Java tutorial
/** * Copyright Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS * OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION * ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * * See the Apache License, Version 2.0 for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import com.msopentech.odatajclient.engine.utils.ODataConstants; import com.msopentech.odatajclient.engine.utils.URIUtils; import com.msopentech.odatajclient.engine.utils.XMLUtils; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; public final class ODataBinder { /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ODataBinder.class); private ODataBinder() { // Empty private constructor for static utility classes } private static Element newEntryContent() { Element properties = null; try { final DocumentBuilder builder = ODataConstants.DOC_BUILDER_FACTORY.newDocumentBuilder(); final Document doc = builder.newDocument(); properties = doc.createElement(ODataConstants.ELEM_PROPERTIES); properties.setAttribute(ODataConstants.XMLNS_METADATA, ODataConstants.NS_METADATA); properties.setAttribute(ODataConstants.XMLNS_DATASERVICES, ODataConstants.NS_DATASERVICES); properties.setAttribute(ODataConstants.XMLNS_GML, ODataConstants.NS_GML); properties.setAttribute(ODataConstants.XMLNS_GEORSS, ODataConstants.NS_GEORSS); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { LOG.error("Failure building entry content", e); } return properties; } /** * Gets a <tt>FeedResource</tt> from the given OData entity set. * * @param <T> feed resource type. * @param feed OData entity set. * @param reference reference class. * @return <tt>FeedResource</tt> object. */ public static <T extends FeedResource> T getFeed(final ODataEntitySet feed, final Class<T> reference) { final T feedResource = ResourceFactory.newFeed(reference); final List<EntryResource> entries = new ArrayList<EntryResource>(); feedResource.setEntries(entries); final URI next = feed.getNext(); if (next != null) { feedResource.setNext(next); } for (ODataEntity entity : feed.getEntities()) { entries.add(getEntry(entity, ResourceFactory.entryClassForFeed(reference))); } feedResource.setEntries(entries); return feedResource; } /** * Gets an <tt>EntryResource</tt> from the given OData entity. * * @param <T> entry resource type. * @param entity OData entity. * @param reference reference class. * @return <tt>EntryResource</tt> object. */ public static <T extends EntryResource> T getEntry(final ODataEntity entity, final Class<T> reference) { return getEntry(entity, reference, true); } /** * Gets an <tt>EntryResource</tt> from the given OData entity. * * @param <T> entry resource type. * @param entity OData entity. * @param reference reference class. * @param setType whether to explicitly output type information. * @return <tt>EntryResource</tt> object. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends EntryResource> T getEntry(final ODataEntity entity, final Class<T> reference, final boolean setType) { final T entry = ResourceFactory.newEntry(reference); entry.setType(entity.getName()); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Add edit and self link // ------------------------------------------------------------- final URI editLink = entity.getEditLink(); if (editLink != null) { final LinkResource entryEditLink = ResourceFactory.newLinkForEntry(reference); entryEditLink.setTitle(entity.getName()); entryEditLink.setHref(editLink.toASCIIString()); entryEditLink.setRel(ODataConstants.EDIT_LINK_REL); entry.setEditLink(entryEditLink); } if (entity.isReadOnly()) { final LinkResource entrySelfLink = ResourceFactory.newLinkForEntry(reference); entrySelfLink.setTitle(entity.getName()); entrySelfLink.setHref(entity.getLink().toASCIIString()); entrySelfLink.setRel(ODataConstants.SELF_LINK_REL); entry.setSelfLink(entrySelfLink); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Append navigation links (handling inline entry / feed as well) // ------------------------------------------------------------- // handle navigation links for (ODataLink link : entity.getNavigationLinks()) { // append link LOG.debug("Append navigation link\n{}", link); entry.addNavigationLink(getLinkResource(link, ResourceFactory.linkClassForEntry(reference))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Append edit-media links // ------------------------------------------------------------- for (ODataLink link : entity.getEditMediaLinks()) { LOG.debug("Append edit-media link\n{}", link); entry.addMediaEditLink(getLinkResource(link, ResourceFactory.linkClassForEntry(reference))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Append association links // ------------------------------------------------------------- for (ODataLink link : entity.getAssociationLinks()) { LOG.debug("Append association link\n{}", link); entry.addAssociationLink(getLinkResource(link, ResourceFactory.linkClassForEntry(reference))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- final Element content = newEntryContent(); if (entity.isMediaEntity()) { entry.setMediaEntryProperties(content); entry.setMediaContentSource(entity.getMediaContentSource()); entry.setMediaContentType(entity.getMediaContentType()); } else { entry.setContent(content); } for (ODataProperty prop : entity.getProperties()) { content.appendChild(toDOMElement(prop, content.getOwnerDocument(), setType)); } return entry; } /** * Gets the given OData property as DOM element. * * @param prop OData property. * @return <tt>Element</tt> object. */ public static Element toDOMElement(final ODataProperty prop) { try { return toDOMElement(prop, ODataConstants.DOC_BUILDER_FACTORY.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(), true); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { LOG.error("Error retrieving property DOM", e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } public static ODataLinkCollection getLinkCollection(final LinkCollectionResource linkCollection) { final ODataLinkCollection collection = new ODataLinkCollection(linkCollection.getNext()); collection.setLinks(linkCollection.getLinks()); return collection; } /** * Gets <tt>ODataServiceDocument</tt> from the given service document resource. * * @param resource service document resource. * @return <tt>ODataServiceDocument</tt> object. */ public static ODataServiceDocument getODataServiceDocument(final ServiceDocumentResource resource) { final ODataServiceDocument serviceDocument = new ODataServiceDocument(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : resource.getToplevelEntitySets().entrySet()) { serviceDocument.addEntitySet(entry.getKey(), URIUtils.getURI(resource.getBaseURI(), entry.getValue())); } return serviceDocument; } /** * Gets <tt>ODataEntitySet</tt> from the given feed resource. * * @param resource feed resource. * @return <tt>ODataEntitySet</tt> object. */ public static ODataEntitySet getODataEntitySet(final FeedResource resource) { return getODataEntitySet(resource, null); } /** * Gets <tt>ODataEntitySet</tt> from the given feed resource. * * @param resource feed resource. * @param defaultBaseURI default base URI. * @return <tt>ODataEntitySet</tt> object. */ public static ODataEntitySet getODataEntitySet(final FeedResource resource, final URI defaultBaseURI) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); Serializer.feed(resource, writer); writer.flush(); LOG.debug("FeedResource -> ODataEntitySet:\n{}", writer.toString()); } final URI base = defaultBaseURI == null ? resource.getBaseURI() : defaultBaseURI; final URI next = resource.getNext(); final ODataEntitySet entitySet = next == null ? ODataFactory.newEntitySet() : ODataFactory.newEntitySet(URIUtils.getURI(base, next.toASCIIString())); if (resource.getCount() != null) { entitySet.setCount(resource.getCount()); } for (EntryResource entryResource : resource.getEntries()) { entitySet.addEntity(getODataEntity(entryResource)); } return entitySet; } /** * Gets <tt>ODataEntity</tt> from the given entry resource. * * @param resource entry resource. * @return <tt>ODataEntity</tt> object. */ public static ODataEntity getODataEntity(final EntryResource resource) { return getODataEntity(resource, null); } /** * Gets <tt>ODataEntity</tt> from the given entry resource. * * @param resource entry resource. * @param defaultBaseURI default base URI. * @return <tt>ODataEntity</tt> object. */ public static ODataEntity getODataEntity(final EntryResource resource, final URI defaultBaseURI) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); Serializer.entry(resource, writer); writer.flush(); LOG.debug("EntryResource -> ODataEntity:\n{}", writer.toString()); } final URI base = defaultBaseURI == null ? resource.getBaseURI() : defaultBaseURI; final ODataEntity entity = resource.getSelfLink() == null ? ODataFactory.newEntity(resource.getType()) : ODataFactory.newEntity(resource.getType(), URIUtils.getURI(base, resource.getSelfLink().getHref())); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resource.getETag())) { entity.setETag(resource.getETag()); } if (resource.getEditLink() != null) { entity.setEditLink(URIUtils.getURI(base, resource.getEditLink().getHref())); } for (LinkResource link : resource.getAssociationLinks()) { entity.addLink(ODataFactory.newAssociationLink(link.getTitle(), base, link.getHref())); } for (LinkResource link : resource.getNavigationLinks()) { final EntryResource inlineEntry = link.getInlineEntry(); final FeedResource inlineFeed = link.getInlineFeed(); if (inlineEntry == null && inlineFeed == null) { entity.addLink(ODataFactory.newEntityNavigationLink(link.getTitle(), base, link.getHref())); } else if (inlineFeed == null) { entity.addLink(ODataFactory.newInlineEntity(link.getTitle(), base, link.getHref(), getODataEntity( inlineEntry, inlineEntry.getBaseURI() == null ? base : inlineEntry.getBaseURI()))); } else { entity.addLink( ODataFactory.newInlineEntitySet(link.getTitle(), base, link.getHref(), getODataEntitySet( inlineFeed, inlineFeed.getBaseURI() == null ? base : inlineFeed.getBaseURI()))); } } for (LinkResource link : resource.getMediaEditLinks()) { entity.addLink(ODataFactory.newMediaEditLink(link.getTitle(), base, link.getHref())); } for (ODataOperation operation : resource.getOperations()) { operation.setTarget(URIUtils.getURI(base, operation.getTarget())); entity.addOperation(operation); } final Element content; if (resource.isMediaEntry()) { entity.setMediaEntity(true); entity.setMediaContentSource(resource.getMediaContentSource()); entity.setMediaContentType(resource.getMediaContentType()); content = resource.getMediaEntryProperties(); } else { content = resource.getContent(); } if (content != null) { for (Node property : XMLUtils.getChildNodes(content, Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { try { entity.addProperty(getProperty((Element) property)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Failure retrieving EdmType for {}", property.getTextContent(), e); } } } return entity; } /** * Gets a <tt>LinkResource</tt> from the given OData link. * * @param <T> link resource type. * @param link OData link. * @param reference reference class. * @return <tt>LinkResource</tt> object. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends LinkResource> T getLinkResource(final ODataLink link, final Class<T> reference) { final T linkResource = ResourceFactory.newLink(reference); linkResource.setRel(link.getRel()); linkResource.setTitle(link.getName()); linkResource.setHref(link.getLink() == null ? null : link.getLink().toASCIIString()); linkResource.setType(link.getType().toString()); if (link instanceof ODataInlineEntity) { // append inline entity final ODataEntity inlineEntity = ((ODataInlineEntity) link).getEntity(); LOG.debug("Append in-line entity\n{}", inlineEntity); linkResource.setInlineEntry(getEntry(inlineEntity, ResourceFactory.entryClassForLink(reference))); } else if (link instanceof ODataInlineEntitySet) { // append inline feed final ODataEntitySet inlineFeed = ((ODataInlineEntitySet) link).getEntitySet(); LOG.debug("Append in-line feed\n{}", inlineFeed); linkResource.setInlineFeed(getFeed(inlineFeed, ResourceFactory.feedClassForLink(reference))); } return linkResource; } /** * Gets an <tt>ODataProperty</tt> from the given DOM element. * * @param property content. * @return <tt>ODataProperty</tt> object. */ public static ODataProperty getProperty(final Element property) { final ODataProperty res; final Node nullNode = property.getAttributes().getNamedItem(ODataConstants.ATTR_NULL); if (nullNode == null) { final EdmType edmType = StringUtils.isBlank(property.getAttribute(ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE)) ? null : new EdmType(property.getAttribute(ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE)); final PropertyType propType = edmType == null ? guessPropertyType(property) : edmType.isCollection() ? PropertyType.COLLECTION : edmType.isSimpleType() ? PropertyType.PRIMITIVE : PropertyType.COMPLEX; switch (propType) { case COLLECTION: res = fromCollectionPropertyElement(property, edmType); break; case COMPLEX: res = fromComplexPropertyElement(property, edmType); break; case PRIMITIVE: res = fromPrimitivePropertyElement(property, edmType); break; case EMPTY: default: res = ODataFactory.newPrimitiveProperty(XMLUtils.getSimpleName(property), null); } } else { res = ODataFactory.newPrimitiveProperty(XMLUtils.getSimpleName(property), null); } return res; } private static PropertyType guessPropertyType(final Element property) { PropertyType res = null; if (property.hasChildNodes()) { final NodeList children = property.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; res == null && i < children.getLength(); i++) { final Node child = children.item(i); if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && !child.getNodeName().startsWith(ODataConstants.PREFIX_GML)) { res = ODataConstants.ELEM_ELEMENT.equals(XMLUtils.getSimpleName(child)) ? PropertyType.COLLECTION : PropertyType.COMPLEX; } } } else { res = PropertyType.EMPTY; } if (res == null) { res = PropertyType.PRIMITIVE; } return res; } private static Element toDOMElement(final ODataProperty prop, final Document doc, final boolean setType) { final Element element; if (prop.hasNullValue()) { // null property handling element = toNullPropertyElement(prop, doc); } else if (prop.hasPrimitiveValue()) { // primitive property handling element = toPrimitivePropertyElement(prop, doc, setType); } else if (prop.hasCollectionValue()) { // collection property handling element = toCollectionPropertyElement(prop, doc, setType); } else { // complex property handling element = toComplexPropertyElement(prop, doc, setType); } element.setAttribute(ODataConstants.XMLNS_METADATA, ODataConstants.NS_METADATA); element.setAttribute(ODataConstants.XMLNS_DATASERVICES, ODataConstants.NS_DATASERVICES); element.setAttribute(ODataConstants.XMLNS_GML, ODataConstants.NS_GML); element.setAttribute(ODataConstants.XMLNS_GEORSS, ODataConstants.NS_GEORSS); return element; } private static Element toNullPropertyElement(final ODataProperty prop, final Document doc) { final Element element = doc.createElement(ODataConstants.PREFIX_DATASERVICES + prop.getName()); element.setAttribute(ODataConstants.ATTR_NULL, Boolean.toString(true)); return element; } private static Element toPrimitivePropertyElement(final ODataProperty prop, final Document doc, final boolean setType) { return toPrimitivePropertyElement(prop.getName(), prop.getPrimitiveValue(), doc, setType); } private static Element toPrimitivePropertyElement(final String name, final ODataPrimitiveValue value, final Document doc, final boolean setType) { final Element element = doc.createElement(ODataConstants.PREFIX_DATASERVICES + name); if (setType) { element.setAttribute(ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, value.getTypeName()); } if (value instanceof ODataGeospatialValue) { element.appendChild(doc.importNode(((ODataGeospatialValue) value).toTree(), true)); } else { element.setTextContent(value.toString()); } return element; } private static Element toCollectionPropertyElement(final ODataProperty prop, final Document doc, final boolean setType) { if (!prop.hasCollectionValue()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid property value type " + prop.getValue().getClass().getSimpleName()); } final ODataCollectionValue value = prop.getCollectionValue(); final Element element = doc.createElement(ODataConstants.PREFIX_DATASERVICES + prop.getName()); if (value.getTypeName() != null && setType) { element.setAttribute(ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, value.getTypeName()); } for (ODataValue el : value) { if (el.isPrimitive()) { element.appendChild( toPrimitivePropertyElement(ODataConstants.ELEM_ELEMENT, el.asPrimitive(), doc, setType)); } else { element.appendChild( toComplexPropertyElement(ODataConstants.ELEM_ELEMENT, el.asComplex(), doc, setType)); } } return element; } private static Element toComplexPropertyElement(final ODataProperty prop, final Document doc, final boolean setType) { return toComplexPropertyElement(prop.getName(), prop.getComplexValue(), doc, setType); } private static Element toComplexPropertyElement(final String name, final ODataComplexValue value, final Document doc, final boolean setType) { final Element element = doc.createElement(ODataConstants.PREFIX_DATASERVICES + name); if (value.getTypeName() != null && setType) { element.setAttribute(ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, value.getTypeName()); } for (ODataProperty field : value) { element.appendChild(toDOMElement(field, doc, true)); } return element; } private static ODataPrimitiveValue fromPrimitiveValueElement(final Element prop, final EdmType edmType) { final ODataPrimitiveValue value; if (edmType != null && edmType.getSimpleType().isGeospatial()) { final Element geoProp = ODataConstants.PREFIX_GML.equals(prop.getPrefix()) ? prop : (Element) XMLUtils.getChildNodes(prop, Node.ELEMENT_NODE).get(0); value = new ODataGeospatialValue.Builder().setType(edmType.getSimpleType()).setTree(geoProp).build(); } else { value = new ODataPrimitiveValue.Builder().setType(edmType == null ? null : edmType.getSimpleType()) .setText(prop.getTextContent()).build(); } return value; } private static ODataProperty fromPrimitivePropertyElement(final Element prop, final EdmType edmType) { return ODataFactory.newPrimitiveProperty(XMLUtils.getSimpleName(prop), fromPrimitiveValueElement(prop, edmType)); } private static ODataComplexValue fromComplexValueElement(final Element prop, final EdmType edmType) { final ODataComplexValue value = new ODataComplexValue(edmType == null ? null : edmType.getTypeExpression()); for (Node child : XMLUtils.getChildNodes(prop, Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { value.add(getProperty((Element) child)); } return value; } private static ODataProperty fromComplexPropertyElement(final Element prop, final EdmType edmType) { return ODataFactory.newComplexProperty(XMLUtils.getSimpleName(prop), fromComplexValueElement(prop, edmType)); } private static ODataProperty fromCollectionPropertyElement(final Element prop, final EdmType edmType) { final ODataCollectionValue value = new ODataCollectionValue( edmType == null ? null : edmType.getTypeExpression()); final EdmType type = edmType == null ? null : new EdmType(edmType.getBaseType()); final NodeList elements = prop.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.getLength(); i++) { final Element child = (Element) elements.item(i); if (child.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) { switch (guessPropertyType(child)) { case COMPLEX: value.add(fromComplexValueElement(child, type)); break; case PRIMITIVE: value.add(fromPrimitiveValueElement(child, type)); break; default: // do not add null or empty values } } } return ODataFactory.newCollectionProperty(XMLUtils.getSimpleName(prop), value); } }