Java tutorial
/** * (c) Copyright, Moebius Solutions, Inc., 2012 * * All Rights Reserved * * LICENSE: GPLv3 */ package com.moesol.gwt.maps.client; import; import; public class Browser { /** * Gets the navigator.appName. * * @return the window's navigator.appName. */ public enum Type { IE_7, IE_8, IE_9, CHROME, FF, OTHER } public static class FontSize { private int width; private int height; public FontSize(int w, int h) { width = w; height = h; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } } public static native String userAgent() /*-{ return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); }-*/; public static Type getBrowser() { String cs = userAgent(); if (cs.contains("msie 7")) { return Type.IE_7; } if (cs.contains("msie 8")) { return Type.IE_8; } if (cs.contains("msie 9")) { return Type.IE_9; } if (cs.contains("chrome")) { return Type.CHROME; } if (cs.contains("firefox")) { return Type.FF; } return Type.OTHER; } public static String getBrowserName() { Type type = getBrowser(); if (type == Type.IE_7) { return "ie 7"; } if (type == Type.IE_8) { return "ie 8"; } if (type == Type.IE_9) { return "ie 9"; } if (type == Type.CHROME) { return "chrome"; } if (type == Type.FF) { return "firefox"; } return "other"; } public static boolean isBrowserIE7or8() { Type t = getBrowser(); if (t == Type.IE_7 || t == Type.IE_8) { return true; } return false; } public static native int getFontPixWidth(String str) /*-{ var h = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0]; var d = document.createElement("DIV"); var s = document.createElement("SPAN"); d.appendChild(s); // = "sans"; //font for the parent element DIV. // = "sans"; //serif font used as a comparator. // = "72px"; //we test using 72px font size, we may use any size. I guess larger the better. s.innerHTML = "mmmmmmmmmmlil"; //we use m or w because these two characters take up the maximum width. //And we use a L so that the same matching fonts can get separated h.appendChild(d); var defaultWidth = s.offsetWidth; //now we have the defaultWidth var defaultHeight = s.offsetHeight; //and the defaultHeight, we compare other fonts with these. h.removeChild(d); return defaultWidth; }-*/; public static FontSize getFontSize() { Label l = new Label(); l.setText("AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz"); Element e = l.getElement(); int width = e.getClientWidth() / 52; int height = e.getClientHeight(); return new FontSize(width, height); } }