Java tutorial
package com.ming800.organization.controller; import com.ming800.core.base.service.XdoManager; import com.ming800.core.does.model.Do; import com.ming800.core.does.model.Page; import com.ming800.core.does.service.DoHandler; import com.ming800.core.does.service.DoManager; import com.ming800.core.base.model.MethodCache; import com.ming800.core.util.ApplicationContextUtil; import com.ming800.core.util.MD5Encode; import com.ming800.organization.model.BigUser; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.util.List; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: ming * Date: 12-10-30 * Time: ?10:30 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class BigUserFormHandler implements DoHandler { private XdoManager xdoManager = (XdoManager) ApplicationContextUtil.getApplicationContext() .getBean("xdoManagerImpl"); private DoManager doManager = (DoManager) ApplicationContextUtil.getApplicationContext() .getBean("doManagerImpl"); @Override public ModelMap handle(ModelMap modelMap, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String id = request.getParameter("id"); if (!userLimit() && id == null) { throw new Exception("???"); } Object object = modelMap.get("object"); Do tempDo = doManager.getDoByQueryModel("formDefinedUser"); if (tempDo != null) { Page tempPage = tempDo.getPageList().get(0); MethodCache methodCache = new MethodCache(); methodCache.init(tempDo, tempPage); modelMap.put("jsonData", xdoManager.viewPageJson(tempPage, object, methodCache)); } return modelMap; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } private Boolean userLimit() throws Exception { Boolean flag = true; String license = ""; if (license != null && license.contains(";validate")) { String tempLicense = license.substring(0, license.indexOf(";validate:")); MD5Encode md5Encode = new MD5Encode(); String mdeStr = md5Encode.MD5Encode(tempLicense + ";ming800"); String tempValidate = license.substring(license.indexOf(";validate:") + 10, license.length()); if (tempValidate != null && !tempValidate.equals("") && !tempValidate.equals(mdeStr)) { throw new Exception("?!"); } } if (license != null && !license.equals("")) { String[] licenses = license.split(";"); Integer userCount = null; for (String str : licenses) { String[] strArray = str.split(":"); if (strArray[0].equals("userLimit")) { userCount = Integer.parseInt(strArray[1]); break; } } List<BigUser> bigUserList = (List<BigUser>) xdoManager.list("plistBigUser_default", null); if (userCount != null && userCount <= bigUserList.size()) { flag = false; } } return flag; } }