Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2013, Moss Computing Inc. * * This file is part of us-check-printing-trunk. * * us-check-printing-trunk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * us-check-printing-trunk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with us-check-printing-trunk; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is * making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and * conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole * combination. * * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you * permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an * executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent * modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under * terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked * independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that * module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from * or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend * this exception to your version of the library, but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ package; import; import; import; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.Image; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; /** * TODO: * - correct MICR line placement, etc. * - make sure everything fits nicely on the check stock */ public class CheckPdfRenderer { /* * All measurements are expressed in centimeters and converted to points * (1/64ths of an inch) when appropriate. */ static final float POINTS_IN_A_CM = 28.3464567f; static final float PAGE_HEIGHT = 28f * POINTS_IN_A_CM; static final float PAGE_WIDTH = 21.6f * POINTS_IN_A_CM; static final float BOTTOM_EDGE_HEIGHT = 0.5f * POINTS_IN_A_CM; static final float OPTICAL_CLEAR_BAND_HEIGHT = 0.76f * POINTS_IN_A_CM; static final float MICR_CLEAR_BAND_HEIGHT = 1.59f * POINTS_IN_A_CM; public void render(CheckModel model, OutputStream out) throws Exception { Document document = new Document(); document.setPageSize(new Rectangle(PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_HEIGHT)); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); Check check = new Check(); check.defaultFont = BaseFont.createFont("Helvetica", BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); check.defaultFontSize = 8; check.defaultFontLeading = 10; check.largeFontSize = 9; check.largeFontLeading = 12; check.fixedWidthFont = createFixedFont(); check.fixedWidthFontSize = 8; check.voidFont = BaseFont.createFont("Helvetica-Bold", BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); check.voidFontSize = 14; check.micrFont = createMicrFont(); check.micrFontSize = 12; check.model = model; check.x = 0; check.y = 0; check.renderMode = CheckRenderMode.CHECK; check.render(cb); if (StubPrintMode.CHECK_DUPLICATE == model.stubPrintMode) { check.renderMode = CheckRenderMode.STUB; check.y = - (8.2f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); check.render(cb); } else if (StubPrintMode.CUSTOM == model.stubPrintMode) { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(model.customStubPdf); PdfImportedPage customPage = writer.getImportedPage(reader, 1); cb.addTemplate(customPage, 0f, 0f); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown stub print mode: " + model.stubPrintMode); } document.close(); } private static enum CheckRenderMode { CHECK, STUB } private static class Check { CheckModel model; float x, y; BaseFont defaultFont; int defaultFontSize; float defaultFontLeading; int largeFontSize; float largeFontLeading; BaseFont fixedWidthFont; int fixedWidthFontSize; BaseFont micrFont; int micrFontSize; BaseFont voidFont; int voidFontSize; CheckRenderMode renderMode; void render(PdfContentByte cb) { /* * useful for debugging--the line below which nothing but MICR should be printed */ // cb.setColorStroke(Color.BLACK); // cb.moveTo(0, MICR_CLEAR_BAND_HEIGHT); // cb.lineTo(PAGE_WIDTH, MICR_CLEAR_BAND_HEIGHT); // cb.stroke(); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(defaultFont, defaultFontSize); cb.setLeading(defaultFontLeading); cb.moveText(x + (1.7f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (8.2f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); for (int i = 0; i < model.drawerNameAddressLines.length; i++) { cb.showText(model.drawerNameAddressLines[i]); if (i + 1 < model.drawerNameAddressLines.length) { cb.newlineText(); } } cb.endText(); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(defaultFont, largeFontSize); cb.moveText(x + (1.7f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (6f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); cb.showText(model.amountVerbose); cb.endText(); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(defaultFont, defaultFontSize); cb.moveText(x + (3.7f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (4.8f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); cb.showText("TO THE ORDER OF"); cb.endText(); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(defaultFont, largeFontSize); cb.setLeading(largeFontLeading); cb.moveText(x + (2.5f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (4.05f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); for (int i = 0; i < model.payeeNameAddressLines.length; i++) { cb.showText(model.payeeNameAddressLines[i]); if (i + 1 < model.payeeNameAddressLines.length) { cb.newlineText(); } } cb.endText(); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(defaultFont, defaultFontSize); cb.setLeading(defaultFontLeading); cb.moveText(x + (11.65f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (8.2f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); cb.showText(model.draweeName); cb.newlineText(); cb.showText(model.draweeCityStateZip); cb.endText(); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(defaultFont, defaultFontSize); cb.moveText(x + (18.8f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (7.9f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); cb.showText(model.routingFraction); cb.endText(); LabelBox box = new LabelBox(); box.x = x + (11.65f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); box.y = y + (4.7f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); box.width = (2.5f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); box.height = (1f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); box.label = "DATE"; box.value =; box.labelFont = defaultFont; box.labelFontSize = 9; box.valueFont = fixedWidthFont; box.valueFontSize = fixedWidthFontSize; box.valueAlignment = Alignment.CENTER; box.render(cb); box.x = x + (14.45f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); box.label = "CHECK NO"; box.value = model.checkNumber; box.valueAlignment = Alignment.RIGHT; box.render(cb); box.x = x + (17.35f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); box.width = x + (3.5f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); box.label = "CHECK AMOUNT"; box.value = model.amount; box.valueAlignment = Alignment.CENTER; box.render(cb); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(defaultFont, largeFontSize); cb.setLeading(defaultFontLeading); cb.moveText(x + (14.45f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (3.2f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); cb.showText(model.limitsText1); cb.setFontAndSize(defaultFont, defaultFontSize); cb.newlineText(); cb.showText(model.limitsText2); cb.endText(); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(defaultFont, defaultFontSize); cb.moveText(x + (12.2f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (1.7f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); cb.showText("BY"); cb.endText(); cb.setLineWidth(.5f); cb.moveTo(x + (12.55f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (1.7f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); cb.lineTo(x + (18.65f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (1.7f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); cb.stroke(); if (CheckRenderMode.CHECK == renderMode) { if (model.signature != null && model.signature.length != 0) { try { Image image = Image.getInstance(model.signature); float imageX = x + (12.6f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); float imageY = y + (1.35f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); image.setAbsolutePosition(imageX, imageY); image.scaleAbsolute(8f * POINTS_IN_A_CM, 1.2f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); cb.addImage(image); /* * draws the border of the scaled image--useful for debugging */ // float imageWidth = image.getScaledWidth(); // float imageHeight = image.getScaledHeight(); // cb.rectangle(imageX, imageY, imageWidth, imageHeight); // cb.stroke(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } float micrPrintY = y + (.575f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); float transitOnUsPrintX = x + (7.3f * POINTS_IN_A_CM); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(micrFont, micrFontSize); cb.moveText(transitOnUsPrintX, micrPrintY); cb.showText("A" + model.transit + "A " + model.onUs + "C"); cb.endText(); cb.beginText(); float spaceWidth = cb.getEffectiveStringWidth(" ", true); cb.setFontAndSize(micrFont, micrFontSize); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_RIGHT, "C" + model.auxOnUs + "C", transitOnUsPrintX - spaceWidth, micrPrintY, 0); cb.endText(); } else if (CheckRenderMode.STUB == renderMode) { cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(voidFont, voidFontSize); cb.moveText(x + (13.3f * POINTS_IN_A_CM), y + (1.8f * POINTS_IN_A_CM)); cb.showText("VOID ** VOID ** VOID"); cb.endText(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown render mode: " + renderMode); } } } private static enum Alignment { LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER } private static class LabelBox { float x; float y; float width; float height; String label; String value; BaseFont labelFont; int labelFontSize; BaseFont valueFont; int valueFontSize; Alignment valueAlignment; void render(PdfContentByte cb) { cb.saveState(); /* * this is supposed to put a greyed-out shadow behind the label text, * but it doesn't work very well on acrobat reader */ // PdfPatternPainter dot = cb.createPattern(5f, 5f, 3f, 3f, null); // dot.setLineWidth(1); // // dot.moveTo(0, 5); // dot.lineTo(0, 4.5f); // dot.stroke(); // // dot.moveTo(5, 0); // dot.lineTo(4.5f, 0); // dot.stroke(); // // PatternColor dots = new PatternColor(dot); // // cb.setColorFill(dots); // cb.rectangle(x, y + (height / 2), width, height / 2); // cb.fill(); cb.rectangle(x, y, width, height); cb.setLineWidth(.5f); cb.stroke(); cb.beginText(); cb.moveText(x, y); cb.setFontAndSize(labelFont, labelFontSize); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, label, x + (width / 2), y + (height - 11), 0); cb.setFontAndSize(valueFont, valueFontSize); if (valueAlignment == Alignment.LEFT) { cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, value, x + 3, y + (valueFontSize / 2), 0); } else if (valueAlignment == Alignment.CENTER) { cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, value, x + (width / 2), y + (valueFontSize / 2), 0); } else if (valueAlignment == Alignment.RIGHT) { cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_RIGHT, value, x + width - 3, y + (valueFontSize / 2), 0); } cb.endText(); cb.restoreState(); } } private BaseFont createMicrFont() throws Exception { boolean cached = true; byte[] ttf; { InputStream in = CheckPdfRenderer.class.getResourceAsStream("/com/moss/check/us/GnuMICR.ttf"); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 10]; //10k buffer for (int numRead =; numRead != -1; numRead = { out.write(buffer, 0, numRead); } ttf = out.toByteArray(); } byte[] pfb = null; boolean noThrow = false; BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.createFont("GnuMICR.ttf", BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, cached, ttf, pfb, noThrow); return baseFont; } private BaseFont createFixedFont() throws Exception { boolean cached = true; byte[] ttf; { InputStream in = CheckPdfRenderer.class.getResourceAsStream("/com/moss/check/us/VeraMono.ttf"); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 10]; //10k buffer for (int numRead =; numRead != -1; numRead = { out.write(buffer, 0, numRead); } ttf = out.toByteArray(); } byte[] pfb = null; boolean noThrow = false; BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.createFont("VeraMono.ttf", BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, cached, ttf, pfb, noThrow); return baseFont; } }