Java tutorial
/** * (c) Copyright 2013 WibiData, Inc. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.moz.fiji.mapreduce; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.moz.fiji.mapreduce.avro.generated.JobHistoryEntry; import com.moz.fiji.mapreduce.framework.JobHistoryFijiTable; import com.moz.fiji.mapreduce.framework.FijiConfKeys; import com.moz.fiji.mapreduce.output.MapReduceJobOutputs; import com.moz.fiji.mapreduce.produce.FijiProduceJobBuilder; import com.moz.fiji.mapreduce.produce.FijiProducer; import com.moz.fiji.mapreduce.produce.ProducerContext; import; import com.moz.fiji.schema.Fiji; import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiDataRequest; import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiRowData; import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiTable; import com.moz.fiji.schema.FijiURI; import com.moz.fiji.schema.layout.FijiTableLayout; import com.moz.fiji.schema.testutil.AbstractFijiIntegrationTest; /** * Integration test for the job history table. */ public class IntegrationTestJobHistoryFijiTable extends AbstractFijiIntegrationTest { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IntegrationTestJobHistoryFijiTable.class); /** * Test that makes sure the job history table is installed correctly and can be opened. */ @Test public void testInstallAndOpen() throws Exception { Fiji fiji =; try { // This will throw an IOException if there's difficulty opening the table final JobHistoryFijiTable jobHistory =; jobHistory.close(); } finally { fiji.release(); } } /** * This test sets up an older version of the job history table and ensures that * it gets updated upon install. * * @throws Exception Upon failure to install or upgrade the job history table. */ @Test public void testUpgradeJobHistoryTable() throws Exception { final String tableName = "job_history"; // old table layout. final String tableLayoutResource = "/com.moz.fiji/mapreduce/job-history-layout.json"; // all job history tables have at least this version. final String prevTableLayoutVersion = "1"; // latest job history layout version final String jhTableLayoutVersion = "2"; Fiji fiji =; try { // If the job history table exists, delete it. if (fiji.getTableNames().contains(tableName)) { fiji.deleteTable(tableName); } // Create a job history table with the older layout fiji.createTable(FijiTableLayout.createFromEffectiveJsonResource(tableLayoutResource).getDesc()); assertEquals(fiji.getMetaTable().getTableLayout(tableName).getDesc().getLayoutId(), prevTableLayoutVersion); // Now install job history table final JobHistoryFijiTable jobHistory =; try { assertEquals(fiji.getMetaTable().getTableLayout(tableName).getDesc().getLayoutId(), jhTableLayoutVersion); } finally { jobHistory.close(); } } finally { fiji.release(); } } /** A private inner producer to test job recording. */ public static class EmailDomainProducer extends FijiProducer { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FijiDataRequest getDataRequest() { // We only need to read the most recent email address field from the user's row. return FijiDataRequest.create("info", "email"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getOutputColumn() { return "derived:domain"; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void produce(FijiRowData input, ProducerContext context) throws IOException { if (!input.containsColumn("info", "email")) { // This user doesn't have an email address. return; } String email = input.getMostRecentValue("info", "email").toString(); int atSymbol = email.indexOf("@"); if (atSymbol < 0) { // Couldn't find the '@' in the email address. Give up. return; } String domain = email.substring(atSymbol + 1); context.put(domain); } } /** A private inner producer to test job recording of failed jobs. */ public static class BrokenEmailDomainProducer extends FijiProducer { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FijiDataRequest getDataRequest() { // We only need to read the most recent email address field from the user's row. return FijiDataRequest.create("info", "email"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getOutputColumn() { return "derived:domain"; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void produce(FijiRowData input, ProducerContext context) throws IOException { throw new RuntimeException("This producer always fails."); } } /** * Test of all the basic information recorded by a mapper. */ @Test public void testMappers() throws Exception { createAndPopulateFooTable(); final Configuration jobConf = getConf(); // Set a value in the configuration. We'll check to be sure we can retrieve it later. jobConf.set("conf.test.animal.string", "squirrel"); final Fiji fiji =; try { final FijiURI fooTableURI = FijiURI.newBuilder(getFijiURI()).withTableName("foo").build(); final JobHistoryFijiTable jobHistory =; try { // Construct a Producer for this table. final FijiProduceJobBuilder builder = FijiProduceJobBuilder.create().withConf(jobConf) .withInputTable(fooTableURI).withProducer(EmailDomainProducer.class) .withOutput(MapReduceJobOutputs.newDirectFijiTableMapReduceJobOutput(fooTableURI)); FijiMapReduceJob mrJob =; // Record the jobId and run the job. String jobName = mrJob.getHadoopJob().getJobName();"About to run job: " + jobName); assertTrue(; String jobId = mrJob.getHadoopJob().getJobID().toString();"Job was run with id: " + jobId); // Retrieve the recorded values and sanity test them. JobHistoryEntry jobEntry = jobHistory.getJobDetails(jobId); assertEquals(jobEntry.getJobName(), jobName); assertEquals(jobEntry.getJobId(), jobId); assertTrue(jobEntry.getJobStartTime() < jobEntry.getJobEndTime()); assertEquals("SUCCEEDED", jobEntry.getJobEndStatus()); // Check counters. We don't know the exact number of rows in the foo table, so just check if // it's greater than 0. final String countersString = jobEntry.getJobCounters(); final Pattern countersPattern = Pattern.compile("PRODUCER_ROWS_PROCESSED=(\\d+)"); final Matcher countersMatcher = countersPattern.matcher(countersString); assertTrue(countersMatcher.find()); assertTrue(Integer.parseInt( > 0); // Test to make sure the Configuration has the correct producer class, and records the value // we set previously. final String configString = jobEntry.getJobConfiguration(); final Configuration config = new Configuration(); config.addResource(new ByteArrayInputStream(configString.getBytes())); assertTrue(EmailDomainProducer.class == config.getClass(FijiConfKeys.FIJI_PRODUCER_CLASS, null)); assertEquals("Couldn't retrieve configuration field from deserialized configuration.", "squirrel", config.get("conf.test.animal.string")); } finally { jobHistory.close(); } } finally { fiji.release(); } } /** * Test that runs a producer that always fails and checks to be sure that it's recorded in the * history table with a failure. */ @Test public void testFailingJob() throws Exception { createAndPopulateFooTable(); final Configuration jobConf = getConf(); final Fiji fiji =; try { final FijiURI fooTableURI = FijiURI.newBuilder(getFijiURI()).withTableName("foo").build(); final JobHistoryFijiTable jobHistory =; try { // Construct a Producer for this table. final FijiProduceJobBuilder builder = FijiProduceJobBuilder.create().withConf(jobConf) .withInputTable(fooTableURI).withProducer(BrokenEmailDomainProducer.class) .withOutput(MapReduceJobOutputs.newDirectFijiTableMapReduceJobOutput(fooTableURI)); FijiMapReduceJob mrJob =; // Record the jobId and run the job. Make sure it completes and failed. String jobName = mrJob.getHadoopJob().getJobName();"About to run failing job: " + jobName); assertFalse(; String jobId = mrJob.getHadoopJob().getJobID().toString();"Job was run with id: " + jobId); assertTrue(mrJob.getHadoopJob().isComplete()); assertFalse(mrJob.getHadoopJob().isSuccessful()); // Retrieve the job status from the history table and make sure it failed. JobHistoryEntry jobEntry = jobHistory.getJobDetails(jobId); assertEquals("FAILED", jobEntry.getJobEndStatus()); } finally { jobHistory.close(); } } finally { fiji.release(); } } /** * Test that makes sure information is recorded correctly for a job run with .submit() instead * of .run(). Only checks timing info. */ @Test public void testSubmit() throws Exception { createAndPopulateFooTable(); final Fiji fiji =; try { final FijiURI fooTableURI = FijiURI.newBuilder(getFijiURI()).withTableName("foo").build(); JobHistoryFijiTable jobHistory =; try { // Construct a Producer for this table. FijiProduceJobBuilder builder = FijiProduceJobBuilder.create().withConf(getConf()) .withInputTable(fooTableURI).withProducer(EmailDomainProducer.class) .withOutput(MapReduceJobOutputs.newDirectFijiTableMapReduceJobOutput(fooTableURI)); FijiMapReduceJob mrJob =;"About to submit job: " + mrJob.getHadoopJob().getJobName()); FijiMapReduceJob.Status status = mrJob.submit(); while (!status.isComplete()) { Thread.sleep(1000L); } assertTrue(status.isSuccessful()); String jobId = mrJob.getHadoopJob().getJobID().toString();"Job successfully submitted and run. Id: " + jobId); // The job recording takes place in a separate thread, so sleep a bit to give it time to // write out. Thread.sleep(5000L); JobHistoryEntry jobEntry = jobHistory.getJobDetails(jobId); assertTrue(jobEntry.getJobStartTime() < jobEntry.getJobEndTime()); } finally { jobHistory.close(); } } finally { fiji.release(); } } /** * Tests that a job will still run to completion even without an installed job history table. */ @Test public void testMissingHistoryTableNonfatal() throws Exception { createAndPopulateFooTable(); // Do not create a job history table. final Fiji fiji =; try { final FijiTable fooTable = fiji.openTable("foo"); try { final FijiProduceJobBuilder builder = FijiProduceJobBuilder.create().withConf(getConf()) .withInputTable(fooTable.getURI()).withProducer(EmailDomainProducer.class) .withOutput(MapReduceJobOutputs.newDirectFijiTableMapReduceJobOutput(fooTable.getURI())); final FijiMapReduceJob mrJob =; assertTrue(; } finally { fooTable.release(); } } finally { fiji.release(); } } /** * Tests the output of the job-history tool. */ @Test public void testJobHistoryTool() throws Exception { createAndPopulateFooTable(); final Configuration jobConf = getConf(); final Fiji fiji =; try { final FijiURI fooTableURI = FijiURI.newBuilder(getFijiURI()).withTableName("foo").build(); // Construct two producers for this table. final FijiProduceJobBuilder builderEmailDomain = FijiProduceJobBuilder.create().withConf(jobConf) .withInputTable(fooTableURI).withProducer(EmailDomainProducer.class) .withOutput(MapReduceJobOutputs.newDirectFijiTableMapReduceJobOutput(fooTableURI)); FijiMapReduceJob mrJobOne =; FijiMapReduceJob mrJobTwo =; // Run the first produce job. String jobOneName = mrJobOne.getHadoopJob().getJobName();"About to run job: " + jobOneName); assertTrue(; String jobOneId = mrJobOne.getHadoopJob().getJobID().toString();"Job was run with id: " + jobOneId); // Get the StdOut from the job-history tool. String jobHistoryStdOut = runTool(new FijiJobHistory(), new String[] { "--fiji=" + fiji.getURI(), "--job-id=" + jobOneId, "--verbose", "--counter-names", }).getStdout("Utf-8"); JobHistoryFijiTable jobHistory =; // Check if the StdOut contains the job history for the first job try { JobHistoryEntry jobOneEntry = jobHistory.getJobDetails(jobOneId); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobOneEntry.getJobName())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobOneEntry.getJobId())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(new Date(jobOneEntry.getJobStartTime()).toString())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(new Date(jobOneEntry.getJobEndTime()).toString())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobOneEntry.getJobEndStatus())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobOneEntry.getJobCounters())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobOneEntry.getJobConfiguration())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut .contains(Arrays.toString(jobOneEntry.getCountersFamily().keySet().toArray()))); // check for a specific counter to guard against an empty array in the check above assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut .contains("com.moz.fiji.mapreduce.framework.JobHistoryCounters:PRODUCER_ROWS_PROCESSED")); // Run the second produce job. String jobTwoName = mrJobTwo.getHadoopJob().getJobName();"About to run job: " + jobTwoName); assertTrue(; String jobTwoId = mrJobTwo.getHadoopJob().getJobID().toString();"Job was run with id: " + jobTwoId); // Get the StdOut from the job-history tool, again. jobHistoryStdOut = runTool(new FijiJobHistory(), new String[] { "--fiji=" + fiji.getURI() }) .getStdout("Utf-8"); // Check if the StdOut contains the relevant job histories for each job. // Check the first produce job again. assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobOneEntry.getJobName())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobOneEntry.getJobId())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(new Date(jobOneEntry.getJobStartTime()).toString())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(new Date(jobOneEntry.getJobEndTime()).toString())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobOneEntry.getJobEndStatus())); // Check the second produce job. JobHistoryEntry jobTwoEntry = jobHistory.getJobDetails(jobTwoId); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobTwoEntry.getJobName())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobTwoEntry.getJobId())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(new Date(jobTwoEntry.getJobStartTime()).toString())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(new Date(jobTwoEntry.getJobEndTime()).toString())); assertTrue(jobHistoryStdOut.contains(jobTwoEntry.getJobEndStatus())); } finally { jobHistory.close(); } } finally { fiji.release(); } } }