Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2016 YAMJ Members * * * This file is part of the Yet Another Movie Jukebox (YAMJ) project. * * YAMJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * YAMJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with YAMJ. If not, see <>. * * Web: * */ package com.moviejukebox.plugin; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.moviejukebox.model.Movie; import; import; import; import; import com.omertron.fanarttvapi.FanartTvApi; import com.omertron.fanarttvapi.FanartTvException; import com.omertron.fanarttvapi.enumeration.FTArtworkType; import com.omertron.fanarttvapi.enumeration.FTSourceType; import com.omertron.fanarttvapi.model.ArtworkList; import com.omertron.fanarttvapi.model.FTArtwork; import com.omertron.fanarttvapi.model.FTMovie; import com.omertron.fanarttvapi.model.FTSeries; public class FanartTvPlugin { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FanartTvPlugin.class); public static final String FANARTTV_PLUGIN_ID = "fanarttv"; private static final String API_KEY = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("API_KEY_FanartTv"); private FanartTvApi ft; private static final Map<FTArtworkType, Integer> ARTWORK_TYPES = new EnumMap<>(FTArtworkType.class); private int totalRequiredTv = 0; private int totalRequireMovie = 0; private static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "en"; private static final String LANG_MOVIE = getMovieLanguage(); private static final String LANG_TV = getTvLanguage(); static { // Read the properties for the artwork required and the quantities // The propery name should be named like: "{artworkType}.{artworkSource}.download", e.g. StringBuilder artworkPropertyName; for (FTArtworkType artworkType : EnumSet.allOf(FTArtworkType.class)) { artworkPropertyName = new StringBuilder(artworkType.toString().toLowerCase()); artworkPropertyName.append('.'); artworkPropertyName.append(artworkType.getSourceType().toString().toLowerCase()); artworkPropertyName.append(".download"); if (PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty(artworkPropertyName.toString(), Boolean.FALSE)) { ARTWORK_TYPES.put(artworkType, 1); LOG.debug("{} required", artworkPropertyName); } else { LOG.debug("{} not required", artworkPropertyName); } } if (ARTWORK_TYPES.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("No Fanart.TV artwork required."); } else { LOG.debug("Looking for {} Fanart.TV Types", ARTWORK_TYPES.toString()); } } public FanartTvPlugin() { try { this.ft = new FanartTvApi(API_KEY, null, YamjHttpClientBuilder.getHttpClient()); } catch (FanartTvException ex) { LOG.warn("Failed to initialise FanartTV API: {}", ex.getMessage(), ex); return; } // Calculate the required number of artworks (Only do it once though) if (totalRequireMovie + totalRequiredTv == 0) { for (FTArtworkType key : ARTWORK_TYPES.keySet()) { if (key.getSourceType() == FTSourceType.MOVIE) { totalRequireMovie += ARTWORK_TYPES.get(key); } else if (key.getSourceType() == FTSourceType.TV) { totalRequiredTv += ARTWORK_TYPES.get(key); } else { LOG.trace("Skipped artwork type '{}' as its source type is '{}' and not required", key, key.getSourceType()); } } } } /** * Scan and return all artwork types (Defaults type to null) * * @param movie * @return */ public boolean scan(Movie movie) { return scan(movie, null); } /** * Scan and return the artwork type requested (or all if type is null) * * @param movie * @param artworkType Artwork type required (null is all) * @return */ public boolean scan(Movie movie, final FTArtworkType artworkType) { if (artworkType != null && !ARTWORK_TYPES.containsKey(artworkType)) { LOG.debug("{} not required", artworkType.toString().toLowerCase()); return true; } ArtworkList ftArtwork; String requiredLanguage; Map<FTArtworkType, Integer> requiredArtworkTypes = new EnumMap<>(ARTWORK_TYPES); if (movie.isTVShow()) { int tvdbid = NumberUtils.toInt(movie.getId(TheTvDBPlugin.THETVDB_PLUGIN_ID), 0); // Remove the non-TV types for (FTArtworkType at : requiredArtworkTypes.keySet()) { if (at.getSourceType() != FTSourceType.TV) { requiredArtworkTypes.remove(at); } } // Get all the artwork to speed up any subsequent requests ftArtwork = getTvArtwork(tvdbid); requiredLanguage = LANG_TV; } else { int tmdbId = NumberUtils.toInt(movie.getId(TheMovieDbPlugin.TMDB_PLUGIN_ID), 0); // Remove the non-Movie types for (FTArtworkType at : requiredArtworkTypes.keySet()) { if (at.getSourceType() != FTSourceType.MOVIE) { requiredArtworkTypes.remove(at); } } // Get all the artwork to speed up any subsequent requests ftArtwork = getMovieArtwork(tmdbId, movie.getId(ImdbPlugin.IMDB_PLUGIN_ID)); requiredLanguage = LANG_MOVIE; } if (ftArtwork.hasArtwork()) { LOG.debug("Found {} artwork items", ftArtwork.getArtwork().size()); FTArtworkType ftType; for (Map.Entry<FTArtworkType, List<FTArtwork>> entry : ftArtwork.getArtwork().entrySet()) { LOG.trace("Found '{}' with {} items", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().size()); ftType = entry.getKey(); if (requiredArtworkTypes.containsKey(ftType) && requiredArtworkTypes.get(ftType) > 0) { LOG.trace("Processing '{}' artwork, {} are requried", entry.getKey(), requiredArtworkTypes.get(ftType)); int left = processArtworkToMovie(movie, ftType, requiredLanguage, requiredArtworkTypes.get(ftType), entry.getValue()); // Update the required artwork counter requiredArtworkTypes.put(ftType, left); // remove the count from the requiredQuantity } } int requiredQuantity = 0; for (Map.Entry<FTArtworkType, Integer> entry : requiredArtworkTypes.entrySet()) { requiredQuantity += entry.getValue(); } if (requiredQuantity > 0) { LOG.debug("Not all required artwork was found for '{}' - {}", movie.getBaseName(), requiredArtworkTypes.toString()); return false; } LOG.debug("All required artwork was found for '{}'", movie.getBaseName()); return true; } LOG.debug("No artwork found for {}", movie.getBaseName()); return false; } /** * Process the artwork into the movie URLs * * @param movie Movie to add the artwork to * @param ftType Type of the artwork * @param reqAmount Number of items required * @param artworkList List of the artwork found on Fanart.TV * @return artwork remaining to be found */ private static int processArtworkToMovie(Movie movie, FTArtworkType ftType, final String reqLanguage, int reqAmount, final List<FTArtwork> artworkList) { LOG.trace("Getting {} of '{}' artwork, there are {} available, looking for '{}' language", reqAmount, ftType, artworkList.size(), reqLanguage); int remaining = reqAmount; for (FTArtwork artwork : artworkList) { LOG.trace("Artwork: {}", artwork); // send to function to add to movie if (reqLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(artwork.getLanguage()) && addArtworkToMovie(movie, ftType, artwork)) { remaining--; if (remaining > 0) { LOG.trace("{} has {} remaining", ftType, remaining); } else { LOG.trace("All artwork for {} found.", ftType); break; } } } return remaining; } /** * Add the artwork URL to the movie * * @param movie * @param ftType * @param artwork * @return */ private static boolean addArtworkToMovie(Movie movie, FTArtworkType ftType, FTArtwork artwork) { boolean success; LOG.debug("Adding {} to movie '{}' with URL {}", ftType, movie.getBaseName(), artwork.getUrl()); switch (ftType) { case CLEARART: movie.setClearArtURL(artwork.getUrl()); success = true; break; case CLEARLOGO: movie.setClearLogoURL(artwork.getUrl()); success = true; break; case SEASONTHUMB: success = checkSeason(artwork, movie); break; case TVTHUMB: movie.setTvThumbURL(artwork.getUrl()); success = true; break; case MOVIEART: movie.setClearArtURL(artwork.getUrl()); success = true; break; case MOVIEDISC: movie.setMovieDiscURL(artwork.getUrl()); success = true; break; case MOVIELOGO: movie.setClearLogoURL(artwork.getUrl()); success = true; break; default: LOG.trace("Unrecognised artwork type '{}', ignoring.", ftType.toString().toLowerCase()); success = false; } return success; } /** * Check the artwork is for the correct season and update it if necessary * * @param artwork * @param movie * @return */ private static boolean checkSeason(FTArtwork artwork, Movie movie) { boolean success; // Check this is the right season if (NumberUtils.toInt(artwork.getSeason(), -1) == movie.getSeason()) { movie.setSeasonThumbURL(artwork.getUrl()); success = true; } else { success = false; } return success; } /** * Get artwork for the TV * * @param tvdbId * @return */ public FTSeries getTvArtwork(int tvdbId) { String key = CacheMemory.generateCacheKey(FANARTTV_PLUGIN_ID, String.valueOf(tvdbId)); FTSeries ftArtwork = (FTSeries) CacheMemory.getFromCache(key); if (ftArtwork == null || ftArtwork.hasArtwork()) { try { ftArtwork = ft.getTvArtwork(Integer.toString(tvdbId)); if (ftArtwork != null && ftArtwork.hasArtwork()) { CacheMemory.addToCache(key, ftArtwork); } return ftArtwork; } catch (FanartTvException ex) { LOG.warn("Failed to get fanart information for TVDB ID: {}. Error: {}", tvdbId, ex.getMessage(), ex); return new FTSeries(); } } return ftArtwork; } /** * Get artwork for the Movie * * @param tmdbId * @param imdbId * @return */ public FTMovie getMovieArtwork(int tmdbId, String imdbId) { String key; if (StringTools.isValidString(imdbId)) { key = CacheMemory.generateCacheKey(FANARTTV_PLUGIN_ID, imdbId); } else if (tmdbId > 0) { key = CacheMemory.generateCacheKey(FANARTTV_PLUGIN_ID, Integer.toString(tmdbId)); } else { // No valid ID provided, so quit. return new FTMovie(); } FTMovie ftArtwork = (FTMovie) CacheMemory.getFromCache(key); // If we get nothing back from the cache or it's empty, check for artwork if (ftArtwork == null || !ftArtwork.hasArtwork()) { try { if (StringTools.isValidString(imdbId)) { ftArtwork = ft.getMovieArtwork(imdbId); } else { ftArtwork = ft.getMovieArtwork(Integer.toString(tmdbId)); } if (ftArtwork != null && ftArtwork.hasArtwork()) { CacheMemory.addToCache(key, ftArtwork); } return ftArtwork; } catch (FanartTvException ex) { LOG.warn("Failed to get fanart information for IMDB ID: {} / TMDB ID: {}. Error: {}", imdbId, tmdbId, ex.getMessage(), ex); return new FTMovie(); } } return ftArtwork; } /** * Determine if artwork is required * * @param requiredType * @return */ public static boolean isArtworkRequired(FTArtworkType requiredType) { if (ARTWORK_TYPES.containsKey(requiredType)) { return ARTWORK_TYPES.get(requiredType) > 0; } // Not found, so not required LOG.warn("{} is not a valid Fanart.TV type", requiredType); return false; } /** * Determine if artwork is required * * @param artworkType * @return */ public static boolean isArtworkRequired(String artworkType) { FTArtworkType requiredType; try { requiredType = FTArtworkType.fromString(artworkType); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { LOG.warn("{} is not a valid Fanart.TV type", artworkType); return false; } return isArtworkRequired(requiredType); } /** * Get the language for the Movie search. * * Default to the setting and then try themoviedb setting * * @return */ private static String getMovieLanguage() { String language = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("", ""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(language)) { language = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("themoviedb.language", DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); } return language; } /** * Get the kanguage for the TV Search * * Default to the setting and then try thetvdb setting * * @return */ private static String getTvLanguage() { String language = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("", ""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(language)) { language = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("thetvdb.language", DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); } return language; } }