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 * Copyright 2015
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.milaboratory.core.alignment;

import com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NucleotideSequence;
import com.milaboratory.util.IntArrayList;
import com.milaboratory.util.RandomUtil;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well19937c;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

import static java.lang.Math.*;
import static java.util.Arrays.copyOf;

 * KMapper - class to perform fast alignment based only on matches between kMers of target and one of reference
 * sequences. Alignment performed using seed-and-vote procedure.
 * <p>{@link #align(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NucleotideSequence, int, int)} and {@link
 * #align(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NucleotideSequence)} methods of this object are thread-safe and can
 * be concurrently used by several threads if no new sequences added after its first invocation.</p>
 * <p><b>Algorithm inspired by:</b> <i>Liao Y et al.</i> The Subread aligner: fast, accurate and scalable read mapping
 * by seed-and-vote. <i>Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 May 1;41(10):e108. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt214. Epub 2013 Apr 4.</i></p>
public final class KMapper {
    public static final int SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET = Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1;

                               MSB                         LSB
                               < --------- 32 bits --------- >
    Base record format:   int  |.... ID ....|.... OFFSET ....|
                                             < bitsForOffset >

     * Number of bits in base record for offset value
    private final int bitsForOffset;
     * Mask to extract offset value (= 0xFFFFFFFF >>> (32 - bitsForOffset))
    private final int offsetMask;

    /*           Parameters             */

     * Nucleotides in kMer (value of k)
    private final int kValue;
     * Base of records for individual kMers
    private final int[][] base;
     * Number of records for each individual kMer (used only for building of base)
    private final int[] lengths;
     * Minimal absolute score value
    private final float absoluteMinScore,
             * Minimal score in fractions of top score.
             * Reward for match (must be > 0)
             * Penalty for kMer mismatch (not mapped kMer), must be < 0
             * Penalty for different offset between adjacent seeds
     * Minimal alignment length
    private final int minAlignmentLength;
     * Maximal number of insertions and deletions
    private final int maxIndels;
     * Determines boundaries type: floating(only part of sequence should be aligned) or fixed (whole sequence should be
     * aligned).
    private final boolean floatingLeftBound, floatingRightBound;
     * Minimal and maximal distance between kMer seed positions in target sequence
    private final int minDistance, maxDistance;

    /*                  Utility fields                   */
    private boolean built = false;
    private int[] refFrom = new int[10], refLength = new int[10];
    private int maxReferenceLength = 0, minReferenceLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    private int sequencesInBase = 0;

     * Creates new KMer mapper.
     * @param kValue             nucleotides in kMer (value of k)
     * @param minDistance        minimal distance between kMer seed positions in target sequence
     * @param maxDistance        maximal distance between kMer seed positions in target sequence
     * @param absoluteMinScore   minimal score
     * @param relativeMinScore   maximal ratio between best hit score and other hits scores in returned result
     * @param minAlignmentLength minimal alignment length
     * @param matchScore         reward for match (must be > 0)
     * @param mismatchPenalty    penalty for mismatch (must be < 0)
     * @param maxIndels          maximal number of insertions and deletions
     * @param floatingLeftBound  true if left bound of alignment could be floating
     * @param floatingRightBound true if right bound of alignment could be floating
    public KMapper(int kValue, int minDistance, int maxDistance, float absoluteMinScore, float relativeMinScore,
            int minAlignmentLength, float matchScore, float mismatchPenalty, float offsetShiftPenalty,
            int maxIndels, boolean floatingLeftBound, boolean floatingRightBound) {
        this.kValue = kValue;

        this.bitsForOffset = 18;
        this.offsetMask = 0xFFFFFFFF >>> (32 - bitsForOffset);

        //Initialize base
        int maxNumberOfKmers = 1 << (kValue * 2);
        base = new int[maxNumberOfKmers][10];
        lengths = new int[maxNumberOfKmers];

        this.minDistance = minDistance;
        this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
        this.absoluteMinScore = absoluteMinScore;
        this.relativeMinScore = relativeMinScore;
        this.minAlignmentLength = minAlignmentLength;
        this.matchScore = matchScore;
        this.mismatchPenalty = mismatchPenalty;
        this.offsetShiftPenalty = offsetShiftPenalty;
        this.maxIndels = maxIndels;
        this.floatingLeftBound = floatingLeftBound;
        this.floatingRightBound = floatingRightBound;

        //Initializing random with fixed seed for reproducible alignment results
        //this.random = new RandomDataImpl(new Well19937c(12364785L));

     * Factory method to create KMapper using parametners specified in the {@link com.milaboratory.core.alignment.KAlignerParameters}
     * object.
     * @param parameters parameters instance
     * @return new KMapper
    public static KMapper createFromParameters(KAlignerParameters parameters) {
        return new KMapper(parameters.getMapperKValue(), parameters.getMapperMinSeedsDistance(),
                parameters.getMapperMaxSeedsDistance(), parameters.getMapperAbsoluteMinScore(),
                parameters.getMapperRelativeMinScore(), parameters.getMinAlignmentLength(),
                parameters.getMapperMatchScore(), parameters.getMapperMismatchPenalty(),
                parameters.getMapperOffsetShiftPenalty(), parameters.getMaxAdjacentIndels(),
                parameters.isFloatingLeftBound(), parameters.isFloatingRightBound());

     * Searches for the best offset (with highest number of occurrences) in the sorted array of votes.
    static int getBestOffset(IntArrayList offsets, int except, int shift, int maxOffsetDelta) {

        if (offsets.size() == 1)
            return offsets.get(0) >> shift;

        int current, old = Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 2, maxOffset = Integer.MIN_VALUE, maxCount = 0,
                lastMaxIndex = offsets.size() - 1;
        int[] counters = new int[maxOffsetDelta + 1];
        for (int i = offsets.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            current = offsets.get(i) >> shift;
            if (old - current > maxOffsetDelta) {
                if (maxCount < lastMaxIndex - i && old != except) {
                    maxOffset = old - maxIndex(counters);
                    maxCount = lastMaxIndex - i;
                old = current;
                lastMaxIndex = i;
                Arrays.fill(counters, 0);
            counters[old - current]++;

        if (maxCount < lastMaxIndex + 1 && old != except)
            maxOffset = old - maxIndex(counters);

        assert maxOffset != Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 2 && maxOffset != Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        return maxOffset;

     * Implements <i>argmax</i> function.
     * @param array input array
     * @return index of the biggest element in array
    private static int maxIndex(int[] array) {
        int value = array[array.length - 1];
        int maxI = array.length - 1;
        for (int i = maxI - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            if (array[i] > value) {
                value = array[i];
                maxI = i;
        return maxI;

     * Encodes and adds individual kMer to the base.
    private void addKmer(int kmer, int id, int offset) {
        if (base[kmer].length == lengths[kmer])
            base[kmer] = copyOf(base[kmer], base[kmer].length * 3 / 2 + 1);

        if ((offset & offsetMask) != offset)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Record is too long.");

        base[kmer][lengths[kmer]++] = (id << bitsForOffset) | (offset);

     * Adds new reference sequence to the base of this mapper and returns index assigned to it.
     * @param sequence sequence
     * @return index assigned to the sequence
    public int addReference(NucleotideSequence sequence) {
        return addReference(sequence, 0, sequence.size());

     * Adds new reference sequence to the base of this mapper and returns index assigned to it.
     * <p>User can specify a part of a sequence to be indexed (only this part will be identified during the alignment
     * procedure). The offset returned by alignment procedure will be in global sequence coordinates, relative to the
     * beginning of the sequence (not to the specified offset).</p>
     * @param sequence sequence
     * @param offset   offset of subsequence to be indexed
     * @param length   length of subsequence to be indexed
     * @return index assigned to the sequence
    public int addReference(NucleotideSequence sequence, int offset, int length) {
        //Resetting built flag
        built = false;

        //Next id.
        if (refLength.length == sequencesInBase) {
            refLength = copyOf(refLength, sequencesInBase * 3 / 2 + 1);
            refFrom = copyOf(refFrom, sequencesInBase * 3 / 2 + 1);
        int id = sequencesInBase++;
        refFrom[id] = offset;
        refLength[id] = sequence.size();

        //Calculating min and max reference sequences lengths
        maxReferenceLength = max(maxReferenceLength, sequence.size());
        minReferenceLength = Math.min(minReferenceLength, sequence.size());

        int kmer = 0;
        int kmerMask = 0xFFFFFFFF >>> (32 - kValue * 2);
        int tMask = 0xFFFFFFFF >>> (34 - kValue * 2);

        int to = length - kValue;
        for (int j = 0; j < kValue; ++j)
            kmer = kmer << 2 | sequence.codeAt(j + offset);
        addKmer(kmer, id, offset);

        for (int i = 1; i <= to; ++i) {
            //Next kMer
            kmer = kmerMask & (kmer << 2 | sequence.codeAt(offset + i + kValue - 1));

            //Detecting homopolymeric kMers and dropping them
            if (((kmer ^ (kmer >>> 2)) & tMask) == 0 && ((kmer ^ (kmer << 2)) & (tMask << 2)) == 0)

            addKmer(kmer, id, i + offset);

        return id;

     * Builds additional data fields used by this mapper. Invoked automatically if this mapper is not yet built by
     * {@link #align(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NucleotideSequence, int, int)} method.
    void ensureBuilt() {
        if (!built)
            synchronized (this) {
                if (!built) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < base.length; ++i)
                        base[i] = copyOf(base[i], lengths[i]);
                    refLength = copyOf(refLength, sequencesInBase);
                    refFrom = copyOf(refFrom, sequencesInBase);
                    built = true;

     * Calculates maximal estimate of score for the hit.
    private void getScoreFromOffsets(IntArrayList offsets, Info ret) {
        int score = 0;

        int shift = 32 - bitsForOffset;
        int bestOffset = getBestOffset(offsets, Integer.MIN_VALUE, shift, maxIndels), current;
        for (int i = offsets.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            current = (offsets.get(i) >> shift) - bestOffset;
            if ((current <= maxIndels && current >= 0) || (current >= -maxIndels && current < 0))

        ret.score = score;
        ret.offset = bestOffset;

     * Performs an alignment.
     * <p>This methods is thread-safe and can be concurrently used by several threads if no new sequences added after
     * its first invocation.</p>
     * @param sequence target sequence
     * @return a list of hits found in the target sequence
    public KMappingResult align(NucleotideSequence sequence) {
        return align(sequence, 0, sequence.size());

     * Performs an alignment for a part of the target sequence.
     * <p>This methods is thread-safe and can be concurrently used by several threads if no new sequences added after
     * its first invocation.</p>
     * @param sequence target sequence
     * @param from     first nucleotide to align (inclusive)
     * @param to       last nucleotide to align (exclusive)
     * @return a list of hits found in the target sequence
    public KMappingResult align(NucleotideSequence sequence, int from, int to) {

        ArrayList<KMappingHit> result = new ArrayList<>();

        if (to - from <= kValue)
            return new KMappingResult(null, result);

        IntArrayList seedPositions = new IntArrayList((to - from) / minDistance + 2);
        int seedPosition = from;

        Well19937c random = RandomUtil.getThreadLocalRandom();

        while ((seedPosition += random.nextInt(maxDistance + 1 - minDistance) + minDistance) < to - kValue)

        //if (seedPositions.get(seedPositions.size() - 1) != to - kValue)
        seedPositions.add(to - kValue);

        int[] seeds = new int[seedPositions.size()];

        int kmer;
        IntArrayList[] candidates = new IntArrayList[sequencesInBase];

        //Building candidates arrays (seed)
        int id, offset;
        for (int i = 0; i < seeds.length; ++i) {
            kmer = 0;
            for (int j = seedPositions.get(i); j < seedPositions.get(i) + kValue; ++j)
                kmer = kmer << 2 | sequence.codeAt(j);

            seeds[i] = kmer;
            if (base[kmer].length == 0)

            for (int record : base[kmer]) {
                id = record >>> bitsForOffset;
                offset = record & offsetMask;

                if (candidates[id] == null)
                    candidates[id] = new IntArrayList();

                candidates[id].add((seedPositions.get(i) - offset) << (32 - bitsForOffset) | i);

        //Selecting best candidates (vote)
        //int resultId = 0;
        Info info = new Info();
        int cFrom, cTo, siFrom, siTo;
        int maxRawScore = 0, j, i;
        double preScore;
        double maxScore = Float.MIN_VALUE;
        for (i = candidates.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            //TODO reconsider conditions:
            if (candidates[i] != null && candidates[i].size() >= ((minAlignmentLength - kValue + 1) / maxDistance)
                    && candidates[i].size() * matchScore >= maxScore * relativeMinScore) {

                //Sorting (important)
                //Calculating best score and offset values
                getScoreFromOffsets(candidates[i], info);

                //Theoretical range of target and reference sequence intersection
                cFrom = max(info.offset, from);
                cTo = min(info.offset + refLength[i], to) - kValue;

                //Calculating number of seeds in this range
                siTo = siFrom = -1;
                for (j = seedPositions.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
                    if ((seedPosition = seedPositions.get(j)) <= cTo) {
                        if (siTo == -1)
                            siTo = j + 1;
                        if (seedPosition < cFrom) {
                            siFrom = j + 1;

                //If siFrom not set, first seed is inside the range of target and
                //reference sequence intersection
                if (siFrom == -1)
                    siFrom = 0;

                //Calculating score without penalty
                preScore = matchScore * info.score; //+ max(siTo - siFrom - info.score, 0) * mismatchScore;

                //Selecting candidates
                if (preScore >= absoluteMinScore) {
                    result.add(new KMappingHit(info.offset, i, (float) preScore, siFrom, siTo));

                    if (maxRawScore < info.score)
                        maxRawScore = info.score;

                    if (maxScore < preScore)
                        maxScore = preScore;

        int c, seedIndex, seedIndexMask = (0xFFFFFFFF >>> (bitsForOffset)), offsetDelta, currentSeedPosition, prev;
        float score;

        KMappingHit hit;
        maxScore = 0.0;
        for (j = result.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
            hit = result.get(j);

            //Fulfilling the seed positions array
            //getting seed positions in intersection of target and reference sequences
            hit.seedOffsets = new int[ - hit.from];
            Arrays.fill(hit.seedOffsets, SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET);
            for (int k = candidates[].size() - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
                //  offset value | seed index
                c = candidates[].get(k);
                seedIndex = c & seedIndexMask;

                //filling seed position array with actual positions of seeds inside intersection
                if (seedIndex >= result.get(j).from && seedIndex < result.get(j).to) {
                    seedIndex -= hit.from;
                    offsetDelta = abs((c >> (32 - bitsForOffset)) - hit.offset);

                    //check if offset difference is less than max allowed and better seed position is found
                    if (offsetDelta <= maxIndels && (hit.seedOffsets[seedIndex] == SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET
                            || abs(hit.seedOffsets[seedIndex] - hit.offset) > offsetDelta))
                        hit.seedOffsets[seedIndex] = (c >> (32 - bitsForOffset));

            //Previous seed position
            prev = -1;
            c = -1;
            for (i = hit.seedOffsets.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                if (hit.seedOffsets[i] != SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET) {
                    if (c != -1)
                        //check for situation like: seedsOffset = [25,25,25,25,  28  ,25]
                        //we have to remove such offsets because it's most likely wrong mapping
                        //c - most left index, prev - middle index and i - right most index
                        //but we iterate in reverse direction
                        if (hit.seedOffsets[c] != hit.seedOffsets[prev]
                                && hit.seedOffsets[prev] != hit.seedOffsets[i]
                                && ((hit.seedOffsets[c] < hit.seedOffsets[prev]) != (hit.seedOffsets[prev] < hit.seedOffsets[i]))) {
                            hit.seedOffsets[prev] = SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET;
                            prev = -1;
                    c = prev;
                    prev = i;

            //Calculating score
            score = 0.0f;
            for (int off : hit.seedOffsets)
                if (off != SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET)
                    score += matchScore;
                    score += mismatchPenalty;

            //Floating bounds reward
            if (floatingLeftBound) {
                prev = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < hit.seedOffsets.length; ++i)
                    if (hit.seedOffsets[i] != SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET) {
                        if (prev == -1) {
                            prev = i;

                        //Calculating score gain for deleting first kMer
                        if (matchScore + abs(hit.seedOffsets[i] - hit.seedOffsets[prev]) * offsetShiftPenalty
                                + (i - prev - 1) * mismatchPenalty <= 0.0f) {
                            //Bad kMer
                            hit.seedOffsets[prev] = SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET;
                            prev = i;

                        score -= prev * mismatchPenalty;

            //Floating bounds reward
            if (floatingRightBound) {
                prev = -1;
                for (i = hit.seedOffsets.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    if (hit.seedOffsets[i] != SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET) {
                        if (prev == -1) {
                            prev = i;

                        //Calculating score gain for deleting first kMer
                        if (matchScore + abs(hit.seedOffsets[i] - hit.seedOffsets[prev]) * offsetShiftPenalty
                                + (prev - 1 - i) * mismatchPenalty <= 0.0f) {
                            //Bad kMer
                            hit.seedOffsets[prev] = SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET;
                            prev = i;

                        score -= (hit.seedOffsets.length - 1 - prev) * mismatchPenalty;

            c = -1;
            prev = -1;
            //totalIndels = 0;
            for (i = hit.seedOffsets.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                if (hit.seedOffsets[i] != SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET) {
                    currentSeedPosition = seedPositions.get(i + hit.from) - hit.seedOffsets[i];
                    if (c == -1) {
                        c = currentSeedPosition;
                        prev = i;
                    } else if (c <= currentSeedPosition)
                        //Removing paradoxical kMer offsets
                        hit.seedOffsets[i] = SEED_NOT_FOUND_OFFSET;
                    else {
                        //totalIndels += abs(hit.seedOffsets[i] - hit.seedOffsets[prev]);
                        score += abs(hit.seedOffsets[i] - hit.seedOffsets[prev]) * offsetShiftPenalty;
                        c = currentSeedPosition;
                        prev = i;

            hit.score = score;

            if (score < absoluteMinScore)

            if (maxScore < score)
                maxScore = score;

            //if (totalIndels > maxIndels * 2) {
            //    result.remove(j);

        //Removing candidates with score < maxScore * hitsRange
        maxScore *= relativeMinScore;
        for (j = result.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
            hit = result.get(j);
            if (hit.score < maxScore)

        //Removing seed conflicts

        return new KMappingResult(seedPositions, result);

     * Returns number of nucleotides in kMer (value of k)
     * @return number of nucleotides in kMer (value of k)

    public int getKValue() {
        return kValue;

     * Returns minimal score
     * @return minimal score
    public float getAbsoluteMinScore() {
        return absoluteMinScore;

     * Returns maximal distance between kMer seed positions in target sequence
     * @return maximal distance between kMer seed positions in target sequence
    public int getMaxDistance() {
        return maxDistance;

     * Returns minimal distance between kMer seed positions in target sequence
     * @return minimal distance between kMer seed positions in target sequence
    public int getMinDistance() {
        return minDistance;

     * Returns maximal number of insertions and deletions
     * @return maximal number of insertions and deletions
    public int getMaxIndels() {
        return maxIndels;

     * Returns maximal ratio between best hit score and other hits scores in returned result
     * @return maximal ratio between best hit score and other hits scores in returned result
    public float getRelativeMinScore() {
        return relativeMinScore;

     * Method used internally.
    public SummaryStatistics getRecordSizeSummaryStatistics() {
        SummaryStatistics ss = new SummaryStatistics();
        for (int len : lengths)
        return ss;

    public String toString() {
        SummaryStatistics ss = getRecordSizeSummaryStatistics();
        return "K=" + kValue + "; Avr=" + ss.getMean() + "; SD=" + ss.getStandardDeviation();

     * Used to store preliminary information about hit.
    private static class Info {
        int offset, score;