Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Michell Bak * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.miz.service; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import com.miz.db.DbAdapterTvShow; import com.miz.db.DbAdapterTvShowEpisode; import com.miz.functions.DecryptedShowEpisode; import com.miz.functions.Episode; import com.miz.functions.MizLib; import com.miz.functions.TheTVDb; import com.miz.functions.Tvshow; import com.miz.mizuu.MizuuApplication; import com.miz.mizuu.R; import com.miz.mizuu.TvShow; import com.miz.widgets.ShowBackdropWidgetProvider; import com.miz.widgets.ShowCoverWidgetProvider; import com.miz.widgets.ShowStackWidgetProvider; public class TheTVDB extends Service { private String LOCALE = "", language = ""; private boolean localizedInfo = false, isEpisodeIdentify = false, isShowIdentify = false, isUpdate = false, isUnidentifiedIdentify = false; private File thumbsFolder; private long rowId; private String[] files, rowsToDrop; private TheTVDb tvdb; private Tvshow thisShow; private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String> queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>(); public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); final Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); files = bundle.getStringArray("files"); rowsToDrop = bundle.getStringArray("rowsToDrop"); isEpisodeIdentify = bundle.getBoolean("isEpisodeIdentify", false); isShowIdentify = bundle.getBoolean("isShowIdentify", false); isUnidentifiedIdentify = bundle.getBoolean("isUnidentifiedIdentify", false); isUpdate = bundle.getBoolean("isUpdate", false); rowId = bundle.getLong("rowId", 0); language = bundle.getString("language", ""); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) queue.add(files[i]); setup(); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { tvdb = new TheTVDb(getApplicationContext()); if (isUpdate) { thisShow = tvdb.searchForShow(MizLib.decryptEpisode(files[0], PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext()).getString("ignoredTags", "")), LOCALE); createShow("", ""); } else if (isUnidentifiedIdentify) { thisShow = tvdb.getShow(bundle.getString("tvdbId"), LOCALE); if (rowsToDrop != null) { DbAdapterTvShowEpisode db = MizuuApplication.getTvEpisodeDbAdapter(); for (int i = 0; i < rowsToDrop.length; i++) db.deleteEpisode(rowsToDrop[i]); createShow("", ""); } else { createShow(bundle.getString("season"), bundle.getString("episode")); } } else if (isEpisodeIdentify) { thisShow = tvdb.getShow(bundle.getString("tvdbId"), LOCALE); loadNextEpisode(bundle.getString("season"), bundle.getString("episode")); } else if (isShowIdentify) { // Delete the old show based on its ID TvShow temp = new TvShow(getApplicationContext(), bundle.getString("oldShowId"), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", false, "0"); MizLib.deleteShow(getApplicationContext(), temp, false); thisShow = tvdb.getShow(bundle.getString("tvdbId"), LOCALE); createShow("", ""); } } }.start(); return Service.START_NOT_STICKY; } private void loadNextEpisode() { loadNextEpisode("", ""); // This will be ignored } private synchronized void loadNextEpisode(final String season, final String episode) { synchronized (queue) { if (queue.peek() != null && !queue.isEmpty()) { new Thread() { @Override public void run() { String file = queue.poll(); if (file == null) stopSelf(); if (season.isEmpty() && episode.isEmpty()) { DecryptedShowEpisode decrypted = MizLib.decryptEpisode( file.contains("<MiZ>") ? file.split("<MiZ>")[0] : file, PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext()) .getString("ignoredTags", "")); downloadEpisode(MizLib.addIndexZero(decrypted.getSeason()), MizLib.addIndexZero(decrypted.getEpisode()), file); } else { downloadEpisode(season, episode, file); } } }.start(); } else { updateWidgets(); stopSelf(); // Let's stop this service, so a new one can be started... } } } private void setup() { localizedInfo = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getBoolean("prefsUseLocalData", false); if (language.isEmpty()) if (localizedInfo) { LOCALE = Locale.getDefault().toString(); if (LOCALE.contains("_")) LOCALE = LOCALE.substring(0, LOCALE.indexOf("_")); if (!MizLib.tvdbLanguages.contains(LOCALE)) // Check if system language is supported by TheTVDb LOCALE = "en"; } else LOCALE = "en"; else LOCALE = language; thumbsFolder = MizLib.getTvShowThumbFolder(this); } private void createShow(String season, String episode) { boolean downloadCovers = true; // Check if the show already exists before downloading the show info if (!thisShow.getId().equals("invalid") && !thisShow.getId().isEmpty()) { DbAdapterTvShow db = MizuuApplication.getTvDbAdapter(); Cursor cursor = db.getShow(thisShow.getId()); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { downloadCovers = false; } } if (downloadCovers) { if (!thisShow.getId().equals("invalid") && !thisShow.getId().isEmpty()) { String thumb_filepath = new File(thumbsFolder, thisShow.getId() + ".jpg").getAbsolutePath(); String backdrop_filepath = new File(MizLib.getTvShowBackdropFolder(this), thisShow.getId() + "_tvbg.jpg").getAbsolutePath(); // Download the cover file and try again if it fails if (!thisShow.getCover_url().isEmpty()) if (!MizLib.downloadFile(thisShow.getCover_url(), thumb_filepath)) MizLib.downloadFile(thisShow.getCover_url(), thumb_filepath); MizLib.resizeBitmapFileToCoverSize(getApplicationContext(), thumb_filepath); // Download the backdrop image file and try again if it fails if (!thisShow.getBackdrop_url().isEmpty()) if (!MizLib.downloadFile(thisShow.getBackdrop_url(), backdrop_filepath)) MizLib.downloadFile(thisShow.getBackdrop_url(), backdrop_filepath); DbAdapterTvShow dbHelper = MizuuApplication.getTvDbAdapter(); dbHelper.createShow(thisShow.getId(), thisShow.getTitle(), thisShow.getDescription(), thisShow.getActors(), thisShow.getGenre(), thisShow.getRating(), thisShow.getCertification(), thisShow.getRuntime(), thisShow.getFirst_aired(), "0"); } } loadNextEpisode(season, episode); } private void downloadEpisode(String season, String episode, String filepath) { Episode thisEpisode = new Episode(); ArrayList<Episode> episodes = thisShow.getEpisodes(); int count = episodes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (MizLib.addIndexZero(episodes.get(i).getSeason()).equals(season) && MizLib.addIndexZero(episodes.get(i).getEpisode()).equals(episode)) { thisEpisode = episodes.get(i); continue; } } if (thisEpisode.getEpisode().isEmpty()) { thisEpisode.setEpisode(episode); thisEpisode.setSeason(season); } // Download the episode screenshot file and try again if it fails if (!thisEpisode.getScreenshot_url().isEmpty()) { String screenshotFile = new File(MizLib.getTvShowEpisodeFolder(this), thisShow.getId() + "_S" + season + "E" + episode + ".jpg").getAbsolutePath(); if (!MizLib.downloadFile(thisEpisode.getScreenshot_url(), screenshotFile)) MizLib.downloadFile(thisEpisode.getScreenshot_url(), screenshotFile); } addToDatabase(thisEpisode, filepath); } private void addToDatabase(Episode ep, String filepath) { DbAdapterTvShowEpisode dbHelper = MizuuApplication.getTvEpisodeDbAdapter(); if (isUpdate || isShowIdentify || rowsToDrop != null) { dbHelper.createEpisode(filepath, MizLib.addIndexZero(ep.getSeason()), MizLib.addIndexZero(ep.getEpisode()), thisShow.getId(), ep.getTitle(), ep.getDescription(), ep.getAirdate(), ep.getRating(), ep.getDirector(), ep.getWriter(), ep.getGueststars(), "0", "0"); } else { dbHelper.updateEpisode(rowId, filepath, MizLib.addIndexZero(ep.getSeason()), MizLib.addIndexZero(ep.getEpisode()), thisShow.getId(), ep.getTitle(), ep.getDescription(), ep.getAirdate(), ep.getRating(), ep.getDirector(), ep.getWriter(), ep.getGueststars(), "0", "0"); } updateNotification(ep); } private void updateNotification(Episode ep) { Intent intent = null; if (isUpdate) { intent = new Intent("mizuu-tvshows-object"); intent.putExtra("id", thisShow.getId()); intent.putExtra("movieName", thisShow.getTitle() + " S" + MizLib.addIndexZero(ep.getSeason()) + "E" + MizLib.addIndexZero(ep.getEpisode()) + (!ep.getTitle().isEmpty() ? " (" + ep.getTitle() + ")" : "")); intent.putExtra("thumbFile", new File(thumbsFolder, thisShow.getId() + ".jpg").getAbsolutePath()); File backdropFile = new File(MizLib.getTvShowEpisodeFolder(this), thisShow.getId() + "_S" + MizLib.addIndexZero(ep.getSeason()) + "E" + MizLib.addIndexZero(ep.getEpisode()) + ".jpg"); if (!backdropFile.exists()) backdropFile = new File(thumbsFolder, thisShow.getId() + ".jpg"); intent.putExtra("backdrop", backdropFile.getAbsolutePath()); sendUpdateBroadcast(intent); } else { if (queue.peek() == null) { intent = new Intent("mizuu-tvshows-identification"); sendUpdateBroadcast(intent); } } loadNextEpisode(); } private void sendUpdateBroadcast(Intent i) { LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).sendBroadcast(i); } private void updateWidgets() { AppWidgetManager awm = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(this); awm.notifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged( awm.getAppWidgetIds(new ComponentName(this, ShowStackWidgetProvider.class)),; // Update stack view widget awm.notifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged( awm.getAppWidgetIds(new ComponentName(this, ShowCoverWidgetProvider.class)),; // Update grid view widget awm.notifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged( awm.getAppWidgetIds(new ComponentName(this, ShowBackdropWidgetProvider.class)),; // Update grid view widget } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } }