Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Apache 2.0 License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import android.util.Pair; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; public class CustomApiTests extends TestGroup { private static final String PUBLIC_API_NAME = "PublicPermission"; private static final String INEXISTENT_API_NAME = "InexistenApi"; private static final String APP_API_NAME = "ApplicationPermission"; private static final String USER_API_NAME = "UserPermission"; private static final String ADMIN_API_NAME = "AdminPermission"; private static final String MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME = "movieFinder"; private static final String PATCH_METHOD_NAME = "PATCH"; private Map<ApiPermissions, String> apiNames; public CustomApiTests() { super("Custom API tests"); apiNames = new HashMap<CustomApiTests.ApiPermissions, String>(); apiNames.put(ApiPermissions.Admin, ADMIN_API_NAME); apiNames.put(ApiPermissions.User, USER_API_NAME); apiNames.put(ApiPermissions.Application, APP_API_NAME); apiNames.put(ApiPermissions.Public, PUBLIC_API_NAME); Random rndGen = new Random(); this.addTest(LoginTests.createLogoutTest()); for (ApiPermissions permission : ApiPermissions.values()) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.addTest(createJsonApiTest(permission, false, rndGen, i)); } } TestCase loginTest = LoginTests.createLoginTest(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook); loginTest.setCanRunUnattended(false); this.addTest(loginTest); TestCase apiAuthenticatedTest = createJsonApiTest(ApiPermissions.User, true, rndGen, 0); apiAuthenticatedTest.setCanRunUnattended(false); this.addTest(apiAuthenticatedTest); this.addTest(LoginTests.createLogoutTest()); for (TypedTestType testType : TypedTestType.values()) { this.addTest(createTypedApiTest(rndGen, testType)); } for (DataFormat inputFormat : DataFormat.values()) { for (DataFormat outputFormat : DataFormat.values()) { this.addTest(createHttpContentApiTest(inputFormat, outputFormat, rndGen)); } } this.addTest(invokeJsonApiOverload1WithCallbackTest()); this.addTest(invokeJsonApiOverload1WithCallbackFailTest()); this.addTest(invokeJsonApiOverload2WithCallbackTest()); this.addTest(invokeJsonApiOverload2WithCallbackFailTest()); this.addTest(invokeJsonApiOverload3WithCallbackTest()); this.addTest(invokeJsonApiOverload3WithCallbackFailTest()); this.addTest(invokeJsonApiOverload4WithCallbackTest()); this.addTest(invokeJsonApiOverload4WithCallbackFailTest()); this.addTest(invokeTypedApiOverload1WithCallbackFailTest()); this.addTest(invokeTypedApiOverload2WithCallbackTest(rndGen)); this.addTest(invokeTypedApiOverload2WithCallbackFailTest(rndGen)); this.addTest(invokeTypedApiOverload3WithCallbackTest(rndGen)); this.addTest(invokeTypedApiOverload3WithCallbackFailTest(rndGen)); this.addTest(invokeTypedApiOverload4WithCallbackTest(rndGen)); this.addTest(invokeTypedApiOverload4WithCallbackFailTest(rndGen)); this.addTest(invokeHttpContentApiOverload1WithCallbackTest()); this.addTest(invokeHttpContentApiOverload1WithCallbackFailTest()); } private TestCase createHttpContentApiTest(final DataFormat inputFormat, final DataFormat outputFormat, final Random rndGen) { String name = String.format("HttpContent Overload - Input: %s - Output: %s", inputFormat, outputFormat); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { private static final String TEST_HEADER_PREFIX = "x-test-zumo-"; MobileServiceClient mClient; List<Pair<String, String>> mQuery; List<Pair<String, String>> mHeaders; TestExecutionCallback mCallback; JsonObject mExpectedResult; int mExpectedStatusCode; String mHttpMethod; byte[] mContent; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mClient = client; mCallback = callback; mHeaders = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); createHttpContentTestInput(inputFormat, outputFormat, rndGen); try { ServiceFilterResponse response = mClient .invokeApi(APP_API_NAME, mContent, mHttpMethod, mHeaders, mQuery).get(); Exception ex = validateResponseHeaders(response); if (ex != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, ex); } else { mResult.getTestCase().log("Header validated successfully"); String responseContent = response.getContent(); mResult.getTestCase().log("Response content: " + responseContent); JsonElement jsonResponse = null; if (outputFormat == DataFormat.Json) { jsonResponse = new JsonParser().parse(responseContent); } else if (outputFormat == DataFormat.Other) { String decodedContent = responseContent.replace("__{__", "{").replace("__}__", "}") .replace("__[__", "[").replace("__]__", "]"); jsonResponse = new JsonParser().parse(decodedContent); } switch (outputFormat) { case Json: case Other: if (!Util.compareJson(mExpectedResult, jsonResponse)) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException(mExpectedResult, jsonResponse)); } break; default: String expectedResultContent = jsonToXml(mExpectedResult); // Normalize CRLF expectedResultContent = expectedResultContent.replace("\r\n", "\n"); responseContent = responseContent.replace("\r\n", "\n"); if (!expectedResultContent.equals(responseContent)) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException(expectedResultContent, responseContent)); } break; } } } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(exception); mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); return; } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } private Exception validateResponseHeaders(ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (mExpectedStatusCode != response.getStatus().getStatusCode()) { mResult.getTestCase().log("Invalid status code"); String content = response.getContent(); if (content != null) { mResult.getTestCase().log("Response: " + content); } return new ExpectedValueException(mExpectedStatusCode, response.getStatus().getStatusCode()); } else { for (Pair<String, String> header : mHeaders) { if (header.first.startsWith(TEST_HEADER_PREFIX)) { if (!Util.responseContainsHeader(response, header.first)) { mResult.getTestCase().log("Header " + header.first + " not found"); return new ExpectedValueException("Header: " + header.first, ""); } else { String headerValue = Util.getHeaderValue(response, header.first); if (!header.second.equals(headerValue)) { mResult.getTestCase().log("Invalid Header value for " + header.first); return new ExpectedValueException(header.second, headerValue); } } } } } return null; } private void createHttpContentTestInput(DataFormat inputFormat, DataFormat outputFormat, Random rndGen) { mHttpMethod = createHttpMethod(rndGen); log("Method = " + mHttpMethod); mExpectedResult = new JsonObject(); mExpectedResult.addProperty("method", mHttpMethod); JsonObject user = new JsonObject(); user.addProperty("level", "anonymous"); mExpectedResult.add("user", user); JsonElement body = null; String textBody = null; if (!mHttpMethod.equals(HttpGet.METHOD_NAME) && !mHttpMethod.equals(HttpDelete.METHOD_NAME)) { body = createJson(rndGen, 0, true); if (outputFormat == DataFormat.Xml || inputFormat == DataFormat.Xml) { // to prevent non-XML names from interfering with checks body = sanitizeJsonXml(body); } try { switch (inputFormat) { case Json: mContent = body.toString().getBytes("utf-8"); mHeaders.add(new Pair<String, String>(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")); break; case Xml: textBody = jsonToXml(body); mContent = textBody.getBytes("utf-8"); mHeaders.add(new Pair<String, String>(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/xml")); break; default: textBody = body.toString().replace('{', '<').replace('}', '>').replace("[", "__[__") .replace("]", "__]__"); mContent = textBody.getBytes("utf-8"); mHeaders.add(new Pair<String, String>(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain")); break; } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // this will never happen } } if (body != null) { if (inputFormat == DataFormat.Json) { mExpectedResult.add("body", body); } else { mExpectedResult.addProperty("body", textBody); } } int choice = rndGen.nextInt(5); for (int j = 0; j < choice; j++) { String name = TEST_HEADER_PREFIX + j; String value = Util.createSimpleRandomString(rndGen, rndGen.nextInt(10) + 1, 'a', 'z'); mHeaders.add(new Pair<String, String>(name, value)); } mQuery = createQuery(rndGen); if (mQuery == null) { mQuery = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); } if (mQuery.size() > 0) { JsonObject outputQuery = new JsonObject(); for (Pair<String, String> element : mQuery) { outputQuery.addProperty(element.first, element.second); } mExpectedResult.add("query", outputQuery); } mQuery.add(new Pair<String, String>("format", outputFormat.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()))); mExpectedStatusCode = 200; if (rndGen.nextInt(4) == 0) { // non-200 responses int[] options = new int[] { 400, 404, 500, 201 }; int status = options[rndGen.nextInt(options.length)]; mExpectedStatusCode = status; mQuery.add(new Pair<String, String>("status", Integer.valueOf(status).toString())); } } private String jsonToXml(JsonElement json) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<root>"); jsonToXml(json, sb); sb.append("</root>"); return sb.toString(); } private void jsonToXml(JsonElement json, StringBuilder sb) { if (json == null) { json = new JsonPrimitive(""); } if (json.isJsonNull()) { sb.append("null"); } else if (json.isJsonPrimitive() && json.getAsJsonPrimitive().isBoolean()) { sb.append(json.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault())); } else if (json.isJsonPrimitive() && json.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) { sb.append(json.toString()); } else if (json.isJsonPrimitive() && json.getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) { sb.append(json.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsString()); } else if (json.isJsonArray()) { sb.append("<array>"); JsonArray array = json.getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { sb.append("<item>"); jsonToXml(array.get(i), sb); sb.append("</item>"); } sb.append("</array>"); } else { Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> entrySet = json.getAsJsonObject().entrySet(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : entrySet) { keys.add(entry.getKey()); } Collections.sort(keys); for (String key : keys) { sb.append("<" + key + ">"); jsonToXml(json.getAsJsonObject().get(key), sb); sb.append("</" + key + ">"); } } } private JsonElement sanitizeJsonXml(JsonElement body) { if (body.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); for (JsonElement element : body.getAsJsonArray()) { array.add(sanitizeJsonXml(element)); } return array; } else if (body.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject object = new JsonObject(); Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> entrySet = body.getAsJsonObject().entrySet(); int i = 0; for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : entrySet) { object.add("memeber" + i, sanitizeJsonXml(entry.getValue())); i++; } return object; } else { return body; } } }; return test; } private TestCase createTypedApiTest(final Random rndGen, final TypedTestType testType) { String name = String.format("Typed Overload - %s", testType); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { MobileServiceClient mClient; List<Pair<String, String>> mQuery; TestExecutionCallback mCallback; Movie[] mExpectedResult = null; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mClient = client; mCallback = callback; final StringIdMovie ramdomMovie = QueryTestData.getRandomStringIdMovie(rndGen); log("Using movie: " + ramdomMovie.getTitle()); String apiName = MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME; String apiUrl; switch (testType) { case GetByTitle: apiUrl = apiName + "/title/" + ramdomMovie.getTitle(); log("API: " + apiUrl); mExpectedResult = new StringIdMovie[] { ramdomMovie }; try { AllStringIdMovies result = mClient .invokeApi(apiUrl, HttpGet.METHOD_NAME, null, AllStringIdMovies.class).get(); if (!Util.compareArrays(mExpectedResult, result.getMovies())) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException( Util.arrayToString(mExpectedResult), Util.arrayToString(result.getMovies()))); } } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } finally { mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } break; case GetByDate: final Date releaseDate = ramdomMovie.getReleaseDate(); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(tz); c.setTime(releaseDate); apiUrl = apiName + "/date/" + c.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "/" + (c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "/" + c.get(Calendar.DATE); log("API: " + apiUrl); SimpleMovieFilter dateFilter = new SimpleMovieFilter() { @Override protected boolean criteria(Movie movie) { return movie.getReleaseDate().equals(releaseDate); } }; mExpectedResult = dateFilter.filter(QueryTestData.getAllStringIdMovies()).elements .toArray(new Movie[0]); try { AllStringIdMovies result = mClient .invokeApi(apiUrl, HttpGet.METHOD_NAME, null, AllStringIdMovies.class).get(); if (!Util.compareArrays(mExpectedResult, result.getMovies())) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException( Util.arrayToString(mExpectedResult), Util.arrayToString(result.getMovies()))); } } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } finally { mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } break; case PostByDuration: case PostByYear: String orderBy = null; switch (rndGen.nextInt(3)) { case 0: orderBy = null; break; case 1: orderBy = "title"; break; case 2: orderBy = "title"; //duration break; } mQuery = null; if (orderBy != null) { mQuery = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); mQuery.add(new Pair<String, String>("orderBy", orderBy)); log("OrderBy: " + orderBy); } if (testType == TypedTestType.PostByYear) { apiUrl = apiName + "/moviesOnSameYear"; } else { apiUrl = apiName + "/moviesWithSameDuration"; } log("API: " + apiUrl); final String orderByCopy = orderBy; SimpleMovieFilter movieFilter = new SimpleMovieFilter() { @Override protected boolean criteria(Movie movie) { if (testType == TypedTestType.PostByYear) { return movie.getYear() == ramdomMovie.getYear(); } else { return movie.getDuration() == ramdomMovie.getDuration(); } } @Override protected List<Movie> applyOrder(List<? extends Movie> movies) { if (orderByCopy == null || orderByCopy.equals("title")) { Collections.sort(movies, new MovieComparator("getTitle")); } else if (orderByCopy.equals("duration")) { Collections.sort(movies, new MovieComparator("getDuration")); } return new ArrayList<Movie>(movies); } }; mExpectedResult = movieFilter.filter(QueryTestData.getAllStringIdMovies()).elements .toArray(new Movie[0]); if (mQuery == null) { try { AllStringIdMovies result = mClient.invokeApi(apiUrl, ramdomMovie, HttpPost.METHOD_NAME, null, AllStringIdMovies.class).get(); if (!Util.compareArrays(mExpectedResult, result.getMovies())) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException(Util.arrayToString(mExpectedResult), Util.arrayToString(result.getMovies()))); } } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } finally { mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } } else { try { AllStringIdMovies result = mClient.invokeApi(apiUrl, ramdomMovie, HttpPost.METHOD_NAME, mQuery, AllStringIdMovies.class).get(); if (!Util.compareArrays(mExpectedResult, result.getMovies())) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException(Util.arrayToString(mExpectedResult), Util.arrayToString(result.getMovies()))); } } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } finally { mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } } break; } } }; return test; } private TestCase createJsonApiTest(final ApiPermissions permission, final boolean isAuthenticated, final Random rndGen, int testNumber) { String name = String.format("Json Overload - %s - authenticated=%s - Instance=%s", permission.toString(), isAuthenticated, testNumber + 1); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { MobileServiceClient mClient; List<Pair<String, String>> mQuery; boolean mExpected401; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); if (permission == ApiPermissions.Public) { client = client.withFilter(new RemoveAuthenticationServiceFilter()); } mExpected401 = permission == ApiPermissions.Admin || (permission == ApiPermissions.User && !isAuthenticated); mClient = client; String method = createHttpMethod(rndGen); log("Method = " + method); JsonElement body = null; if (!method.equals(HttpGet.METHOD_NAME) && !method.equals(HttpDelete.METHOD_NAME)) { if (method.equals(PATCH_METHOD_NAME) || method.equals(HttpPut.METHOD_NAME)) { body = createJson(rndGen, 0, false); } else { body = createJson(rndGen, 0, true); } } if (body == null) { log("Body: NULL"); } else { log("Body: " + body.toString()); } mQuery = createQuery(rndGen); JsonElement queryJson = createQueryObject(mQuery); log("Query: " + queryJson.toString()); String api = apiNames.get(permission); log("API: " + api); if (body == null && method.equals(HttpPost.METHOD_NAME) && mQuery == null) { try { JsonElement jsonElement = client.invokeApi(api).get(); JsonObject expectedResult = new JsonObject(); expectedResult.add("user", createUserObject(mClient)); if (mQuery != null && mQuery.size() > 0) { expectedResult.add("query", createQueryObject(mQuery)); } if (!Util.compareJson(expectedResult, jsonElement)) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException(expectedResult, jsonElement)); } } catch (Exception exception) { MobileServiceException cause = (MobileServiceException) exception.getCause(); ServiceFilterResponse response = cause.getResponse(); if (mExpected401) { if (response == null || response.getStatus().getStatusCode() != 401) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); mResult.setException(exception); mResult.getTestCase().log("Expected 401"); } } else { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } } } else if (body != null && method.equals(HttpPost.METHOD_NAME) && mQuery == null) { try { JsonElement jsonElement = client.invokeApi(api, body).get(); JsonObject expectedResult = new JsonObject(); expectedResult.add("user", createUserObject(mClient)); if (mQuery != null && mQuery.size() > 0) { expectedResult.add("query", createQueryObject(mQuery)); } if (!Util.compareJson(expectedResult, jsonElement)) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException(expectedResult, jsonElement)); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (mExpected401) { MobileServiceException cause = (MobileServiceException) exception.getCause(); ServiceFilterResponse response = cause.getResponse(); if (response == null || response.getStatus().getStatusCode() != 401) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); mResult.setException(exception); mResult.getTestCase().log("Expected 401"); } } else { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } } } else if (body == null) { try { JsonElement jsonElement = client.invokeApi(api, method, mQuery).get(); JsonObject expectedResult = new JsonObject(); expectedResult.add("user", createUserObject(mClient)); if (mQuery != null && mQuery.size() > 0) { expectedResult.add("query", createQueryObject(mQuery)); } if (!Util.compareJson(expectedResult, jsonElement)) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException(expectedResult, jsonElement)); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (mExpected401) { MobileServiceException cause = (MobileServiceException) exception.getCause(); ServiceFilterResponse response = cause.getResponse(); if (response == null || response.getStatus().getStatusCode() != 401) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); mResult.setException(exception); mResult.getTestCase().log("Expected 401"); } } else { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, (Exception) exception.getCause()); } } } } else { try { JsonElement jsonElement = client.invokeApi(api, body, method, mQuery).get(); JsonObject expectedResult = new JsonObject(); expectedResult.add("user", createUserObject(mClient)); if (mQuery != null && mQuery.size() > 0) { expectedResult.add("query", createQueryObject(mQuery)); } if (!Util.compareJson(expectedResult, jsonElement)) { createResultFromException(mResult, new ExpectedValueException(expectedResult, jsonElement)); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (mExpected401) { MobileServiceException cause = (MobileServiceException) exception.getCause(); ServiceFilterResponse response = cause.getResponse(); if (response == null || response.getStatus().getStatusCode() != 401) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); mResult.setException(exception); mResult.getTestCase().log("Expected 401"); } } else { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, (Exception) exception.getCause()); } } } } if (callback != null) callback.onTestComplete(this, mResult); } }; return test; } protected List<Pair<String, String>> createQuery(Random rndGen) { if (rndGen.nextInt(2) == 0) { return null; } else { List<Pair<String, String>> query = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); int size = rndGen.nextInt(5); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { query.add(new Pair<String, String>( Util.createSimpleRandomString(rndGen, rndGen.nextInt(10) + 1, 'a', 'z'), Util.createComplexRandomString(rndGen, rndGen.nextInt(30)))); } return query; } } private JsonObject createUserObject(MobileServiceClient client) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); if (client.getCurrentUser() == null) { json.addProperty("level", "anonymous"); } else { json.addProperty("level", "authenticated"); json.addProperty("userid", client.getCurrentUser().getUserId()); } return json; } private JsonElement createQueryObject(List<Pair<String, String>> query) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); if (query != null) { for (Pair<String, String> element : query) { json.addProperty(element.first, element.second); } return json; } else { return JsonNull.INSTANCE; } } private JsonElement createJson(Random rndGen, int currentDepth, boolean canBeNull) { final int maxDepth = 3; int kind = rndGen.nextInt(15); if (currentDepth == 0) { kind = rndGen.nextInt(8) + 8; } switch (kind) { case 0: return new JsonPrimitive(true); case 1: return new JsonPrimitive(false); case 2: return new JsonPrimitive(rndGen.nextInt()); case 3: return new JsonPrimitive(rndGen.nextInt() >> rndGen.nextInt(10)); case 4: case 5: case 6: return new JsonPrimitive(Util.createComplexRandomString(rndGen, rndGen.nextInt(10))); case 7: if (canBeNull) { return JsonNull.INSTANCE; } else { return new JsonPrimitive(Util.createComplexRandomString(rndGen, rndGen.nextInt(10))); } case 8: case 9: case 10: if (currentDepth > maxDepth) { return new JsonPrimitive("max depth"); } else { int size = rndGen.nextInt(5); JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { array.add(createJson(rndGen, currentDepth + 1, true)); } return array; } default: if (currentDepth > maxDepth) { return new JsonPrimitive("max depth"); } else { int size = rndGen.nextInt(5); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String key; do { key = Util.createComplexRandomString(rndGen, rndGen.nextInt(3) + 3); } while (result.has(key)); result.add(key, createJson(rndGen, currentDepth + 1, true)); } return result; } } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeTypedApiOverload1WithCallbackTest() { String name = String.format("Typed With Callback - Overload 1"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; String apiName = MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME; String apiUrl; apiUrl = apiName + "/moviesWithSameDuration"; try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, AllStringIdMovies.class, typedTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies> typedTestCallback() { return new ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies>() { @Override public void onCompleted(AllStringIdMovies result, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeTypedApiOverload1WithCallbackFailTest() { String name = String.format("Typed With Callback - Overload 1 - Fail"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; String apiName = MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME + "wronguri"; String apiUrl; apiUrl = apiName + "/moviesWithSameDuration"; try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, AllStringIdMovies.class, typedTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies> typedTestCallback() { return new ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies>() { @Override public void onCompleted(AllStringIdMovies result, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeTypedApiOverload2WithCallbackTest(final Random rndGen) { String name = String.format("Typed With Callback - Overload 2"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; final StringIdMovie ramdomMovie = QueryTestData.getRandomStringIdMovie(rndGen); String apiName = MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME; String apiUrl; apiUrl = apiName + "/moviesWithSameDuration"; try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, ramdomMovie, AllStringIdMovies.class, typedTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies> typedTestCallback() { return new ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies>() { @Override public void onCompleted(AllStringIdMovies result, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeTypedApiOverload2WithCallbackFailTest(final Random rndGen) { String name = String.format("Typed With Callback - Overload 2 - Fail"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; final StringIdMovie ramdomMovie = QueryTestData.getRandomStringIdMovie(rndGen); String apiName = MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME + "wronguri"; String apiUrl; apiUrl = apiName + "/moviesWithSameDuration"; try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, ramdomMovie, AllStringIdMovies.class, typedTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies> typedTestCallback() { return new ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies>() { @Override public void onCompleted(AllStringIdMovies result, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeTypedApiOverload3WithCallbackTest(final Random rndGen) { String name = String.format("Typed With Callback - Overload 3"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; final StringIdMovie ramdomMovie = QueryTestData.getRandomStringIdMovie(rndGen); String apiName = MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME; String apiUrl; apiUrl = apiName + "/title/" + ramdomMovie.getTitle(); List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, HttpGet.METHOD_NAME, parameters, AllStringIdMovies.class, typedTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies> typedTestCallback() { return new ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies>() { @Override public void onCompleted(AllStringIdMovies result, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeTypedApiOverload3WithCallbackFailTest(final Random rndGen) { String name = String.format("Typed With Callback - Overload 3 - Fail"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; final StringIdMovie ramdomMovie = QueryTestData.getRandomStringIdMovie(rndGen); String apiName = MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME + "wronguri"; String apiUrl; apiUrl = apiName + "/title/" + ramdomMovie.getTitle(); List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, HttpGet.METHOD_NAME, parameters, AllStringIdMovies.class, typedTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies> typedTestCallback() { return new ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies>() { @Override public void onCompleted(AllStringIdMovies result, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeTypedApiOverload4WithCallbackTest(final Random rndGen) { String name = String.format("Typed With Callback - Overload 4"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; final StringIdMovie ramdomMovie = QueryTestData.getRandomStringIdMovie(rndGen); String apiName = MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME; String apiUrl; apiUrl = apiName + "/moviesWithSameDuration"; List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, ramdomMovie, HttpPost.METHOD_NAME, parameters, AllStringIdMovies.class, typedTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies> typedTestCallback() { return new ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies>() { @Override public void onCompleted(AllStringIdMovies result, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeTypedApiOverload4WithCallbackFailTest(final Random rndGen) { String name = String.format("Typed With Callback - Overload 4 - Fail"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; final StringIdMovie ramdomMovie = QueryTestData.getRandomStringIdMovie(rndGen); String apiName = MOVIEFINDER_API_NAME + "wronguri"; String apiUrl; apiUrl = apiName + "/moviesWithSameDuration"; List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, ramdomMovie, HttpPost.METHOD_NAME, parameters, AllStringIdMovies.class, typedTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies> typedTestCallback() { return new ApiOperationCallback<AllStringIdMovies>() { @Override public void onCompleted(AllStringIdMovies result, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeJsonApiOverload1WithCallbackTest() { String name = String.format("Json With Callback - Overload 1"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; try { client.invokeApi(PUBLIC_API_NAME, jsonTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiJsonOperationCallback jsonTestCallback() { return new ApiJsonOperationCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(JsonElement jsonObject, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeJsonApiOverload1WithCallbackFailTest() { String name = String.format("Json With Callback - Overload 1 - Fail"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; try { client.invokeApi(INEXISTENT_API_NAME, jsonTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiJsonOperationCallback jsonTestCallback() { return new ApiJsonOperationCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(JsonElement jsonObject, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeJsonApiOverload2WithCallbackTest() { String name = String.format("Json With Callback - Overload 2"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; JsonElement json = createJson(new Random(), 0, false); try { client.invokeApi(PUBLIC_API_NAME, json, jsonTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiJsonOperationCallback jsonTestCallback() { return new ApiJsonOperationCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(JsonElement jsonObject, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeJsonApiOverload2WithCallbackFailTest() { String name = String.format("Json With Callback - Overload 2 - Fail"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; JsonElement json = createJson(new Random(), 0, false); try { client.invokeApi(INEXISTENT_API_NAME, json, jsonTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiJsonOperationCallback jsonTestCallback() { return new ApiJsonOperationCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(JsonElement jsonObject, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeJsonApiOverload3WithCallbackTest() { String name = String.format("Json With Callback - Overload 3"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); try { client.invokeApi(PUBLIC_API_NAME, HttpGet.METHOD_NAME, parameters, jsonTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiJsonOperationCallback jsonTestCallback() { return new ApiJsonOperationCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(JsonElement jsonObject, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeJsonApiOverload3WithCallbackFailTest() { String name = String.format("Json With Callback - Overload 3 - Fail"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); try { client.invokeApi(INEXISTENT_API_NAME, HttpGet.METHOD_NAME, parameters, jsonTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiJsonOperationCallback jsonTestCallback() { return new ApiJsonOperationCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(JsonElement jsonObject, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeJsonApiOverload4WithCallbackTest() { String name = String.format("Json With Callback - Overload 4"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); JsonElement json = createJson(new Random(), 0, false); try { client.invokeApi(PUBLIC_API_NAME, json, HttpPost.METHOD_NAME, parameters, jsonTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiJsonOperationCallback jsonTestCallback() { return new ApiJsonOperationCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(JsonElement jsonObject, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private TestCase invokeJsonApiOverload4WithCallbackFailTest() { String name = String.format("Json With Callback - Overload 4 - Fail"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); JsonElement json = createJson(new Random(), 0, false); try { client.invokeApi(INEXISTENT_API_NAME, json, HttpPost.METHOD_NAME, parameters, jsonTestCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ApiJsonOperationCallback jsonTestCallback() { return new ApiJsonOperationCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(JsonElement jsonObject, Exception exception, ServiceFilterResponse response) { if (exception == null) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } private TestCase invokeHttpContentApiOverload1WithCallbackTest() { String name = String.format("Http With Callback - Overload 1"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; String apiUrl = APP_API_NAME; try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, new byte[0], HttpPost.METHOD_NAME, new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(), new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(), serviceFilterResponseCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ServiceFilterResponseCallback serviceFilterResponseCallback() { return new ServiceFilterResponseCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ServiceFilterResponse response, Exception exception) { if (exception != null) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } private TestCase invokeHttpContentApiOverload1WithCallbackFailTest() { String name = String.format("Http With Callback - Overload 1 - Fail"); TestCase test = new TestCase(name) { TestExecutionCallback mCallback; TestResult mResult; @Override protected void executeTest(MobileServiceClient client, TestExecutionCallback callback) { mResult = new TestResult(); mResult.setTestCase(this); mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Passed); mCallback = callback; String apiUrl = APP_API_NAME + INEXISTENT_API_NAME; try { client.invokeApi(apiUrl, new byte[0], HttpPost.METHOD_NAME, new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(), new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(), serviceFilterResponseCallback()); } catch (Exception exception) { createResultFromException(mResult, exception); } } private ServiceFilterResponseCallback serviceFilterResponseCallback() { return new ServiceFilterResponseCallback() { @Override public void onResponse(ServiceFilterResponse response, Exception exception) { if (exception == null) { mResult.setStatus(TestStatus.Failed); } mCallback.onTestComplete(mResult.getTestCase(), mResult); } }; } }; return test; } private String createHttpMethod(final Random rndGen) { switch (rndGen.nextInt(10)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: return HttpPost.METHOD_NAME; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: return HttpGet.METHOD_NAME; case 7: return HttpPut.METHOD_NAME; case 8: return HttpDelete.METHOD_NAME; default: return PATCH_METHOD_NAME; } } private enum ApiPermissions { Public, Application, User, Admin } private enum DataFormat { Json, Xml, Other } private enum TypedTestType { GetByTitle, GetByDate, PostByDuration, PostByYear } }