Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2016 YAMJ Members * * * This file is part of the Yet Another Movie Jukebox (YAMJ) project. * * YAMJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * YAMJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with YAMJ. If not, see <>. * * Web: * */ package; import static; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.substringAfter; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.substringBefore; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.trimToNull; import com.moviejukebox.model.Jukebox; import com.moviejukebox.model.Movie; import com.moviejukebox.model.MovieFile; import com.moviejukebox.scanner.IArchiveScanner; import*; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public final class FileTools { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileTools.class); private static final int BUFF_SIZE = 16 * 1024; private static final Collection<String> SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS = new ArrayList<>(); private static final Collection<ReplaceEntry> UNSAFE_CHARS = new ArrayList<>(); private static final Collection<String> GENERATED_FILENAMES = Collections .synchronizedCollection(new ArrayList<String>()); private static boolean videoimageDownload = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.includeVideoImages", Boolean.FALSE); private static int footerImageEnabled = PropertiesUtil.getIntProperty("mjb.footer.count", 0); private static String indexFilesPrefix = getProperty("mjb.indexFilesPrefix", ""); // Literals private static final String BDMV_STREAM = File.separator + "BDMV" + File.separator + "STREAM"; // File Cache public static ScannedFilesCache fileCache = new ScannedFilesCache(); // Lock for mkdirs private static Lock fsLock = new ReentrantLock(); private static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8"; private static final int MAX_TRIES = 5; /** * Gabriel Corneanu: One buffer for each thread to allow threaded copies */ private static final ThreadLocal<byte[]> THREAD_BUFFER = new ThreadLocal<byte[]>() { @Override protected byte[] initialValue() { return new byte[BUFF_SIZE]; } }; private FileTools() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Class cannot be instantiated"); } public static void initSubtitleExtensions() { if (SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS.isEmpty()) { SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS.addAll(Arrays.asList( PropertiesUtil.getProperty("filename.scanner.subtitle", "SRT,SUB,SSA,SMI,PGS").split(","))); } } private static class ReplaceEntry { private String oldText, newText; private int oldLength; public ReplaceEntry(String oldtext, String newtext) { this.oldText = oldtext; this.newText = newtext; oldLength = oldtext.length(); } public String check(String filename) { String newFilename = filename; int pos = newFilename.indexOf(oldText, 0); while (pos >= 0) { newFilename = newFilename.substring(0, pos) + newText + newFilename.substring(pos + oldLength); pos = newFilename.indexOf(oldText, pos + oldLength); } return newFilename; } } public static void initUnsafeChars() { if (!UNSAFE_CHARS.isEmpty()) { return; } // What to do if the user specifies a blank encodeEscapeChar? I guess disable encoding. String encodeEscapeCharString = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("mjb.charset.filenameEncodingEscapeChar", "$"); if (encodeEscapeCharString.length() > 0) { // What to do if the user specifies a >1 character long string? I guess just use the first char. final Character ENCODE_ESCAPE_CHAR = encodeEscapeCharString.charAt(0); String repChars = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("mjb.charset.unsafeFilenameChars", "<>:\"/\\|?*"); for (String repChar : repChars.split("")) { if (repChar.length() > 0) { char ch = repChar.charAt(0); // Don't encode characters that are hex digits // Also, don't encode the escape char -- it is safe by definition! if (!Character.isDigit(ch) && -1 == "AaBbCcDdEeFf".indexOf(ch) && !ENCODE_ESCAPE_CHAR.equals(ch)) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(ch).toUpperCase(); UNSAFE_CHARS.add(new ReplaceEntry(repChar, ENCODE_ESCAPE_CHAR + hex)); } } } } // Parse transliteration map: (source_character [-] transliteration_sequence [,])+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(PropertiesUtil.getProperty("mjb.charset.filename.translate", ""), ","); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { final String token = st.nextToken(); String beforeStr = substringBefore(token, "-"); final String character = beforeStr.length() == 1 && ("\t".equals(beforeStr) || " ".equals(beforeStr)) ? beforeStr : trimToNull(beforeStr); if (character == null) { // TODO Error message? continue; } String afterStr = substringAfter(token, "-"); final String translation = afterStr.length() == 1 && ("\t".equals(afterStr) || " ".equals(afterStr)) ? afterStr : trimToNull(afterStr); if (translation == null) { // TODO Error message? // TODO Allow empty transliteration? continue; } UNSAFE_CHARS.add(new ReplaceEntry(character.toUpperCase(), translation.toUpperCase())); UNSAFE_CHARS.add(new ReplaceEntry(character.toLowerCase(), translation.toLowerCase())); } } public static int copy(InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws IOException { int bytesCopied = 0; byte[] buffer = THREAD_BUFFER.get(); while (Boolean.TRUE) { int amountRead =; if (amountRead == -1) { break; } bytesCopied += amountRead; os.write(buffer, 0, amountRead); } return bytesCopied; } /** * Copy the source file to the destination * * @param src * @param dst * @return */ public static boolean copyFile(String src, String dst) { File srcFile = new File(src); File dstFile = new File(dst); return copyFile(srcFile, dstFile); } /** * Copy the source file to the destination * * @param src * @param dst * @return */ public static boolean copyFile(File src, File dst) { boolean returnValue = Boolean.FALSE; if (!src.exists()) { LOG.error("The file '{}' does not exist!", src); return returnValue; } if (dst.isDirectory()) { makeDirs(dst); returnValue = copyFile(src, new File(dst + File.separator + src.getName())); } else { try (FileInputStream inSource = new FileInputStream(src); FileOutputStream outSource = new FileOutputStream(dst); FileChannel inChannel = inSource.getChannel(); FileChannel outChannel = outSource.getChannel()) { long p = 0, s = inChannel.size(); while (p < s) { p += inChannel.transferTo(p, 1024 * 1024, outChannel); } return Boolean.TRUE; } catch (IOException error) { LOG.error("Failed copying file '{}' to '{}'", src, dst); LOG.error(SystemTools.getStackTrace(error)); returnValue = Boolean.FALSE; } } return returnValue; } /** * Copy files from one directory to another * * @param srcPathName The source directory to copy from * @param dstPathName The target directory to copy to * @param updateDisplay Display an update to the console */ public static void copyDir(String srcPathName, String dstPathName, boolean updateDisplay) { copyDir(srcPathName, dstPathName, updateDisplay, null); } /** * Copy files from one directory to another * * @param srcPathName The source directory to copy from * @param dstPathName The target directory to copy to * @param updateDisplay Display an update to the console * @param pathRoot The root of the srcPath for display purposes */ public static void copyDir(String srcPathName, String dstPathName, boolean updateDisplay, String pathRoot) { String displayRoot; if (StringTools.isNotValidString(pathRoot)) { int pos = srcPathName.lastIndexOf(File.separator); if (pos > 0) { try { displayRoot = srcPathName.substring(pos + 1); } catch (Exception error) { displayRoot = srcPathName; } } else { displayRoot = srcPathName; } } else { displayRoot = pathRoot; } try { File srcDir = new File(srcPathName); if (!srcDir.exists()) { LOG.error("Source directory {} does not exist!", srcPathName); return; } File dstDir = new File(dstPathName); makeDirs(dstDir); if (!dstDir.exists()) { LOG.error("Target directory {} does not exist!", dstPathName); return; } if (srcDir.isFile()) { copyFile(srcDir, dstDir); } else { File[] contentList = srcDir.listFiles(); if (contentList != null) { List<File> files = Arrays.asList(contentList); Collections.sort(files); int totalSize = files.size(); int currentFile = 0; String displayPath = srcDir.getCanonicalPath(); int pos = displayPath.lastIndexOf(displayRoot); if (pos > 0) { displayPath = displayPath.substring(pos); } for (File file : files) { currentFile++; if (!".svn".equals(file.getName())) { if (file.isDirectory()) { copyDir(file.getAbsolutePath(), dstPathName + File.separator + file.getName(), updateDisplay, pathRoot); } else { if (updateDisplay) { System.out.print("\r Copying directory " + displayPath + " (" + currentFile + "/" + totalSize + ")"); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Copying: {}", file.getName()); } } copyFile(file, dstDir); } } } if (updateDisplay && !files.isEmpty()) { System.out.print("\n"); } LOG.debug("Copied {} files from {}", totalSize, srcDir.getCanonicalPath()); } } } catch (IOException error) { LOG.error("Failed to copy '{}' to '{}'", srcPathName, dstPathName); LOG.error(SystemTools.getStackTrace(error)); } } /** * Read a file and return it as a string using default encoding * * @param file * @return */ public static String readFileToString(File file) { return readFileToString(file, DEFAULT_CHARSET); } /** * Read a file and return it as a string * * @param file * @param encoding * @return */ public static String readFileToString(File file, String encoding) { String data = ""; if (file == null) { LOG.error("Failed reading file, file is null"); } else { try { data = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, encoding); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Failed reading file {} - Error: {}", file.getName(), ex.getMessage()); } } return data; } /** * Write string to a file (Used for debugging) * * @param filename Filename to write the output to * @param outputString The string to save */ public static void writeStringToFile(String filename, String outputString) { File outFile = new File(filename); try { LOG.debug("Writing string to '{}'", outFile.getAbsolutePath()); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(outFile, outputString); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.warn("Failed to write to file '{}': {}", outFile.getAbsolutePath(), ex.getMessage(), ex); } } /** * * * @author Stuart Boston * @param file1 - first file to compare * @param file2 - second file to compare * @return true if the files exist and file2 is older, false otherwise. * * Note that file1 will be checked to see if it's newer than file2 */ public static boolean isNewer(File file1, File file2) { // TODO: Update this routine to use fileCache // If file1 exists and file2 doesn't then return true if (file1.exists()) { // If file2 doesn't exist then file1 is newer if (!file2.exists()) { return Boolean.TRUE; } } else { // File1 doesn't exist so return false return Boolean.FALSE; } // Compare the file dates. This is only true if the first file is newer than the second, as the second file is the file2 file if (file1.lastModified() <= file2.lastModified()) { // file1 is older than the file2. return Boolean.FALSE; } // file1 is newer than file2 return Boolean.TRUE; } public static String createCategoryKey(String key2) { return key2; } public static String createPrefix(String category, String key) { StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder(indexFilesPrefix); prefix.append(category).append('_').append(key).append('_'); return prefix.toString(); } public static OutputStream createFileOutputStream(File f, int size) throws FileNotFoundException { // return new FileOutputStream(f); return new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f), size); } public static OutputStream createFileOutputStream(File f) throws FileNotFoundException { return createFileOutputStream(f, 10 * 1024); } public static OutputStream createFileOutputStream(String f) throws FileNotFoundException { return createFileOutputStream(new File(f)); } public static OutputStream createFileOutputStream(String f, int size) throws FileNotFoundException { return createFileOutputStream(new File(f), size); } public static InputStream createFileInputStream(File f) throws FileNotFoundException { // return new FileInputStream(f); return new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f), 10 * 1024); } public static InputStream createFileInputStream(String f) throws FileNotFoundException { return createFileInputStream(new File(f)); } public static String makeSafeFilename(String filename) { String newFilename = filename; for (ReplaceEntry rep : UNSAFE_CHARS) { newFilename = rep.check(newFilename); } if (!newFilename.equals(filename)) { LOG.debug("Encoded filename string '{}' to '{}'", filename, newFilename); } return newFilename; } /** * Returns the given path in canonical form * * i.e. no duplicated separators, no ".", ".."..., and ending without trailing separator the only exception is a root! the * canonical form for a root INCLUDES the separator * * @param path * @return */ public static String getCanonicalPath(String path) { try { return new File(path).getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { return path; } } /** * when concatenating paths and the source MIGHT be a root, use this function to safely add the separator * * @param path * @return */ public static String getDirPathWithSeparator(String path) { return path.endsWith(File.separator) ? path : path + File.separator; } /** * Get the extension of a file. * * @param filename * @return */ public static String getFileExtension(String filename) { return FilenameUtils.getExtension(filename); } /** * Returns the parent folder name only; used when searching for artwork... * * @param file * @return */ public static String getParentFolderName(File file) { if (file == null) { return ""; } String path = file.getParent(); return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); } /** * * Pass in the filename and a list of extensions. * * This function will scan for the filename plus extensions and return the File * * @param fullBaseFilename * @param fileExtensions * @return always a File, to be tested with exists() for valid file */ public static File findFileFromExtensions(String fullBaseFilename, Collection<String> fileExtensions) { File localFile = null; for (String extension : fileExtensions) { localFile = fileCache.getFile(fullBaseFilename + "." + extension); if (localFile.exists()) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Found {} in the file cache", localFile); } return localFile; } } return (localFile == null ? new File(Movie.UNKNOWN) : localFile); //just in case } /** * Search for the filename in the cache and look for each with the extensions * * @param searchFilename * @param fileExtensions * @param jukebox * @return */ public static File findFilenameInCache(String searchFilename, Collection<String> fileExtensions, Jukebox jukebox) { return findFilenameInCache(searchFilename, fileExtensions, jukebox, Boolean.FALSE, Movie.UNKNOWN); } /** * Search for the filename in the cache and look for each with the extensions * * @param searchFilename * @param fileExtensions * @param jukebox * @param includeJukebox * @return */ public static File findFilenameInCache(String searchFilename, Collection<String> fileExtensions, Jukebox jukebox, boolean includeJukebox) { return findFilenameInCache(searchFilename, fileExtensions, jukebox, includeJukebox, Movie.UNKNOWN); } /** * Search for the filename in the cache and look for each with the extensions * * @param searchFilename * @param fileExtensions * @param jukebox * @param includeJukebox * @param subFolder * @return */ public static File findFilenameInCache(String searchFilename, Collection<String> fileExtensions, Jukebox jukebox, boolean includeJukebox, String subFolder) { File searchFile = null; String safeFilename = makeSafeFilename(searchFilename); safeFilename = File.separator + safeFilename; StringBuilder jukeboxSubFolder = new StringBuilder(jukebox.getJukeboxRootLocationDetails().toLowerCase()); if (StringTools.isValidString(subFolder)) { jukeboxSubFolder.append(File.separator).append((subFolder.toLowerCase())); } Collection<File> files = FileTools.fileCache.searchFilename(safeFilename, Boolean.TRUE); if (!files.isEmpty()) { // Copy the synchronized list to avoid ConcurrentModificationException Iterator<File> iter = new ArrayList<>(FileTools.fileCache.searchFilename(safeFilename, Boolean.TRUE)) .iterator(); while (iter.hasNext() && (searchFile == null)) { File file =; String abPath = file.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase(); if (!includeJukebox && abPath.startsWith(jukeboxSubFolder.toString())) { // Skip any files found in the jukebox continue; } // Loop round the filename+extension to see if any exist and add them to the array String checkFilename; for (String extension : fileExtensions) { checkFilename = safeFilename + "." + extension; if (abPath.endsWith((checkFilename).toLowerCase())) { searchFile = file; // We've found the file, so we should quit the loop break; } } } if (searchFile != null) { LOG.debug("Using first one found: {}", searchFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { LOG.debug("No matching files {} found for {}", fileExtensions, safeFilename); } } else { LOG.debug("No scanned files found for {}", searchFilename); } return searchFile; } /** * Download the image for the specified URL into the specified file. Utilises the WebBrowser downloadImage function to allow for * proxy connections. * * @param imageFile * @param imageURL * @return * @throws IOException */ public static boolean downloadImage(File imageFile, String imageURL) throws IOException { URL url; if (imageURL.contains(" ")) { url = new URL(imageURL.replaceAll(" ", "%20")); } else { url = new URL(imageURL); } if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) { LOG.debug("Copy from url: '{}'", url); try (InputStream in = url.openStream(); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(imageFile)) { copy(in, out); } return true; } // download image return YamjHttpClientBuilder.getHttpClient().downloadImage(imageFile, url); } /** * Find the parent directory of the movie file. * * @param movieFile * @return Parent folder * @author Stuart Boston */ public static String getParentFolder(File movieFile) { String parentFolder; if (movieFile.isDirectory()) { // for VIDEO_TS parentFolder = movieFile.getPath(); } else { parentFolder = movieFile.getParent(); } // Issue 1070, /BDMV/STREAM is being appended to the parent path if (parentFolder.toUpperCase().endsWith(BDMV_STREAM)) { parentFolder = parentFolder.substring(0, parentFolder.length() - 12); } return parentFolder; } /** * Recursively delete a directory * * @param dir * @return */ public static boolean deleteDir(String dir) { return deleteDir(new File(dir)); } /** * Recursively delete a directory * * @param dir * @return */ public static boolean deleteDir(File dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { String[] children = dir.list(); for (String children1 : children) { boolean success = deleteDir(new File(dir, children1)); if (!success) { // System.out.println("Failed"); return Boolean.FALSE; } } } // The directory is now empty so delete it // System.out.println("Deleting: " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); return dir.delete(); } /** * Add a list of files to the jukebox filenames * * @param filenames */ public static void addJukeboxFiles(Collection<String> filenames) { GENERATED_FILENAMES.addAll(filenames); } /** * Add an individual filename to the jukebox cleaning exclusion list * * @param filename */ public static void addJukeboxFile(String filename) { if (StringTools.isValidString(filename)) { GENERATED_FILENAMES.add(filename); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Adding {} to safe jukebox files", filename); } } } /** * Process the movie and add all the files to the jukebox cleaning exclusion list * * @param movie */ public static void addMovieToJukeboxFilenames(Movie movie) { addJukeboxFile(movie.getPosterFilename()); addJukeboxFile(movie.getDetailPosterFilename()); addJukeboxFile(movie.getThumbnailFilename()); addJukeboxFile(movie.getBannerFilename()); addJukeboxFile(movie.getFanartFilename()); if (videoimageDownload) { for (MovieFile mf : movie.getFiles()) { for (int part = mf.getFirstPart(); part <= mf.getLastPart(); part++) { addJukeboxFile(mf.getVideoImageFilename(part)); } } } addJukeboxFile(movie.getClearArtFilename()); addJukeboxFile(movie.getClearLogoFilename()); addJukeboxFile(movie.getSeasonThumbFilename()); addJukeboxFile(movie.getTvThumbFilename()); addJukeboxFile(movie.getMovieDiscFilename()); // Are footer images enabled? if (footerImageEnabled > 0) { addJukeboxFiles(movie.getFooterFilename()); } } public static Collection<String> getJukeboxFiles() { return GENERATED_FILENAMES; } /** * Special File with "cached" attributes used to minimize file system access which slows down everything * * @author Gabriel Corneanu */ public static class FileEx extends File { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private volatile Boolean isDir = null; private volatile Boolean fileExists = null; private volatile Boolean isfile = null; private volatile Long fileLen = null; private volatile Long fileLastModified = null; private IArchiveScanner[] archiveScanners; private volatile File[] listFiles; //Standard constructors public FileEx(String parent, String child) { super(parent, child); } public FileEx(String pathname) { super(pathname); } public FileEx(File parent, String child) { super(parent, child); } private FileEx(String pathname, boolean exists) { this(pathname); fileExists = exists; } // archive scanner supporting constructors public FileEx(String pathname, IArchiveScanner[] archiveScanners) { super(pathname); if (archiveScanners == null) { this.archiveScanners = null; } else { this.archiveScanners = archiveScanners.clone(); } } public FileEx(File parent, String child, IArchiveScanner[] archiveScanners) { this(parent, child); if (archiveScanners == null) { this.archiveScanners = null; } else { this.archiveScanners = archiveScanners.clone(); } } @Override public boolean isDirectory() { if (isDir == null) { synchronized (this) { if (isDir == null) { isDir = super.isDirectory(); } } } return isDir; } @Override public boolean exists() { if (fileExists == null) { synchronized (this) { if (fileExists == null) { fileExists = super.exists(); } } } return fileExists; } @Override public boolean isFile() { if (isfile == null) { synchronized (this) { if (isfile == null) { isfile = super.isFile(); } } } return isfile; } @Override public long length() { if (fileLen == null) { synchronized (this) { if (fileLen == null) { fileLen = super.length(); } } } return fileLen; } @Override public long lastModified() { if (fileLastModified == null) { synchronized (this) { if (fileLastModified == null) { fileLastModified = super.lastModified(); } } } return fileLastModified; } @Override public File getParentFile() { String p = this.getParent(); if (p == null) { return null; } return new FileEx(p, archiveScanners); } @Override public File[] listFiles() { synchronized (this) { if (listFiles != null) { return listFiles; } String[] nameStrings = list(); if (nameStrings == null) { return null; } List<String> mutableNames = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(nameStrings)); List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); if (archiveScanners != null) { for (IArchiveScanner as : archiveScanners) { files.addAll(as.getArchiveFiles(this, mutableNames)); } } for (String name : mutableNames) { FileEx fe = new FileEx(this, name, archiveScanners); fe.fileExists = Boolean.TRUE; files.add(fe); } listFiles = files.toArray(new File[files.size()]); } return listFiles; } @Override public File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter filter) { File[] src = listFiles(); if (src == null) { return null; } if (filter == null) { return Arrays.copyOf(src, src.length); } List<File> l = new ArrayList<>(); for (File f : src) { if (filter.accept(this, f.getName())) { l.add(f); } } return l.toArray(new File[l.size()]); } } /** * cached File instances the key is always absolute path in upper-case, so it will NOT work for case only differences * * @author Gabriel Corneanu */ public static class ScannedFilesCache { //cache for ALL files found during initial scan private final Map<String, File> cachedFiles = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(1000); /** * Check whether the file exists * * @param absPath * @return */ public boolean fileExists(String absPath) { return cachedFiles.containsKey(absPath.toUpperCase()); } /** * Check whether the file exists * * @param file * @return */ public boolean fileExists(File file) { return cachedFiles.containsKey(file.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase()); } /** * Add a file instance to cache * * @param file */ public void fileAdd(File file) { cachedFiles.put(file.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase(), file); } /** * Retrieve a file from cache * * If it is NOT found, construct one instance and mark it as non-existing. * * The exist() test is used very often throughout the library to search for specific files. * * The path MUST be canonical (i.e. carefully constructed) * * We do NOT want here to make it canonical because it goes to the file system and it's slow. * * @param path * @return */ public File getFile(String path) { File f = cachedFiles.get(path.toUpperCase()); return (f == null ? new FileEx(path, Boolean.FALSE) : f); } /** * Add a full directory listing; used for existing jukebox * * @param dir * @param depth */ public void addDir(File dir, int depth) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return; } if (files.length == 0) { return; } addFiles(files); if (depth <= 0) { return; } for (File f : files) { if (f.isDirectory()) { addDir(f, depth - 1); } } } public void addFiles(File[] files) { if (files.length == 0) { return; } Map<String, File> map = new HashMap<>(files.length); for (File f : files) { map.put(f.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase(), f); } cachedFiles.putAll(map); } public long size() { return cachedFiles.size(); } public Collection<File> searchFilename(String searchName, boolean findAll) { ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); String upperName = searchName.toUpperCase(); for (String listName : cachedFiles.keySet()) { if (listName.contains(upperName)) { files.add(cachedFiles.get(listName)); if (!findAll) { // We only look for the first break; } } } return files; } public void saveFileList(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { try (PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename, Boolean.TRUE), DEFAULT_CHARSET))) { Set<String> names = cachedFiles.keySet(); String[] sortednames = names.toArray(new String[names.size()]); Arrays.sort(sortednames); for (String f : sortednames) { p.println(f); } } } } /** * Look for any subtitle files for a file * * @param fileToScan * @return */ public static File findSubtitles(File fileToScan) { String basename = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(fileToScan.getAbsolutePath().toUpperCase()); return findFileFromExtensions(basename, SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS); } /** * Create a directory hash from the filename * * @param filename * @return */ public static String createDirHash(final String filename) { // Skip if the filename is invalid OR has already been hashed if (StringTools.isNotValidString(filename) || filename.contains(File.separator)) { return filename; } // Remove all the non-word characters from the filename, replacing with an underscore String cleanFilename = filename.replaceAll("[^\\p{L}\\p{N}]", "_").toLowerCase().trim(); StringBuilder dirHash = new StringBuilder(); dirHash.append(cleanFilename.substring(0, 1)).append(File.separator); dirHash.append(cleanFilename.substring(0, cleanFilename.length() > 1 ? 2 : 1)).append(File.separator); dirHash.append(filename); return dirHash.toString(); } /** * Create a directory has from the filename of a file * * @param file * @return */ public static String createDirHash(final File file) { return createDirHash(file.getName()); } /** * Create all directories up to the level of the file passed * * @param file Source directory or file to create the directories directories * @return */ public static Boolean makeDirsForFile(final File file) { if (file.isDirectory()) { // no need to alter the file return makeDirs(file); } return makeDirs(file.getParentFile()); } /** * Create all directories up to the level of the directory passed * * @param sourceDirectory Source directory or file to create the directories * @return */ public static Boolean makeDirs(final File sourceDirectory) { if (sourceDirectory.exists()) { return Boolean.TRUE; } LOG.trace("Creating directories for {}", sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); fsLock.lock(); try { boolean status = sourceDirectory.mkdirs(); int looper = 1; while (!status && looper++ <= MAX_TRIES) { status = sourceDirectory.mkdirs(); } if (status && looper > 10) { LOG.error("Failed creating the directory ({}). Ensure this directory is read/write!", sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); return Boolean.FALSE; } return Boolean.TRUE; } finally { fsLock.unlock(); } } }