Java tutorial
/** * basar - enhanced electronic marketplace * Copyright (C) 2013 Christian Kreutzfeldt * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.mnxfst.basar.switchboard; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import akka.dispatch.Futures; import akka.routing.Broadcast; import com.mnxfst.basar.message.BasarMessage; import com.mnxfst.basar.message.switchboard.ListenerRegistrationSuccessMsg; import com.mnxfst.basar.message.switchboard.RegisterMessageListenerMsg; /** * Receives <b>all</b> inbound messages and forwards them to all registered/interested components. Components * within a sub-domain use the switchboard as entry point for forwarding messages towards other sub-domains. * * TODO: * - step through message listeners periodically and remove invalid references * - reason to notify the listeners in case their registration failed for any reason * - implement a message counter that forwards its value through a switchboard to all registered listeners (eg. logging facilities or accounting components) * (be aware that the counter needs to be reset after forwarding its current value to ensure that the communicated values are valid and * the counter never stalls) * - decide whether to send messages directly to the sender or retrieve it from the message by source reference lookup * @author mnxfst * @since 11.06.2013 * * Revision Control Info $Id$ */ public class Switchboard extends UntypedActor { /** map of all available message types being associated with a set of listener that wish to be notified about these messages */ private final Map<Class<? extends BasarMessage>, Set<ActorRef>> messageListeners = new HashMap<>(); /** * @see */ public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception { // ensure that the received message belongs to the application space ... if (message instanceof BasarMessage) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // at first: check if the message contains any switchboard relevant content // switchboard relevant messages are: // - message type receiver registrations if (message instanceof RegisterMessageListenerMsg) { handleMessageReceiverRegistration((RegisterMessageListenerMsg) message); } else { propagateMessageTowardsListeners((BasarMessage) message); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else { // ... otherwise forward to "unhandled" handler System.out.println("unhandled: " + message); unhandled(message); } } /** * Propagates the provided message to listeners being registered for the message type * @param basarMessage * TODO check what happens on heavy load, maybe we need a specialized dispatcher which queues inbound jobs */ protected void propagateMessageTowardsListeners(final BasarMessage basarMessage) { Futures.future(new MessagePropagationJob(basarMessage, this.messageListeners.get(basarMessage.getClass()), getSelf()), getContext().system().dispatcher()); } /** * Handles messages of type {@link RegisterMessageListenerMsg}. The component referenced through * contained {@link RegisterMessageListenerMsg#getReceiverRef()} will be registered for all messages * of selected {@link RegisterMessageListenerMsg#getMessageType() type}. * @param msg */ protected void handleMessageReceiverRegistration(RegisterMessageListenerMsg msg) { if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(getSelf().path().toString(), msg.getReceiverRef())) { System.out.println("Switchboard must not be able to register itself as message receiver"); return; } // fetch actor as well the message type the contained receiver wishes to register itself for Class<? extends BasarMessage> messageType = msg.getMessageType(); ActorRef receivingActorRef = getContext().system().actorFor(msg.getReceiverRef()); // retrieve the list of message receivers for a specific type, add the actor and put back everything into the map Set<ActorRef> receivers = messageListeners.get(messageType); if (receivers == null) receivers = new HashSet<>(); receivers.add(receivingActorRef); this.messageListeners.put(messageType, receivers); // finally: notify the actor which send the request about its successful registration - keep the sequence identifier to allow // the sender a valid association between request and response ... if he does in any way receivingActorRef.tell(new ListenerRegistrationSuccessMsg(getSelf().path().toString(), msg.getSequenceId(), System.currentTimeMillis()), getSelf()); } /** * Convenience method for registering a new message listener at all {@link Switchboard switchboard} instances * @param switchboardActorRef * @param requestingActorRef * @param messageTypeListenerRef * @param messageType * @param sequenceId */ public static void registerMessageTypeListener(final ActorRef switchboardActorRef, final ActorRef requestingActorRef, final ActorRef messageTypeListenerRef, final Class<? extends BasarMessage> messageType, final String sequenceId) { switchboardActorRef.tell( new Broadcast(new RegisterMessageListenerMsg(requestingActorRef.path().toString(), sequenceId, System.currentTimeMillis(), messageTypeListenerRef.path().toString(), messageType)), requestingActorRef); } }