Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Mirth Corporation. All rights reserved. * * * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the MPL license a copy of which has * been included with this distribution in the LICENSE.txt file. */ package com.mirth.connect.server.controllers; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.mirth.commons.encryption.Digester; import com.mirth.connect.client.core.ControllerException; import com.mirth.connect.model.Credentials; import com.mirth.connect.model.LoginStatus; import com.mirth.connect.model.PasswordRequirements; import com.mirth.connect.model.User; import com.mirth.connect.server.ExtensionLoader; import com.mirth.connect.server.mybatis.KeyValuePair; import com.mirth.connect.server.util.DatabaseUtil; import com.mirth.connect.server.util.LoginRequirementsChecker; import com.mirth.connect.server.util.PasswordRequirementsChecker; import com.mirth.connect.server.util.Pre22PasswordChecker; import com.mirth.connect.server.util.SqlConfig; public class DefaultUserController extends UserController { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private ExtensionController extensionController = null; private static UserController instance = null; private DefaultUserController() { } public static UserController create() { synchronized (DefaultUserController.class) { if (instance == null) { instance = ExtensionLoader.getInstance().getControllerInstance(UserController.class); if (instance == null) { instance = new DefaultUserController(); } } return instance; } } public void resetUserStatus() { try { SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.resetUserStatus"); } catch (PersistenceException e) { logger.error("Could not reset user status."); } } public List<User> getAllUsers() throws ControllerException { logger.debug("getting all users"); try { return SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().selectList("User.getUser"); } catch (PersistenceException e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } public User getUser(Integer userId, String userName) throws ControllerException { logger.debug("getting user: " + userId); if (userId == null && userName == null) { throw new ControllerException("Error getting user: Both user ID and user name cannot be null."); } try { User user = new User(); user.setId(userId); user.setUsername(userName); return SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().selectOne("User.getUser", user); } catch (PersistenceException e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } public synchronized void updateUser(User user) throws ControllerException { try { User existingUser = getUser(null, user.getUsername()); if (user.getId() == null) { if (existingUser != null) { throw new ControllerException("Error adding user: username must be unique"); } logger.debug("adding user: " + user); SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().insert("User.insertUser", getUserMap(user)); } else { if (existingUser != null && !user.getId().equals(existingUser.getId())) { throw new ControllerException("Error updating user: username must be unique"); } logger.debug("updating user: " + user); SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.updateUser", getUserMap(user)); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } public List<String> checkOrUpdateUserPassword(Integer userId, String plainPassword) throws ControllerException { try { Digester digester = ControllerFactory.getFactory().createConfigurationController().getDigester(); PasswordRequirements passwordRequirements = ControllerFactory.getFactory() .createConfigurationController().getPasswordRequirements(); List<String> responses = PasswordRequirementsChecker.getInstance().doesPasswordMeetRequirements(userId, plainPassword, passwordRequirements); if (responses != null) { return responses; } /* * If no userId was passed in, stop here and don't try to add the password. */ if (userId == null) { return null; } logger.debug("updating password for user id: " + userId); Calendar pruneDate = PasswordRequirementsChecker.getInstance() .getLastExpirationDate(passwordRequirements); // If a null prune date is returned, do not prune if (pruneDate != null) { Map<String, Object> userDateMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userDateMap.put("id", userId); userDateMap.put("pruneDate", pruneDate); try { SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().delete("User.prunePasswords", userDateMap); } catch (Exception e) { // Don't abort changing the password if pruning fails. logger.error("There was an error pruning passwords for user id: " + userId, e); } } Map<String, Object> userPasswordMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userPasswordMap.put("id", userId); userPasswordMap.put("password", digester.digest(plainPassword)); userPasswordMap.put("passwordDate", Calendar.getInstance()); SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().insert("User.updateUserPassword", userPasswordMap); SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.clearGracePeriod", userId); return null; } catch (PersistenceException e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } public synchronized void removeUser(Integer userId, Integer currentUserId) throws ControllerException { logger.debug("removing user: " + userId); if (userId == null) { throw new ControllerException("Error removing user: User Id cannot be null"); } if (userId.equals(currentUserId)) { throw new ControllerException("Error removing user: You cannot remove yourself"); } try { User user = new User(); user.setId(userId); SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().delete("User.deleteUser", user); if (DatabaseUtil.statementExists("User.vacuumPersonTable")) { SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.vacuumPersonTable"); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } public LoginStatus authorizeUser(String username, String plainPassword) throws ControllerException { try { // Invoke and return from the Authorization Plugin if one exists if (extensionController == null) { extensionController = ControllerFactory.getFactory().createExtensionController(); } if (extensionController.getAuthorizationPlugin() != null) { LoginStatus loginStatus = extensionController.getAuthorizationPlugin().authorizeUser(username, plainPassword); /* * A null return value indicates that the authorization plugin is disabled or is * otherwise delegating control back to the UserController to perform * authentication. */ if (loginStatus != null) { return loginStatus; } } Digester digester = ControllerFactory.getFactory().createConfigurationController().getDigester(); LoginRequirementsChecker loginRequirementsChecker = new LoginRequirementsChecker(username); if (loginRequirementsChecker.isUserLockedOut()) { return new LoginStatus(LoginStatus.Status.FAIL_LOCKED_OUT, "User account \"" + username + "\" has been locked. You may attempt to login again in " + loginRequirementsChecker.getPrintableStrikeTimeRemaining() + "."); } loginRequirementsChecker.resetExpiredStrikes(); boolean authorized = false; // Validate the user User validUser = getUser(null, username); Credentials credentials = null; if (validUser != null) { credentials = (Credentials) SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager() .selectOne("User.getLatestUserCredentials", validUser.getId()); if (credentials != null) { if (Pre22PasswordChecker.isPre22Hash(credentials.getPassword())) { if (Pre22PasswordChecker.checkPassword(plainPassword, credentials.getPassword())) { checkOrUpdateUserPassword(validUser.getId(), plainPassword); authorized = true; } } else { authorized = digester.matches(plainPassword, credentials.getPassword()); } } } PasswordRequirements passwordRequirements = ControllerFactory.getFactory() .createConfigurationController().getPasswordRequirements(); LoginStatus loginStatus = null; if (authorized) { loginRequirementsChecker.resetStrikes(); // If password expiration is enabled, do checks now if (passwordRequirements.getExpiration() > 0) { long passwordTime = credentials.getPasswordDate().getTimeInMillis(); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // If the password is expired, do grace period checks if (loginRequirementsChecker.isPasswordExpired(passwordTime, currentTime)) { // Let 0 be infinite grace period, -1 be no grace period if (passwordRequirements.getGracePeriod() == 0) { loginStatus = new LoginStatus(LoginStatus.Status.SUCCESS_GRACE_PERIOD, "Your password has expired. Please change your password now."); } else if (passwordRequirements.getGracePeriod() > 0) { // If there has never been a grace time, start it now long gracePeriodStartTime; if (validUser.getGracePeriodStart() == null) { gracePeriodStartTime = currentTime; Map<String, Object> gracePeriodMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); gracePeriodMap.put("id", validUser.getId()); gracePeriodMap.put("gracePeriodStart", Calendar.getInstance()); SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.startGracePeriod", gracePeriodMap); } else { gracePeriodStartTime = validUser.getGracePeriodStart().getTimeInMillis(); } long graceTimeRemaining = loginRequirementsChecker .getGraceTimeRemaining(gracePeriodStartTime, currentTime); if (graceTimeRemaining > 0) { loginStatus = new LoginStatus(LoginStatus.Status.SUCCESS_GRACE_PERIOD, "Your password has expired. You are required to change your password in the next " + loginRequirementsChecker .getPrintableGraceTimeRemaining(graceTimeRemaining) + "."); } } // If there is no grace period or it has passed, FAIL_EXPIRED if (loginStatus == null) { loginStatus = new LoginStatus(LoginStatus.Status.FAIL_EXPIRED, "Your password has expired. Please contact an administrator to have your password reset."); } /* * Reset the user's grace period if it isn't being used but one was * previously set. This should only happen if a user is in a grace period * before grace periods are disabled. */ if ((passwordRequirements.getGracePeriod() <= 0) && (validUser.getGracePeriodStart() != null)) { SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.clearGracePeriod", validUser.getId()); } } } // End of password expiration and grace period checks // If nothing failed (loginStatus != null), set SUCCESS now if (loginStatus == null) { loginStatus = new LoginStatus(LoginStatus.Status.SUCCESS, ""); // Clear the user's grace period if one exists if (validUser.getGracePeriodStart() != null) { SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.clearGracePeriod", validUser.getId()); } } } else { loginRequirementsChecker.incrementStrikes(); String failMessage = "Incorrect username or password."; if (loginRequirementsChecker.isLockoutEnabled()) { failMessage += " " + loginRequirementsChecker.getStrikesRemaining() + " login attempt(s) remaining for \"" + username + "\" until the account is locked for " + loginRequirementsChecker.getPrintableLockoutPeriod() + "."; } loginStatus = new LoginStatus(LoginStatus.Status.FAIL, failMessage); } return loginStatus; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } public boolean checkPassword(String plainPassword, String encryptedPassword) { Digester digester = ControllerFactory.getFactory().createConfigurationController().getDigester(); return digester.matches(plainPassword, encryptedPassword); } public void loginUser(User user) throws ControllerException { try { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("id", user.getId()); params.put("lastLogin", Calendar.getInstance()); SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.loginUser", params); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } public void logoutUser(User user) throws ControllerException { try { SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.logoutUser", user.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } public boolean isUserLoggedIn(Integer userId) throws ControllerException { try { return (Boolean) SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().selectOne("User.isUserLoggedIn", userId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } private Map<String, Object> getUserMap(User user) { Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (user.getId() != null) { parameterMap.put("id", user.getId()); } parameterMap.put("username", user.getUsername()); parameterMap.put("firstName", user.getFirstName()); parameterMap.put("lastName", user.getLastName()); parameterMap.put("organization", user.getOrganization()); parameterMap.put("industry", user.getIndustry()); parameterMap.put("email", user.getEmail()); parameterMap.put("phoneNumber", user.getPhoneNumber()); parameterMap.put("description", user.getDescription()); return parameterMap; } @Override public List<Credentials> getUserCredentials(Integer userId) throws ControllerException { try { return SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().selectList("User.getUserCredentials", userId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ControllerException(e); } } @Override public void setUserPreferences(Integer userId, Properties properties) throws ControllerException { for (String property : properties.stringPropertyNames()) { setUserPreference(userId, property, properties.getProperty(property)); } } @Override public void setUserPreference(Integer userId, String name, String value) { logger.debug("storing preference: user id=" + userId + ", name=" + name); try { Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameterMap.put("person_id", userId); parameterMap.put("name", name); parameterMap.put("value", value); if (getUserPreference(userId, name) == null) { SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().insert("User.insertPreference", parameterMap); } else { SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().insert("User.updatePreference", parameterMap); } if (DatabaseUtil.statementExists("User.vacuumPersonPreferencesTable")) { SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().update("User.vacuumPersonPreferencesTable"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not store preference: user id=" + userId + ", name=" + name, e); } } @Override public Properties getUserPreferences(Integer userId, Set<String> names) { logger.debug("retrieving preferences: user id=" + userId); Properties properties = new Properties(); try { List<KeyValuePair> result = SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().selectList("User.selectPreferencesForUser", userId); for (KeyValuePair pair : result) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(names) || names.contains(pair.getKey())) { properties.setProperty(pair.getKey(), StringUtils.defaultString(pair.getValue())); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not retrieve preferences: user id=" + userId, e); } return properties; } @Override public String getUserPreference(Integer userId, String name) { logger.debug("retrieving preference: user id=" + userId + ", name=" + name); try { Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameterMap.put("person_id", userId); parameterMap.put("name", name); return (String) SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().selectOne("User.selectPreference", parameterMap); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Could not retrieve preference: user id=" + userId + ", name=" + name, e); } return null; } public void removePreferencesForUser(int id) { logger.debug("deleting all preferences: user id=" + id); try { Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameterMap.put("person_id", id); SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().delete("User.deletePreference", parameterMap); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not delete preferences: user id=" + id); } } @Override public void removePreference(int id, String name) { logger.debug("deleting preference: user id=" + id + ", name=" + name); try { Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameterMap.put("category", id); parameterMap.put("name", name); SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().delete("User.deletePreference", parameterMap); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not delete preference: user id=" + id + ", name=" + name, e); } } }