Java tutorial
/** * Copyright Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS * OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION * ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * * See the Apache License, Version 2.0 for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import; import; import com.msopentech.odatajclient.engine.utils.ODataConstants; import com.msopentech.odatajclient.engine.utils.XMLUtils; import; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * DOM tree utilities class. */ final class DOMTreeUtils { private DOMTreeUtils() { // Empty private constructor for static utility classes } /** * Recursively builds DOM content out of JSON subtree rooted at given node. * * @param document root of the DOM document being built * @param parent parent of the nodes being generated during this step * @param node JSON node to be used as source for DOM elements */ public static void buildSubtree(final Element parent, final JsonNode node) { final Iterator<String> fieldNameItor = node.fieldNames(); final Iterator<JsonNode> nodeItor = node.elements(); while (nodeItor.hasNext()) { final JsonNode child =; final String name = fieldNameItor.hasNext() ? : ""; // no name? array item if (name.isEmpty()) { final Element element = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_DATASERVICES, ODataConstants.PREFIX_DATASERVICES + ODataConstants.ELEM_ELEMENT); parent.appendChild(element); if (child.isValueNode()) { if (child.isNull()) { element.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_NULL, Boolean.toString(true)); } else { element.appendChild(parent.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode(child.asText())); } } if (child.isContainerNode()) { buildSubtree(element, child); } } else if (!name.contains("@") && !ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE.equals(name)) { final Element property = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_DATASERVICES, ODataConstants.PREFIX_DATASERVICES + name); parent.appendChild(property); boolean typeSet = false; if (node.hasNonNull(name + "@" + ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE)) { property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, node.get(name + "@" + ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE).textValue()); typeSet = true; } if (child.isNull()) { property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_NULL, Boolean.toString(true)); } else if (child.isValueNode()) { if (!typeSet) { if (child.isInt()) { property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, EdmSimpleType.Int32.toString()); } if (child.isLong()) { property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, EdmSimpleType.Int64.toString()); } if (child.isBigDecimal()) { property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, EdmSimpleType.Decimal.toString()); } if (child.isDouble()) { property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, EdmSimpleType.Double.toString()); } if (child.isBoolean()) { property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, EdmSimpleType.Boolean.toString()); } if (child.isTextual()) { property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, EdmSimpleType.String.toString()); } } property.appendChild(parent.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode(child.asText())); } else if (child.isContainerNode()) { if (!typeSet && child.hasNonNull(ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE)) { property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, child.get(ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE).textValue()); } final String type = property.getAttribute(ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(type) && EdmSimpleType.isGeospatial(type)) { if (EdmSimpleType.Geography.toString().equals(type) || EdmSimpleType.Geometry.toString().equals(type)) { final String geoType = child.get(ODataConstants.ATTR_TYPE).textValue(); property.setAttributeNS(ODataConstants.NS_METADATA, ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE, geoType.startsWith("Geo") ? EdmSimpleType.namespace() + "." + geoType : type + geoType); } if (child.has(ODataConstants.JSON_COORDINATES) || child.has(ODataConstants.JSON_GEOMETRIES)) { GeospatialJSONHandler.deserialize(child, property, property.getAttribute(ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE)); } } else { buildSubtree(property, child); } } } } } /** * Serializes DOM content as JSON. * * @param jgen JSON generator. * @param content content. * @throws IOException in case of write error. */ public static void writeSubtree(final JsonGenerator jgen, final Node content) throws IOException { writeSubtree(jgen, content, false); } /** * Serializes DOM content as JSON. * * @param jgen JSON generator. * @param content content. * @param propType whether to output type information in the way needed for property values or not. * @throws IOException in case of write error. */ public static void writeSubtree(final JsonGenerator jgen, final Node content, final boolean propType) throws IOException { for (Node child : XMLUtils.getChildNodes(content, Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { final String childName = XMLUtils.getSimpleName(child); final Node typeAttr = child.getAttributes().getNamedItem(ODataConstants.ATTR_M_TYPE); if (typeAttr != null && EdmSimpleType.isGeospatial(typeAttr.getTextContent())) { jgen.writeStringField( propType ? ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE : childName + "@" + ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE, typeAttr.getTextContent()); jgen.writeObjectFieldStart(childName); GeospatialJSONHandler.serialize(jgen, (Element) child, typeAttr.getTextContent()); jgen.writeEndObject(); } else if (XMLUtils.hasOnlyTextChildNodes(child)) { if (child.hasChildNodes()) { final String out; if (typeAttr == null) { out = child.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue(); } else { final EdmSimpleType type = EdmSimpleType.fromValue(typeAttr.getTextContent()); final ODataPrimitiveValue value = new ODataPrimitiveValue.Builder().setType(type) .setText(child.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue()).build(); out = value.toString(); jgen.writeStringField(childName + "@" + ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE, type.toString()); } jgen.writeStringField(childName, out); } else { if (child.getAttributes().getNamedItem(ODataConstants.ATTR_NULL) == null) { if (typeAttr != null && EdmSimpleType.String.toString().equals(typeAttr.getTextContent())) { jgen.writeStringField(childName + "@" + ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE, typeAttr.getTextContent()); jgen.writeStringField(childName, StringUtils.EMPTY); } else { jgen.writeArrayFieldStart(childName); jgen.writeEndArray(); } } else { jgen.writeNullField(childName); } } } else { if (XMLUtils.hasElementsChildNode(child)) { jgen.writeArrayFieldStart(childName); for (Node nephew : XMLUtils.getChildNodes(child, Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { if (XMLUtils.hasOnlyTextChildNodes(nephew)) { jgen.writeString(nephew.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue()); } else { jgen.writeStartObject(); writeSubtree(jgen, nephew); jgen.writeEndObject(); } } jgen.writeEndArray(); } else { jgen.writeObjectFieldStart(childName); if (typeAttr != null) { jgen.writeStringField(ODataConstants.JSON_TYPE, typeAttr.getTextContent()); } writeSubtree(jgen, child); jgen.writeEndObject(); } } } } }