Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.mogujie.instantrun; import com.mogujie.aceso.util.Log; import org.objectweb.asm.*; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.*; import java.util.*; public class IncrementalChangeVisitor extends IncrementalVisitor { public static final VisitorBuilder VISITOR_BUILDER = new IncrementalVisitor.VisitorBuilder() { @Override public IncrementalVisitor build(ClassNode classNode, List<ClassNode> parentNodes, ClassVisitor classVisitor) { return new IncrementalChangeVisitor(classNode, parentNodes, classVisitor); } @Override public String getMangledRelativeClassFilePath(String path) { // Remove .class (length 6) and replace with $override.class return path.substring(0, path.length() - 6) + OVERRIDE_SUFFIX + ".class"; } @Override public OutputType getOutputType() { return OutputType.OVERRIDE; } }; public static final String OVERRIDE_SUFFIX = "$override"; private static final String METHOD_MANGLE_PREFIX = "static$"; private MachineState state = MachineState.NORMAL; private boolean instantRunDisabled = false; // Description prefix used to add fake "this" as the first argument to each instance method // when converted to a static method. private String instanceToStaticDescPrefix; // List of constructors we encountered and deconstructed. List<MethodNode> addedMethods = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<String> fixMtds = new ArrayList<String>(); // ArrayList<InstantMethod> superMethods = new ArrayList<InstantMethod>(); private enum MachineState { NORMAL, AFTER_NEW } HashSet<String> priNativeMtdSet = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> priSyncMtdSet = new HashSet<String>(); List<MethodNode> methodNodes = null; public IncrementalChangeVisitor(ClassNode classNode, List<ClassNode> parentNodes, ClassVisitor classVisitor) { super(classNode, parentNodes, classVisitor); methodNodes = classNode.methods; for (int i = 0; i < classNode.methods.size(); i++) { MethodNode methodNode = (MethodNode) classNode.methods.get(i); if ((methodNode.access & (Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE)) == (Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE)) { priNativeMtdSet.add( + "." + methodNode.desc); System.out.println("find private native mtd : " + + "." + methodNode.desc); } if ((methodNode.access & (Opcodes.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE)) == (Opcodes.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE)) { priSyncMtdSet.add( + "." + methodNode.desc); System.out.println("find private sync mtd : " + + "." + methodNode.desc); } } } /** * Turns this class into an override class that can be loaded by our custom class loader: * <ul> * <li>Make the class name be OriginalName$override</li> * <li>Ensure the class derives from java.lang.Object, no other inheritance</li> * <li>Ensure the class has a public parameterless constructor that is a noop.</li> * </ul> */ @Override public void visit(int version, int access, String name, String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces) { super.visit(version, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_SUPER, name + OVERRIDE_SUFFIX, signature, "java/lang/Object", new String[] { CHANGE_TYPE.getInternalName() }); visitedClassName = name; visitedSuperName = superName; instanceToStaticDescPrefix = "(L" + visitedClassName + ";"; // Create empty constructor MethodVisitor mv = super.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", "()V", null, null); mv.visitCode(); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0); mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, "java/lang/Object", "<init>", "()V", false); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); mv.visitEnd(); // super.visitField(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, // "$obsolete", "Z", null, null); } @Override public void visitOuterClass(String owner, String name, String desc) { // Ignore, the class hierarchy is not relevant in the override classes. } @Override public void visitInnerClass(String name, String outerName, String innerName, int access) { // Ignore, the class hierarchy is not relevant in the override classes. } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) { if (DISABLE_ANNOTATION_TYPE.getDescriptor().equals(desc)) { instantRunDisabled = true; } return super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible); } @Override public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions) { if (instantRunDisabled || !isAccessCompatibleWithInstantRun(access)) { // Nothing to generate. return null; } if (name.equals("<clinit>")) { // we skip the class init as it can reset static fields which we don't support right now return null; } Log.v("visit method " + name + " " + desc); boolean isStatic = (access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0; boolean isPrivate = (access & Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) != 0; boolean isSync = (access & Opcodes.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) != 0; String newDesc = computeOverrideMethodDesc(desc, isStatic); // Do not carry on any access flags from the original method. For example synchronized // on the original method would translate into a static synchronized method here. access = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC; // MethodNode method = getMethodByNameInClass(name, desc, classNode); if (name.equals("<init>")) { return null; } else { String newName = isStatic ? computeOverrideMethodName(name, desc) : name; MethodVisitor original = super.visitMethod(access, newName, newDesc, signature, exceptions); for (MethodNode methodNode : methodNodes) { if (desc.equals(methodNode.desc) && name.equals( { processNew(methodNode); } } return new ISVisitor(original, access, newName, newDesc, IncrementalTool.getMtdSig(name, desc), isStatic, false /* isConstructor */); } } private void processNew(MethodNode methodNode) { int size = methodNode.instructions.size(); List<AbstractInsnNode> removeList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { insnMachine(methodNode.instructions.get(i), removeList); } if (removeList.size() % 2 != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("some error in remove new and dup ins"); } for (AbstractInsnNode removeNode : removeList) { methodNode.instructions.remove(removeNode); } } public static final int INIT = 0; public static final int FIND_NEW = 1; public static final int FIND_NEW_AND_DUP = 2; private int status = INIT; private void insnMachine(AbstractInsnNode node, List<AbstractInsnNode> removeList) { if (node.getOpcode() == Opcodes.NEW) { if (status == INIT) { status = FIND_NEW; removeList.add(node); } else { throw new RuntimeException("find new in status " + status); } } if (node.getOpcode() == Opcodes.DUP) { if (status == FIND_NEW) { status = INIT; removeList.add(node); } } if (node.getOpcode() == Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL && node instanceof MethodInsnNode) { if (status == INIT) { MethodInsnNode methodInsnNode = (MethodInsnNode) node; if ("<init>".equals( { if (getMethodAccessRight(methodInsnNode.owner,, methodInsnNode.desc) == AccessRight.PUBLIC) { int removeSize = removeList.size(); removeList.remove(removeSize - 1); removeList.remove(removeSize - 2); } } } } } /** * Returns the actual method access right or a best guess if we don't have access to the * method definition. * * @param owner the method owner class * @param name the method name * @param desc the method signature * @return the {@link AccessRight} for that method. */ private AccessRight getMethodAccessRight(String owner, String name, String desc) { AccessRight accessRight; if (owner.equals(visitedClassName)) { MethodNode methodByName = getMethodByName(name, desc); if (methodByName == null) { // we did not find the method invoked on ourselves, which mean that it really // is a parent class method invocation and we just don't have access to it. // the most restrictive access right in that case is protected. return AccessRight.PROTECTED; } accessRight = AccessRight.fromNodeAccess(methodByName.access); } else { // we are accessing another class method, and since we make all protected and // package-private methods public, we can safely assume it is public. accessRight = AccessRight.PUBLIC; } return accessRight; } @Override public FieldVisitor visitField(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, Object value) { // do not add any of the original class fields in the $override class, they would never // be used and confuse the debugger. return null; } public class ISVisitor extends GeneratorAdapter { private final boolean isStatic; private final boolean isConstructor; private final String originalMtdSig; /** * Instrument a method. * * @param mv the parent method visitor. * @param access the method access flags. * @param name method name. * @param desc method signature. * @param isStatic true if the instrumented method was originally a static method. * @param isConstructor true if the instrumented code was originally a constructor body. */ public ISVisitor(MethodVisitor mv, int access, String name, String desc, String originalMtdSig, boolean isStatic, boolean isConstructor) { super(Opcodes.ASM5, mv, access, name, desc); this.isStatic = isStatic; this.isConstructor = isConstructor; this.originalMtdSig = originalMtdSig; if (!IncrementalTool.isMethodLevelFix()) { fixMtds.add(originalMtdSig); } } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) { if (IncrementalTool.isMethodLevelFix() && desc.equals(FIXMTD_ANNOTATION_TYPE.getDescriptor())) { fixMtds.add(originalMtdSig); } return super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible); } @Override public void visitFieldInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc) { AccessRight accessRight; if (!owner.equals(visitedClassName)) { // we are accessing another object field, and at this point the visitor is not smart // enough to know if has seen this class before or not so we must assume the field // is *not* accessible from the $override class which lives in a different // hierarchy and package. // However, since we made all package-private and protected fields public, and it // cannot be private since the visitedClassName is not the "owner", we can safely // assume it's public. accessRight = AccessRight.PUBLIC; } else { // check the field access bits. FieldNode fieldNode = getFieldByName(name); if (fieldNode == null) { // If this is an inherited field, we might not have had access to the parent // bytecode. In such a case, treat it as private. accessRight = AccessRight.PACKAGE_PRIVATE; } else { accessRight = AccessRight.fromNodeAccess(fieldNode.access); } } boolean handled = false; switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.PUTSTATIC: case Opcodes.GETSTATIC: handled = visitStaticFieldAccess(opcode, owner, name, desc, accessRight); break; case Opcodes.PUTFIELD: case Opcodes.GETFIELD: handled = visitFieldAccess(opcode, owner, name, desc, accessRight); break; default: System.out.println("Unhandled field opcode " + opcode); } if (!handled) { super.visitFieldInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc); } } /** * Visits an instance field access. The field could be of the visited class or it could be * an accessible field from the class being visited (unless it's private). * <p/> * For private instance fields, the access instruction is rewritten to calls to reflection * to access the fields value: * <p/> * Pseudo code for Get: * <code> * value = $instance.fieldName; * </code> * becomes: * <code> * value = (unbox)$package/AndroidInstantRuntime.getPrivateField($instance, $fieldName); * </code> * <p/> * Pseudo code for Set: * <code> * $instance.fieldName = value; * </code> * becomes: * <code> * $package/AndroidInstantRuntime.setPrivateField($instance, value, $fieldName); * </code> * * @param opcode the field access opcode, can only be {@link Opcodes#PUTFIELD} or * {@link Opcodes#GETFIELD} * @param owner the field declaring class * @param name the field name * @param desc the field type * @param accessRight the {@link AccessRight} for the field. * @return true if the field access was handled or false otherwise. */ private boolean visitFieldAccess(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc, AccessRight accessRight) { // if the accessed field is anything but public, we must go through reflection. boolean useReflection = accessRight != AccessRight.PUBLIC; // if the accessed field is accessed from within a constructor, it might be a public // final field that cannot be set by anything but the original constructor unless // we use reflection. if (!useReflection) { useReflection = isConstructor && (owner.equals(visitedClassName)); } if (useReflection) { // we should make this more efficient, have a per field access type method // for getting and setting field values. switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.GETFIELD: // push declaring class visitLdcInsn(Type.getType("L" + owner + ";")); // the instance of the owner class we are getting the field value from // is on top of the stack. It could be "this" push(name); // Stack : <receiver> // <field_declaring_class> // <field_name> invokeStatic(RUNTIME_TYPE, Method.getMethod("Object getPrivateField(Object, Class, String)")); // Stack : <field_value> ByteCodeUtils.unbox(this, Type.getType(desc)); break; case Opcodes.PUTFIELD: // the instance of the owner class we are getting the field value from // is second on the stack. It could be "this" // top of the stack is the new value we are trying to set, box it. box(Type.getType(desc)); // push declaring class visitLdcInsn(Type.getType("L" + owner + ";")); // push the field name. push(name); // Stack : <receiver> // <boxed_field_value> // <field_declaring_class> // <field_name> invokeStatic(RUNTIME_TYPE, Method.getMethod("void setPrivateField(Object, Object, Class, String)")); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("VisitFieldAccess called with wrong opcode " + opcode); } return true; } // if this is a public field, no need to change anything we can access it from the // $override class. return false; } /** * Static field access visit. * So far we do not support class initializer "clinit" that would reset the static field * value in the class newer versions. Think about the case, where a static initializer * resets a static field value, we don't know if the current field value was set through * the initial class initializer or some code path, should we change the field value to the * new one ? * <p/> * For private static fields, the access instruction is rewritten to calls to reflection * to access the fields value: * <p/> * Pseudo code for Get: * <code> * value = $type.fieldName; * </code> * becomes: * <code> * value = (unbox)$package/AndroidInstantRuntime.getStaticPrivateField( * $type.class, $fieldName); * </code> * <p/> * Pseudo code for Set: * <code> * $type.fieldName = value; * </code> * becomes: * <code> * $package/AndroidInstantRuntime.setStaticPrivateField(value, $type.class $fieldName); * </code> * * @param opcode the field access opcode, can only be {@link Opcodes#PUTSTATIC} or * {@link Opcodes#GETSTATIC} * @param name the field name * @param desc the field type * @param accessRight the {@link AccessRight} for the field. * @return true if the field access was handled or false */ private boolean visitStaticFieldAccess(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc, AccessRight accessRight) { if (accessRight != AccessRight.PUBLIC) { switch (opcode) { case Opcodes.GETSTATIC: // nothing of interest is on the stack. visitLdcInsn(Type.getType("L" + owner + ";")); push(name); // Stack : <target_class> // <field_name> invokeStatic(RUNTIME_TYPE, Method.getMethod("Object getStaticPrivateField(Class, String)")); // Stack : <field_value> ByteCodeUtils.unbox(this, Type.getType(desc)); return true; case Opcodes.PUTSTATIC: // the new field value is on top of the stack. // box it into an Object. box(Type.getType(desc)); visitLdcInsn(Type.getType("L" + owner + ";")); push(name); // Stack : <boxed_field_value> // <target_class> // <field_name> invokeStatic(RUNTIME_TYPE, Method.getMethod("void setStaticPrivateField(Object, Class, String)")); return true; default: throw new RuntimeException("VisitStaticFieldAccess called with wrong opcode " + opcode); } } return false; } @Override public void visitMethodInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc, boolean itf) { boolean opcodeHandled = false; if (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL) { opcodeHandled = handleSpecialOpcode(owner, name, desc, itf); } else if (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL) { opcodeHandled = handleVirtualOpcode(owner, name, desc, itf); } else if (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) { opcodeHandled = handleStaticOpcode(owner, name, desc, itf); } if (!opcodeHandled) { mv.visitMethodInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc, itf); } } /** * Rewrites INVOKESPECIAL method calls: * <ul> * <li>calls to constructors are handled specially (see below)</li> * <li>calls to super methods are rewritten to call the 'access$super' trampoline we * injected into the original code</li> * <li>calls to methods in this class are rewritten to call the mathcin $override class * static method</li> * </ul> */ private boolean handleSpecialOpcode(String owner, String name, String desc, boolean itf) { if (name.equals("<init>")) { return handleConstructor(owner, name, desc); } if (owner.equals(visitedClassName)) { String mtdSig = name + "." + desc; if (priNativeMtdSet.contains(mtdSig) || priSyncMtdSet.contains(mtdSig)) { pushMethodRedirectArgumentsOnStack(name, desc); // Stack : <receiver> // <array of parameter_values> // <array of parameter_types> // <method_name> invokeStatic(RUNTIME_TYPE, Method.getMethod("Object invokeProtectedMethod(Object, Object[], Class[], String)")); // Stack : <return value or null if no return value> handleReturnType(desc); return true; } else { // private method dispatch, just invoke the $override class static method. String newDesc = computeOverrideMethodDesc(desc, false /*isStatic*/); super.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, owner + "$override", name, newDesc, itf); return true; } } else { String newDesc = computeOverrideMethodDesc(desc, false); InstantMethod method = new InstantMethod(owner, name, newDesc, desc); superMethods.add(method); super.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, visitedClassName + "$helper", name, newDesc, itf); return true; } } /** * Rewrites INVOKEVIRTUAL method calls. * <p/> * Virtual calls to protected methods are rewritten according to the following pseudo code: * before: * <code> * $value = $instance.protectedVirtual(arg1, arg2); * </code> * after: * <code> * $value = (unbox)$package/AndroidInstantRuntime.invokeProtectedMethod($instance, * new object[] {arg1, arg2}, new Class[] { String.class, Integer.class }, * "protectedVirtual"); * </code> */ private boolean handleVirtualOpcode(String owner, String name, String desc, boolean itf) { AccessRight accessRight = getMethodAccessRight(owner, name, desc); if (accessRight == AccessRight.PUBLIC) { return false; } // for anything else, private, protected and package private, we must go through // reflection. // Stack : <receiver> // <param_1> // <param_2> // ... // <param_n> pushMethodRedirectArgumentsOnStack(name, desc); // Stack : <receiver> // <array of parameter_values> // <array of parameter_types> // <method_name> invokeStatic(RUNTIME_TYPE, Method.getMethod("Object invokeProtectedMethod(Object, Object[], Class[], String)")); // Stack : <return value or null if no return value> handleReturnType(desc); return true; } /** * Rewrites INVOKESTATIC method calls. * <p/> * Static calls to non-public methods are rewritten according to the following pseudo code: * before: * <code> * $value = $type.protectedStatic(arg1, arg2); * </code> * after: * <code> * $value = (unbox)$package/AndroidInstantRuntime.invokeProtectedStaticMethod( * new object[] {arg1, arg2}, new Class[] { String.class, Integer.class }, * "protectedStatic", $type.class); * </code> */ private boolean handleStaticOpcode(String owner, String name, String desc, boolean itf) { AccessRight accessRight = getMethodAccessRight(owner, name, desc); if (accessRight == AccessRight.PUBLIC) { return false; } // for anything else, private, protected and package private, we must go through // reflection. // stack: <param_1> // <param_2> // ... // <param_n> pushMethodRedirectArgumentsOnStack(name, desc); // push the class implementing the original static method visitLdcInsn(Type.getType("L" + owner + ";")); // stack: <boxed method parameter> // <target parameter types> // <target method name> // <target class name> invokeStatic(RUNTIME_TYPE, Method.getMethod("Object invokeProtectedStaticMethod(Object[], Class[], String, Class)")); // stack : method return value or null if the method was VOID. handleReturnType(desc); return true; } /** * For calls to constructors in the same package, calls are rewritten to use reflection * to create the instance (see above, the NEW and DUP instructions are also removed) using * the following pseudo code. * <p/> * before: * <code> * $value = new $type(arg1, arg2); * </code> * after: * <code> * $value = ($type)$package/AndroidInstantRuntime.newForClass(new Object[] {arg1, arg2 }, * new Class[]{ String.class, Integer.class }, $type.class); * </code> */ private boolean handleConstructor(String owner, String name, String desc) { AccessRight accessRight = getMethodAccessRight(owner, name, desc); if (accessRight != AccessRight.PUBLIC) { Type expectedType = Type.getType("L" + owner + ";"); pushMethodRedirectArgumentsOnStack(name, desc); // pop the name, we don't need it. pop(); visitLdcInsn(expectedType); invokeStatic(RUNTIME_TYPE, Method.getMethod("Object newForClass(Object[], Class[], Class)")); checkCast(expectedType); ByteCodeUtils.unbox(this, expectedType); return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public void visitLocalVariable(String name, String desc, String signature, Label start, Label end, int index) { // Even if we call the first argument of the static redirection "this", JDI has a // specific API to retrieve "thisObject" from the current stack frame, which totally // ignores and bypasses this variable declaration. We will not show the renamed // variable to the user and will redirect in Studio to be the real this object. // We use a name unlikely to be used, but different than "this". if ("this".equals(name)) { name = "$this"; } super.visitLocalVariable(name, desc, signature, start, end, index); } @Override public void visitEnd() { } private void pushMethodRedirectArgumentsOnStack(String name, String desc) { Type[] parameterTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc); // stack : <parameters values> int parameters = boxParametersToNewLocalArray(parameterTypes); // push the parameter values as a Object[] on the stack. loadLocal(parameters); // push the parameter types as a Class[] on the stack pushParameterTypesOnStack(parameterTypes); push(name); } /** * Creates an array of {@link Class} objects with the same size of the array of the passed * parameter types. For each parameter type, stores its {@link Class} object into the * result array. For intrinsic types which are not present in the class constant pool, just * push the actual {@link Type} object on the stack and let ASM do the rest. For non * intrinsic type use a {@link MethodVisitor#visitLdcInsn(Object)} to ensure the * referenced class's presence in this class constant pool. * <p/> * Stack Before : nothing of interest * Stack After : <array of {@link Class}> * * @param parameterTypes a method list of parameters. */ private void pushParameterTypesOnStack(Type[] parameterTypes) { push(parameterTypes.length); newArray(Type.getType(Class.class)); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { dup(); push(i); switch (parameterTypes[i].getSort()) { case Type.OBJECT: case Type.ARRAY: visitLdcInsn(parameterTypes[i]); break; case Type.BOOLEAN: case Type.CHAR: case Type.BYTE: case Type.SHORT: case Type.INT: case Type.LONG: case Type.FLOAT: case Type.DOUBLE: push(parameterTypes[i]); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected parameter type " + parameterTypes[i]); } arrayStore(Type.getType(Class.class)); } } /** * Handle method return logic. * * @param desc the method signature */ private void handleReturnType(String desc) { Type ret = Type.getReturnType(desc); if (ret.getSort() == Type.VOID) { pop(); } else { ByteCodeUtils.unbox(this, ret); } } private int boxParametersToNewLocalArray(Type[] parameterTypes) { int parameters = newLocal(Type.getType("[Ljava/lang.Object;")); push(parameterTypes.length); newArray(Type.getType(Object.class)); storeLocal(parameters); for (int i = parameterTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { loadLocal(parameters); swap(parameterTypes[i], Type.getType(Object.class)); push(i); swap(parameterTypes[i], Type.INT_TYPE); box(parameterTypes[i]); arrayStore(Type.getType(Object.class)); } return parameters; } } @Override public void visitEnd() { addDispatchMethod(); addSupportMethod(); super.visitEnd(); } /** * To each class, add the dispatch method called by the original code that acts as a trampoline to * invoke the changed methods. * <p/> * Pseudo code: * <code> * Object access$dispatch(String name, object[] args) { * if (name.equals( * "firstMethod.(L$type;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;")) { * return firstMethod(($type)arg[0], (String)arg[1], arg[2]); * } * if (name.equals("secondMethod.(L$type;Ljava/lang/String;I;)V")) { * secondMethod(($type)arg[0], (String)arg[1], (int)arg[2]); * return; * } * ... * StringBuilder $local1 = new StringBuilder(); * $local1.append("Method not found "); * $local1.append(name); * $local1.append(" in " + visitedClassName + * "$dispatch implementation, restart the application"); * throw new $package/InstantReloadException($local1.toString()); * } * </code> */ private void addDispatchMethod() { int access = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_VARARGS; Method m = new Method("access$dispatch", "(I[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"); MethodVisitor visitor = super.visitMethod(access, m.getName(), m.getDescriptor(), null, null); final GeneratorAdapter mv = new GeneratorAdapter(access, m, visitor); if (TRACING_ENABLED) { mv.push("Redirecting "); mv.loadArg(0); trace(mv, 2); } List<MethodNode> allMethods = new ArrayList(); // if we are disabled, do not generate any dispatch, the method will throw an exception // if invoked which should never happen. if (!instantRunDisabled) { //noinspection unchecked allMethods.addAll(classNode.methods); allMethods.addAll(addedMethods); } final Map<String, MethodNode> methods = new HashMap(); for (MethodNode methodNode : allMethods) { if ("<clinit>") ||"<init>")) { continue; } if (!isAccessCompatibleWithInstantRun(methodNode.access)) { continue; } methods.put( + "." + methodNode.desc, methodNode); } new IntSwitch() { @Override void visitString() { mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1); } @Override void visitInt() { mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD, 1); } @Override void visitCase(String methodName) { MethodNode methodNode = methods.get(methodName); String name =; boolean isStatic = (methodNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0; String newDesc = computeOverrideMethodDesc(methodNode.desc, isStatic); if (TRACING_ENABLED) { trace(mv, "M: " + name + " P:" + newDesc); } Type[] args = Type.getArgumentTypes(newDesc); int argc = 0; for (Type t : args) { mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 2); mv.push(argc); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.AALOAD); ByteCodeUtils.unbox(mv, t); argc++; } mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, visitedClassName + "$override", isStatic ? computeOverrideMethodName(name, methodNode.desc) : name, newDesc, false); Type ret = Type.getReturnType(methodNode.desc); if (ret.getSort() == Type.VOID) { mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); } else {; } mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ARETURN); } @Override void visitDefault() { writeMissingMessageWithHash(mv, visitedClassName); } }.visit(mv, methods.keySet(), visitedClassName); mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); mv.visitEnd(); } public void addSupportMethod() { int access = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC; Method m = new Method("isSupport", "(I)Z"); MethodVisitor mv = super.visitMethod(access, m.getName(), m.getDescriptor(), null, null); mv.visitCode(); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1); // mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/String", "hashCode", "()I", false); int[] hashArray = new int[fixMtds.size()]; Label[] labelArray = new Label[fixMtds.size()]; Label l0 = new Label(); Label l1 = new Label(); for (int i = 0; i < fixMtds.size(); i++) { hashArray[i] = AcesoProguardMap.instance().getClassData(visitedClassName).getMtdIndex(fixMtds.get(i)); labelArray[i] = l0; } mv.visitLookupSwitchInsn(l1, hashArray, labelArray); mv.visitLabel(l0); mv.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME, 0, null, 0, null); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ICONST_1); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.IRETURN); mv.visitLabel(l1); mv.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_SAME, 0, null, 0, null); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ICONST_0); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.IRETURN); mv.visitMaxs(1, 2); mv.visitEnd(); mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); mv.visitEnd(); } /** * Returns true if the passed class name is in the same package as the visited class. * * @param type The type name of the other object, either a "com/var/Object" or a "[Type" one. * @return true if className and visited class are in the same java package. */ private boolean isInSamePackage(String type) { if (type.charAt(0) == '[') { return false; } return getPackage(visitedClassName).equals(getPackage(type)); } /** * @return the package of the given / separated class name. */ private String getPackage(String className) { int i = className.lastIndexOf('/'); return i == -1 ? className : className.substring(0, i); } /** * Returns true if the passed class name is an ancestor of the visited class. * * @param className a / separated class name * @return true if it is an ancestor, false otherwise. */ private boolean isAnAncestor(String className) { for (ClassNode parentNode : parentNodes) { if ( { return true; } } return false; } /** * Instance methods, when converted to static methods need to have the subject object as * the first parameter. If the method is static, it is unchanged. */ private String computeOverrideMethodDesc(String desc, boolean isStatic) { if (isStatic) { return desc; } else { return instanceToStaticDescPrefix + desc.substring(1); } } /** * Prevent method name collisions. * <p/> * A static method that takes an instance of this class as the first argument might clash with * a rewritten instance method, and this rewrites all methods like that. This is an * over-approximation of the necessary renames, but it has the advantage of neither adding * additional state nor requiring lookups. */ private String computeOverrideMethodName(String name, String desc) { if (desc.startsWith(instanceToStaticDescPrefix) && !name.equals("init$args") && !name.equals("init$body")) { return METHOD_MANGLE_PREFIX + name; } return name; } }