Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This class was originally created by Sean Patrick Floyd
 *     <>
 *     Posted at <>
 * As with all code posted to StackOverflow (at least at the time that the code
 * was obtained), the code is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
 * This class has since been extended by Mike Hoffert. Due to the buggy nature
 * of the soft wrapping, it has been reduced to a hard wrap-only, with a smaller
 * size since strategies are no longer needed.

package com.mikehoffert.easyappend.view;


 * An immutable class for performing text wrapping.
public class TextWrapper {
     * The delimiter to use for splitting the text into words.
    final private CharMatcher delimiter;

     * The maximum width of the text.
    final private int width;

     * An optional level of indentation.
    final private int indentLevel;

     * Initializes the text wrapper with the appropriate strategy.
     * @param strategy The strategy to use.
     * @param delimiter The delimiter to break words up with.
     * @param width The maximum width of the lines.
    private TextWrapper(CharMatcher delimiter, int width, int indentLevel) {
        this.delimiter = delimiter;
        this.width = width;
        this.indentLevel = indentLevel;

     * Creates a wrapper for the desired width.
     * @param i The maximum width of the lines.
     * @return The text wrapper.
    public static TextWrapper forWidth(int i) {
        return new TextWrapper(CharMatcher.WHITESPACE, i, 0);

     * Enables hard wrapping.
    public TextWrapper hard() {
        return new TextWrapper(this.delimiter, this.width, this.indentLevel);

     * Sets the indentation level of the wrapper, in spaces.
    public TextWrapper setIndentLevel(int indentLevel) {
        return new TextWrapper(this.delimiter, this.width, indentLevel);

     * Wraps the desired text.
     * @param text The text to wrap.
     * @return The wrapped text.
    public String wrap(final String text) {
        String indent = new String(new char[indentLevel]).replace("\0", " ");
        return indent + Joiner.on("\n" + indent).join(Splitter.fixedLength(width - indentLevel)
                .split(Joiner.on(' ').join(Splitter.on(this.delimiter).split(text))));