Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Mirth Corporation. All rights reserved. * * * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the MPL license a copy of which has * been included with this distribution in the LICENSE.txt file. */ package com.mirth.connect.plugins.datapruner; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.mirth.connect.client.core.ClientException; import; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.model.message.Message; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.model.message.Status; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.model.message.attachment.Attachment; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.Donkey; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.server.controllers.ChannelController; import; import; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.util.ThreadUtils; import com.mirth.connect.model.Channel; import com.mirth.connect.model.ChannelProperties; import com.mirth.connect.model.InvalidChannel; import com.mirth.connect.model.ServerEvent; import com.mirth.connect.model.ServerEvent.Level; import com.mirth.connect.model.ServerEvent.Outcome; import com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.ConfigurationController; import com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.ControllerFactory; import com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.EventController; import com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.MessageController; import com.mirth.connect.server.util.DatabaseUtil; import com.mirth.connect.server.util.ListRangeIterator; import com.mirth.connect.server.util.ListRangeIterator.ListRangeItem; import com.mirth.connect.server.util.SqlConfig; import com.mirth.connect.util.messagewriter.AttachmentSource; import com.mirth.connect.util.messagewriter.MessageWriter; import com.mirth.connect.util.messagewriter.MessageWriterFactory; import com.mirth.connect.util.messagewriter.MessageWriterOptions; public class DataPruner implements Runnable { public static final int DEFAULT_PRUNING_BLOCK_SIZE = 1000; public static final int DEFAULT_ARCHIVING_BLOCK_SIZE = 50; private static final int ID_RETRIEVE_LIMIT = 100000; private int numExported; private int retryCount; private boolean skipIncomplete; private Status[] skipStatuses; private int prunerBlockSize = DEFAULT_PRUNING_BLOCK_SIZE; private boolean archiveEnabled; private int archiverBlockSize = DEFAULT_ARCHIVING_BLOCK_SIZE; private MessageWriterOptions archiverOptions; private boolean pruneEvents; private Integer maxEventAge; private EventController eventController = ControllerFactory.getFactory().createEventController(); private String serverId = ControllerFactory.getFactory().createConfigurationController().getServerId(); private DonkeyDaoFactory daoFactory; private AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(false); private Thread pruneThread; private DataPrunerStatus status = new DataPrunerStatus(); private DataPrunerStatus lastStatus; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); private PollConnectorProperties pollingProperties; public DataPruner() { this.retryCount = 3; this.skipIncomplete = true; this.skipStatuses = new Status[] { Status.ERROR, Status.QUEUED, Status.PENDING }; pollingProperties = new PollConnectorProperties(); } public int getNumExported() { return numExported; } public void setNumExported(int numExported) { this.numExported = numExported; } public int getRetryCount() { return retryCount; } public void setRetryCount(int retryCount) { this.retryCount = retryCount; } public boolean isSkipIncomplete() { return skipIncomplete; } public void setSkipIncomplete(boolean skipIncomplete) { this.skipIncomplete = skipIncomplete; } public Status[] getSkipStatuses() { return skipStatuses; } public void setSkipStatuses(Status[] skipStatuses) { this.skipStatuses = skipStatuses; } public int getPrunerBlockSize() { return prunerBlockSize; } public void setPrunerBlockSize(int prunerBlockSize) { this.prunerBlockSize = prunerBlockSize; } public boolean isArchiveEnabled() { return archiveEnabled; } public void setArchiveEnabled(boolean archiveEnabled) { this.archiveEnabled = archiveEnabled; } public int getArchiverBlockSize() { return archiverBlockSize; } public void setArchiverBlockSize(int archiverBlockSize) { this.archiverBlockSize = archiverBlockSize; } public MessageWriterOptions getArchiverOptions() { return archiverOptions; } public void setArchiverOptions(MessageWriterOptions archiverOptions) { this.archiverOptions = archiverOptions; } public boolean isPruneEvents() { return pruneEvents; } public void setPruneEvents(boolean pruneEvents) { this.pruneEvents = pruneEvents; } public Integer getMaxEventAge() { return maxEventAge; } public void setMaxEventAge(Integer maxEventAge) { this.maxEventAge = maxEventAge; } public PollConnectorProperties getPollingProperties() { return pollingProperties; } public void setPollingProperties(PollConnectorProperties pollingProperties) { this.pollingProperties = pollingProperties; } public DataPrunerStatus getPrunerStatus() { return status; } public DataPrunerStatus getLastPrunerStatus() { return lastStatus; } public boolean isRunning() { return running.get(); } public synchronized boolean start() { if (!running.compareAndSet(false, true)) { logger.warn("The data pruner is already running"); return false; } status = new DataPrunerStatus(); status.setStartTime(Calendar.getInstance()); logger.debug("Triggering data pruner task"); pruneThread = new Thread(this, "Data Pruner Thread"); pruneThread.start(); return true; } public synchronized void stop() throws InterruptedException { if (running.get()) { logger.debug("Halting Data Pruner"); if (pruneThread != null) { pruneThread.interrupt(); logger.debug("Waiting for Data Pruner to terminate"); pruneThread.join(); } logger.debug("Data Pruner halted successfully"); } } private DonkeyDaoFactory getDaoFactory() { /* * The DaoFactory can't be retrieved in the constructor because it will not have been * instantiated yet at that point. */ if (daoFactory == null) { daoFactory = Donkey.getInstance().getDaoFactory(); } return daoFactory; } private Queue<PrunerTask> buildTaskQueue() throws Exception { List<Channel> channels = com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.ChannelController.getInstance() .getChannels(null); Queue<PrunerTask> queue = new LinkedList<PrunerTask>(); for (Channel channel : channels) { if (!(channel instanceof InvalidChannel)) { ChannelProperties properties = channel.getProperties(); Integer pruneMetaDataDays = properties.getPruneMetaDataDays(); Integer pruneContentDays = properties.getPruneContentDays(); Calendar contentDateThreshold = null; Calendar messageDateThreshold = null; switch (channel.getProperties().getMessageStorageMode()) { case DEVELOPMENT: case PRODUCTION: case RAW: if (pruneContentDays != null) { contentDateThreshold = Calendar.getInstance(); contentDateThreshold.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, contentDateThreshold.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - pruneContentDays); } case METADATA: if (pruneMetaDataDays != null) { messageDateThreshold = Calendar.getInstance(); messageDateThreshold.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, messageDateThreshold.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - pruneMetaDataDays); } if (messageDateThreshold != null || contentDateThreshold != null) { queue.add(new PrunerTask(channel.getId(), channel.getName(), messageDateThreshold, contentDateThreshold, channel.getProperties().isArchiveEnabled())); status.getPendingChannelIds().add(channel.getId()); } break; case DISABLED: break; default: String errorMessage = "Unrecognized message storage mode: " + properties.getMessageStorageMode().toString(); logger.error(errorMessage); Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); attributes.put("Channel", channel.getName()); attributes.put("Error", errorMessage); eventController.dispatchEvent(new ServerEvent(serverId, DataPrunerService.PLUGINPOINT, Level.ERROR, Outcome.FAILURE, attributes)); break; } } } return queue; } @Override public void run() { try { logger.debug("Executing pruner, started at " + new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); if (pruneEvents) { pruneEvents(); } String date = new SimpleDateFormat(MessageWriterFactory.ARCHIVE_DATE_PATTERN) .format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); String archiveFolder = (archiveEnabled) ? archiverOptions.getRootFolder() + IOUtils.DIR_SEPARATOR + date : null; Queue<PrunerTask> taskQueue; try { taskQueue = buildTaskQueue(); } catch (Exception e) { // the error should already be logged return; } logger.debug("Pruner task queue built, " + taskQueue.size() + " channels will be processed"); Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (taskQueue.isEmpty()) { attributes.put("No messages to prune.", ""); eventController.dispatchEvent(new ServerEvent(serverId, DataPrunerService.PLUGINPOINT, Level.INFORMATION, Outcome.SUCCESS, attributes)); } while (!taskQueue.isEmpty()) { ThreadUtils.checkInterruptedStatus(); PrunerTask task = taskQueue.poll(); try { status.setCurrentChannelId(task.getChannelId()); status.setCurrentChannelName(task.getChannelName()); status.setTaskStartTime(Calendar.getInstance()); PruneResult result = pruneChannel(task.getChannelId(), task.getChannelName(), task.getMessageDateThreshold(), task.getContentDateThreshold(), archiveFolder, task.isArchiveEnabled()); status.getProcessedChannelIds().add(task.getChannelId()); attributes.put("Channel ID", task.getChannelId()); attributes.put("Channel Name", task.getChannelName()); if (archiveEnabled && task.isArchiveEnabled()) { attributes.put("Messages Archived", Long.toString(result.numMessagesArchived)); } attributes.put("Messages Pruned", Long.toString(result.numMessagesPruned)); attributes.put("Content Rows Pruned", Long.toString(result.numContentPruned)); attributes.put("Time Elapsed", getTimeElapsed()); eventController.dispatchEvent(new ServerEvent(serverId, DataPrunerService.PLUGINPOINT, Level.INFORMATION, Outcome.SUCCESS, attributes)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { status.getFailedChannelIds().add(task.getChannelId()); attributes.put("channel", task.getChannelName()); attributes.put("error", e.getMessage()); attributes.put("trace", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); eventController.dispatchEvent(new ServerEvent(serverId, DataPrunerService.PLUGINPOINT, Level.ERROR, Outcome.FAILURE, attributes)); Throwable t = e; if (e instanceof DataPrunerException) { t = e.getCause(); } logger.error("Failed to prune messages for channel " + task.getChannelName() + " (" + task.getChannelId() + ").", t); } finally { status.getPendingChannelIds().remove(task.getChannelId()); status.setCurrentChannelId(null); status.setCurrentChannelName(null); } } logger.debug("Pruner job finished executing"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // We need to clear this thread's interrupted status, or else the EventController will fail to dispatch the event Thread.interrupted(); ServerEvent event = new ServerEvent(serverId, DataPrunerService.PLUGINPOINT + " Halted"); event.setLevel(Level.INFORMATION); event.setOutcome(Outcome.SUCCESS); eventController.dispatchEvent(event); logger.debug("Data Pruner halted"); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("An error occurred while executing the data pruner", t); } finally { status.setEndTime(Calendar.getInstance()); lastStatus = SerializationUtils.clone(status); running.set(false); } } private void pruneEvents() { logger.debug("Pruning events"); status.setPruningEvents(true); try { status.setTaskStartTime(Calendar.getInstance()); Calendar dateThreshold = Calendar.getInstance(); dateThreshold.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dateThreshold.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - maxEventAge); SqlSession session = SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().openSession(true); try { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("dateThreshold", dateThreshold); int numEventsPruned = session.delete("Message.pruneEvents", params); Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); attributes.put("Events Pruned", Integer.toString(numEventsPruned)); attributes.put("Time Elapsed", getTimeElapsed()); eventController.dispatchEvent(new ServerEvent(serverId, DataPrunerService.PLUGINPOINT, Level.INFORMATION, Outcome.SUCCESS, attributes)); } finally { session.close(); } } finally { status.setEndTime(Calendar.getInstance()); status.setPruningEvents(false); } } public PruneResult pruneChannel(String channelId, String channelName, Calendar messageDateThreshold, Calendar contentDateThreshold, String archiveFolder, boolean channelArchiveEnabled) throws InterruptedException, DataPrunerException { logger.debug("Executing pruner for channel: " + channelId); if (messageDateThreshold == null && contentDateThreshold == null) { return new PruneResult(); } // the content date threshold is only used/needed if it is later than the message date threshold if (messageDateThreshold != null && contentDateThreshold != null && contentDateThreshold.getTimeInMillis() <= messageDateThreshold.getTimeInMillis()) { contentDateThreshold = null; } int retries = retryCount; long localChannelId = ChannelController.getInstance().getLocalChannelId(channelId); while (true) { ThreadUtils.checkInterruptedStatus(); try { long maxMessageId; DonkeyDao dao = getDaoFactory().getDao(); try { maxMessageId = dao.getMaxMessageId(channelId); } finally { dao.close(); } Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("localChannelId", localChannelId); params.put("maxMessageId", maxMessageId); params.put("skipIncomplete", isSkipIncomplete()); params.put("dateThreshold", (contentDateThreshold == null) ? messageDateThreshold : contentDateThreshold); params.put("limit", ID_RETRIEVE_LIMIT); if (getSkipStatuses().length > 0) { params.put("skipStatuses", getSkipStatuses()); } PruneResult result = new PruneResult(); PruneIds messageIds = new PruneIds(); PruneIds contentMessageIds = new PruneIds(); if (!archiveEnabled || !channelArchiveEnabled) { getIdsToPrune(params, messageDateThreshold, messageIds, contentMessageIds); } else { archiveAndGetIdsToPrune(params, channelId, messageDateThreshold, archiveFolder, messageIds, contentMessageIds); result.numMessagesArchived = numExported; } while (messageIds.hasNext()) { pruneChannelByIds(localChannelId, messageIds, false, result); } while (contentMessageIds.hasNext()) { pruneChannelByIds(localChannelId, contentMessageIds, true, result); } return result; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { if (retries > 0) { logger.error("Failed to prune messages for channel " + channelName + " (" + channelId + "). Attempts remaining: " + retries + ".", t); retries--; } else { throw new DataPrunerException("Failed to prune messages", t); } } } } private void getIdsToPrune(Map<String, Object> params, Calendar messageDateThreshold, PruneIds messageIds, PruneIds contentMessageIds) throws InterruptedException { long minMessageId = 0; List<Map<String, Object>> maps; do { ThreadUtils.checkInterruptedStatus(); SqlSession session = SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().openSession(true); try { params.put("minMessageId", minMessageId); maps = session.selectList("Message.getMessagesToPrune", params); } finally { session.close(); } for (Map<String, Object> map : maps) { long receivedDate = ((Calendar) map.get("mm_received_date")).getTimeInMillis(); long id = (Long) map.get("id"); if (messageDateThreshold != null && receivedDate < messageDateThreshold.getTimeInMillis()) { messageIds.add(id); } else { contentMessageIds.add(id); } minMessageId = id + 1; } } while (maps != null && maps.size() == ID_RETRIEVE_LIMIT); } private void archiveAndGetIdsToPrune(Map<String, Object> params, String channelId, Calendar messageDateThreshold, String archiveFolder, PruneIds messageIds, PruneIds contentMessageIds) throws Throwable { String tempChannelFolder = archiveFolder + "/." + channelId; String finalChannelFolder = archiveFolder + "/" + channelId; try { MessageWriterOptions messageWriterOptions = SerializationUtils.clone(archiverOptions); messageWriterOptions.setBaseFolder(System.getProperty("user.dir")); if (messageWriterOptions.getArchiveFormat() == null) { messageWriterOptions.setRootFolder(tempChannelFolder); } else { messageWriterOptions.setRootFolder(archiveFolder); messageWriterOptions.setArchiveFileName(channelId); } logger.debug("Running archiver, channel: " + channelId + ", root folder: " + messageWriterOptions.getRootFolder() + ", archive format: " + messageWriterOptions.getArchiveFormat() + ", archive filename: " + messageWriterOptions.getArchiveFileName() + ", file pattern: " + messageWriterOptions.getFilePattern()); numExported = 0; status.setArchiving(true); MessageWriter archiver = MessageWriterFactory.getInstance().getMessageWriter(messageWriterOptions, ConfigurationController.getInstance().getEncryptor()); AttachmentSource attachmentSource = null; if (messageWriterOptions.includeAttachments()) { attachmentSource = new AttachmentSource() { @Override public List<Attachment> getMessageAttachments(Message message) throws ClientException { return MessageController.getInstance().getMessageAttachment(message.getChannelId(), message.getMessageId()); } }; } long minMessageId = 0; try { List<Map<String, Object>> maps; do { ThreadUtils.checkInterruptedStatus(); SqlSession session = SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().openSession(true); try { params.put("minMessageId", minMessageId); maps = session.selectList("Message.getMessagesToPrune", params); } finally { session.close(); } List<Long> archiveMessageIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); Iterator<Map<String, Object>> iterator = maps.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> map =; long receivedDate = ((Calendar) map.get("mm_received_date")).getTimeInMillis(); long id = (Long) map.get("id"); if (messageDateThreshold != null && receivedDate < messageDateThreshold.getTimeInMillis()) { messageIds.add(id); } else { contentMessageIds.add(id); } minMessageId = id + 1; archiveMessageIds.add(id); if (archiveMessageIds.size() == archiverBlockSize || !iterator.hasNext()) { ThreadUtils.checkInterruptedStatus(); DonkeyDao dao = getDaoFactory().getDao(); try { List<Message> messages = dao.getMessages(channelId, archiveMessageIds); for (Message message : messages) { if (attachmentSource != null) { List<Attachment> attachments = attachmentSource .getMessageAttachments(message); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(attachments)) { message.setAttachments(attachments); } } if (archiver.write(message)) { numExported++; } } archiveMessageIds.clear(); } finally { dao.close(); } } } } while (maps != null && maps.size() == ID_RETRIEVE_LIMIT); archiver.finishWrite(); } finally { archiver.close(); } if (messageWriterOptions.getArchiveFormat() == null && new File(tempChannelFolder).isDirectory()) { try { FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(tempChannelFolder), new File(finalChannelFolder)); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to move " + tempChannelFolder + " to " + finalChannelFolder, e); } } } catch (Throwable t) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(tempChannelFolder)); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(finalChannelFolder)); throw t; } finally { status.setArchiving(false); } } private void pruneChannelByIds(long localChannelId, PruneIds ids, boolean contentOnly, PruneResult result) throws DataPrunerException, InterruptedException { if (!ids.hasNext()) { logger.debug("Skipping pruner since no messages were found to prune"); return; } Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("localChannelId", localChannelId); ListRangeIterator listRangeIterator = new ListRangeIterator(ids, ListRangeIterator.DEFAULT_LIST_LIMIT, true, prunerBlockSize); while (listRangeIterator.hasNext()) { ThreadUtils.checkInterruptedStatus(); ListRangeItem item =; List<Long> list = item.getList(); Long startRange = item.getStartRange(); Long endRange = item.getEndRange(); if (list != null || (startRange != null && endRange != null)) { if (list != null) { logger.debug("Pruning with include list: " + list.get(0) + " " + list.get(list.size() - 1)); params.remove("minMessageId"); params.remove("maxMessageId"); params.put("includeMessageList", StringUtils.join(list, ",")); } else { logger.debug("Pruning with ranges: " + startRange + " - " + endRange); params.remove("includeMessageList"); params.put("minMessageId", startRange); params.put("maxMessageId", endRange); } runDeleteQueries(params, contentOnly, result); } } } private void runDeleteQueries(Map<String, Object> params, boolean contentOnly, PruneResult result) { if (contentOnly) { if (DatabaseUtil.statementExists("Message.pruneAttachments")) { runDelete("Message.pruneAttachments", params); } result.numContentPruned += runDelete("Message.pruneMessageContent", params); } else { if (DatabaseUtil.statementExists("Message.pruneAttachments")) { runDelete("Message.pruneAttachments", params); } if (DatabaseUtil.statementExists("Message.pruneCustomMetaData")) { runDelete("Message.pruneCustomMetaData", params); } result.numContentPruned += runDelete("Message.pruneMessageContent", params); if (DatabaseUtil.statementExists("Message.pruneConnectorMessages")) { runDelete("Message.pruneConnectorMessages", params); } result.numMessagesPruned += runDelete("Message.pruneMessages", params); } } private int runDelete(String query, Map<String, Object> params) { SqlSession session = SqlConfig.getSqlSessionManager().openSession(true); try { if (DatabaseUtil.statementExists("initDataPruner", session)) { session.update("initDataPruner"); } status.setPruning(true); int count = session.delete(query, params); return count; } finally { session.close(); status.setPruning(false); } } private String getTimeElapsed() { long ms = System.currentTimeMillis() - status.getTaskStartTime().getTimeInMillis(); long mins = ms / 60000; long secs = (ms % 60000) / 1000; return mins + " minute" + (mins == 1 ? "" : "s") + ", " + secs + " second" + (secs == 1 ? "" : "s"); } private class PruneIds implements Iterator<Long> { private int currentIdIndex = 0; private int currentRangeIndex = 0; private long lastId = 0; private List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); private List<Long> ranges = new ArrayList<Long>(); public void add(Long messageId) { int lastIdIndex = ids.size() - 1; int lastRangeIndex = ranges.size() - 1; if (!ids.isEmpty() && messageId == ids.get(lastIdIndex) + 1) { ids.remove(lastIdIndex); ranges.add(messageId - 1); ranges.add(messageId); } else if (!ranges.isEmpty() && messageId == ranges.get(lastRangeIndex) + 1) { ranges.set(lastRangeIndex, messageId); } else { ids.add(messageId); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return currentIdIndex < ids.size() || currentRangeIndex < ranges.size(); } @Override public Long next() { if (!ranges.isEmpty() && currentRangeIndex < ranges.size()) { if (lastId >= ranges.get(currentRangeIndex) && lastId < ranges.get(currentRangeIndex + 1)) { if (++lastId == ranges.get(currentRangeIndex + 1)) { currentRangeIndex += 2; } return lastId; } if (currentIdIndex < ids.size() && ids.get(currentIdIndex) < ranges.get(currentRangeIndex)) { return ids.get(currentIdIndex++); } else { lastId = ranges.get(currentRangeIndex); return lastId; } } else { return ids.get(currentIdIndex++); } } @Override public void remove() { } } private class PruneResult { public long numMessagesArchived; public long numMessagesPruned; public long numContentPruned; } private class PrunerTask { private String channelId; private String channelName; private Calendar messageDateThreshold; private Calendar contentDateThreshold; private boolean archiveEnabled; public PrunerTask(String channelId, String channelName, Calendar messageDateThreshold, Calendar contentDateThreshold, boolean archiveEnabled) { this.channelId = channelId; this.channelName = channelName; this.messageDateThreshold = messageDateThreshold; this.contentDateThreshold = contentDateThreshold; this.archiveEnabled = archiveEnabled; } public String getChannelId() { return channelId; } public String getChannelName() { return channelName; } public Calendar getMessageDateThreshold() { return messageDateThreshold; } public Calendar getContentDateThreshold() { return contentDateThreshold; } public boolean isArchiveEnabled() { return archiveEnabled; } } }