Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * (c) Copyright 2012 WibiData, Inc.
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.moz.fiji.schema.impl.hbase;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.moz.fiji.annotations.ApiAudience;
import com.moz.fiji.commons.ResourceTracker;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.EntityId;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.HBaseEntityId;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.InternalFijiError;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiColumnName;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiDataRequest;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiDataRequestValidator;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiPartition;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiResult;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiResultScanner;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiRowData;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiRowScanner;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiTableReader;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiTableReaderBuilder;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiTableReaderBuilder.OnDecoderCacheMiss;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.NoSuchColumnException;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.SpecificCellDecoderFactory;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.filter.FijiRowFilter;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.filter.FijiRowFilterApplicator;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.hbase.HBaseScanOptions;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.impl.BoundColumnReaderSpec;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.impl.LayoutConsumer;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.layout.CellSpec;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.layout.ColumnReaderSpec;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.layout.HBaseColumnNameTranslator;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.layout.InvalidLayoutException;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.layout.FijiTableLayout;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.layout.impl.CellDecoderProvider;

 * Reads from a fiji table by sending the requests directly to the HBase tables.
public final class HBaseFijiTableReader implements FijiTableReader {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HBaseFijiTableReader.class);

    /** HBase FijiTable to read from. */
    private final HBaseFijiTable mTable;
    /** Behavior when a cell decoder cannot be found. */
    private final OnDecoderCacheMiss mOnDecoderCacheMiss;

    /** States of a fiji table reader instance. */
    private static enum State {

    /** Tracks the state of this FijiTableReader instance. */
    private final AtomicReference<State> mState = new AtomicReference<State>(State.UNINITIALIZED);

    /** Map of overridden CellSpecs to use when reading. Null when mOverrides is not null. */
    private final Map<FijiColumnName, CellSpec> mCellSpecOverrides;

    /** Map of overridden column read specifications. Null when mCellSpecOverrides is not null. */
    private final Map<FijiColumnName, BoundColumnReaderSpec> mOverrides;

    /** Map of backup column read specifications. Null when mCellSpecOverrides is not null. */
    private final Collection<BoundColumnReaderSpec> mAlternatives;

    /** Layout consumer registration resource. */
    private final LayoutConsumer.Registration mLayoutConsumerRegistration;

     * Encapsulation of all table layout related state necessary for the operation of this reader.
     * Can be hot swapped to reflect a table layout update.
    private ReaderLayoutCapsule mReaderLayoutCapsule = null;

     * Container class encapsulating all reader state which must be updated in response to a table
     * layout update.
    private static final class ReaderLayoutCapsule {
        private final CellDecoderProvider mCellDecoderProvider;
        private final FijiTableLayout mLayout;
        private final HBaseColumnNameTranslator mTranslator;

         * Default constructor.
         * @param cellDecoderProvider the CellDecoderProvider to cache.  This provider should reflect
         *     all overrides appropriate to this reader.
         * @param layout the FijiTableLayout to cache.
         * @param translator the FijiColumnNameTranslator to cache.
        private ReaderLayoutCapsule(final CellDecoderProvider cellDecoderProvider, final FijiTableLayout layout,
                final HBaseColumnNameTranslator translator) {
            mCellDecoderProvider = cellDecoderProvider;
            mLayout = layout;
            mTranslator = translator;

         * Get the column name translator for the current layout.
         * @return the column name translator for the current layout.
        private HBaseColumnNameTranslator getColumnNameTranslator() {
            return mTranslator;

         * Get the current table layout for the table to which this reader is associated.
         * @return the current table layout for the table to which this reader is associated.
        private FijiTableLayout getLayout() {
            return mLayout;

         * Get the CellDecoderProvider including CellSpec overrides for providing cell decoders for the
         * current layout.
         * @return the CellDecoderProvider including CellSpec overrides for providing cell decoders for
         * the current layout.
        private CellDecoderProvider getCellDecoderProvider() {
            return mCellDecoderProvider;

    /** Provides for the updating of this Reader in response to a table layout update. */
    private final class InnerLayoutUpdater implements LayoutConsumer {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void update(FijiTableLayout layout) throws IOException {
            if (mState.get() == State.CLOSED) {
                LOG.debug("FijiTableReader instance is closed; ignoring layout update.");
            final CellDecoderProvider provider;
            if (null != mCellSpecOverrides) {
                provider = CellDecoderProvider.create(layout, mTable.getFiji().getSchemaTable(),
                        SpecificCellDecoderFactory.get(), mCellSpecOverrides);
            } else {
                provider = CellDecoderProvider.create(layout, mOverrides, mAlternatives, mOnDecoderCacheMiss);
            if (mReaderLayoutCapsule != null) {
                LOG.debug("Updating layout used by FijiTableReader: {} for table: {} from version: {} to: {}", this,
                        mTable.getURI(), mReaderLayoutCapsule.getLayout().getDesc().getLayoutId(),
            } else {
                // If the capsule is null this is the initial setup and we need a different log message.
                LOG.debug("Initializing FijiTableReader: {} for table: {} with table layout version: {}", this,
                        mTable.getURI(), layout.getDesc().getLayoutId());
            mReaderLayoutCapsule = new ReaderLayoutCapsule(provider, layout,

     * Creates a new <code>HBaseFijiTableReader</code> instance that sends the read requests
     * directly to HBase.
     * @param table Fiji table from which to read.
     * @throws IOException on I/O error.
     * @return a new HBaseFijiTableReader.
    public static HBaseFijiTableReader create(final HBaseFijiTable table) throws IOException {
        return HBaseFijiTableReaderBuilder.create(table).buildAndOpen();

     * Creates a new <code>HbaseFijiTableReader</code> instance that sends read requests directly to
     * HBase.
     * @param table Fiji table from which to read.
     * @param overrides layout overrides to modify read behavior.
     * @return a new HBaseFijiTableReader.
     * @throws IOException in case of an error opening the reader.
     * @deprecated use {@link #createWithOptions}.
    public static HBaseFijiTableReader createWithCellSpecOverrides(final HBaseFijiTable table,
            final Map<FijiColumnName, CellSpec> overrides) throws IOException {
        return new HBaseFijiTableReader(table, overrides);

     * Create a new <code>HBaseFijiTableReader</code> instance that sends read requests directly to
     * HBase.
     * @param table Fiji table from which to read.
     * @param onDecoderCacheMiss behavior to use when a {@link ColumnReaderSpec} override
     *     specified in a {@link FijiDataRequest} cannot be found in the prebuilt cache of cell
     *     decoders.
     * @param overrides mapping from columns to overriding read behavior for those columns.
     * @param alternatives mapping from columns to reader spec alternatives which the
     *     FijiTableReader will accept as overrides in data requests.
     * @return a new HBaseFijiTableReader.
     * @throws IOException in case of an error opening the reader.
    public static HBaseFijiTableReader createWithOptions(final HBaseFijiTable table,
            final OnDecoderCacheMiss onDecoderCacheMiss, final Map<FijiColumnName, ColumnReaderSpec> overrides,
            final Multimap<FijiColumnName, ColumnReaderSpec> alternatives) throws IOException {
        return new HBaseFijiTableReader(table, onDecoderCacheMiss, overrides, alternatives);

     * Open a table reader whose behavior is customized by overriding CellSpecs.
     * @param table Fiji table from which this reader will read.
     * @param cellSpecOverrides specifications of overriding read behaviors.
     * @throws IOException in case of an error opening the reader.
    private HBaseFijiTableReader(final HBaseFijiTable table, final Map<FijiColumnName, CellSpec> cellSpecOverrides)
            throws IOException {
        mTable = table;
        mCellSpecOverrides = cellSpecOverrides;
        mOnDecoderCacheMiss = FijiTableReaderBuilder.DEFAULT_CACHE_MISS;
        mOverrides = null;
        mAlternatives = null;

        mLayoutConsumerRegistration = mTable.registerLayoutConsumer(new InnerLayoutUpdater());
        Preconditions.checkState(mReaderLayoutCapsule != null,
                "FijiTableReader for table: %s failed to initialize.", mTable.getURI());

        // Retain the table only when everything succeeds.
        final State oldState = mState.getAndSet(State.OPEN);
        Preconditions.checkState(oldState == State.UNINITIALIZED,
                "Cannot open FijiTableReader instance in state %s.", oldState);

     * Creates a new <code>HBaseFijiTableReader</code> instance that sends read requests directly to
     * HBase.
     * @param table Fiji table from which to read.
     * @param onDecoderCacheMiss behavior to use when a {@link ColumnReaderSpec} override
     *     specified in a {@link FijiDataRequest} cannot be found in the prebuilt cache of cell
     *     decoders.
     * @param overrides mapping from columns to overriding read behavior for those columns.
     * @param alternatives mapping from columns to reader spec alternatives which the
     *     FijiTableReader will accept as overrides in data requests.
     * @throws IOException on I/O error.
    private HBaseFijiTableReader(final HBaseFijiTable table, final OnDecoderCacheMiss onDecoderCacheMiss,
            final Map<FijiColumnName, ColumnReaderSpec> overrides,
            final Multimap<FijiColumnName, ColumnReaderSpec> alternatives) throws IOException {
        mTable = table;
        mOnDecoderCacheMiss = onDecoderCacheMiss;

        final FijiTableLayout layout = mTable.getLayout();
        final Set<FijiColumnName> layoutColumns = layout.getColumnNames();
        final Map<FijiColumnName, BoundColumnReaderSpec> boundOverrides = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (Map.Entry<FijiColumnName, ColumnReaderSpec> override : overrides.entrySet()) {
            final FijiColumnName column = override.getKey();
            if (!layoutColumns.contains(column)
                    && !layoutColumns.contains(FijiColumnName.create(column.getFamily()))) {
                throw new NoSuchColumnException(
                        String.format("FijiTableLayout: %s does not contain column: %s", layout, column));
            } else {
                boundOverrides.put(column, BoundColumnReaderSpec.create(override.getValue(), column));
        mOverrides = boundOverrides;
        final Collection<BoundColumnReaderSpec> boundAlternatives = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (Map.Entry<FijiColumnName, ColumnReaderSpec> altsEntry : alternatives.entries()) {
            final FijiColumnName column = altsEntry.getKey();
            if (!layoutColumns.contains(column)
                    && !layoutColumns.contains(FijiColumnName.create(column.getFamily()))) {
                throw new NoSuchColumnException(
                        String.format("FijiTableLayout: %s does not contain column: %s", layout, column));
            } else {
                boundAlternatives.add(BoundColumnReaderSpec.create(altsEntry.getValue(), altsEntry.getKey()));
        mAlternatives = boundAlternatives;
        mCellSpecOverrides = null;

        mLayoutConsumerRegistration = mTable.registerLayoutConsumer(new InnerLayoutUpdater());
        Preconditions.checkState(mReaderLayoutCapsule != null,
                "FijiTableReader for table: %s failed to initialize.", mTable.getURI());

        // Retain the table only when everything succeeds.
        final State oldState = mState.getAndSet(State.OPEN);
        Preconditions.checkState(oldState == State.UNINITIALIZED,
                "Cannot open FijiTableReader instance in state %s.", oldState);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FijiRowData get(EntityId entityId, FijiDataRequest dataRequest) throws IOException {
        final State state = mState.get();
        Preconditions.checkState(state == State.OPEN,
                "Cannot get row from FijiTableReader instance %s in state %s.", this, state);

        final ReaderLayoutCapsule capsule = mReaderLayoutCapsule;
        // Make sure the request validates against the layout of the table.
        final FijiTableLayout tableLayout = capsule.getLayout();
        validateRequestAgainstLayout(dataRequest, tableLayout);

        // Construct an HBase Get to send to the HTable.
        HBaseDataRequestAdapter hbaseRequestAdapter = new HBaseDataRequestAdapter(dataRequest,
        Get hbaseGet;
        try {
            hbaseGet = hbaseRequestAdapter.toGet(entityId, tableLayout);
        } catch (InvalidLayoutException e) {
            // The table layout should never be invalid at this point, since we got it from a valid
            // opened table.  If it is, there's something seriously wrong.
            throw new InternalFijiError(e);
        // Send the HTable Get.
        final Result result = hbaseGet.hasFamilies() ? doHBaseGet(hbaseGet) : new Result();

        // Parse the result.
        return new HBaseFijiRowData(mTable, dataRequest, entityId, result, capsule.getCellDecoderProvider());

     * Get a FijiResult for the given EntityId and data request.
     * <p>
     *   This method allows the caller to specify a type-bound on the values of the {@code FijiCell}s
     *   of the returned {@code FijiResult}. The caller should be careful to only specify an
     *   appropriate type. If the type is too specific (or wrong), a runtime
     *   {@link java.lang.ClassCastException} will be thrown when the returned {@code FijiResult} is
     *   used. See the 'Type Safety' section of {@link FijiResult}'s documentation for more details.
     * </p>
     * @param entityId EntityId of the row from which to get data.
     * @param dataRequest Specification of the data to get from the given row.
     * @param <T> type {@code FijiCell} value returned by the {@code FijiResult}.
     * @return a new FijiResult for the given EntityId and data request.
     * @throws IOException in case of an error getting the data.
    public <T> FijiResult<T> getResult(final EntityId entityId, final FijiDataRequest dataRequest)
            throws IOException {
        final State state = mState.get();
        Preconditions.checkState(state == State.OPEN,
                "Cannot get row from FijiTableReader instance %s in state %s.", this, state);
        final ReaderLayoutCapsule capsule = mReaderLayoutCapsule;
        final FijiTableLayout tableLayout = capsule.getLayout();
        validateRequestAgainstLayout(dataRequest, tableLayout);
        final HBaseDataRequestAdapter hbaseDataRequestAdapter = new HBaseDataRequestAdapter(dataRequest,
        final Get get = hbaseDataRequestAdapter.toGet(entityId, tableLayout);
        final Result result = get.hasFamilies() ? doHBaseGet(get) : new Result();
        return HBaseFijiResult.create(entityId, dataRequest, result, mTable, capsule.getLayout(),
                capsule.getColumnNameTranslator(), capsule.getCellDecoderProvider());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<FijiRowData> bulkGet(List<EntityId> entityIds, FijiDataRequest dataRequest) throws IOException {
        final State state = mState.get();
        Preconditions.checkState(state == State.OPEN,
                "Cannot get rows from FijiTableReader instance %s in state %s.", this, state);

        // Bulk gets have some overhead associated with them,
        // so delegate work to get(EntityId, FijiDataRequest) if possible.
        if (entityIds.size() == 1) {
            return Collections.singletonList(this.get(entityIds.get(0), dataRequest));
        final ReaderLayoutCapsule capsule = mReaderLayoutCapsule;
        final FijiTableLayout tableLayout = capsule.getLayout();
        validateRequestAgainstLayout(dataRequest, tableLayout);
        final HBaseDataRequestAdapter hbaseRequestAdapter = new HBaseDataRequestAdapter(dataRequest,

        // Construct a list of hbase Gets to send to the HTable.
        final List<Get> hbaseGetList = makeGetList(entityIds, tableLayout, hbaseRequestAdapter);

        // Send the HTable Gets.
        final Result[] results = doHBaseGet(hbaseGetList);
        Preconditions.checkState(entityIds.size() == results.length);

        // Parse the results.  If a Result is null, then the corresponding FijiRowData should also
        // be null.  This indicates that there was an error retrieving this row.
        return parseResults(results, entityIds, dataRequest);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public <T> List<FijiResult<T>> bulkGetResults(final List<EntityId> entityIds, final FijiDataRequest dataRequest)
            throws IOException {
        final State state = mState.get();
        Preconditions.checkState(state == State.OPEN,
                "Cannot get rows from FijiTableReader instance %s in state %s.", this, state);

        // Bulk gets have some overhead associated with them,
        // so delegate work to getResult(EntityId, FijiDataRequest) if possible.
        if (entityIds.size() == 1) {
            return Collections.singletonList(this.<T>getResult(entityIds.get(0), dataRequest));
        final ReaderLayoutCapsule capsule = mReaderLayoutCapsule;
        final FijiTableLayout tableLayout = capsule.getLayout();
        validateRequestAgainstLayout(dataRequest, tableLayout);
        final HBaseDataRequestAdapter hbaseRequestAdapter = new HBaseDataRequestAdapter(dataRequest,

        // Construct a list of hbase Gets to send to the HTable.
        final List<Get> hbaseGetList = makeGetList(entityIds, tableLayout, hbaseRequestAdapter);

        // Send the HTable Gets.
        final Result[] results = doHBaseGet(hbaseGetList);
        Preconditions.checkState(entityIds.size() == results.length);

        final List<FijiResult<T>> fijiResults = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < entityIds.size(); i++) {
            fijiResults.add(HBaseFijiResult.<T>create(entityIds.get(i), dataRequest, results[i], mTable,
                    capsule.getLayout(), capsule.getColumnNameTranslator(), capsule.getCellDecoderProvider()));
        return fijiResults;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FijiRowScanner getScanner(FijiDataRequest dataRequest) throws IOException {
        return getScanner(dataRequest, new FijiScannerOptions());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FijiRowScanner getScanner(FijiDataRequest dataRequest, FijiScannerOptions fijiScannerOptions)
            throws IOException {
        final State state = mState.get();
        Preconditions.checkState(state == State.OPEN,
                "Cannot get scanner from FijiTableReader instance %s in state %s.", this, state);

        try {
            EntityId startRow = fijiScannerOptions.getStartRow();
            EntityId stopRow = fijiScannerOptions.getStopRow();
            FijiRowFilter rowFilter = fijiScannerOptions.getFijiRowFilter();
            HBaseScanOptions scanOptions = fijiScannerOptions.getHBaseScanOptions();

            final ReaderLayoutCapsule capsule = mReaderLayoutCapsule;
            final HBaseDataRequestAdapter dataRequestAdapter = new HBaseDataRequestAdapter(dataRequest,
            final FijiTableLayout tableLayout = capsule.getLayout();
            validateRequestAgainstLayout(dataRequest, tableLayout);
            final Scan scan = dataRequestAdapter.toScan(tableLayout, scanOptions);

            if (null != startRow) {
            if (null != stopRow) {

            if (null != rowFilter) {
                final FijiRowFilterApplicator applicator = FijiRowFilterApplicator.create(rowFilter, tableLayout,

            return new HBaseFijiRowScanner(new HBaseFijiRowScanner.Options().withDataRequest(dataRequest)
        } catch (InvalidLayoutException e) {
            // The table layout should never be invalid at this point, since we got it from a valid
            // opened table.  If it is, there's something seriously wrong.
            throw new InternalFijiError(e);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public <T> HBaseFijiResultScanner<T> getFijiResultScanner(final FijiDataRequest request) throws IOException {
        return getFijiResultScanner(request, new FijiScannerOptions());

     * Get a FijiResultScanner for the given data request and scan options.
     * <p>
     *   This method allows the caller to specify a type-bound on the values of the {@code FijiCell}s
     *   of the returned {@code FijiResult}s. The caller should be careful to only specify an
     *   appropriate type. If the type is too specific (or wrong), a runtime
     *   {@link java.lang.ClassCastException} will be thrown when the returned {@code FijiResult} is
     *   used. See the 'Type Safety' section of {@code FijiResult}'s documentation for more details.
     * </p>
     * @param request Data request defining the data to retrieve from each row.
     * @param scannerOptions Options to control the operation of the scanner.
     * @param <T> type {@code FijiCell} value returned by the {@code FijiResult}.
     * @return A new FijiResultScanner.
     * @throws IOException in case of an error creating the scanner.
    public <T> HBaseFijiResultScanner<T> getFijiResultScanner(final FijiDataRequest request,
            final FijiScannerOptions scannerOptions) throws IOException {
        final State state = mState.get();
        Preconditions.checkState(state == State.OPEN,
                "Cannot get scanner from FijiTableReader instance %s in state %s.", this, state);

        final ReaderLayoutCapsule capsule = mReaderLayoutCapsule;
        final HBaseDataRequestAdapter adapter = new HBaseDataRequestAdapter(request,
        final FijiTableLayout layout = capsule.getLayout();
        validateRequestAgainstLayout(request, layout);
        final Scan scan = adapter.toScan(layout, scannerOptions.getHBaseScanOptions());
        if (null != scannerOptions.getStartRow()) {
        if (null != scannerOptions.getStopRow()) {

        if (null != scannerOptions.getFijiRowFilter()) {
            final FijiRowFilterApplicator applicator = FijiRowFilterApplicator
                    .create(scannerOptions.getFijiRowFilter(), layout, mTable.getFiji().getSchemaTable());

        return new HBaseFijiResultScanner<T>(request, mTable, scan, capsule.getLayout(),
                capsule.getCellDecoderProvider(), capsule.getColumnNameTranslator(),

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public <T> FijiResultScanner<T> getFijiResultScanner(final FijiDataRequest dataRequest,
            final FijiPartition partition) throws IOException {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(partition instanceof HBaseFijiPartition,
                "Can not scan an HBase table with a non-HBase partition.");
        final HBaseFijiPartition hbasePartition = (HBaseFijiPartition) partition;

        final FijiScannerOptions options = new FijiScannerOptions();
        return getFijiResultScanner(dataRequest, options);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString() {
        return Objects.toStringHelper(HBaseFijiTableReader.class).add("id", System.identityHashCode(this))
                .add("table", mTable.getURI())
                .add("layout-version", mReaderLayoutCapsule.getLayout().getDesc().getLayoutId())
                .add("state", mState.get()).toString();

     * Parses an array of hbase Results, returned from a bulk get, to a List of
     * FijiRowData.
     * @param results The results to parse.
     * @param entityIds The matching set of EntityIds.
     * @param dataRequest The FijiDataRequest.
     * @return The list of FijiRowData returned by these results.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error.
    private List<FijiRowData> parseResults(final Result[] results, final List<EntityId> entityIds,
            final FijiDataRequest dataRequest) throws IOException {
        List<FijiRowData> rowDataList = new ArrayList<FijiRowData>(results.length);

        for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            Result result = results[i];
            EntityId entityId = entityIds.get(i);

            final HBaseFijiRowData rowData = (null == result) ? null
                    : new HBaseFijiRowData(mTable, dataRequest, entityId, result,
        return rowDataList;

     * Creates a list of hbase Gets for a set of entityIds.
     * @param entityIds The set of entityIds to collect.
     * @param tableLayout The table layout specifying constraints on what data to return for a row.
     * @param hbaseRequestAdapter The HBaseDataRequestAdapter.
     * @return A list of hbase Gets-- one for each entity id.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error.
    private static List<Get> makeGetList(List<EntityId> entityIds, FijiTableLayout tableLayout,
            HBaseDataRequestAdapter hbaseRequestAdapter) throws IOException {
        List<Get> hbaseGetList = new ArrayList<Get>(entityIds.size());
        try {
            for (EntityId entityId : entityIds) {
                hbaseGetList.add(hbaseRequestAdapter.toGet(entityId, tableLayout));
            return hbaseGetList;
        } catch (InvalidLayoutException ile) {
            // The table layout should never be invalid at this point, since we got it from a valid
            // opened table.  If it is, there's something seriously wrong.
            throw new InternalFijiError(ile);

     * Validate a data request against a table layout.
     * @param dataRequest A FijiDataRequest.
     * @param layout the FijiTableLayout of the table against which to validate the data request.
    private void validateRequestAgainstLayout(FijiDataRequest dataRequest, FijiTableLayout layout) {
        // TODO(SCHEMA-263): This could be made more efficient if the layout and/or validator were
        // cached.

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void close() throws IOException {
        final State oldState = mState.getAndSet(State.CLOSED);
        Preconditions.checkState(oldState == State.OPEN, "Cannot close FijiTableReader instance %s in state %s.",
                this, oldState);

     * Sends an HBase Get request.
     * @param get HBase Get request.
     * @return the HBase Result.
     * @throws IOException on I/O error.
    private Result doHBaseGet(Get get) throws IOException {
        final HTableInterface htable = mTable.openHTableConnection();
        try {
            LOG.debug("Sending HBase Get: {}", get);
            return htable.get(get);
        } finally {

     * Sends a batch of HBase Get requests.
     * @param get HBase Get requests.
     * @return the HBase Results.
     * @throws IOException on I/O error.
    private Result[] doHBaseGet(List<Get> get) throws IOException {
        final HTableInterface htable = mTable.openHTableConnection();
        try {
            LOG.debug("Sending bulk HBase Get: {}", get);
            return htable.get(get);
        } finally {