Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008-present MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mongodb;

import com.mongodb.lang.Nullable;

import java.util.List;

 * <p>Represents a <a href="">URI</a> which can be used to create a Mongo instance. The URI
 * describes the hosts to be used and options.</p>
 * <p>This class has been superseded by {@code MongoClientURI}, and may be removed in a future release.</p>
 * @see MongoClientURI
 * @deprecated Replaced by {@link MongoClientURI}
public class MongoURI {

     * The prefix for mongodb URIs.
    public static final String MONGODB_PREFIX = "mongodb://";
    private final MongoClientURI proxied;

    private final MongoOptions options;

     * Creates a MongoURI from a string.
     * @param uri the URI
     * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/connection-string Connection String URI Format
     * @deprecated Replaced by {@link MongoClientURI#MongoClientURI(String)}
    public MongoURI(final String uri) {
        this.proxied = new MongoClientURI(uri,
        options = new MongoOptions(proxied.getOptions());

     * Create a new MongoURI from a MongoClientURI.  This class is deprecated, use {@link com.mongodb.MongoClientURI}.
     * @param proxied the MongoClientURI to wrap with this deprecated class. * @deprecated Replaced by {@link MongoClientURI})
    public MongoURI(final MongoClientURI proxied) {
        this.proxied = proxied;
        options = new MongoOptions(proxied.getOptions());

    // ---------------------------------

     * Gets the username.
     * @return the username
    public String getUsername() {
        return proxied.getUsername();

     * Gets the password.
     * @return the password
    public char[] getPassword() {
        return proxied.getPassword();

     * Gets the list of hosts.
     * @return the list of hosts
    public List<String> getHosts() {
        return proxied.getHosts();

     * Gets the database name.
     * @return the database name
    public String getDatabase() {
        return proxied.getDatabase();

     * Gets the collection name.
     * @return the collection name
    public String getCollection() {
        return proxied.getCollection();

     * Gets the credentials.
     * @since 2.11.0
     * @return the MongoCredential for conneting to MongoDB servers.
    public MongoCredential getCredentials() {
        return proxied.getCredentials();

     * Gets the options. This method will return the same instance of {@code MongoOptions} for every call, so it's possible to mutate the
     * returned instance to change the defaults.
     * @return the mongo options
    public MongoOptions getOptions() {
        return options;

     * Creates a Mongo instance based on the URI.
     * @return a new Mongo instance.  There is no caching, so each call will create a new instance, each of which must be closed manually.
     * @throws MongoException if there's a failure
    public Mongo connect() {
        // Note: we can't change this to new MongoClient(this) as that would silently change the default write concern.
        return new Mongo(this);

     * Returns the DB object from a newly created Mongo instance based on this URI.
     * @return the database specified in the URI.  This will implicitly create a new Mongo instance, which must be closed manually.
     * @throws MongoException if there's a failure
    public DB connectDB() {
        return connect().getDB(getDatabaseNonNull());

     * Returns the URI's DB object from a given Mongo instance.
     * @param mongo the Mongo instance to get the database from.
     * @return the database specified in this URI
    public DB connectDB(final Mongo mongo) {
        return mongo.getDB(getDatabaseNonNull());

     * Returns the URI's Collection from a given DB object.
     * @param db the database to get the collection from
     * @return the collection specified in this URI
    public DBCollection connectCollection(final DB db) {
        return db.getCollection(getCollectionNonNull());

     * Returns the URI's Collection from a given Mongo instance
     * @param mongo the mongo instance to get the collection from
     * @return the collection specified in this URI
    public DBCollection connectCollection(final Mongo mongo) {
        return connectDB(mongo).getCollection(getCollectionNonNull());

    public String toString() {
        return proxied.toString();

    MongoClientURI toClientURI() {
        return proxied;

    private String getDatabaseNonNull() {
        String database = getDatabase();
        if (database == null) {
            throw new MongoClientException("Database name can not be null in this context");
        return database;

    private String getCollectionNonNull() {
        String collection = getCollection();
        if (collection == null) {
            throw new MongoClientException("Collection name can not be null in this context");
        return collection;
