Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2016 All right reserved. This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * ? * * @author zxc Dec 4, 2014 12:28:11 AM */ @Controller public class MessageController extends BaseController { // /message/topShow ?? // {"result":{"code":"9999", "message":"", "data":{"items":0}}} /** * <pre> * { * "result": { * "code": "9999", * "message": "", * "data": { * "items": 1, * "data": [ * { * "action": 2, * "actiontime": 1419391969333000, * "content": "laolunshi?<a href=\"/link/6527455/comments/7089236\">\"? | Jeck_Zhang\"</a>", * "createTime": "11:32", * "createtime": 1419391969333000, * "destjid": "zxc337", * "fromjid": "laolunshi", * "id": 3900450, * "ids": "3900450", * "isRead": false, * "linksId": 6527455, * "messageId": 2, * "title": "<a href=\"/user/laolunshi\" class=\"a-jid\" target=\"_blank\">laolunshi</a> <a href=\"/link/6527455/comments/7089236\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"f-href\">"? | Jeck_Zhang"</a><span class=\"f-time\" id=\"f-time-3900450\">11:32</span>" * } * ] * } * } * } * </pre> * * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/message/topShow") public ModelAndView topShow() { List<NotificationDO> list = letterService.list(new NotificationQuery(WebUserTools.getUid())); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { map.put("items", 0); return createJsonMav("9999", "", map); } initUserInfo4List(list); List<NotificationVO> result = new ArrayList<NotificationVO>(); for (NotificationDO notification : list) { result.add(new NotificationVO(notification)); } map.put("data", result); map.put("items", result.size()); return createJsonMav("9999", "", map); } // /message/read?isAll=true // {"result":{"code":"9999", "message":"", "data":0}} // /message/read?id=3900568 @RequestMapping(value = "/message/read") public ModelAndView readNotice(String isAll, String id) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(isAll) && StringUtils.isEmpty(id)) { return createJsonMav("9998", ",??", 0); } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("true", isAll)) { List<NotificationDO> list = letterService .list(new NotificationQuery(WebUserTools.getUid(), UnReadEnum.UN_READ)); for (NotificationDO notification : list) { letterService.update(new NotificationDO(notification.getId(), 0)); } return createJsonMav("9999", "", 0); } try { if (id.contains(",")) { String[] ids = StringUtils.split(id, ","); for (String _id : ids) { Long _id_ = new Long(_id); if (!Argument.isNotPositive(_id_)) { NotificationDO notificationById = letterService.getNotificationById(_id_); if (notificationById == null) { return createJsonMav("9998", ",??", 0); } letterService.update(new NotificationDO(_id_, 0)); } } } else if (!Argument.isNotPositive(new Long(id))) { NotificationDO notificationById = letterService.getNotificationById(new Long(id)); if (notificationById == null) { return createJsonMav("9998", ",??", 0); } letterService.update(new NotificationDO(new Long(id), 0)); } } catch (Exception e) { return createJsonMav("9998", ",??", 0); } return createJsonMav("9999", "", 0); } // /message/del?id=3900664,3900660 // {"result":{"code":"9999", "message":"", "data":0}} @RequestMapping(value = "/message/del") public ModelAndView delNotice(String id) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(id)) { return createJsonMav("9998", ",??", 0); } try { if (id.contains(",")) { String[] ids = StringUtils.split(id, ","); for (String _id : ids) { if (!Argument.isNotPositive(new Long(_id))) { letterService.deleteNotification(new Long(_id)); } } } else if (!Argument.isNotPositive(new Long(id))) { letterService.deleteNotification(new Long(id)); } } catch (Exception e) { return createJsonMav("9998", ",??", 0); } return createJsonMav("9999", "?", 0); } // /letter/show/1/3928/1 ?,??? @RequestMapping(value = { "/letter/show/1/{dialogId}", "/letter/show/1/{dialogId}/1" }) public ModelAndView show(@PathVariable("dialogId") Long dialogId) { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("/msg/show"); DialogDO dialog = letterService.getDialogById(dialogId); if (dialog == null) { return mav; } initUserInfo4Base(dialog); LetterQuery query = new LetterQuery(); query.setRelationDialogId(dialogId); List<DialogLetterVO> list = new LinkedList<DialogLetterVO>(); List<LetterDO> letterList = letterService.list(query); for (LetterDO letter : letterList) { if (UnReadEnum.isUnRead(letter.getUnRead())) { letterService.update(new LetterDO(letter.getId(), UnReadEnum.READ)); } list.add(new DialogLetterVO(dialog, letter)); } mav.addObject("list", list); mav.addObject("dialog", dialog); return mav; } // /letter/ ???,?? otherJid:neva8987 content: // {"result":{"code":"9999", "message":"???", // "data":{"action":0,"actionTime":1417286874069000,"content":"","createDate":"?1?","createTime":1417286874069000, // "groupId":3888,"id":5701,"jid":"zxc337","otherJid":"neva8987","state":1}}} // {"result":{"code":"10008", "message":"????.", "data":""}} @RequestMapping(value = "/letter/") public ModelAndView sendLetter(String otherJid, String content) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(otherJid) || StringUtils.isEmpty(content)) { return createJsonMav("0000", "??", ""); } MemberDO member = userService.find(new MemberQuery(otherJid)); if (member == null) { return createJsonMav("0000", "??", ""); } if (!BooleanEnum.getByValue(member.getLetterBan()).isTrue()) { return createJsonMav("10008", "????.", ""); } BlacklistDO blacklist = userService.find(new BlacklistQuery(member.getId(), WebUserTools.getUid())); if (blacklist != null) { return createJsonMav("10008", "(???)????.", ""); } Long recipientUserId = member.getId(); // ??, DialogDO senderDialog = letterService.find(new DialogQuery(WebUserTools.getUid(), recipientUserId)); if (senderDialog == null) { senderDialog = new DialogDO(WebUserTools.getUid(), WebUserTools.getName(), member.getId(), member.getName()); letterService.add(senderDialog); } DialogDO recipientDialog = letterService.find(new DialogQuery(recipientUserId, WebUserTools.getUid())); if (recipientDialog == null) { recipientDialog = new DialogDO(member.getId(), member.getName(), WebUserTools.getUid(), WebUserTools.getName()); letterService.add(recipientDialog); } LetterDO letter = new LetterDO(WebUserTools.getUid(), senderDialog.getId(), member.getId(), recipientDialog.getId(), content); letterService.add(letter); return createSuccJsonMav("???", new LetterResposeVO(letter, senderDialog, recipientDialog)); } // /letter/ ? // {"result":{"code":"9999", "message":"?", "data":""}} // {"result":{"code":"10008", "message":"?", "data":""}} @RequestMapping(value = "/letter/") public ModelAndView readLetter(Long... groupIds) { if (Argument.isEmptyArray(groupIds)) { return createJsonMav("10008", "?", ""); } for (Long groupId : groupIds) { DialogDO dialog = letterService.getDialogById(groupId); if (dialog == null) { return createJsonMav("10008", "?", ""); } LetterQuery query = new LetterQuery(); query.setRelationDialogId(groupId); List<LetterDO> letterList = letterService.list(query); for (LetterDO letter : letterList) { if (UnReadEnum.isUnRead(letter.getUnRead())) { letterService.update(new LetterDO(letter.getId(), UnReadEnum.READ)); } } } return createJsonMav("9999", "?", ""); } // /letter/del/ ? // {"result":{"code":"9999", "message":"?", "data":""}} @RequestMapping(value = "/letter/del/") public ModelAndView delLetter(Long... groupIds) { if (Argument.isEmptyArray(groupIds)) { return createJsonMav("10008", "?", ""); } for (Long groupId : groupIds) { DialogDO dialog = letterService.getDialogById(groupId); if (dialog == null) { return createJsonMav("10008", "?", ""); } letterService.deleteDialog(groupId); } return createJsonMav("9999", "?", ""); } // /letter ??,? @RequestMapping(value = "/letter") public ModelAndView letter() { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("/msg/letter"); List<DialogFullDO> dialogList = letterService.dialogList(new DialogQuery(WebUserTools.getUid())); initUserInfo4List(dialogList); List<DialogFullVO> list = new LinkedList<DialogFullVO>(); Map<Long, List<DialogFullDO>> dialogListMap = CollectionUtils.toLongListMap(dialogList, "id"); for (Entry<Long, List<DialogFullDO>> entry : dialogListMap.entrySet()) { List<DialogFullDO> fullList = entry.getValue(); Collections.sort(fullList, new Comparator<DialogFullDO>() { @Override public int compare(DialogFullDO o1, DialogFullDO o2) { if (o1.getGmtModified() == null) { return -1; } if (o2.getGmtModified() == null) { return 1; } return o2.getGmtModified().compareTo(o1.getGmtCreate()); } }); DialogFullDO fullDO = fullList.get(0); list.add(new DialogFullVO(WebUserTools.getUid(), fullDO, fullList.size())); } Integer count = letterService.count(new LetterQuery(UnReadEnum.UN_READ, WebUserTools.getUid())); mav.addObject("unReadCount", count == null ? "0" : count); mav.addObject("list", list); return mav; } // /message ?, @RequestMapping(value = "/notice") public ModelAndView notice() { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("/msg/notice"); List<NotificationDO> list = letterService.list(new NotificationQuery(WebUserTools.getUid())); initUserInfo4List(list); Integer count = letterService.count(new NotificationQuery(WebUserTools.getUid(), UnReadEnum.UN_READ)); mav.addObject("unReadCount", count == null ? "0" : count); mav.addObject("list", list); return mav; } // ? // {"result":{"code":"1120", "message":"", "data":""}} @RequestMapping(value = "/letter/noread/") public ModelAndView countDo() { if (!WebUserTools.hasLogin()) { return createJsonMav("1120", "", ""); } Integer count = letterService.count(new LetterQuery(UnReadEnum.UN_READ, WebUserTools.getUid())); return createSuccJsonMav("", count == null ? "0" : count); } // @RequestMapping(value = "/message/unread/count") public ModelAndView count() { if (!WebUserTools.hasLogin()) { return createJsonMav("1120", "", ""); } Integer count = letterService.count(new NotificationQuery(WebUserTools.getUid(), UnReadEnum.UN_READ)); return createSuccJsonMav("", count == null ? "0" : count); } // /letter/ ??? // {"result":{"code":"9999", "message":"??", "data":""}} // shield:false ?? shield:true ?? @RequestMapping(value = "/letter/") public ModelAndView shield(boolean shield) { Integer isLetterBan = 0; if (shield) { isLetterBan = 1; } MemberDO member = new MemberDO(WebUserTools.getUid()); member.setLetterBan(isLetterBan); userService.update(member); return createJsonMav("9999", "??", ""); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /// // /// // /// ??? // /// // /// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /letter/add/ ???? @RequestMapping(value = "/letter/add/") public ModelAndView addBlack(String jid) { MemberDO blackMember = userService.find(new MemberQuery(jid)); if (blackMember == null) { return createJsonMav("0000", "?", ""); } BlacklistDO blacklist = userService.find(new BlacklistQuery(WebUserTools.getUid(), blackMember.getId())); if (blacklist != null) { return createJsonMav("0000", "????", ""); } userService.add(new BlacklistDO(WebUserTools.getUid(), blackMember.getId())); return createSuccJsonMav("?", ""); } // /letter/del/ @RequestMapping(value = "/letter/del/") public ModelAndView delBlack(String jid) { MemberDO blackMember = userService.find(new MemberQuery(jid)); if (blackMember == null) { return createJsonMav("0000", "?", ""); } BlacklistDO blacklist = userService.find(new BlacklistQuery(WebUserTools.getUid(), blackMember.getId())); if (blacklist == null) { return createJsonMav("0000", "????", ""); } userService.deleteBlacklist(blacklist.getId()); return createSuccJsonMav("????", ""); } }