Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Mirth Corporation. All rights reserved. * * * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the MPL license a copy of which has * been included with this distribution in the LICENSE.txt file. */ package com.mirth.connect.cli; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfigurationLayout; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import com.mirth.connect.client.core.Client; import com.mirth.connect.client.core.ClientException; import com.mirth.connect.client.core.ListHandlerException; import com.mirth.connect.client.core.PaginatedEventList; import com.mirth.connect.client.core.PaginatedMessageList; import; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.model.message.ContentType; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.model.message.Message; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.model.message.attachment.Attachment; import com.mirth.connect.donkey.util.xstream.SerializerException; import com.mirth.connect.model.Channel; import com.mirth.connect.model.ChannelDependency; import com.mirth.connect.model.ChannelStatistics; import com.mirth.connect.model.CodeTemplate; import com.mirth.connect.model.CodeTemplateLibrary; import com.mirth.connect.model.CodeTemplateLibrarySaveResult; import com.mirth.connect.model.CodeTemplateLibrarySaveResult.CodeTemplateUpdateResult; import com.mirth.connect.model.DashboardStatus; import com.mirth.connect.model.InvalidChannel; import com.mirth.connect.model.LoginStatus; import com.mirth.connect.model.MessageImportResult; import com.mirth.connect.model.ServerConfiguration; import com.mirth.connect.model.ServerEvent; import com.mirth.connect.model.User; import com.mirth.connect.model.alert.AlertModel; import com.mirth.connect.model.converters.ObjectXMLSerializer; import com.mirth.connect.model.filters.EventFilter; import com.mirth.connect.model.filters.MessageFilter; import com.mirth.connect.util.ConfigurationProperty; import com.mirth.connect.util.MessageExporter; import com.mirth.connect.util.MessageImporter; import com.mirth.connect.util.MessageImporter.MessageImportException; import com.mirth.connect.util.MessageImporter.MessageImportInvalidPathException; import com.mirth.connect.util.messagewriter.AttachmentSource; import com.mirth.connect.util.messagewriter.MessageWriter; import com.mirth.connect.util.messagewriter.MessageWriterException; import com.mirth.connect.util.messagewriter.MessageWriterFactory; import com.mirth.connect.util.messagewriter.MessageWriterOptions; public class CommandLineInterface { private String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8"; private Client client; private boolean debug; private SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yy_HH-mm-ss.SS"); private String currentUser = new String(); private PrintWriter out; private PrintWriter err; public CommandLineInterface(String[] args) { out = new PrintWriter(System.out, true); err = new PrintWriter(System.out, true); run(args); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.setProperty("log4j.configuration", ""); new CommandLineInterface(args); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private void run(String[] args) { Option serverOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("address").hasArg().withDescription("server address") .create("a"); Option userOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("user").hasArg().withDescription("user login").create("u"); Option passwordOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("password").hasArg().withDescription("user password") .create("p"); Option scriptOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("script").hasArg().withDescription("script file") .create("s"); Option versionOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("version").hasArg().withDescription("version").create("v"); Option configOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName("config file").hasArg() .withDescription("path to default configuration [default:]") .create("c"); Option helpOption = new Option("h", "help"); Option debugOption = new Option("d", "debug"); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(configOption); options.addOption(serverOption); options.addOption(userOption); options.addOption(passwordOption); options.addOption(scriptOption); options.addOption(versionOption); options.addOption(helpOption); options.addOption(debugOption); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); // Bail out early if they just want help if (line.hasOption("h")) { new HelpFormatter().printHelp("Shell", options); System.exit(0); } Properties configDefaults = new Properties(); try { configDefaults.load(new FileInputStream( line.getOptionValue("c", "conf" + File.separator + ""))); } catch (IOException e) { // Only error out if they tried to load the config if (line.hasOption("c")) { error("We could not find the file: " + line.getOptionValue("c"), null); System.exit(2); } } String server = line.getOptionValue("a", configDefaults.getProperty("address")); String user = line.getOptionValue("u", configDefaults.getProperty("user")); String password = line.getOptionValue("p", configDefaults.getProperty("password")); String script = line.getOptionValue("s", configDefaults.getProperty("script")); if ((server != null) && (user != null) && (password != null)) { runShell(server, user, password, script, line.hasOption("d")); } else { new HelpFormatter().printHelp("Shell", options); error("all of address, user, password, and version options must be supplied as arguments or in the default configuration file", null); System.exit(2); } } catch (ParseException e) { error("Could not parse input arguments.", e); System.exit(2); } } private void runShell(String server, String user, String password, String script, boolean debug) { try { client = new Client(server); this.debug = debug; LoginStatus loginStatus = client.login(user, password); if (loginStatus.getStatus() != LoginStatus.Status.SUCCESS) { error("Could not login to server.", null); return; } String serverVersion = client.getVersion(); try { ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance().init(serverVersion); } catch (Exception e) { } out.println("Connected to Mirth Connect server @ " + server + " (" + serverVersion + ")"); currentUser = StringUtils.defaultString(loginStatus.getUpdatedUsername(), user); if (script != null) { runScript(script); } else { runConsole(); } client.logout(); client.close(); out.println("Disconnected from server."); } catch (ClientException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioe) { error("Could not load script file.", ioe); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { error("Invalid server address.", e); } } private void runScript(String script) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(script)); String statement = null; try { while ((statement = reader.readLine()) != null) { out.println("Executing statement: " + statement); executeStatement(statement); } } catch (Quit e) { // do nothing } finally { reader.close(); } } private void runConsole() throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String statement = null; writePrompt(); try { while ((statement = reader.readLine()) != null) { executeStatement(statement); writePrompt(); } out.println(); // want newline before "Disconnected" message } catch (Quit e) { // do nothing } finally { reader.close(); } } private void error(String message, Throwable t) { err.println("Error: " + message); if ((t != null) && debug) { err.println(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(t)); } } private void writePrompt() { out.print("$"); out.flush(); } private void executeStatement(String command) { try { Token[] arguments = tokenizeCommand(command); if (arguments.length >= 1) { Token arg1 = arguments[0]; if (arg1 == Token.HELP) { commandHelp(arguments); return; } else if (arg1 == Token.USER) { if (arguments.length < 2) { error("invalid number of arguments.", null); return; } Token arg2 = arguments[1]; if (arg2 == Token.LIST) { commandUserList(arguments); } else if (arg2 == Token.ADD) { commandUserAdd(arguments); } else if (arg2 == Token.REMOVE) { commandUserRemove(arguments); } else if (arg2 == Token.CHANGEPW) { commandUserChangePassword(arguments); } } else if (arg1 == Token.DEPLOY) { commandDeploy(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.EXPORTCFG) { commandExportConfig(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.IMPORTCFG) { commandImportConfig(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.IMPORT) { commandImport(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.IMPORTALERTS) { commandImportAlerts(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.EXPORTALERTS) { commandExportAlerts(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.IMPORTSCRIPTS) { commandImportScripts(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.EXPORTSCRIPTS) { commandExportScripts(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.IMPORTCODETEMPLATES) { // Deprecated, remove in 3.4 error("The importcodetemplates command is deprecated. Please use \"codetemplate [library] import path [force]\" instead.", null); if (!hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 2)) { commandImportCodeTemplates(arguments[1].getText(), true); } } else if (arg1 == Token.EXPORTCODETEMPLATES) { // Deprecated, remove in 3.4 error("The exportcodetemplates command is deprecated. Please use \"codetemplate [library] export id|name|* path\" instead.", null); if (!hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 2)) { commandExportCodeTemplateLibraries("*", arguments[1].getText()); } } else if (arg1 == Token.IMPORTMESSAGES) { commandImportMessages(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.EXPORTMESSAGES) { commandExportMessages(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.IMPORTMAP) { commandImportMap(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.EXPORTMAP) { commandExportMap(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.STATUS) { commandStatus(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.EXPORT) { commandExport(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.CHANNEL) { String syntax = "invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: channel start|stop|pause|resume|stats|remove|enable|disable <id|name>, channel rename <id|name> newname, or channel list|stats"; if (arguments.length < 2) { error(syntax, null); return; } else if (arguments.length < 3 && arguments[1] != Token.LIST && arguments[1] != Token.STATS) { error(syntax, null); return; } Token comm = arguments[1]; if (comm == Token.STATS && arguments.length < 3) { commandAllChannelStats(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.LIST) { commandChannelList(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.DISABLE) { commandChannelDisable(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.ENABLE) { commandChannelEnable(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.REMOVE) { commandChannelRemove(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.START) { commandChannelStart(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.STOP) { commandChannelStop(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.HALT) { commandChannelHalt(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.PAUSE) { commandChannelPause(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.RESUME) { commandChannelResume(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.STATS) { commandChannelStats(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.RENAME) { commandChannelRename(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.DEPLOY) { commandChannelDeploy(arguments); } else if (comm == Token.UNDEPLOY) { commandChannelUndeploy(arguments); } else { error("unknown channel command " + comm, null); } } else if (arg1 == Token.CODE_TEMPLATE) { if (arguments.length < 2) { error("Invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: codetemplate library list [includecodetemplates], codetemplate list, codetemplate [library] import path [force], codetemplate export id|name path, codetemplate library export id|name|* path, codetemplate remove id|name, or codetemplate library remove id|name|*", null); return; } Token arg2 = arguments[1]; if (arg2 == Token.LIBRARY) { if (arguments.length < 3) { error("Invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: codetemplate library list [includecodetemplates], codetemplate library import path [force], codetemplate library export id|name|* path, or codetemplate library remove id|name|*", null); return; } Token arg3 = arguments[2]; if (arg3 == Token.LIST) { commandListCodeTemplateLibraries(arguments.length > 3 && StringUtils .equalsIgnoreCase(arguments[3].getText(), "includecodetemplates")); } else if (arg3 == Token.IMPORT) { if (arguments.length < 4) { error("Invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: codetemplate library import path [force]", null); return; } commandImportCodeTemplateLibraries(arguments[3].getText(), arguments.length > 4 && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(arguments[4].getText(), "force")); } else if (arg3 == Token.EXPORT) { if (arguments.length < 5) { error("Invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: codetemplate library export id|name|* path", null); return; } commandExportCodeTemplateLibraries(arguments[3].getText(), arguments[4].getText()); } else if (arg3 == Token.REMOVE) { if (arguments.length < 4) { error("Invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: codetemplate library remove id|name|*", null); return; } commandRemoveCodeTemplateLibraries(arguments[3].getText()); } else { error("Unknown code template library command " + arg3 + ". Syntax is: codetemplate library list [includecodetemplates], codetemplate library import path [force], codetemplate library export id|name|* path, or codetemplate library remove id|name|*", null); return; } } else if (arg2 == Token.LIST) { commandListCodeTemplates(); } else if (arg2 == Token.IMPORT) { if (arguments.length < 3) { error("Invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: codetemplate import path [force]", null); return; } commandImportCodeTemplates(arguments[2].getText(), arguments.length > 3 && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(arguments[3].getText(), "force")); } else if (arg2 == Token.EXPORT) { if (arguments.length < 4) { error("Invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: codetemplate export id|name path", null); return; } commandExportCodeTemplate(arguments[2].getText(), arguments[3].getText()); } else if (arg2 == Token.REMOVE) { if (arguments.length < 3) { error("Invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: codetemplate remove id|name", null); return; } commandRemoveCodeTemplate(arguments[2].getText()); } else { error("Unknown code template command " + arg2 + ". Syntax is: codetemplate library list [includecodetemplates], codetemplate list, codetemplate [library] import path [force], codetemplate export id|name path, codetemplate library export id|name|* path, codetemplate remove id|name, or codetemplate library remove id|name|*", null); return; } } else if (arg1 == Token.CLEARALLMESSAGES) { commandClearAllMessages(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.RESETSTATS) { commandResetstats(arguments); } else if (arg1 == Token.DUMP) { if (arguments.length >= 2) { Token arg2 = arguments[1]; if (arg2 == Token.STATS) { commandDumpStats(arguments); } else if (arg2 == Token.EVENTS) { commandDumpEvents(arguments); } else { error("unknown dump command: " + arg2, null); } } else { error("missing dump commands.", null); } } else if (arg1 == Token.QUIT) { throw new Quit(); } else { error("unknown command: " + command, null); } } } catch (ClientException e) { e.printStackTrace(err); } } private boolean hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(Token[] arguments, int expected) { if ((arguments.length - 1) < expected) { error("invalid number of arguments.", null); return true; } return false; } /** Split <code>command</code> into an array of tokens. */ private Token[] tokenizeCommand(String command) { List<Token> tokens = new ArrayList<Token>(); StringBuilder currentToken = null; // not in a token yet char[] chars = command.toCharArray(); boolean inQuotes = false; for (int idx = 0; idx < chars.length; idx++) { char ch = chars[idx]; if (currentToken == null) { // currently between tokens if (ch == ' ') { // ignore spaces between tokens (including leading space) continue; } else { // start a new token currentToken = new StringBuilder(); } } if (inQuotes && ch != '"') { // add another char (possibly space) to the current token currentToken.append(ch); } else if (inQuotes && ch == '"') { // no longer in quotes: ignore the " char and switch modes inQuotes = false; } else if (!inQuotes && ch == '"') { // now in quotes: ignore the " char and switch modes inQuotes = true; } else if (!inQuotes && ch == ' ') { // end of current token addToken(tokens, currentToken); currentToken = null; } else if (!inQuotes && ch == '#') { // start of comment: stop tokenizing now (ie. treat it as end of // line) break; } else if (!inQuotes) { // any other char outside of quotes: just append to current // token currentToken.append(ch); } else { // impossible state because of the first two clauses above throw new IllegalStateException( "impossible state in tokenizer: inQuotes=" + inQuotes + ", char=" + ch); } } addToken(tokens, currentToken); // out.println("token list: " + tokens); Token[] arguments = new Token[tokens.size()]; tokens.toArray(arguments); return arguments; } private void addToken(List<Token> tokens, StringBuilder currentText) { if (currentText == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(currentText.toString())) { // empty or commented line return; } String text = currentText.toString(); Token token = Token.getKeyword(text); if (token == null) { try { token = Token.intToken(text); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { token = Token.stringToken(text); } } tokens.add(token); } private void commandHelp(Token[] arguments) { out.println("Available Commands:"); out.println("status\n\tReturns status of deployed channels\n"); out.println("deploy [timeout]\n\tDeploys all Channels with optional timeout (in seconds)\n"); out.println( "import \"path\" [force]\n\tImports channel specified by <path>. Optional 'force' overwrites existing channels.\n"); out.println("export id|\"name\"|* \"path\"\n\tExports the specified channel to <path>\n"); out.println( "importcfg \"path\" [nodeploy]\n\tImports configuration specified by <path>. Optional 'nodeploy' stops channels from being deployed after importing.\n"); out.println("exportcfg \"path\"\n\tExports the configuration to <path>\n"); out.println( "importalert \"path\" [force]\n\tImports alert specified by <path>. Optional 'force' overwrites existing alerts.\n"); out.println("exportalert id|\"name\"|* \"path\"\n\tExports the specified alert to <path>\n"); out.println("importscripts \"path\"\n\tImports global script specified by <path>\n"); out.println("exportscripts \"path\"\n\tExports global script to <path>\n"); out.println( "codetemplate library list [includecodetemplates]\n\tLists all code template libraries. Optional 'includecodetemplates' additionally lists the code templates within each library.\n"); out.println("codetemplate list\n\tLists all code templates.\n"); out.println( "codetemplate [library] import path [force]\n\tImports code templates or libraries (with the 'library' option).\n"); out.println( "codetemplate library export id|name|* path\n\tExports all matched code template libraries to <path>.\n"); out.println("codetemplate export id|name path\n\tExports a single code template to <path>.\n"); out.println("codetemplate library remove id|name|*\n\tRemoves all matched code template libraries.\n"); out.println("codetemplate remove id|name\n\tRemoves a single code template.\n"); out.println( "importmessages \"path\" id\n\tImports messages specified by <path> into the channel specified by <id>\n"); out.println( "exportmessages \"path/file-pattern\" id [xml|xml-attach|raw|processedraw|transformed|encoded|response] [pageSize]\n\tExports all messages for channel specified by <id> to <path>\n"); out.println("importmap \"path\"\n\tImports configuration map specified by <path>\n"); out.println("exportmap \"path\"\n\tExports configuration map to <path>\n"); out.println( "channel undeploy|deploy|start|stop|halt|pause|resume|stats id|\"name\"|*\n\tPerforms specified channel action\n"); out.println("channel remove|enable|disable id|\"name\"|*\n\tRemove, enable or disable specified channel\n"); out.println("channel list\n\tLists all Channels\n"); out.println( "clearallmessages\n\tRemoves all messages from all Channels (running channels will be restarted)\n"); out.println( "resetstats [lifetime]\n\tRemoves all stats from all Channels. Optional 'lifetime' includes resetting lifetime stats.\n"); out.println("dump stats|events \"path\"\n\tDumps stats or events to specified file\n"); out.println("user list\n\tReturns a list of the current users\n"); out.println( "user add username \"password\" \"firstName\" \"lastName\" \"organization\" \"email\"\n\tAdds the specified user\n"); out.println("user remove id|username\n\tRemoves the specified user\n"); out.println("user changepw id|username \"newpassword\"\n\tChanges the specified user's password\n"); out.println("quit\n\tQuits Mirth Connect Shell"); } private void commandUserList(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { List<User> users = client.getAllUsers(); out.println("ID\tUser Name\tName\t\t\tEmail"); for (Iterator<User> iter = users.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { User user =; out.println(user.getId() + "\t" + user.getUsername() + "\t\t" + user.getFirstName() + "\t\t" + user.getLastName() + "\t\t" + user.getOrganization() + "\t\t" + user.getEmail()); } } private void commandUserAdd(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (arguments.length < 8) { error("invalid number of arguments. Syntax is user add username \"password\" \"firstName\" \"lastName\" \"organization\" \"email\"", null); return; } String username = arguments[2].getText(); if (username.length() < 1) { error("unable to add user: username too short.", null); return; } String password = arguments[3].getText(); String firstName = arguments[4].getText(); String lastName = arguments[5].getText(); String organization = arguments[6].getText(); String email = arguments[7].getText(); User user = new User(); user.setUsername(username); user.setFirstName(firstName); user.setLastName(lastName); user.setOrganization(organization); user.setEmail(email); List<User> users = client.getAllUsers(); for (Iterator<User> iter = users.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { User luser =; if (luser.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(username)) { error("unable to add user: username in use.", null); return; } } try { List<String> responses = client.checkUserPassword(password); if (responses != null) { for (String response : responses) { out.println(response); } return; } client.createUser(user); // Get the new user object that contains the user id User newUser = client.getUser(username); responses = client.updateUserPassword(newUser.getId(), password); if (responses != null) { System.out.println("User \"" + username + "\" has been created but the password could not be set:"); for (String response : responses) { out.println(response); } } else { out.println("User \"" + username + "\" added successfully."); } } catch (Exception e) { error("unable to add user \"" + username + "\": " + e, e); } } private void commandUserRemove(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (arguments.length < 3) { error("invalid number of arguments. Syntax is user remove username|id", null); return; } String key = arguments[2].getText(); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(currentUser)) { error("cannot remove current user.", null); return; } List<User> users = client.getAllUsers(); for (Iterator<User> iter = users.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { User user =; if (user.getId().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(key) || user.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { client.removeUser(user.getId()); out.println("User \"" + user.getUsername() + "\" successfully removed."); return; } } } private void commandUserChangePassword(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (arguments.length < 4) { error("invalid number of arguments. Syntax is user changepw username|id \"newpassword\"", null); return; } String key = arguments[2].getText(); String newPassword = arguments[3].getText(); List<User> users = client.getAllUsers(); for (Iterator<User> iter = users.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { User user =; if (user.getId().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(key) || user.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { List<String> responses = client.updateUserPassword(user.getId(), newPassword); if (responses != null) { for (String response : responses) { out.println(response); } } else { out.println("User \"" + user.getUsername() + "\" password updated."); } return; } } } private void commandDeploy(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { out.println("Deploying Channels"); List<Channel> channels = client.getAllChannels(); boolean hasChannels = false; for (Channel channel : channels) { if (channel.isEnabled()) { hasChannels = true; break; } } client.redeployAllChannels(); if (hasChannels) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } List<DashboardStatus> channelStatus = client.getAllChannelStatuses(); int limit = 60; // 30 second limit if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] instanceof IntToken) { limit = ((IntToken) arguments[1]).getValue() * 2; // multiply // by two // because // our sleep // is 500ms } while (channelStatus.size() == 0 && limit > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } channelStatus = client.getAllChannelStatuses(); limit--; } if (limit > 0) { out.println("Channels Deployed"); } else { out.println("Deployment Timed out"); } } else { out.println("No Channels to Deploy"); } } private void commandExportConfig(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 1)) { return; } String path = arguments[1].getText(); ObjectXMLSerializer serializer = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance(); try { ServerConfiguration configuration = client.getServerConfiguration(); String backupDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); configuration.setDate(backupDate); File fXml = new File(path); out.println("Exporting Configuration"); String configurationXML = serializer.serialize(configuration); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fXml, configurationXML); } catch (IOException e) { error("unable to write file " + path + ": " + e, e); } out.println("Configuration Export Complete."); } private void commandImportConfig(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 1)) { return; } String path = arguments[1].getText(); File fXml = new File(path); boolean deploy = true; if (arguments.length >= 3 && arguments[2] == Token.NODEPLOY) { deploy = false; } ObjectXMLSerializer serializer = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance(); try { client.setServerConfiguration( serializer.deserialize(FileUtils.readFileToString(fXml), ServerConfiguration.class), deploy); } catch (IOException e) { error("cannot read " + path, e); return; } out.println("Configuration Import Complete."); } private void commandImport(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 1)) { return; } String path = arguments[1].getText(); boolean force = false; if (arguments.length >= 3 && arguments[2] == Token.FORCE) { force = true; } File fXml = new File(path); doImportChannel(fXml, force); } private void commandImportAlerts(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 1)) { return; } String path = arguments[1].getText(); boolean force = false; if (arguments.length >= 3 && arguments[2] == Token.FORCE) { force = true; } File fXml = new File(path); doImportAlert(fXml, force); } private void commandExportAlerts(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (arguments.length < 3) { error("invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: export id|name|* \"path\"", null); return; } Token key = arguments[1]; String path = arguments[2].getText(); ObjectXMLSerializer serializer = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance(); List<AlertModel> alerts = client.getAllAlerts(); if (key == Token.WILDCARD) { for (AlertModel alert : alerts) { try { File fXml = new File(path + alert.getName() + ".xml"); out.println("Exporting " + alert.getName()); String alertXML = serializer.serialize(alert); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fXml, alertXML); } catch (IOException e) { error("unable to write file " + path + ": " + e, e); } } out.println("Export Complete."); return; } else { File fXml = new File(path); StringToken skey = Token.stringToken(key.getText()); for (AlertModel alert : alerts) { if (skey.equalsIgnoreCase(alert.getName()) != skey.equalsIgnoreCase(alert.getId())) { out.println("Exporting " + alert.getName()); String alertXML = serializer.serialize(alert); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fXml, alertXML); } catch (IOException e) { error("unable to write file " + path + ": " + e, e); } out.println("Export Complete."); return; } } } } private void commandExportScripts(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 1)) { return; } ObjectXMLSerializer serializer = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance(); String path = arguments[1].getText(); File fXml = new File(path); try { String scriptsXml = serializer.serialize(client.getGlobalScripts()); out.println("Exporting scripts"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fXml, scriptsXml); } catch (IOException e) { error("unable to write file " + path + ": " + e, e); } out.println("Script Export Complete."); } private void commandImportScripts(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 1)) { return; } String path = arguments[1].getText(); File fXml = new File(path); doImportScript(fXml); out.println("Scripts Import Complete"); } private void commandListCodeTemplateLibraries(boolean includeCodeTemplates) throws ClientException { List<CodeTemplateLibrary> libraries = client.getCodeTemplateLibraries(null, includeCodeTemplates); int maxLibraryNameLength = 4; for (CodeTemplateLibrary library : libraries) { if (library.getName().length() > maxLibraryNameLength) { maxLibraryNameLength = library.getName().length(); } } int maxCodeTemplateNameLength = 4; if (includeCodeTemplates) { for (CodeTemplateLibrary library : libraries) { for (CodeTemplate codeTemplate : library.getCodeTemplates()) { if (codeTemplate.getName().length() > maxCodeTemplateNameLength) { maxCodeTemplateNameLength = codeTemplate.getName().length(); } } } } boolean showLibraryHeader = true; for (CodeTemplateLibrary library : libraries) { if (showLibraryHeader) { out.printf("%-" + maxLibraryNameLength + "s %-36s %-8s %s\n", "Name", "Id", "Revision", "Last Modified"); out.printf("%-" + maxLibraryNameLength + "s %-36s %-8s %s\n", StringUtils.repeat('-', maxLibraryNameLength), StringUtils.repeat('-', 36), StringUtils.repeat('-', 8), StringUtils.repeat('-', 19)); showLibraryHeader = false; } out.printf("%-" + maxLibraryNameLength + "s %-36s %-8d %tF %<tT\n", library.getName(), library.getId(), library.getRevision(), library.getLastModified()); if (includeCodeTemplates && library.getCodeTemplates().size() > 0) { out.println(); listCodeTemplates(library.getCodeTemplates(), true, maxCodeTemplateNameLength); out.println(); showLibraryHeader = true; } } } private void commandImportCodeTemplateLibraries(String path, boolean force) throws ClientException { try { List<CodeTemplateLibrary> libraries = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance() .deserializeList(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(path)), CodeTemplateLibrary.class); removeInvalidItems(libraries, CodeTemplateLibrary.class); if (libraries.isEmpty()) { out.println("No code template libraries found in file \"" + path + "\"."); return; } Map<String, CodeTemplateLibrary> libraryMap = new HashMap<String, CodeTemplateLibrary>(); for (CodeTemplateLibrary library : client.getCodeTemplateLibraries(null, false)) { libraryMap.put(library.getId(), library); } Map<String, CodeTemplate> codeTemplateMap = new HashMap<String, CodeTemplate>(); for (CodeTemplateLibrary library : libraries) { library = new CodeTemplateLibrary(library); CodeTemplateLibrary matchingLibrary = libraryMap.get(library.getId()); if (matchingLibrary != null) { library.getEnabledChannelIds().addAll(matchingLibrary.getEnabledChannelIds()); library.getDisabledChannelIds().addAll(matchingLibrary.getDisabledChannelIds()); library.getDisabledChannelIds().removeAll(library.getEnabledChannelIds()); for (CodeTemplate serverCodeTemplate : matchingLibrary.getCodeTemplates()) { boolean found = false; for (CodeTemplate codeTemplate : library.getCodeTemplates()) { if (serverCodeTemplate.getId().equals(codeTemplate.getId())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { library.getCodeTemplates().add(serverCodeTemplate); } } } for (CodeTemplate codeTemplate : library.getCodeTemplates()) { if (codeTemplate.getName() != null) { codeTemplateMap.put(codeTemplate.getId(), codeTemplate); } } libraryMap.put(library.getId(), library); } CodeTemplateLibrarySaveResult updateSummary = client.updateLibrariesAndTemplates( new HashSet<CodeTemplateLibrary>(libraryMap.values()), new HashSet<String>(), new HashSet<CodeTemplate>(codeTemplateMap.values()), new HashSet<String>(), force); if (!updateSummary.isOverrideNeeded()) { if (updateSummary.isLibrariesSuccess()) { out.println(libraries.size() + " code template libraries imported successfully."); List<CodeTemplate> failedCodeTemplates = new ArrayList<CodeTemplate>(); Throwable firstCause = null; for (Entry<String, CodeTemplateUpdateResult> entry : updateSummary.getCodeTemplateResults() .entrySet()) { if (!entry.getValue().isSuccess()) { failedCodeTemplates.add(codeTemplateMap.get(entry.getKey())); if (firstCause == null) { firstCause = entry.getValue().getCause(); } } } if (!failedCodeTemplates.isEmpty()) { out.println("The following code templates failed to be imported:\n"); listCodeTemplates(failedCodeTemplates, true); } if (firstCause != null) { throw new ClientException(firstCause); } } else { error("Failed to import code template libraries.", updateSummary.getLibrariesCause()); } } else { error("One or more code templates or libraries is outdated (use the \"force\" option to import them anyway).", null); } } catch (IOException e) { error("Failed to read file: " + path, e); } catch (SerializerException e) { error("Invalid code template file: " + path, e); } } private void commandExportCodeTemplateLibraries(String searchText, String path) throws ClientException { List<CodeTemplateLibrary> libraries = client.getCodeTemplateLibraries(null, true); List<CodeTemplateLibrary> exportLibraries = new ArrayList<CodeTemplateLibrary>(); for (CodeTemplateLibrary library : libraries) { if (library.getId().equals(searchText)) { exportLibraries.clear(); exportLibraries.add(library); break; } if ((searchText.equals("*") || StringUtils.equals(library.getName(), searchText))) { exportLibraries.add(library); } } if (exportLibraries.isEmpty()) { out.println("No code template libraries found for search criteria \"" + searchText + "\"."); return; } try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(path), ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance().serialize(exportLibraries)); out.println("Successfully exported " + exportLibraries.size() + " code template librar" + (exportLibraries.size() == 1 ? "y" : "ies") + "."); } catch (IOException e) { error("Error exporting code template libraries to file: " + path, e); } } private void commandRemoveCodeTemplateLibraries(String searchText) throws ClientException { List<CodeTemplateLibrary> libraries = client.getCodeTemplateLibraries(null, false); List<CodeTemplateLibrary> matchedLibraries = new ArrayList<CodeTemplateLibrary>(); for (CodeTemplateLibrary library : libraries) { if (library.getId().equals(searchText)) { matchedLibraries.clear(); matchedLibraries.add(library); break; } if (searchText.equals("*") || StringUtils.equals(library.getName(), searchText)) { matchedLibraries.add(library); } } if (matchedLibraries.isEmpty()) { out.println("No code template libraries found for search criteria \"" + searchText + "\"."); return; } Set<CodeTemplateLibrary> updatedLibraries = new HashSet<CodeTemplateLibrary>(); for (CodeTemplateLibrary library : libraries) { if (!matchedLibraries.contains(library)) { updatedLibraries.add(library); } } if (client.updateCodeTemplateLibraries(updatedLibraries, true)) { out.println("Successfully removed " + matchedLibraries.size() + " code template librar" + (matchedLibraries.size() == 1 ? "y" : "ies") + "."); for (CodeTemplateLibrary library : matchedLibraries) { for (CodeTemplate codeTemplate : library.getCodeTemplates()) { try { client.removeCodeTemplate(codeTemplate.getId()); } catch (ClientException e) { error("Error removing code template " + codeTemplate.getId() + ".", e); } } } } } private void commandListCodeTemplates() throws ClientException { listCodeTemplates(client.getCodeTemplates(null), false); } private void listCodeTemplates(List<CodeTemplate> codeTemplates, boolean indent) { listCodeTemplates(codeTemplates, indent, 4); } private void listCodeTemplates(List<CodeTemplate> codeTemplates, boolean indent, int maxNameLength) { for (CodeTemplate codeTemplate : codeTemplates) { if (codeTemplate.getName().length() > maxNameLength) { maxNameLength = codeTemplate.getName().length(); } } out.printf((indent ? '\t' : "") + "%-" + maxNameLength + "s %-36s %-24s %-8s %s\n", "Name", "Id", "Type", "Revision", "Last Modified"); out.printf((indent ? '\t' : "") + "%-" + maxNameLength + "s %-36s %-24s %-8s %s\n", StringUtils.repeat('-', maxNameLength), StringUtils.repeat('-', 36), StringUtils.repeat('-', 24), StringUtils.repeat('-', 8), StringUtils.repeat('-', 19)); for (CodeTemplate codeTemplate : codeTemplates) { out.printf((indent ? '\t' : "") + "%-" + maxNameLength + "s %-36s %-24s %-8d %tF %<tT\n", codeTemplate.getName(), codeTemplate.getId(), codeTemplate.getType(), codeTemplate.getRevision(), codeTemplate.getLastModified()); } } private void commandImportCodeTemplates(String path, boolean force) throws ClientException { try { List<CodeTemplate> codeTemplates = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance() .deserializeList(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(path)), CodeTemplate.class); removeInvalidItems(codeTemplates, CodeTemplate.class); if (codeTemplates.isEmpty()) { out.println("No code templates found in file \"" + path + "\"."); return; } List<CodeTemplate> outdatedCodeTemplates = new ArrayList<CodeTemplate>(); List<CodeTemplate> failedCodeTemplates = new ArrayList<CodeTemplate>(); ClientException firstCause = null; for (Iterator<CodeTemplate> it = codeTemplates.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { CodeTemplate codeTemplate =; try { if (!client.updateCodeTemplate(codeTemplate, force)) { outdatedCodeTemplates.add(codeTemplate); it.remove(); } } catch (ClientException e) { failedCodeTemplates.add(codeTemplate); it.remove(); if (firstCause == null) { firstCause = e; } } } out.println(codeTemplates.size() + " code template" + (codeTemplates.size() == 1 ? "" : "s") + " imported successfully."); if (!outdatedCodeTemplates.isEmpty()) { out.println("The following code template" + (outdatedCodeTemplates.size() == 1 ? " is" : "s are") + " outdated (use the \"force\" option to import them anyway):\n"); listCodeTemplates(outdatedCodeTemplates, true); } if (!failedCodeTemplates.isEmpty()) { out.println("The following code template" + (failedCodeTemplates.size() == 1 ? "" : "s") + " failed to be imported:\n"); listCodeTemplates(failedCodeTemplates, true); } if (firstCause != null) { throw firstCause; } } catch (IOException e) { error("Failed to read file: " + path, e); } catch (SerializerException e) { error("Invalid code template file: " + path, e); } } private void commandExportCodeTemplate(String searchText, String path) throws ClientException { List<CodeTemplate> codeTemplates = client.getCodeTemplates(null); List<CodeTemplate> exportCodeTemplates = new ArrayList<CodeTemplate>(); for (CodeTemplate codeTemplate : codeTemplates) { if (StringUtils.equals(codeTemplate.getId(), searchText)) { exportCodeTemplates.clear(); exportCodeTemplates.add(codeTemplate); break; } else if (StringUtils.equals(codeTemplate.getName(), searchText)) { exportCodeTemplates.add(codeTemplate); } } if (exportCodeTemplates.isEmpty()) { out.println("No code templates found for search criteria \"" + searchText + "\"."); return; } else if (exportCodeTemplates.size() > 1) { error("Error exporting code template by name, multiple found:", null); listCodeTemplates(exportCodeTemplates, false); return; } try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(path), ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance().serialize(exportCodeTemplates.get(0))); out.println("Successfully exported code template."); } catch (IOException e) { error("Error exporting code template to file: " + path, e); } } private void commandRemoveCodeTemplate(String searchText) throws ClientException { List<CodeTemplate> codeTemplates = client.getCodeTemplates(null); List<CodeTemplate> removeCodeTemplates = new ArrayList<CodeTemplate>(); for (CodeTemplate codeTemplate : codeTemplates) { if (StringUtils.equals(codeTemplate.getId(), searchText)) { removeCodeTemplates.clear(); removeCodeTemplates.add(codeTemplate); break; } else if (StringUtils.equals(codeTemplate.getName(), searchText)) { removeCodeTemplates.add(codeTemplate); } } if (removeCodeTemplates.isEmpty()) { out.println("No code templates found for search criteria \"" + searchText + "\"."); return; } else if (removeCodeTemplates.size() > 1) { error("Error removing code template by name, multiple found:", null); listCodeTemplates(removeCodeTemplates, false); return; } out.println("Removing code template \"" + removeCodeTemplates.get(0).getName() + "\"..."); client.removeCodeTemplate(removeCodeTemplates.get(0).getId()); out.println("Successfully removed code template."); } private void commandImportMessages(Token[] arguments) { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 2)) { return; } String path = arguments[1].getText(); final String channelId = arguments[2].getText(); MessageWriter importer = new MessageWriter() { @Override public boolean write(Message message) throws MessageWriterException { try { client.importMessage(channelId, message); } catch (ClientException e) { throw new MessageWriterException(e); } return true; } @Override public void finishWrite() throws MessageWriterException { } @Override public void close() throws MessageWriterException { } }; try { MessageImportResult result = new MessageImporter().importMessages(path, true, importer, new File(".").getAbsolutePath()); out.println(result.getSuccessCount() + " out of " + result.getTotalCount() + " messages imported successfully."); } catch (InterruptedException e) { error("Message import was interrupted.", null); } catch (MessageImportException e) { error("An error occurred while attempting to import messages", e); } catch (MessageImportInvalidPathException e) { error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void commandExportMessages(Token[] arguments) { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 2)) { return; } // file path String path = arguments[1].getText(); File fXml = new File(path); // message filter MessageFilter filter = new MessageFilter(); String channelId = arguments[2].getText(); // export mode ContentType contentType = null; boolean includeAttachments = false; if (arguments.length >= 4) { String modeArg = arguments[3].getText(); if (StringUtils.equals(modeArg, "raw")) { contentType = ContentType.RAW; } else if (StringUtils.equals(modeArg, "processedraw")) { contentType = ContentType.PROCESSED_RAW; } else if (StringUtils.equals(modeArg, "transformed")) { contentType = ContentType.TRANSFORMED; } else if (StringUtils.equals(modeArg, "encoded")) { contentType = ContentType.ENCODED; } else if (StringUtils.equals(modeArg, "sent")) { contentType = ContentType.SENT; } else if (StringUtils.equals(modeArg, "response")) { contentType = ContentType.RESPONSE; } else if (StringUtils.equals(modeArg, "responsetransformed")) { contentType = ContentType.RESPONSE_TRANSFORMED; } else if (StringUtils.equals(modeArg, "processedresponse")) { contentType = ContentType.PROCESSED_RESPONSE; } else if (StringUtils.equals(modeArg, "xml-attach")) { includeAttachments = true; } } // page size int pageSize = 100; if (arguments.length == 5) { pageSize = NumberUtils.toInt(arguments[4].getText()); } int messageCount = 0; try { filter.setMaxMessageId(client.getMaxMessageId(channelId)); MessageWriter messageWriter = null; try { out.println("Exporting messages to file: " + fXml.getPath()); PaginatedMessageList messageList = new PaginatedMessageList(); messageList.setChannelId(channelId); messageList.setClient(client); messageList.setIncludeContent(true); messageList.setMessageFilter(filter); messageList.setPageSize(pageSize); MessageWriterOptions writerOptions = new MessageWriterOptions(); writerOptions.setBaseFolder(new File(".").getPath()); writerOptions.setContentType(contentType); writerOptions.setDestinationContent(false); writerOptions.setEncrypt(false); writerOptions.setRootFolder(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(fXml.getAbsolutePath())); writerOptions.setFilePattern(FilenameUtils.getName(fXml.getAbsolutePath())); writerOptions.setArchiveFormat(null); writerOptions.setCompressFormat(null); writerOptions.setIncludeAttachments(includeAttachments); messageWriter = MessageWriterFactory.getInstance().getMessageWriter(writerOptions, client.getEncryptor()); AttachmentSource attachmentSource = null; if (writerOptions.includeAttachments()) { attachmentSource = new AttachmentSource() { @Override public List<Attachment> getMessageAttachments(Message message) throws ClientException { return client.getAttachmentsByMessageId(message.getChannelId(), message.getMessageId()); } }; } messageCount = new MessageExporter().exportMessages(messageList, messageWriter, attachmentSource); messageWriter.finishWrite(); } catch (Exception e) { Throwable cause = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e); error("unable to write file(s) " + path + ": " + cause, cause); } finally { if (messageWriter != null) { try { messageWriter.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Throwable cause = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e); error("unable to close file(s) " + path + ": " + cause, cause); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Throwable cause = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e); error("Unable to retrieve max message ID: " + cause, cause); } out.println("Messages Export Complete. " + messageCount + " Messages Exported."); } private void commandImportMap(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 1)) { return; } // file path String path = arguments[1].getText(); File file = new File(path); if (file != null && file.exists()) { try { PropertiesConfiguration properties = new PropertiesConfiguration(file); Map<String, ConfigurationProperty> configurationMap = new HashMap<String, ConfigurationProperty>(); Iterator<String> iterator = properties.getKeys(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String key =; String value = properties.getString(key); String comment = properties.getLayout().getCanonicalComment(key, false); configurationMap.put(key, new ConfigurationProperty(value, comment)); } client.setConfigurationMap(configurationMap); out.println("Configuration map import complete"); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { error("Unable to import configuration map", e); } } else { error("Unable to read file " + path, null); } } private void commandExportMap(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 1)) { return; } // file path String path = arguments[1].getText(); File file = new File(path); if (file != null) { try { PropertiesConfiguration properties = new PropertiesConfiguration(file); properties.clear(); PropertiesConfigurationLayout layout = properties.getLayout(); Map<String, ConfigurationProperty> configurationMap = client.getConfigurationMap(); Map<String, ConfigurationProperty> sortedMap = new TreeMap<String, ConfigurationProperty>( String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); sortedMap.putAll(configurationMap); for (Entry<String, ConfigurationProperty> entry : sortedMap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue().getValue(); String comment = entry.getValue().getComment(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(key)) { properties.setProperty(key, value); layout.setComment(key, StringUtils.isBlank(comment) ? null : comment); } }; out.println("Configuration map export complete."); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { error("Unable to export configuration map.", e); } } } private void commandStatus(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { out.println("ID\t\t\t\t\tStatus\t\tName"); List<DashboardStatus> channels = client.getAllChannelStatuses(); for (Iterator<DashboardStatus> iter = channels.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { DashboardStatus channel =; out.println(channel.getChannelId() + "\t" + channel.getState().toString() + "\t\t" + channel.getName()); } } private void commandExport(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (arguments.length < 3) { error("invalid number of arguments. Syntax is: export id|name|* \"path\"", null); return; } Token key = arguments[1]; String path = arguments[2].getText(); ObjectXMLSerializer serializer = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance(); List<Channel> channels = client.getAllChannels(); Set<ChannelDependency> channelDependencies = client.getChannelDependencies(); if (key == Token.WILDCARD) { for (Channel channel : channels) { try { addDependenciesToChannel(channelDependencies, channel); File fXml = new File(path + channel.getName() + ".xml"); out.println("Exporting " + channel.getName()); String channelXML = serializer.serialize(channel); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fXml, channelXML); } catch (IOException e) { error("unable to write file " + path + ": " + e, e); } } out.println("Export Complete."); return; } else { File fXml = new File(path); StringToken skey = Token.stringToken(key.getText()); for (Channel channel : channels) { if (skey.equalsIgnoreCase(channel.getName()) != skey.equalsIgnoreCase(channel.getId())) { addDependenciesToChannel(channelDependencies, channel); out.println("Exporting " + channel.getName()); String channelXML = serializer.serialize(channel); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fXml, channelXML); } catch (IOException e) { error("unable to write file " + path + ": " + e, e); } out.println("Export Complete."); return; } } } } private void addDependenciesToChannel(Set<ChannelDependency> channelDependencies, Channel channel) { Set<String> dependentIds = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> dependencyIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (ChannelDependency channelDependency : channelDependencies) { if (StringUtils.equals(channelDependency.getDependencyId(), channel.getId())) { dependentIds.add(channelDependency.getDependentId()); } else if (StringUtils.equals(channelDependency.getDependentId(), channel.getId())) { dependencyIds.add(channelDependency.getDependencyId()); } } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(dependentIds)) { channel.setDependentIds(dependentIds); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(dependencyIds)) { channel.setDependencyIds(dependencyIds); } } private void commandAllChannelStats(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { out.println("Received\tFiltered\tQueued\t\tSent\t\tErrored\t\tName"); List<DashboardStatus> channelStatuses = client.getAllChannelStatuses(); for (DashboardStatus channelStatus : channelStatuses) { ChannelStatistics stats = client.getStatistics(channelStatus.getChannelId()); out.println(stats.getReceived() + "\t\t" + stats.getFiltered() + "\t\t" + channelStatus.getQueued() + "\t\t" + stats.getSent() + "\t\t" + stats.getError() + "\t\t" + channelStatus.getName()); } } private void commandChannelList(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { List<Channel> allChannels = client.getAllChannels(); out.println("ID\t\t\t\t\tEnabled\t\tName"); String enable = ""; for (Iterator<Channel> iter = allChannels.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Channel channel =; if (channel.isEnabled()) { enable = "YES"; } else { enable = "NO"; } out.println(channel.getId() + "\t" + enable + "\t\t" + channel.getName()); } } private void commandChannelDisable(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (Channel channel : getMatchingChannels(arguments[2])) { if (channel.isEnabled()) { channel.setEnabled(false); client.updateChannel(channel, true); out.println("Channel '" + channel.getName() + "' Disabled"); } } } private void commandChannelEnable(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (Channel channel : getMatchingChannels(arguments[2])) { if (!(channel instanceof InvalidChannel) && !channel.isEnabled()) { channel.setEnabled(true); client.updateChannel(channel, true); out.println("Channel '" + channel.getName() + "' Enabled"); } } } private void commandChannelRemove(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (Channel channel : getMatchingChannels(arguments[2])) { if (channel.isEnabled()) { channel.setEnabled(false); } client.removeChannel(channel.getId()); out.println("Channel '" + channel.getName() + "' Removed"); } } private void commandChannelStart(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (DashboardStatus channel : getMatchingChannelStatuses(arguments[2])) { if (channel.getState().equals(DeployedState.PAUSED) || channel.getState().equals(DeployedState.STOPPED)) { if (channel.getState().equals(DeployedState.PAUSED)) { client.resumeChannel(channel.getChannelId()); out.println("Channel '" + channel.getName() + "' Resumed"); } else { client.startChannel(channel.getChannelId()); out.println("Channel '" + channel.getName() + "' Started"); } } } } private void commandChannelStop(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (DashboardStatus channel : getMatchingChannelStatuses(arguments[2])) { if (channel.getState().equals(DeployedState.PAUSED) || channel.getState().equals(DeployedState.STARTED)) { client.stopChannel(channel.getChannelId()); out.println("Channel '" + channel.getName() + "' Stopped"); } } } private void commandChannelHalt(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (DashboardStatus channel : getMatchingChannelStatuses(arguments[2])) { client.haltChannel(channel.getChannelId()); out.println("Channel '" + channel.getName() + "' Halted"); } } private void commandChannelPause(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (DashboardStatus channel : getMatchingChannelStatuses(arguments[2])) { if (channel.getState().equals(DeployedState.STARTED)) { client.pauseChannel(channel.getChannelId()); out.println("Channel '" + channel.getName() + "' Paused"); } } } private void commandChannelResume(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (DashboardStatus channel : getMatchingChannelStatuses(arguments[2])) { if (channel.getState().equals(DeployedState.PAUSED)) { client.resumeChannel(channel.getChannelId()); out.println("Channel '" + channel.getName() + "' Resumed"); } } } private void commandChannelStats(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (DashboardStatus channel : getMatchingChannelStatuses(arguments[2])) { ChannelStatistics stats = client.getStatistics(channel.getChannelId()); out.println("Channel Stats for " + channel.getName()); out.println("Received: " + stats.getReceived()); out.println("Filtered: " + stats.getFiltered()); out.println("Queued: " + channel.getQueued()); out.println("Sent: " + stats.getSent()); out.println("Errored: " + stats.getError()); } } private void commandChannelRename(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { for (Channel channel : getMatchingChannels(arguments[2])) { if (!(channel instanceof InvalidChannel)) { String oldName = channel.getName(); channel.setName(arguments[3].getText()); if (checkChannelName(channel.getName())) { client.updateChannel(channel, true); out.println("Channel '" + oldName + "' renamed to '" + channel.getName() + "'"); } } } } private void commandChannelDeploy(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { Set<String> channelIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (Channel channel : getMatchingChannels(arguments[2])) { channelIds.add(channel.getId()); } client.deployChannels(channelIds); } private void commandChannelUndeploy(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { Set<String> channelIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (Channel channel : getMatchingChannels(arguments[2])) { channelIds.add(channel.getId()); } client.undeployChannels(channelIds); } /** * Checks to see if the passed in channel id already exists */ public Channel getChannelById(String id) throws ClientException { for (Channel channel : client.getAllChannels()) { if (channel.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return channel; } } return null; } /** * Checks to see if the passed in channel name already exists and is formatted correctly */ public boolean checkChannelName(String name) throws ClientException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { out.println("Channel name cannot be empty."); return false; } else if (name.length() > 40) { out.println("Channel name cannot be longer than 40 characters."); return false; } Pattern alphaNumericPattern = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z_0-9\\-\\s]*$"); Matcher matcher = alphaNumericPattern.matcher(name); if (!matcher.find()) { out.println("Channel name cannot have special characters besides hyphen, underscore, and space."); return false; } if (getChannelByName(name) != null) { return false; } return true; } private Channel getChannelByName(String name) throws ClientException { for (Channel channel : client.getAllChannels()) { if (channel.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { out.println("Channel \"" + name + "\" already exists."); return channel; } } return null; } private List<Channel> getMatchingChannels(Token key) throws ClientException { List<Channel> result = new ArrayList<Channel>(); for (Channel channel : client.getAllChannels()) { if (matchesChannel(key, channel.getName(), channel.getId())) { result.add(channel); } // What if the key matches *two* channels, e.g. it's the ID of one // and // the name of another? Unlikely but possible... // if (result.size() > 0 && key != Token.WILDCARD) // break; } return result; } // Yuck: this is nearly identical to getMatchingChannels(), but there does // not appear to be a way to go from Channel to ChannelStatus (or // vice-versa). If // there was, all channel methods could operate on a Channel object (or a // ChannelStatus // object), and we would only need one getMatching...() method. private List<DashboardStatus> getMatchingChannelStatuses(Token key) throws ClientException { List<DashboardStatus> result = new ArrayList<DashboardStatus>(); for (DashboardStatus status : client.getAllChannelStatuses()) { if (matchesChannel(key, status.getName(), status.getChannelId())) { result.add(status); } // Again, what if the key matches two channels? // if (key != Token.WILDCARD) // break; } return result; } private boolean matchesChannel(Token key, String name, String id) { if (key == Token.WILDCARD) return true; StringToken skey = (StringToken) key; return skey.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || skey.equalsIgnoreCase(id); } private void commandClearAllMessages(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { Set<String> channelIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (Channel channel : client.getAllChannels()) { channelIds.add(channel.getId()); } client.removeAllMessages(channelIds, true, false); } private void commandResetstats(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { boolean lifetime = false; if (arguments.length >= 2 && arguments[1] == Token.LIFETIME) { lifetime = true; } if (lifetime) { client.clearAllStatistics(); } else { List<DashboardStatus> channelStatuses = client.getAllChannelStatuses(); Map<String, List<Integer>> channelConnectorMap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); for (DashboardStatus status : channelStatuses) { String channelId = status.getChannelId(); Integer metaDataId = status.getMetaDataId(); List<Integer> metaDataIds = channelConnectorMap.get(channelId); if (metaDataIds == null) { metaDataIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); channelConnectorMap.put(channelId, metaDataIds); } metaDataIds.add(metaDataId); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(status.getChildStatuses())) { for (DashboardStatus childStatus : status.getChildStatuses()) { metaDataIds.add(childStatus.getMetaDataId()); } } } client.clearStatistics(channelConnectorMap, true, true, true, true); } } private void commandDumpEvents(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 2)) { return; } String dumpFilename = arguments[2].getText(); dumpFilename = replaceValues(dumpFilename); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Mirth Connect Event Log Dump: " + (new Date()).toString() + "\n"); builder.append(ServerEvent.getExportHeader() + "\n"); File dumpFile = new File(dumpFilename); try { int maxEventId = client.getMaxEventId(); EventFilter filter = new EventFilter(); filter.setMaxEventId(maxEventId); PaginatedEventList eventList = new PaginatedEventList(); eventList.setClient(client); eventList.setPageSize(20); eventList.setEventFilter(filter); int pageNumber = 1; while (eventList.loadPageNumber(pageNumber)) { for (ServerEvent event : eventList) { builder.append(event.toExportString() + "\n"); } pageNumber++; } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(dumpFile, builder.toString()); } catch (ListHandlerException lhe) { lhe.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioe) { error("Could not write file: " + dumpFile.getAbsolutePath(), ioe); } catch (Exception e) { error("Could not retrieve events", e); e.printStackTrace(); } out.println("Events written to " + dumpFilename); } private void commandDumpStats(Token[] arguments) throws ClientException { if (hasInvalidNumberOfArguments(arguments, 2)) { return; } String dumpFilename = arguments[2].getText(); dumpFilename = replaceValues(dumpFilename); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Mirth Channel Statistics Dump: " + (new Date()).toString() + "\n"); builder.append("Name, Received, Filtered, Queued, Sent, Errored\n"); List<DashboardStatus> channelStatuses = client.getAllChannelStatuses(); for (DashboardStatus channelStatus : channelStatuses) { ChannelStatistics stats = client.getStatistics(channelStatus.getChannelId()); builder.append(channelStatus.getName() + ", " + stats.getReceived() + ", " + stats.getFiltered() + ", " + channelStatus.getQueued() + ", " + stats.getSent() + ", " + stats.getError() + "\n"); } File dumpFile = new File(dumpFilename); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(dumpFile, builder.toString()); out.println("Stats written to " + dumpFilename); } catch (IOException e) { error("Could not write file: " + dumpFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } private void doImportScript(File scriptFile) throws ClientException { ObjectXMLSerializer serializer = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance(); String scriptsXml = new String(); try { scriptsXml = FileUtils.readFileToString(scriptFile); } catch (Exception e) { error("invalid script file.", e); return; } Map<String, String> scriptsMap = serializer.deserialize(scriptsXml, Map.class); client.setGlobalScripts(scriptsMap); } private void doImportChannel(File importFile, boolean force) throws ClientException { Channel importChannel = null; try { String channelXML = FileUtils.readFileToString(importFile); importChannel = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance().deserialize(channelXML, Channel.class); } catch (Exception e1) { error("invalid channel file.", e1); return; } String channelName = importChannel.getName(); String channelId = importChannel.getId(); String tempId = client.getGuid(); importChannel.setRevision(0); Channel idChannelMatch = getChannelById(channelId); Channel nameChannelMatch = getChannelByName(channelName); // Check if channel id already exists if (idChannelMatch != null) { if (!force) { importChannel.setId(tempId); } else { importChannel.setRevision(idChannelMatch.getRevision()); } } // Check if channel name already exists if (nameChannelMatch != null) { if (!force) { importChannel.setName(tempId); } else { importChannel.setRevision(nameChannelMatch.getRevision()); importChannel.setId(nameChannelMatch.getId()); } } importChannelDependencies(importChannel); client.updateChannel(importChannel, true); out.println("Channel '" + channelName + "' imported successfully."); } private void importChannelDependencies(Channel importChannel) throws ClientException { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(importChannel.getDependentIds()) || CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(importChannel.getDependencyIds())) { Set<ChannelDependency> cachedChannelDependencies = client.getChannelDependencies(); Set<ChannelDependency> channelDependencies = new HashSet<ChannelDependency>(cachedChannelDependencies); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(importChannel.getDependentIds())) { for (String dependentId : importChannel.getDependentIds()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dependentId) && !StringUtils.equals(dependentId, importChannel.getId())) { channelDependencies.add(new ChannelDependency(dependentId, importChannel.getId())); } } } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(importChannel.getDependencyIds())) { for (String dependencyId : importChannel.getDependencyIds()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dependencyId) && !StringUtils.equals(dependencyId, importChannel.getId())) { channelDependencies.add(new ChannelDependency(importChannel.getId(), dependencyId)); } } } if (!channelDependencies.equals(cachedChannelDependencies)) { try { client.setChannelDependencies(channelDependencies); } catch (ClientException e) { error("Unable to save channel dependencies.", e); } } importChannel.clearDependencies(); } } private void doImportAlert(File importFile, boolean force) throws ClientException { ObjectXMLSerializer serializer = ObjectXMLSerializer.getInstance(); List<AlertModel> alertList; try { alertList = (List<AlertModel>) serializer.deserializeList(FileUtils.readFileToString(importFile) .replaceAll("\\&\\#x0D;\\n", "\n").replaceAll("\\&\\#x0D;", "\n"), AlertModel.class); } catch (Exception e) { error("invalid alert file.", e); return; } removeInvalidItems(alertList, AlertModel.class); for (AlertModel importAlert : alertList) { String alertName = importAlert.getName(); String tempId = client.getGuid(); // Check to see that the alert name doesn't already exist. if (!checkAlertName(alertName)) { if (!force) { importAlert.setName(tempId); importAlert.setId(tempId); } else { for (AlertModel alert : client.getAllAlerts()) { if (alert.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(alertName)) { // If overwriting, use the old id importAlert.setId(alert.getId()); } } } } client.updateAlert(importAlert); out.println("Alert '" + alertName + "' imported successfully."); } } private boolean checkAlertName(String name) throws ClientException { if (name.equals("")) { out.println("Alert name cannot be empty."); return false; } Pattern alphaNumericPattern = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z_0-9\\-\\s]*$"); Matcher matcher = alphaNumericPattern.matcher(name); if (!matcher.find()) { out.println("Alert name cannot have special characters besides hyphen, underscore, and space."); return false; } for (AlertModel alert : client.getAllAlerts()) { if (alert.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { out.println("Alert \"" + name + "\" already exists."); return false; } } return true; } private String replaceValues(String source) { source = source.replaceAll("\\$\\{date\\}", getTimeStamp()); return source; } private String getTimeStamp() { Date currentTime = new Date(); return formatter.format(currentTime); } /** * Removes items from the list that are not of the expected class. */ private void removeInvalidItems(List<?> list, Class<?> expectedClass) { int originalSize = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (!expectedClass.isInstance(list.get(i))) { list.remove(i--); } } if (list.size() < originalSize) { if (list.size() == 0) { out.println( "The imported object(s) are not of the expected class: " + expectedClass.getSimpleName()); } else { out.println( "One or more imported objects were skipped, because they are not of the expected class: " + expectedClass.getSimpleName()); } } } }