Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.mikecorrigan.bohrium.pubsub; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.accounts.AccountManagerCallback; import android.accounts.AccountManagerFuture; import; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.mikecorrigan.bohrium.common.Log; import com.mikecorrigan.bohrium.common.Utils; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.params.ClientPNames; import org.apache.http.client.params.HttpClientParams; import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; public class RegistrationClient extends implements ITransactionService { private static final String TAG = RegistrationClient.class.getSimpleName(); public interface Listener { public void onRegistrationNotification(String accountName, String state, String substate); public void onLaunchIntent(Intent intent); public void onMessage(Context context, Intent intent); } public interface IRegistrationStrategy { public boolean register(final Bundle bundle); public boolean unregister(final Bundle bundle); } // CONFIGURATION/PREFERENCES private static final String SHARED_PREFS = RegistrationClient.class.getSimpleName().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + "_PREFS"; public static final String APP_NAME = "appName"; public static final String RESOURCE = "resource"; public static final String SENDER_ID = "senderId"; public static final String C2DM_BACKOFF = "backoff"; private static final long DEFAULT_BACKOFF = 30000; private static final long BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER = 2; private static final long MAX_BACKOFF = 600000; public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "accountName"; public static final String ACCOUNT_TYPE = "accountType"; public static final String DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE = ""; public static final String AUTH_TOKEN = "authToken"; public static final String REG_ID = "regId"; public static final String LAST_CHANGE = "lastChange"; public static final String REGISTRATION_STATE = "state"; public static final String REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR = "ERROR"; public static final String REGISTRATION_STATE_INVALID = "INVALID"; public static final String REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING = "REGISTERING"; public static final String REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERED = "REGISTERED"; public static final String REGISTRATION_STATE_UNREGISTERING = "UNREGISTERING"; public static final String REGISTRATION_STATE_UNREGISTERED = "UNREGISTERED"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE = "subState"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_NONE = "NONE"; // REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_PROMPTING_USER = "PROMPTING_USER"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_INVALIDATED_AUTH_TOKEN = "INVALIDATED_AUTH_TOKEN"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_HAVE_AUTH_TOKEN = "HAVE_AUTH_TOKEN"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_HAVE_AUTH_COOKIE = "HAVE_AUTH_COOKIE"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_HAVE_REG_ID = "HAVE_REG_ID"; // REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_C2DM_NOT_FOUND = "ERROR_C2DM_NOT_FOUND"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_REGISTER = "ERROR_REGISTER"; //public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_REG_ID = "ERROR_REG_ID"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_AUTH_COOKIE = "ERROR_AUTH_COOKIE"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN = "ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN"; public static final String REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_UNREGISTER = "ERROR_UNREGISTER"; private static final int EVENT_INITIALIZE = 0; private static final int EVENT_UNINITIALIZE = 1; private static final int EVENT_REGISTER = 2; private static final int EVENT_REREGISTER = 3; private static final int EVENT_UNREGISTER = 4; private static final int EVENT_C2DM_REGISTRATION_RESPONSE = 5; private static final int EVENT_C2DM_MESSAGE = 6; private static final int EVENT_C2DM_RETRY_REGISTRATION = 7; private static final int EVENT_REGISTER_COMPLETE = 8; private static final int EVENT_UNREGISTER_COMPLETE = 9; private static final int EVENT_CLEAR = 10; // Cookie name for authorization. private static final String AUTH_COOKIE_NAME = "SACSID"; // C2DM Request intents and extras. private static final String GSF_PACKAGE = ""; private static final String REQUEST_UNREGISTRATION_INTENT = ""; private static final String REQUEST_REGISTRATION_INTENT = ""; private static final String EXTRA_APPLICATION_PENDING_INTENT = "app"; private static final String EXTRA_SENDER = "sender"; // C2DM Response intents and extras. private static final String C2DM_INTENT_REGISTRATION = ""; public static final String EXTRA_REGISTRATION_ID = "registration_id"; // Indicates an unregister response. Otherwise it is a register response. public static final String EXTRA_UNREGISTERED = "unregistered"; // Error codes for the registration intent. public static final String EXTRA_ERROR = "error"; //public static final String ERR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE = "SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE"; //public static final String ERR_ACCOUNT_MISSING = "ACCOUNT_MISSING"; //public static final String ERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED = "AUTHENTICATION_FAILED"; //public static final String ERR_TOO_MANY_REGISTRATIONS = "TOO_MANY_REGISTRATIONS"; //public static final String ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS = "INVALID_PARAMETERS"; //public static final String ERR_INVALID_SENDER = "INVALID_SENDER"; //public static final String ERR_PHONE_REGISTRATION_ERROR = "PHONE_REGISTRATION_ERROR"; private static final String C2DM_INTENT_RECEIVE = ""; // Internal intent to trigger registration re-tries. private static final String C2DM_INTENT_RETRY = ""; // STATE private final IBinder mBinder = new _Binder(); private Handler mHandler; private HandlerThread mHandlerThread; private Listener mListener; private IRegistrationStrategy mRegistrationStrategy; private Bundle mConfiguration; private String mState = REGISTRATION_STATE_INVALID; private String mSubState = REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_NONE; private boolean mNeedInvalidate; private Cookie mAuthCookie; public static RegistrationClient getService(IBinder binder) { Log.v(TAG, "getService: binder=" + binder); return ((RegistrationClient._Binder) binder).getService(); } private class _Binder extends Binder { private RegistrationClient getService() { Log.v(TAG, "getService: this=" + RegistrationClient.this); return RegistrationClient.this; } } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { Log.v(TAG, "onStartCommand: intent=" + intent + ", extras=" + Utils.bundleToString(intent.getExtras()) + ", flags=" + flags + ", startId=" + startId); if (intent.getAction().equals(C2DM_INTENT_REGISTRATION)) { mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_C2DM_REGISTRATION_RESPONSE, intent)); GCMBroadcastReceiver.completeWakefulIntent(intent); } else if (intent.getAction().equals(C2DM_INTENT_RECEIVE)) { mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_C2DM_MESSAGE, intent)); GCMBroadcastReceiver.completeWakefulIntent(intent); } else if (intent.getAction().equals(C2DM_INTENT_RETRY)) { mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_C2DM_RETRY_REGISTRATION, intent)); GCMBroadcastReceiver.completeWakefulIntent(intent); } else if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_MAIN)) { if (mConfiguration == null) { mConfiguration = intent.getExtras(); } mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_INITIALIZE); } else if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SHUTDOWN)) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_UNINITIALIZE); } return RegistrationClient.START_STICKY; } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { Log.v(TAG, "onBind: intent=" + intent); return mBinder; } @Override public void onCreate() { Log.v(TAG, "onCreate: "); super.onCreate(); mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread(TAG + "Thread"); mHandlerThread.start(); mHandler = new _Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()); } @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.v(TAG, "onDestroy: "); super.onDestroy(); if (mHandler != null) { mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); mHandler = null; } if (mHandlerThread != null) { mHandlerThread.quitSafely(); mHandlerThread = null; } } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. public void register(final String accountName) { Log.v(TAG, "register"); if (accountName == null || accountName.length() == 0) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid account name."); return; } mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_REGISTER, accountName)); } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. public boolean reregister() { Log.v(TAG, "reregister"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(getAccountName())) { Log.e(TAG, "account not selected"); return false; } mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_REREGISTER); return true; } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. public void unregister() { Log.v(TAG, "unregister"); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_UNREGISTER); } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. public void clear() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_UNREGISTER); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_CLEAR); } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. public String getBaseUrl() { return "https://" + mConfiguration.getString(APP_NAME) + ""; } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. public Bundle getConfiguration() { return (Bundle) mConfiguration.clone(); } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. // It is possible for mHandlerThread to modify mAccountName at // the same time, but that is ok. That is the nature of // asynchronous communications. private String getAccountName() { return mConfiguration.getString(ACCOUNT_NAME); } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. // It is possible for mHandlerThread to modify mState at // the same time, but that is ok. That is the nature of // asynchronous communications. public boolean isRegistered() { return mState.equals(REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERED); } private class _Handler extends Handler { public _Handler(Looper looper) { super(looper); Log.d(TAG, "_Handler: looper=" + looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Log.d(TAG, "handleMessage: msg=" + msg); switch (msg.what) { // TODO: Implement a state-machine. case EVENT_INITIALIZE: { handleInitialize(); break; } case EVENT_UNINITIALIZE: { handleUninitialize(); break; } case EVENT_REGISTER: { String accountName = (String) msg.obj; handleRegister(accountName); break; } case EVENT_REREGISTER: { requestAuthToken(); break; } case EVENT_UNREGISTER: { handleUnregister(); break; } case EVENT_C2DM_REGISTRATION_RESPONSE: { Intent intent = (Intent) msg.obj; c2dmHandleRegistrationResponse(RegistrationClient.this, intent); break; } case EVENT_C2DM_MESSAGE: { Intent intent = (Intent) msg.obj; notifyMessage(RegistrationClient.this, intent); break; } case EVENT_C2DM_RETRY_REGISTRATION: { // Intent intent = (Intent) msg.obj; c2dmRegister(RegistrationClient.this, mConfiguration.getString(SENDER_ID)); break; } case EVENT_REGISTER_COMPLETE: { handleRegisterComplete(); break; } case EVENT_UNREGISTER_COMPLETE: { handleUnregisterComplete(); break; } case EVENT_CLEAR: { handleClear(); break; } default: { Log.e(TAG, "Unknown message, " + msg); } } } } private void handleInitialize() { // Ensure that this is the first call to create(). if (!mState.equals(REGISTRATION_STATE_INVALID)) { Log.e(TAG, "Initialization failed, already initialized."); return; } readPreferences(); } private void handleUninitialize() { if (mState.equals(REGISTRATION_STATE_INVALID)) { Log.e(TAG, "Uninitialization failed, not initialized."); return; } mHandlerThread.quitSafely(); } private void handleRegister(String accountName) { if (isRegistered()) { Log.i(TAG, "Registered, ignoring register."); return; } mState = REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING; mSubState = REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_NONE; mNeedInvalidate = true; mAuthCookie = null; mConfiguration.putString(ACCOUNT_NAME, accountName); mConfiguration.putString(AUTH_TOKEN, ""); mConfiguration.putString(REG_ID, ""); writePreferences(); requestAuthToken(); } private void handleUnregister() { if (!isRegistered()) { Log.i(TAG, "Not registered, ignoring unregister."); return; } c2dmUnregister(this); } private void handleRegisterComplete() { Log.v(TAG, "handleRegisterComplete"); boolean result = mRegistrationStrategy != null ? mRegistrationStrategy.register(mConfiguration) : true; if (result) { setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERED, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_NONE); } else { setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_REGISTER); } } private void handleUnregisterComplete() { Log.v(TAG, "handleUnregisterComplete"); boolean result = mRegistrationStrategy != null ? mRegistrationStrategy.unregister(mConfiguration) : true; if (result) { mConfiguration.putString(REG_ID, ""); setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_UNREGISTERED, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_NONE); } else { setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_UNREGISTER); } } private void handleClear() { Log.v(TAG, "handleClear"); mState = REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING; mSubState = REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_NONE; mNeedInvalidate = true; mAuthCookie = null; mConfiguration.putString(ACCOUNT_NAME, ""); mConfiguration.putString(AUTH_TOKEN, ""); mConfiguration.putString(REG_ID, ""); mConfiguration.putString(REGISTRATION_STATE, mState); mConfiguration.putString(REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE, mSubState); mConfiguration.putLong(LAST_CHANGE, 0); writePreferences(); } // THREADING: Called in the context of mHandlerThread only. private void setStateAndNotify(String state, String substate) { mState = state; mSubState = substate; writePreferences(); notifyListeners(); } // THREADING: Called in the context of mHandlerThread only. private void notifyListeners() { Log.v(TAG, "notifyListeners: accountName=" + mConfiguration.getString(ACCOUNT_NAME) + ", mState=" + mState + ", mSubState=" + mSubState); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onRegistrationNotification(mConfiguration.getString(ACCOUNT_NAME), mState, mSubState); } } // THREADING: Called in the context of mHandlerThread only. private void notifyLaunchIntent(Intent intent) { Log.v(TAG, "notifyLaunchIntent: intent=" + intent); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onLaunchIntent(intent); } } // THREADING: Called in the context of mHandlerThread only. private void notifyMessage(Context context, Intent intent) { Log.v(TAG, "notifyMessage: context=" + context + ", intent=" + intent); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onMessage(context, intent); } } // THREADING: Called in the context of mHandlerThread only. private void readPreferences() { Log.v(TAG, "readPreferences: name=" + SHARED_PREFS); SharedPreferences prefs = this.getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Utils.prefsToBundle(prefs, mConfiguration); } // THREADING: Called in the context of mHandlerThread only. private void writePreferences() { Log.v(TAG, "writePreferences: name=" + SHARED_PREFS); SharedPreferences prefs = this.getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); Utils.bundleToPrefsEditor(mConfiguration, editor); editor.apply(); } // THREADING: Called in the context of mHandlerThread only. private void clearPreferences() { Log.v(TAG, "clearPreferences: name=" + SHARED_PREFS); this.getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit().clear().commit(); } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. public void addListener(Listener listener) { Log.v(TAG, "addListener: listener=" + listener); mListener = listener; } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. public void removeListener(Listener listener) { Log.v(TAG, "removeListener: listener=" + listener); mListener = null; } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. public void setRegistrationStrategy(final IRegistrationStrategy registrationStrategy) { mRegistrationStrategy = registrationStrategy; } // THREADING: Called in the application's context. @Override public ITransaction createTransaction(final String method, final String uriString, final Object requestBody) { Log.v(TAG, "createTransaction: method=" + method + ", uri=" + uriString + ", requestBody=" + requestBody); if (mAuthCookie == null) { Log.e(TAG, "createTransaction: auth cookie not set"); return null; } return new JSONTransaction(getBaseUrl(), mAuthCookie, method, uriString, (JSONObject) requestBody); } // THREADING: Called in the application's worker-thread. @Override public void completeTransaction(final ITransaction transaction) { Log.v(TAG, "completeTransaction: transaction=" + transaction);; } // Returns a list of account names of the specified type. If no appropriate // accounts are registered on the device, a zero-length list is returned. public static List<String> getAccounts(final Context context, final String accountType) { Log.v(TAG, "getAccountsByType: accountType=" + accountType); final AccountManager mgr = AccountManager.get(context); ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); final Account[] accounts = mgr.getAccounts(); for (final Account account : accounts) { Log.v(TAG, "accountName=" +; if (account.type.equals(accountType)) { result.add(; } } return result; } private Account getAccount() { final AccountManager mgr = AccountManager.get(this); final Account[] accounts = mgr .getAccountsByType(mConfiguration.getString(ACCOUNT_TYPE, DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE)); for (final Account account : accounts) { if ( { return account; } } return null; } private void requestAuthToken() { Log.v(TAG, "requestAuthToken"); final AccountManager mgr = AccountManager.get(this); final Account account = getAccount(); if (account == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to find account: accountType=" + mConfiguration.getString(ACCOUNT_TYPE, DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE) + ", accountName=" + mConfiguration.getString(ACCOUNT_NAME)); setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN); return; } mgr.getAuthToken(account, "ah", false, new AuthTokenCallback(), mHandler); } private class AuthTokenCallback implements AccountManagerCallback<Bundle> { @Override public void run(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> future) { Log.i(TAG, "AuthTokenCallback"); handleAuthToken(future); } } @SafeVarargs private final void handleAuthToken(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle>... tokens) { Log.v(TAG, "handleAuthToken"); try { Bundle result = tokens[0].getResult(); Intent intent = (Intent) result.get(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT); if (intent != null) { Log.i(TAG, "Launch activity before getting authToken: intent=" + intent); setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_PROMPTING_USER); intent.setFlags(intent.getFlags() & ~Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); notifyLaunchIntent(intent); return; } String authToken = result.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN); if (mNeedInvalidate) { mNeedInvalidate = false; Log.i(TAG, "Invalidating token and starting over."); // Invalidate auth token. AccountManager mgr = AccountManager.get(this); mgr.invalidateAuthToken(mConfiguration.getString(ACCOUNT_TYPE, DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE), authToken); setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_INVALIDATED_AUTH_TOKEN); // Initiate the request again. requestAuthToken(); return; } else { Log.i(TAG, "Received authToken=" + authToken); mConfiguration.putString(AUTH_TOKEN, authToken); setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_HAVE_AUTH_TOKEN); // Move on to the next step, request auth cookie. requestAuthCookie(); return; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception " + e); Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN); } private void requestAuthCookie() { DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); try { String continueURL = getBaseUrl(); URI uri = new URI(getBaseUrl() + "/_ah/login?continue=" + URLEncoder.encode(continueURL, "UTF-8") + "&auth=" + mConfiguration.getString(AUTH_TOKEN)); HttpGet method = new HttpGet(uri); final HttpParams getParams = new BasicHttpParams(); HttpClientParams.setRedirecting(getParams, false); method.setParams(getParams); HttpResponse res = httpClient.execute(method); Header[] headers = res.getHeaders("Set-Cookie"); int statusCode = res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); Log.v(TAG, "statusCode=" + statusCode); if (statusCode != 302 || headers.length == 0) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get authCookie: statusCode=" + statusCode); setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_AUTH_COOKIE); return; } for (Cookie cookie : httpClient.getCookieStore().getCookies()) { Log.v(TAG, "cookie=" + cookie.getName()); if (AUTH_COOKIE_NAME.equals(cookie.getName())) { Log.i(TAG, "Received authCookie=" + cookie); mAuthCookie = cookie; setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_HAVE_AUTH_COOKIE); // Move on to the next step, register to C2DM. c2dmRegister(this, mConfiguration.getString("senderId")); return; } } } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception " + e); Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } finally { httpClient.getParams().setBooleanParameter(ClientPNames.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, true); } setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_AUTH_COOKIE); } private void c2dmRegister(Context context, String senderId) { Log.d(TAG, "c2dmRegister: context=" + context + ", senderId=" + senderId); Intent intent = new Intent(REQUEST_REGISTRATION_INTENT); intent.setPackage(GSF_PACKAGE); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_APPLICATION_PENDING_INTENT, PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, new Intent(), 0)); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SENDER, senderId); ComponentName name = context.startService(intent); if (name == null) { // Service not found. setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_C2DM_NOT_FOUND); } } private void c2dmUnregister(Context context) { Log.d(TAG, "c2dmUnregister: context=" + context); Intent intent = new Intent(REQUEST_UNREGISTRATION_INTENT); intent.setPackage(GSF_PACKAGE); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_APPLICATION_PENDING_INTENT, PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, new Intent(), 0)); ComponentName name = context.startService(intent); if (name == null) { // Service not found. setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_ERROR_C2DM_NOT_FOUND); } } private void c2dmHandleRegistrationResponse(final Context context, Intent intent) { Log.d(TAG, "c2dmHandleRegistrationResponse: context=" + context + ", intent=" + intent + ", extras=" + Utils.bundleToString(intent.getExtras())); final String registrationId = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_REGISTRATION_ID); String error = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_ERROR); String unregistered = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_UNREGISTERED); Log.d(TAG, "handleRegistration: registrationId = " + registrationId + ", error = " + error + ", unregistered = " + unregistered); mConfiguration.putLong(LAST_CHANGE, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (unregistered != null) { // Unregistered mConfiguration.putString(REG_ID, ""); setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_UNREGISTERING, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_NONE); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_UNREGISTER_COMPLETE); } else if (error != null) { // Registration failed. Log.e(TAG, "Registration error " + error); mConfiguration.putString(REG_ID, ""); setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_ERROR, error); if ("SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE".equals(error)) { long backoffTime = mConfiguration.getLong(C2DM_BACKOFF, DEFAULT_BACKOFF); // For this error, try again later. Log.d(TAG, "Scheduling registration retry, backoff = " + backoffTime); Intent retryIntent = new Intent(C2DM_INTENT_RETRY); PendingIntent retryPIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0 /* requestCode */, retryIntent, 0 /* flags */); AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); am.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME, backoffTime, retryPIntent); // Next retry should wait longer. backoffTime *= BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER; if (backoffTime > MAX_BACKOFF) { backoffTime = MAX_BACKOFF; mConfiguration.putLong(C2DM_BACKOFF, backoffTime); } // Save the backoff time. writePreferences(); } } else { mConfiguration.putString(REG_ID, registrationId); setStateAndNotify(REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING, REGISTRATION_SUBSTATE_HAVE_REG_ID); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_REGISTER_COMPLETE); } } @Override public String toString() { return "configuration=" + Utils.bundleToString(mConfiguration) + ", state=" + mState + ", substate=" + mSubState + ", authCookie=" + mAuthCookie + ", needInvalidate=" + mNeedInvalidate; } }