))) { this.mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(0, 0, 255); } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(0, 0, 255))) { this.mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(255, 0, 255); } else if (this.mixedRealityKeyColor.equals(new Color(255, 0, 255))) { this.mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(0, 0, 0); } else { this.mixedRealityKeyColor = new Color(0, 0, 0); } break; case MIXED_REALITY_RENDER_HANDS: this.mixedRealityRenderHands = !this.mixedRealityRenderHands; break; case MIXED_REALITY_UNITY_LIKE: this.mixedRealityUnityLike = !this.mixedRealityUnityLike; mc.reinitFramebuffers = true; break; case MIXED_REALITY_UNDISTORTED: this.mixedRealityMRPlusUndistorted = !this.mixedRealityMRPlusUndistorted; mc.reinitFramebuffers = true; break; case MIXED_REALITY_ALPHA_MASK: this.mixedRealityAlphaMask = !this.mixedRealityAlphaMask; mc.reinitFramebuffers = true; break; case INSIDE_BLOCK_SOLID_COLOR: this.insideBlockSolidColor = !this.insideBlockSolidColor; break; case WALK_UP_BLOCKS: this.walkUpBlocks = !this.walkUpBlocks; break; case HUD_LOCK_TO: switch (this.vrHudLockMode) { // VIVE - lock to hand instead of body case HUD_LOCK_HAND: this.vrHudLockMode = HUD_LOCK_HEAD; break; case HUD_LOCK_HEAD: this.vrHudLockMode = HUD_LOCK_WRIST; break; case HUD_LOCK_WRIST: this.vrHudLockMode = HUD_LOCK_BODY; break; case HUD_LOCK_BODY: this.vrHudLockMode = HUD_LOCK_HAND; } break; case FSAA: this.useFsaa = !this.useFsaa; break; case RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE: this.renderInGameCrosshairMode++; if (this.renderInGameCrosshairMode > RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE_NEVER) this.renderInGameCrosshairMode = RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE_ALWAYS; break; case RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE: this.renderBlockOutlineMode++; if (this.renderBlockOutlineMode > RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE_NEVER) this.renderBlockOutlineMode = RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE_ALWAYS; break; case HUD_OCCLUSION: this.hudOcclusion = !this.hudOcclusion; break; case MENU_ALWAYS_FOLLOW_FACE: this.menuAlwaysFollowFace = !this.menuAlwaysFollowFace; break; case CROSSHAIR_OCCLUSION: this.useCrosshairOcclusion = !this.useCrosshairOcclusion; break; case INERTIA_FACTOR: this.inertiaFactor += 1; if (this.inertiaFactor > INERTIA_MASSIVE) this.inertiaFactor = INERTIA_NONE; break; // VIVE START - new options case SIMULATE_FALLING: this.simulateFalling = !this.simulateFalling; break; case WEAPON_COLLISION: this.weaponCollision = !this.weaponCollision; break; case ANIMAL_TOUCHING: this.animaltouching = !this.animaltouching; break; // VIVE END - new options //JRBUDDA case ALLOW_MODE_SWITCH: this.vrAllowLocoModeSwotch = !this.vrAllowLocoModeSwotch; break; case MOVE_MODE: this.vrFreeMove = !this.vrFreeMove; Minecraft.getMinecraft().vrPlayer.setFreeMove(vrFreeMove); break; case ALLOW_CRAWLING: this.vrAllowCrawling = !this.vrAllowCrawling; break; case LIMIT_TELEPORT: this.vrLimitedSurvivalTeleport = !this.vrLimitedSurvivalTeleport; break; case REVERSE_HANDS: this.vrReverseHands = !this.vrReverseHands; break; case STENCIL_ON: this.vrUseStencil = !this.vrUseStencil; break; case BCB_ON: this.vrShowBlueCircleBuddy = !this.vrShowBlueCircleBuddy; break; case TOUCH_HOTBAR: this.vrTouchHotbar = !this.vrTouchHotbar; break; case PLAY_MODE_SEATED: this.seated = !this.seated; break; //JRBUDDA case REALISTIC_JUMP: realisticJumpEnabled = !realisticJumpEnabled; break; case SEATED_HMD: seatedUseHMD = !seatedUseHMD; break; case REALISTIC_SWIM: realisticSwimEnabled = !realisticSwimEnabled; break; case REALISTIC_CLIMB: realisticClimbEnabled = !realisticClimbEnabled; break; case REALISTIC_ROW: realisticRowEnabled = !realisticRowEnabled; break; case REALISTIC_SNEAK: realisticSneakEnabled = !realisticSneakEnabled; break; case VEHICLE_ROTATION: vehicleRotation = !vehicleRotation; break; case CALIBRATE_HEIGHT: if (seated) { MCOpenVR.resetPosition(); } playerEyeHeight = (float) Minecraft.getMinecraft().roomScale.getHMDPos_Room().yCoord; break; case FREEMOVE_MODE: switch (this.vrFreeMoveMode) { case FREEMOVE_CONTROLLER: this.vrFreeMoveMode = FREEMOVE_HMD; break; case FREEMOVE_HMD: this.vrFreeMoveMode = FREEMOVE_RUNINPLACE; break; case FREEMOVE_RUNINPLACE: this.vrFreeMoveMode = FREEMOVE_CONTROLLER; break; } break; case FOV_REDUCTION: useFOVReduction = !useFOVReduction; break; default: break; } this.saveOptions(); } public void setOptionFloatValue(VRSettings.VrOptions par1EnumOptions, float par2) { switch (par1EnumOptions) { case MOVEMENT_MULTIPLIER: this.movementSpeedMultiplier = par2; break; case HUD_SCALE: this.hudScale = par2; break; case HUD_OPACITY: this.hudOpacity = par2; break; case HUD_DISTANCE: this.hudDistance = par2; break; case HUD_PITCH: this.hudPitchOffset = par2; break; case HUD_YAW: this.hudYawOffset = par2; break; case CROSSHAIR_SCALE: this.crosshairScale = par2; break; case MENU_CROSSHAIR_SCALE: this.menuCrosshairScale = par2; break; case WALK_MULTIPLIER: this.walkMultiplier = par2; break; // VIVE START - new options case WORLD_SCALE: if (par2 == 0) vrWorldScale = 0.1f; else if (par2 == 1) vrWorldScale = 0.25f; else if (par2 >= 2 && par2 <= 17) vrWorldScale = (float) (par2 * 0.1 + 0.3); else if (par2 == 18) vrWorldScale = 3f; else if (par2 == 19) vrWorldScale = 4f; else if (par2 == 20) vrWorldScale = 6f; else if (par2 == 21) vrWorldScale = 8f; else if (par2 == 22) vrWorldScale = 10f; else if (par2 == 23) vrWorldScale = 12f; else if (par2 == 24) vrWorldScale = 16f; else if (par2 == 25) vrWorldScale = 20f; else if (par2 == 26) vrWorldScale = 30f; else if (par2 == 27) vrWorldScale = 50f; else if (par2 == 28) vrWorldScale = 75f; else if (par2 == 29) vrWorldScale = 100f; else vrWorldScale = 1; break; case WORLD_ROTATION: this.vrWorldRotation = par2; break; case WORLD_ROTATION_INCREMENT: if (par2 == 0f) this.vrWorldRotationIncrement = 10f; if (par2 == 1f) this.vrWorldRotationIncrement = 36f; if (par2 == 2f) this.vrWorldRotationIncrement = 45f; if (par2 == 3f) this.vrWorldRotationIncrement = 90f; if (par2 == 4f) this.vrWorldRotationIncrement = 180f; break; case X_SENSITIVITY: this.xSensitivity = par2; break; case Y_SENSITIVITY: this.ySensitivity = par2; break; case KEYHOLE: this.keyholeX = par2; break; case MONO_FOV: = par2; break; case MIXED_REALITY_FOV: this.mixedRealityFov = par2; break; case RENDER_SCALEFACTOR: this.renderScaleFactor = par2; break; // VIVE END - new options default: break; } this.saveOptions(); } public void saveOptions() { saveOptions(null); // Use null for current profile } private void storeDefaults() { saveOptions(this.defaults); } private void saveOptions(JSONObject theProfiles) { // Save Minecrift settings try { ProfileWriter var5 = new ProfileWriter(ProfileManager.PROFILE_SET_VR, theProfiles); var5.println("version:" + version); var5.println("newlyCreated:" + false); //var5.println("firstLoad:" + this.firstLoad ); var5.println("playerEyeHeight:" + this.playerEyeHeight); var5.println("stereoProviderPluginID:" + this.stereoProviderPluginID); var5.println("badStereoProviderPluginID:" + this.badStereoProviderPluginID); var5.println("hudOpacity:" + this.hudOpacity); var5.println("menuBackground:" + this.menuBackground); var5.println("renderFullFirstPersonModelMode:" + this.renderFullFirstPersonModelMode); var5.println("shaderIndex:" + this.shaderIndex); var5.println("displayMirrorMode:" + this.displayMirrorMode); var5.println("mixedRealityKeyColor:" + this.mixedRealityKeyColor.getRed() + "," + this.mixedRealityKeyColor.getGreen() + "," + this.mixedRealityKeyColor.getBlue()); var5.println("mixedRealityRenderHands:" + this.mixedRealityRenderHands); var5.println("mixedRealityUnityLike:" + this.mixedRealityUnityLike); var5.println("mixedRealityUndistorted:" + this.mixedRealityMRPlusUndistorted); var5.println("mixedRealityAlphaMask:" + this.mixedRealityAlphaMask); var5.println("mixedRealityFov:" + this.mixedRealityFov); var5.println("insideBlockSolidColor:" + this.insideBlockSolidColor); var5.println("walkUpBlocks:" + this.walkUpBlocks); var5.println("hudScale:" + this.hudScale); var5.println("renderScaleFactor:" + this.renderScaleFactor); var5.println("vrHudLockMode:" + this.vrHudLockMode); var5.println("hudDistance:" + this.hudDistance); var5.println("hudPitchOffset:" + this.hudPitchOffset); var5.println("hudYawOffset:" + this.hudYawOffset); var5.println("useFsaa:" + this.useFsaa); var5.println("movementSpeedMultiplier:" + this.movementSpeedMultiplier); var5.println("renderInGameCrosshairMode:" + this.renderInGameCrosshairMode); var5.println("renderBlockOutlineMode:" + this.renderBlockOutlineMode); var5.println("hudOcclusion:" + this.hudOcclusion); var5.println("menuAlwaysFollowFace:" + this.menuAlwaysFollowFace); var5.println("useCrosshairOcclusion:" + this.useCrosshairOcclusion); var5.println("crosshairScale:" + this.crosshairScale); var5.println("menuCrosshairScale:" + this.menuCrosshairScale); var5.println("inertiaFactor:" + this.inertiaFactor); var5.println("smoothRunTickCount:" + this.smoothRunTickCount); var5.println("smoothTick:" + this.smoothTick); var5.println("hideGui:" + this.hideGui); //VIVE var5.println("simulateFalling:" + this.simulateFalling); var5.println("weaponCollision:" + this.weaponCollision); var5.println("animalTouching:" + this.animaltouching); //END VIVE //JRBUDDA var5.println("allowCrawling:" + this.vrAllowCrawling); var5.println("allowModeSwitch:" + this.vrAllowLocoModeSwotch); var5.println("freeMoveDefault:" + this.vrFreeMove); var5.println("limitedTeleport:" + this.vrLimitedSurvivalTeleport); var5.println("reverseHands:" + this.vrReverseHands); var5.println("stencilOn:" + this.vrUseStencil); var5.println("bcbOn:" + this.vrShowBlueCircleBuddy); var5.println("worldScale:" + this.vrWorldScale); var5.println("worldRotation:" + this.vrWorldRotation); var5.println("worldRotationIncrement:" + this.vrWorldRotationIncrement); var5.println("vrFixedCamposX:" + this.vrFixedCamposX); var5.println("vrFixedCamposY:" + this.vrFixedCamposY); var5.println("vrFixedCamposZ:" + this.vrFixedCamposZ); var5.println("vrFixedCamrotPitch:" + this.vrFixedCamrotPitch); var5.println("vrFixedCamrotYaw:" + this.vrFixedCamrotYaw); var5.println("vrFixedCamrotRoll:" + this.vrFixedCamrotRoll); var5.println("mrMovingCamOffsetX:" + this.mrMovingCamOffsetX); var5.println("mrMovingCamOffsetY:" + this.mrMovingCamOffsetY); var5.println("mrMovingCamOffsetZ:" + this.mrMovingCamOffsetZ); var5.println("mrMovingCamOffsetPitch:" + this.mrMovingCamOffsetPitch); var5.println("mrMovingCamOffsetYaw:" + this.mrMovingCamOffsetYaw); var5.println("mrMovingCamOffsetRoll:" + this.mrMovingCamOffsetRoll); var5.println("vrTouchHotbar:" + this.vrTouchHotbar); var5.println("seatedhmd:" + this.seatedUseHMD); var5.println("seated:" + this.seated); var5.println("jumpThreshold:" + this.jumpThreshold); var5.println("sneakThreshold:" + this.sneakThreshold); var5.println("realisticJumpEnabled:" + this.realisticJumpEnabled); var5.println("realisticSwimEnabled:" + this.realisticSwimEnabled); var5.println("realisticClimbEnabled:" + this.realisticClimbEnabled); var5.println("realisticRowEnabled:" + this.realisticRowEnabled); var5.println("realisticSneakEnabled:" + this.realisticSneakEnabled); var5.println("headToHmdLength:" + this.headToHmdLength); var5.println("walkMultiplier:" + this.walkMultiplier); var5.println("vrFreeMoveMode:" + this.vrFreeMoveMode); var5.println("xSensitivity:" + this.xSensitivity); var5.println("ySensitivity:" + this.ySensitivity); var5.println("keyholeX:" + this.keyholeX); var5.println("autoCalibration:" + this.autoCalibration); var5.println("manualCalibration:" + this.manualCalibration); var5.println("vehicleRotation:" + this.vehicleRotation); var5.println("fovReduction:" + this.useFOVReduction); if (vrQuickCommands == null) vrQuickCommands = getQuickCommandsDefaults(); //defaults for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { var5.println("QUICKCOMMAND_" + i + ":" + vrQuickCommands[i]); } if (buttonMappings == null) resetBindings(); //defaults for (int i = 0; i < buttonMappings.length; i++) { VRControllerButtonMapping vb = buttonMappings[i]; var5.println(vb.toString()); } //END JRBUDDA var5.close(); } catch (Exception var3) { logger.warn("Failed to save VR options: " + var3.getMessage()); var3.printStackTrace(); } } public void resetBindings() { buttonMappings = getBindingsDefaults(); processBindings(); } public void setMinecraftPlayerEyeHeight(float eyeHeight) { this.playerEyeHeight = eyeHeight; } public float getMinecraftPlayerEyeHeight() { return playerEyeHeight; } /** * Parses a string into a float. */ private float parseFloat(String par1Str) { return par1Str.equals("true") ? 1.0F : (par1Str.equals("false") ? 0.0F : Float.parseFloat(par1Str)); } public float getHeadTrackSensitivity() { //if (this.useQuaternions) return 1.0f; //return this.headTrackSensitivity; // TODO: If head track sensitivity is working again... if } public static double getInertiaAddFactor(int inertiaFactor) { float addFac = INERTIA_NORMAL_ADD_FACTOR; switch (inertiaFactor) { case INERTIA_NONE: addFac = INERTIA_NONE_ADD_FACTOR; break; case INERTIA_LARGE: addFac = INERTIA_LARGE_ADD_FACTOR; break; case INERTIA_MASSIVE: addFac = INERTIA_MASSIVE_ADD_FACTOR; break; } return addFac; } public static enum VrOptions { HUD_SCALE("HUD Size", true, false), HUD_DISTANCE("HUD Distance", true, false), HUD_PITCH( "HUD Vertical Offset", true, false), HUD_YAW("HUD Horiz. Offset", true, false), HUD_LOCK_TO("HUD Orientation Lock", false, true), HUD_OPACITY("HUD Opacity", true, false), RENDER_MENU_BACKGROUND("Menu Background", false, true), HUD_HIDE("Hide HUD (F1)", false, true), HUD_OCCLUSION("HUD Occlusion", false, true), MENU_ALWAYS_FOLLOW_FACE("Main Menu Follow", false, true), CROSSHAIR_OCCLUSION("Crosshair Occlusion", false, true), CHAT_FADE_AWAY("Chat Persistence", false, true), DUMMY("Dummy", false, true), DUMMY_SMALL( "Dummy", false, true), VR_RENDERER("Stereo Renderer", false, true), VR_HEAD_ORIENTATION( "Head Orientation", false, true), VR_HEAD_POSITION( "Head Position", false, true), VR_CONTROLLER( "Controller", false, true), CROSSHAIR_SCALE( "Crosshair Size", true, false), MENU_CROSSHAIR_SCALE( "Menu Crosshair Size", true, false), RENDER_CROSSHAIR_MODE( "Show Crosshair", false, true), CROSSHAIR_ROLL( "Roll Crosshair", false, true), CROSSHAIR_SCALES_WITH_DISTANCE( "Crosshair Scaling", false, true), RENDER_BLOCK_OUTLINE_MODE( "Show Block Outline", false, true), LOAD_MUMBLE_LIB( "Load Mumble Lib", false, true), RENDER_OWN_HEADWEAR( "Render Own Headwear", false, true), RENDER_FULL_FIRST_PERSON_MODEL_MODE( "First Person Model", false, true), RENDER_PLAYER_OFFSET( "View Body Offset", true, false), //HMD/render FSAA("FSAA", false, true), MIRROR_DISPLAY("Mirror Display", false, true), MIXED_REALITY_KEY_COLOR( "Key Color", false, false), MIXED_REALITY_RENDER_HANDS("Show Hands", false, true), MIXED_REALITY_UNITY_LIKE("Layout", false, true), MIXED_REALITY_UNDISTORTED( "Undistorted Pass", false, true), MIXED_REALITY_ALPHA_MASK("Alpha Mask", false, true), MIXED_REALITY_FOV("Camera FOV", true, false), INSIDE_BLOCK_SOLID_COLOR("Inside Block", false, true), WALK_UP_BLOCKS("Walk up blocks", false, true), //Movement/aiming controls DECOUPLE_LOOK_MOVE("Decouple Look/Move", false, true), MOVEMENT_MULTIPLIER("Move. Speed Multiplier", true, false), STRAFE_MULTIPLIER("Strafe Speed Multiplier", true, false), PITCH_AFFECTS_CAMERA( "Pitch Affects Camera", false, true), JOYSTICK_DEADZONE("Joystick Deadzone", true, false), KEYHOLE_HEAD_RELATIVE( "Keyhole Moves With Head", false, true), MOUSE_AIM_TYPE("Aim Type", false, true), CROSSHAIR_HEAD_RELATIVE( "Cursor Relative To", false, true), MOVEAIM_HYDRA_USE_CONTROLLER_ONE( "Controller", false, true), JOYSTICK_AIM_TYPE("Aim Type", false, false), AIM_PITCH_OFFSET("Vertical Cursor Offset", true, false), INERTIA_FACTOR("Player Inertia", false, true), // VIVE START - new options SIMULATE_FALLING("Simulate falling", false, true), WEAPON_COLLISION("Weapon collision", false, true), ANIMAL_TOUCHING("Animal Interaction", false, true), // VIVE END - new options //JRBUDDA VIVE ALLOW_CRAWLING("Allow crawling", false, true), ALLOW_MODE_SWITCH("Allow Mode Switch", false, true), MOVE_MODE("Move Mode", false, true), LIMIT_TELEPORT("Limit TP in Survival", false, true), REVERSE_HANDS("Reverse Hands", false, true), STENCIL_ON("Use Eye Stencil", false, true), BCB_ON("Show Body Position", false, true), WORLD_SCALE("World Scale", true, false), WORLD_ROTATION("World Rotation", true, false), WORLD_ROTATION_INCREMENT("Rotation Increment", true, false), TOUCH_HOTBAR("Touch Hotbar Enabled", false, true), PLAY_MODE_SEATED("Play Mode", false, true), RENDER_SCALEFACTOR( "Render Scale Factor", true, false), MONO_FOV("Undistorted FOV", true, false), //END JRBUDDA REALISTIC_JUMP("Roomscale Jumping", false, true), REALISTIC_SNEAK("Roomscale Sneaking", false, true), REALISTIC_CLIMB("Roomscale Climbing", false, true), REALISTIC_SWIM("Roomscale Swimming", false, true), REALISTIC_ROW("Roomscale Rowing", false, true), CALIBRATE_HEIGHT( "Calibrate Height", false, true), WALK_MULTIPLIER("Walking Multipier", true, false), FREEMOVE_MODE("Free Move Type", false, true), VEHICLE_ROTATION("Vechile Rotation", false, true), //SEATED RESET_ORIGIN("Reset Origin", false, true), X_SENSITIVITY("Rotation Speed", true, false), Y_SENSITIVITY( "Y Sensitivity", true, false), KEYHOLE("Keyhole", true, false), FOV_REDUCTION("FOV Comfort Reduction", false, true), // OTher buttons OTHER_HUD_SETTINGS("Overlay/Crosshair/Chat...", false, true), OTHER_RENDER_SETTINGS("IPD / FOV...", false, true), LOCOMOTION_SETTINGS("Locomotion Settings...", false, true), SEATED_HMD("Forward Direction", false, true); // ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING("options.anisotropicFiltering", true, false, 1.0F, 16.0F, 0.0F) // { // private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000654"; // protected float snapToStep(float p_148264_1_) // { // return (float) MathHelper.roundUpToPowerOfTwo((int) p_148264_1_); // } // }, private final boolean enumFloat; private final boolean enumBoolean; private final String enumString; private final float valueStep; private float valueMin; private float valueMax; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000653"; public static VRSettings.VrOptions getEnumOptions(int par0) { VRSettings.VrOptions[] aoptions = values(); int j = aoptions.length; for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k) { VRSettings.VrOptions options = aoptions[k]; if (options.returnEnumOrdinal() == par0) { return options; } } return null; } private VrOptions(String par3Str, boolean isfloat, boolean isbool) { this(par3Str, isfloat, isbool, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); } private VrOptions(String p_i45004_3_, boolean p_i45004_4_, boolean p_i45004_5_, float p_i45004_6_, float p_i45004_7_, float p_i45004_8_) { this.enumString = p_i45004_3_; this.enumFloat = p_i45004_4_; this.enumBoolean = p_i45004_5_; this.valueMin = p_i45004_6_; this.valueMax = p_i45004_7_; this.valueStep = p_i45004_8_; } public boolean getEnumFloat() { return this.enumFloat; } public boolean getEnumBoolean() { return this.enumBoolean; } public int returnEnumOrdinal() { return this.ordinal(); } public String getEnumString() { return this.enumString; } public float getValueMax() { return this.valueMax; } public void setValueMax(float p_148263_1_) { this.valueMax = p_148263_1_; } protected float snapToStep(float p_148264_1_) { if (this.valueStep > 0.0F) { p_148264_1_ = this.valueStep * (float) Math.round(p_148264_1_ / this.valueStep); } return p_148264_1_; } VrOptions(String p_i45005_3_, boolean p_i45005_4_, boolean p_i45005_5_, float p_i45005_6_, float p_i45005_7_, float p_i45005_8_, Object p_i45005_9_) { this(p_i45005_3_, p_i45005_4_, p_i45005_5_, p_i45005_6_, p_i45005_7_, p_i45005_8_); } } public static synchronized void initSettings(Minecraft mc, File dataDir) { ProfileManager.init(dataDir); mc.gameSettings = new GameSettings(mc, dataDir); // mc.gameSettings.saveOptions(); mc.vrSettings = new VRSettings(mc, dataDir); mc.vrSettings.saveOptions(); } public static synchronized void loadAll(Minecraft mc) { mc.gameSettings.loadOptions(); mc.vrSettings.loadOptions(); } public static synchronized void saveAll(Minecraft mc) { mc.gameSettings.saveOptions(); mc.vrSettings.saveOptions(); } public static synchronized void resetAll(Minecraft mc) { mc.gameSettings.resetSettings(); mc.vrSettings.resetSettings(); } public static synchronized String getCurrentProfile() { return ProfileManager.getCurrentProfileName(); } public static synchronized boolean profileExists(String profile) { return ProfileManager.profileExists(profile); } public static synchronized SortedSet<String> getProfileList() { return ProfileManager.getProfileList(); } public static synchronized boolean setCurrentProfile(String profile) { StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); return setCurrentProfile(profile, error); } public static synchronized boolean setCurrentProfile(String profile, StringBuilder error) { boolean result = true; Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); // Save settings in current profile VRSettings.saveAll(mc); // Set the new profile result = ProfileManager.setCurrentProfile(profile, error); if (result) { // Load new profile VRSettings.loadAll(mc); } return result; } public static synchronized boolean createProfile(String profile, boolean useDefaults, StringBuilder error) { boolean result = true; Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); String originalProfile = VRSettings.getCurrentProfile(); // Save settings in original profile VRSettings.saveAll(mc); // Create the new profile if (!ProfileManager.createProfile(profile, error)) return false; // Set the new profile ProfileManager.setCurrentProfile(profile, error); // Save existing settings as new profile... if (useDefaults) { // ...unless set to use defaults VRSettings.resetAll(mc); } // Save new profile settings to file VRSettings.saveAll(mc); // Select the original profile ProfileManager.setCurrentProfile(originalProfile, error); VRSettings.loadAll(mc); return result; } public static synchronized boolean deleteProfile(String profile) { StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); return deleteProfile(profile, error); } public static synchronized boolean deleteProfile(String profile, StringBuilder error) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); // Save settings in current profile VRSettings.saveAll(mc); // Nuke the profile data if (!ProfileManager.deleteProfile(profile, error)) return false; // Load settings in case the selected profile has changed VRSettings.loadAll(mc); return true; } public static synchronized boolean duplicateProfile(String originalProfile, String newProfile, StringBuilder error) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); // Save settings in current profile VRSettings.saveAll(mc); // Duplicate the profile data if (!ProfileManager.duplicateProfile(originalProfile, newProfile, error)) return false; return true; } public static synchronized boolean renameProfile(String originalProfile, String newProfile, StringBuilder error) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); // Save settings in current profile VRSettings.saveAll(mc); // Rename the profile if (!ProfileManager.renameProfile(originalProfile, newProfile, error)) return false; return true; } public String[] getQuickCommandsDefaults() { String[] out = new String[12]; out[0] = "/gamemode 0"; out[1] = "/gamemode 1"; out[2] = "/help"; out[3] = "/home"; out[4] = "/sethome"; out[5] = "/spawn"; out[6] = "hi!"; out[7] = "bye!"; out[8] = "folow me!"; out[9] = "take this!"; out[10] = "thank you!"; out[11] = "praise the sun!"; return out; } private VRControllerButtonMapping[] getBindingsDefaults() { VRControllerButtonMapping[] out = new VRControllerButtonMapping[ViveButtons.values().length]; //vive out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER, "key.attack"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER_FULLCLICK.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER_FULLCLICK, "none"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_GRIP.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping(ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_GRIP, "key.pickItem"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_APPMENU.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_APPMENU, "key.drop"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_BL.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_BL, "key.use"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_BR.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_BR, "key.use"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_UL.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_UL, "key.use"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_UR.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_UR, "key.use"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER, "key.forward"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER_FULLCLICK.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER_FULLCLICK, "key.sprint"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_GRIP.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping(ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_GRIP, "key.sneak"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_APPMENU.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_APPMENU, "none"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_BL.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_BL, "key.jump"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_BR.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_BR, "key.jump"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_UL.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_UL, "key.inventory"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_UR.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_UR, "key.inventory"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_UP.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_UP, "none"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_DOWN.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_DOWN, "none"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_LEFT.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_LEFT, "none"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_RIGHT.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_LEFT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_RIGHT, "none"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_UP.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_UP, "none"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_DOWN.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_DOWN, "none"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_LEFT.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_LEFT, "Hotbar Prev"); out[ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_RIGHT.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.BUTTON_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE_RIGHT, "Hotbar Next"); //touch out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_INDEX_TRIGGER_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_INDEX_TRIGGER_PRESS, "key.attack"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_INDEX_TRIGGER_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_INDEX_TRIGGER_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_A_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_A_PRESS, "key.use"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_B_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_B_PRESS, "key.drop"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_A_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_A_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_B_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_B_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_HAND_TRIGGER_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_HAND_TRIGGER_PRESS, "key.pickItem"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_HAND_TRIGGER_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_HAND_TRIGGER_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_PRESS, "key.inventory"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_TOUCH, "none"); //out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_THUMBPAD_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping(ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_THUMBPAD_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_INDEX_TRIGGER_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_INDEX_TRIGGER_PRESS, "key.forward"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_INDEX_TRIGGER_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_INDEX_TRIGGER_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_X_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_X_PRESS, ""); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_Y_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_Y_PRESS, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_X_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_X_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_Y_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_Y_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_HAND_TRIGGER_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_HAND_TRIGGER_PRESS, "key.playerlist"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_HAND_TRIGGER_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_HAND_TRIGGER_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_PRESS.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_PRESS, "key.sprint"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_TOUCH, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_LEFT.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_LEFT, "Rotate Left"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_RIGHT.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_RIGHT, "Rotate Right"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_UP.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_UP, "key.jump"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_DOWN.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_STICK_DOWN, "key.sneak"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_UP.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_UP, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_DOWN.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_DOWN, "none"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_LEFT.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_LEFT, "Hotbar Prev"); out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_RIGHT.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping( ViveButtons.OCULUS_RIGHT_STICK_RIGHT, "Hotbar Next"); //out[ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_THUMBPAD_TOUCH.ordinal()] = new VRControllerButtonMapping(ViveButtons.OCULUS_LEFT_THUMBPAD_TOUCH, "none"); return out; } }