Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Mirth Corporation. All rights reserved. * * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the MPL * license a copy of which has been included with this distribution in * the LICENSE.txt file. */ package com.mirth.connect.plugins.dashboardstatus; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.SerializationException; import org.apache.commons.lang.SerializationUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.mirth.connect.connectors.doc.DocumentWriterProperties; import com.mirth.connect.connectors.file.FileWriterProperties; import com.mirth.connect.connectors.http.HttpSenderProperties; import com.mirth.connect.connectors.jdbc.DatabaseWriterProperties; import com.mirth.connect.connectors.jms.JMSWriterProperties; import com.mirth.connect.connectors.mllp.LLPSenderProperties; import com.mirth.connect.connectors.smtp.SmtpSenderProperties; import com.mirth.connect.connectors.tcp.TCPSenderProperties; import com.mirth.connect.connectors.vm.ChannelWriterProperties; import; import com.mirth.connect.model.Channel; import com.mirth.connect.model.Connector; import com.mirth.connect.model.ExtensionPermission; import com.mirth.connect.plugins.ServicePlugin; import com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.ControllerFactory; import com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.MonitoringController.ConnectorType; import com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.MonitoringController.Event; public class DashboardConnectorStatusMonitor implements ServicePlugin { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); public static final String PLUGINPOINT = "Dashboard Connector Service"; private static final String COLOR_BLACK = "black"; private static final String COLOR_YELLOW = "yellow"; private static final String COLOR_GREEN = "green"; private static final String COLOR_RED = "red"; private static final String STATE_UNKNOWN = "Unknown"; private static final String STATE_IDLE = "Idle"; private static final String STATE_RECEIVING = "Receiving"; private static final String STATE_READING = "Reading"; private static final String STATE_POLLING = "Polling"; private static final String STATE_NOT_POLLING = "Not Polling"; private static final String STATE_WRITING = "Writing"; private static final String STATE_SENDING = "Sending"; private static final String STATE_WAITING = "Waiting"; private static final String STATE_CONNECTED = "Connected"; private static final String STATE_DISCONNECTED = "Disconnected"; private static final String STATE_ATTEMPTING = "Attempting to Connect"; private static final String STATE_NO_SELECTION = "No Channel Selected"; private static final String METHOD_GET_STATES = "getStates"; private static final String METHOD_GET_CONNECTION_INFO_LOGS = "getConnectionInfoLogs"; private static final String METHOD_REMOVE_SESSIONID = "removeSessionId"; private static final String METHOD_CHANNELS_DEPLOYED = "channelsDeployed"; private HashMap<String, String[]> connectorStateMap; private HashMap<String, Set<Socket>> socketSetMap; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, LinkedList<String[]>> connectorInfoLogs; private LinkedList<String[]> entireConnectorInfoLogs; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, HashMap<String, Long>> lastDisplayedLogIndexBySessionId = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HashMap<String, Long>>(); // maximum log size for each channel. and for entire logs. private static final int MAX_LOG_SIZE = 1000; private static long logId = 1; // stores channelsJustBeenDeployedFlag for each session (client). this flag // is used to signal clients to clear out all the Dashboard Monitoring Logs. private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean> channelsDeployedFlagForEachClient = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(); @Override public String getPluginPointName() { return PLUGINPOINT; } @Override public void init(Properties properties) { socketSetMap = new HashMap<String, Set<Socket>>(); connectorStateMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); connectorInfoLogs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LinkedList<String[]>>(); entireConnectorInfoLogs = new LinkedList<String[]>(); channelsDeployedFlagForEachClient.clear(); } @Override public void start() { } @Override public void stop() { } @Override public void update(Properties properties) { } public void updateStatus(String connectorId, ConnectorType type, Event event, Socket socket) { String stateImage = COLOR_BLACK; String stateText = STATE_UNKNOWN; boolean updateStatus = true; switch (event) { case INITIALIZED: switch (type) { case LISTENER: stateImage = COLOR_YELLOW; stateText = STATE_WAITING; break; case READER: stateImage = COLOR_YELLOW; stateText = STATE_IDLE; break; } break; case CONNECTED: switch (type) { case LISTENER: if (socket != null) { addConnectionToSocketSet(socket, connectorId); stateImage = COLOR_GREEN; stateText = STATE_CONNECTED + " (" + getSocketSetCount(connectorId) + ")"; } else { stateImage = COLOR_GREEN; stateText = STATE_CONNECTED; } break; case READER: stateImage = COLOR_GREEN; stateText = STATE_POLLING; break; } break; case DISCONNECTED: switch (type) { case LISTENER: if (socket != null) { removeConnectionInSocketSet(socket, connectorId); int connectedSockets = getSocketSetCount(connectorId); if (connectedSockets == 0) { stateImage = COLOR_YELLOW; stateText = STATE_WAITING; } else { stateImage = COLOR_GREEN; stateText = STATE_CONNECTED + " (" + connectedSockets + ")"; } } else { clearSocketSet(connectorId); stateImage = COLOR_RED; stateText = STATE_DISCONNECTED; } break; case READER: stateImage = COLOR_RED; stateText = STATE_NOT_POLLING; break; case WRITER: stateImage = COLOR_RED; stateText = STATE_DISCONNECTED; break; case SENDER: stateImage = COLOR_RED; stateText = STATE_DISCONNECTED; break; } break; case BUSY: switch (type) { case READER: stateImage = COLOR_GREEN; stateText = STATE_READING; break; case LISTENER: stateImage = COLOR_GREEN; stateText = STATE_RECEIVING; break; case WRITER: stateImage = COLOR_YELLOW; stateText = STATE_WRITING; break; case SENDER: stateImage = COLOR_YELLOW; stateText = STATE_SENDING; break; } break; case DONE: switch (type) { case READER: stateImage = COLOR_YELLOW; stateText = STATE_IDLE; break; case LISTENER: if (socket != null) { stateImage = COLOR_GREEN; stateText = STATE_CONNECTED + " (" + getSocketSetCount(connectorId) + ")"; } else { stateImage = COLOR_YELLOW; stateText = STATE_WAITING; } break; } break; case ATTEMPTING: switch (type) { case WRITER: stateImage = COLOR_YELLOW; stateText = STATE_ATTEMPTING; break; case SENDER: stateImage = COLOR_YELLOW; stateText = STATE_ATTEMPTING; break; } break; default: updateStatus = false; break; } if (updateStatus) { Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS"); String channelName = ""; // this will be overwritten down below. If not, something's wrong. String connectorType = type.toString(); String information = ""; /* * check 'connectorId' - contains destination_1_connector, etc. * connectorId consists of id_source_connector for sources, and * id_destination_x_connector for destinations. i.e. tokenCount will * be 3 for sources and 4 for destinations. Note that READER and * LISTENER are sources, and WRITER and SENDER are destinations. */ StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(connectorId, "_"); String channelId = tokenizer.nextToken(); int destinationIndex; LinkedList<String[]> channelLog = null; Channel channel = ControllerFactory.getFactory().createChannelController() .getDeployedChannelById(channelId); if (channel != null) { channelName = channel.getName(); // grab the channel's log from the HashMap, if not exist, create // one. if (connectorInfoLogs.containsKey(channelName)) { channelLog = connectorInfoLogs.get(channelName); } else { channelLog = new LinkedList<String[]>(); } Connector connector = null; switch (type) { case READER: connectorType = "Source: " + channel.getSourceConnector().getTransportName() + " (" + channel.getSourceConnector().getTransformer().getInboundProtocol().toString() + " -> " + channel.getSourceConnector().getTransformer().getOutboundProtocol().toString() + ")"; break; case LISTENER: connectorType = "Source: " + channel.getSourceConnector().getTransportName() + " (" + channel.getSourceConnector().getTransformer().getInboundProtocol().toString() + " -> " + channel.getSourceConnector().getTransformer().getOutboundProtocol().toString() + ")"; break; case WRITER: tokenizer.nextToken(); // destinationId begins from 1, so subtract by 1 for the // arrayIndex. destinationIndex = Integer.valueOf(tokenizer.nextToken()) - 1; connector = channel.getDestinationConnectors().get(destinationIndex); connectorType = "Destination: " + connector.getTransportName() + " - " + connector.getName(); if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - File Writer. switch (event) { case BUSY: information = FileWriterProperties.getInformation(connector.getProperties()); break; } } else if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - Database Writer. information = DatabaseWriterProperties.getInformation(connector.getProperties()); } else if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - JMS Writer. information = JMSWriterProperties.getInformation(connector.getProperties()); } else if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - Document Writer. information = DocumentWriterProperties.getInformation(connector.getProperties()); } break; case SENDER: tokenizer.nextToken(); // destinationId begins from 1, so subtract by 1 for the // arrayIndex. destinationIndex = Integer.valueOf(tokenizer.nextToken()) - 1; connector = channel.getDestinationConnectors().get(destinationIndex); connectorType = "Destination: " + connector.getTransportName() + " - " + connector.getName(); if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - HTTP Sender. information = HttpSenderProperties.getInformation(connector.getProperties()); } else if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - Channel Writer. Channel targetChannel = ControllerFactory.getFactory().createChannelController() .getDeployedChannelById( ChannelWriterProperties.getInformation(connector.getProperties())); if (targetChannel == null) { information = "Target Channel: None"; } else { information = "Target Channel: " + targetChannel.getName(); } } else if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - SMTP Sender. information = SmtpSenderProperties.getInformation(connector.getProperties()); } else if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - TCP Sender. // The useful info for TCP Sender - host:port will // be taken care of by the socket below. } else if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - LLP Sender. // The useful info for LLP Sender - host:port will // be taken care of by the socket below. } else if (connector.getTransportName().equals( { // Destination - Web Service Sender. // information = ""; } break; } } if (socket != null) { String sendingAddress = socket.getLocalAddress().toString() + ":" + socket.getLocalPort(); String receivingAddress = socket.getInetAddress().toString() + ":" + socket.getPort(); // If addresses begin with a slash "/", remove it. if (sendingAddress.startsWith("/")) { sendingAddress = sendingAddress.substring(1); } if (receivingAddress.startsWith("/")) { receivingAddress = receivingAddress.substring(1); } information += "Sender: " + sendingAddress + " Receiver: " + receivingAddress; } if (channelLog != null) { synchronized (this) { if (channelLog.size() == MAX_LOG_SIZE) { channelLog.removeLast(); } channelLog.addFirst(new String[] { String.valueOf(logId), channelName, dateFormat.format(timestamp), connectorType, event.toString(), information }); if (entireConnectorInfoLogs.size() == MAX_LOG_SIZE) { entireConnectorInfoLogs.removeLast(); } entireConnectorInfoLogs.addFirst(new String[] { String.valueOf(logId), channelName, dateFormat.format(timestamp), connectorType, event.toString(), information }); logId++; // put the channel log into the HashMap. connectorInfoLogs.put(channelName, channelLog); } } connectorStateMap.put(connectorId, new String[] { stateImage, stateText }); } } private synchronized void addConnectionToSocketSet(Socket socket, String connectorId) { if (socket != null) { Set<Socket> socketSet = socketSetMap.get(connectorId); if (socketSet == null) { socketSet = new HashSet<Socket>(); socketSetMap.put(connectorId, socketSet); } socketSet.add(socket); } } private synchronized void removeConnectionInSocketSet(Socket socket, String connectorId) { if (socket != null) { Set<Socket> socketSet = socketSetMap.get(connectorId); if (socketSet != null) { socketSet.remove(socket); } } } private synchronized void clearSocketSet(String connectorId) { socketSetMap.remove(connectorId); } private int getSocketSetCount(String connectorId) { Set<Socket> socketSet = socketSetMap.get(connectorId); if (socketSet == null) { return 0; } else { return socketSet.size(); } } public Properties getDefaultProperties() { return new Properties(); } public synchronized Object invoke(String method, Object object, String sessionId) { if (method.equals(METHOD_GET_STATES)) { return connectorStateMap; } else if (method.equals(METHOD_GET_CONNECTION_INFO_LOGS)) { String channelName; LinkedList<String[]> channelLog; if (object == null) { /* * object is null - no channel is selected. return the latest * entire log entries of all channels combined. ONLY new * entries. */ channelName = STATE_NO_SELECTION; channelLog = entireConnectorInfoLogs; } else { // object is not null - a channel is selected. return the latest // (LOG_SIZE) of that particular channel. channelName = object.toString(); // return only the newly added log entries for the client with // matching sessionId. channelLog = connectorInfoLogs.get(channelName); if (channelLog == null) { channelLog = new LinkedList<String[]>(); connectorInfoLogs.put(channelName, channelLog); } } HashMap<String, Long> lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel; if (lastDisplayedLogIndexBySessionId.containsKey(sessionId)) { // client exist with the sessionId. lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel = lastDisplayedLogIndexBySessionId.get(sessionId); if (lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel.containsKey(channelName)) { // existing channel on an already open client. // -> only display new log entries. long lastDisplayedLogId = lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel.get(channelName); LinkedList<String[]> newChannelLogEntries = new LinkedList<String[]>(); // FYI, channelLog.size() will never be larger than LOG_SIZE // = 1000. for (String[] aChannelLog : channelLog) { if (lastDisplayedLogId < Long.parseLong(aChannelLog[0])) { newChannelLogEntries.addLast(aChannelLog); } } if (newChannelLogEntries.size() > 0) { /* * put the lastDisplayedLogId into the HashMap. index 0 * is the most recent entry, and index0 of that entry * contains the logId. */ lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel.put(channelName, Long.parseLong(newChannelLogEntries.get(0)[0])); lastDisplayedLogIndexBySessionId.put(sessionId, lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel); } try { return SerializationUtils.clone(newChannelLogEntries); } catch (SerializationException e) { logger.error(e); } } else { /* * new channel viewing on an already open client. -> all log * entries are new. display them all. put the * lastDisplayedLogId into the HashMap. index0 is the most * recent entry, and index0 of that entry object contains * the logId. */ if (channelLog.size() > 0) { lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel.put(channelName, Long.parseLong(channelLog.get(0)[0])); lastDisplayedLogIndexBySessionId.put(sessionId, lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel); } try { return SerializationUtils.clone(channelLog); } catch (SerializationException e) { logger.error(e); } } } else { // brand new client. // thus also new channel viewing. // -> all log entries are new. display them all. lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel = new HashMap<String, Long>(); if (channelLog.size() > 0) { lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel.put(channelName, Long.parseLong(channelLog.get(0)[0])); } else { // no log exist at all. put the currentLogId-1, which is the // very latest logId. lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel.put(channelName, logId - 1); } lastDisplayedLogIndexBySessionId.put(sessionId, lastDisplayedLogIdByChannel); try { return SerializationUtils.clone(channelLog); } catch (SerializationException e) { logger.error(e); } } } else if (method.equals(METHOD_CHANNELS_DEPLOYED)) { if (channelsDeployedFlagForEachClient.containsKey(sessionId)) { // sessionId found. no (re)deploy occurred. return false; } else { // no sessionId found, which means channels have just been // (re)deployed - clear out all clients' Dashboard Connector // Logs. channelsDeployedFlagForEachClient.put(sessionId, true); return true; } } else if (method.equals(METHOD_REMOVE_SESSIONID)) { // client shut down, or user logged out -> remove everything // involving this sessionId. if (lastDisplayedLogIndexBySessionId.containsKey(sessionId)) { lastDisplayedLogIndexBySessionId.remove(sessionId); } if (channelsDeployedFlagForEachClient.containsKey(sessionId)) { channelsDeployedFlagForEachClient.remove(sessionId); } return null; } return null; } @Override public ExtensionPermission[] getExtensionPermissions() { ExtensionPermission viewPermission = new ExtensionPermission(PLUGINPOINT, "View Connection Status", "Displays the connection status and history of the selected channel on the Dashboard.", new String[] { METHOD_GET_STATES, METHOD_GET_CONNECTION_INFO_LOGS }, new String[] {}); return new ExtensionPermission[] { viewPermission }; } }