Java tutorial
/** * Copyright Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS * OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION * ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * * See the Apache License, Version 2.0 for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.msopentech.odatajclient.engine.utils.MetadataUtils; import com.msopentech.odatajclient.engine.utils.NavigationPropertyBindingDetails; public abstract class AbstractUtility { protected static final String FC_TARGET_PATH = "fcTargetPath"; protected static final String FC_SOURCE_PATH = "fcSourcePath"; protected static final String FC_KEEP_IN_CONTENT = "fcKeepInContent"; protected static final String FC_CONTENT_KIND = "fcContentKind"; protected static final String FC_NS_PREFIX = "fcNSPrefix"; protected static final String FC_NS_URI = "fcNSURI"; protected static final String TYPE_SUB_PKG = "types"; protected final String basePackage; protected final String schemaName; protected final String namespace; /** * Maps schema to list of its entity types. */ protected final Map<String, List<AbstractEntityType>> allEntityTypes = new HashMap<String, List<AbstractEntityType>>(); public AbstractUtility(final String namespace, final String schemaName, final String basePackage) { this.basePackage = basePackage; this.schemaName = schemaName == null ? getNameFromNS(namespace) : schemaName; this.namespace = namespace; } /** * Gets {@link EdmType} by given expression. * * @param metadata Metadata to find type expression. * @param expression Fully qualified type expression (as given in metadata). * @return {@link EdmType} object. */ public abstract EdmType getEdmType(final AbstractEdmMetadata<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> metadata, final String expression); protected abstract AbstractEdmMetadata<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> getMetadata(); protected abstract AbstractSchema<?, ?, ?, ?> getSchema(); /** * Collects all entity types in metadata and stores them into {@link AbstractUtility#allEntityTypes}. */ protected void collectEntityTypes() { for (AbstractSchema<?, ?, ?, ?> _schema : getMetadata().getSchemas()) { allEntityTypes.put(_schema.getNamespace(), new ArrayList<AbstractEntityType>(_schema.getEntityTypes())); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_schema.getAlias())) { allEntityTypes.put(_schema.getAlias(), new ArrayList<AbstractEntityType>(_schema.getEntityTypes())); } } } /** * Converts type expression (as described in metadata) to java type that will be generated. * Returned string may be used for sources generation or for class loading. * * @param typeExpression Type expression. * @return String containing package and class name that will be generated for given OData type. */ public String getJavaType(final String typeExpression) { final StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); final boolean isCollection = typeExpression.startsWith("Collection(") && typeExpression.endsWith(")"); String ns = typeExpression.substring(0, typeExpression.lastIndexOf('.')); if (isCollection) { ns = ns.replaceFirst("Collection\\(", ""); } // namespace of first schema is base namespace; other ones will be subpackages of first List<?> schemas = getMetadata().getSchemas(); String base = ((AbstractSchema<?, ?, ?, ?>) schemas.get(0)).getNamespace(); // make this subpackage if (!ns.equals(base) && !ns.equals("Edm")) { ns = base + "." + ns; } final EdmType edmType = getEdmType(getMetadata(), typeExpression); if (edmType.isCollection() && !edmType.isEntityType()) { res.append("Collection<"); } if ("Edm.Stream".equals(typeExpression)) { res.append(InputStream.class.getName()); } else if (edmType.isSimpleType()) { res.append(edmType.getSimpleType().javaType().getSimpleName()); } else if (edmType.isComplexType()) { res.append(basePackage).append('.').append(ns.toLowerCase()).append('.').append(TYPE_SUB_PKG) .append('.').append(capitalize(edmType.getComplexType().getName())); } else if (edmType.isEntityType()) { res.append(basePackage).append('.').append(ns.toLowerCase()).append('.').append(TYPE_SUB_PKG) .append('.').append("I" + capitalize(edmType.getEntityType().getName())); } else if (edmType.isEnumType()) { res.append(basePackage).append('.').append(ns.toLowerCase()).append('.').append(TYPE_SUB_PKG) .append('.').append(capitalize(edmType.getEnumType().getName())); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type expression '" + typeExpression + "'"); } if (edmType.isCollection()) { if (edmType.isEntityType()) { res.append("Collection"); } else { res.append(">"); } } return res.toString(); } /** * Gets {@link EdmType} for type of given entity set. * * @param entitySet {@link AbstractEntitySet} to get type. * @return {@link EdmType} for type of given entity set. */ public EdmType getEdmType(final AbstractEntitySet entitySet) { return getEdmType(getMetadata(), entitySet.getEntityType()); } /** * Gets entity key types for entity type of given entity set. * * @param entitySet {@link AbstractEntitySet} to retrieve entity type for getting entity key types. * @return */ public Map<String, String> getEntityKeyType(final AbstractEntitySet entitySet) { return getEntityKeyType(getEdmType(entitySet).getEntityType()); } /** * Gets entity key types for given entity type. * * @param entityType Entity type. * @return entity key types. */ public Map<String, String> getEntityKeyType(final AbstractEntityType entityType) { AbstractEntityType baseType = entityType; while (baseType.getKey() == null && baseType.getBaseType() != null) { baseType = getEdmType(getMetadata(), baseType.getBaseType()).getEntityType(); } final List<String> properties = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PropertyRef pref : baseType.getKey().getPropertyRefs()) { properties.add(pref.getName()); } final Map<String, String> res = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (AbstractProperty prop : baseType.getProperties()) { if (properties.contains(prop.getName())) { res.put(prop.getName(), getJavaType(prop.getType())); } } return res; } /** * Appends namespace to the beginning of given name. * * @param name Name where namespace will be appended. * @return namespace + "." + name. */ public final String getNameInNamespace(final String name) { return getSchema().getNamespace() + "." + name; } /** * Gets OData type for given entity type. * * @param entityType Entity type. * @return OData type (with namespace). */ public final String getNameInNamespace(final EdmType entityType) { return entityType.getNamespaceOrAlias() + "." + entityType.getEntityType().getName(); } /** * Checks if two given type expressions describe the same OData type. * * @param entityTypeExpression first type expression (with or without namespace). * @param fullTypeExpression Full type expression. * @param collection Collection marker. * @return <tt>true</tt> if two types are the same; <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */ public boolean isSameType(final String entityTypeExpression, final String fullTypeExpression, final boolean collection) { final Set<String> types = new HashSet<String>(2); types.add((collection ? "Collection(" : StringUtils.EMPTY) + getNameInNamespace(entityTypeExpression) + (collection ? ")" : StringUtils.EMPTY)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getSchema().getAlias())) { types.add((collection ? "Collection(" : StringUtils.EMPTY) + getSchema().getAlias() + "." + entityTypeExpression + (collection ? ")" : StringUtils.EMPTY)); } return types.contains(fullTypeExpression); } /** * Gets all descendants of given base type. * * @param base Base type. * @param descendants The descendants list (out parameter). */ private void populateDescendants(final EdmType base, final List<String> descendants) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<AbstractEntityType>> entry : allEntityTypes.entrySet()) { for (AbstractEntityType type : entry.getValue()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(type.getBaseType()) && base.getEntityType().getName().equals(getNameFromNS(type.getBaseType()))) { final EdmType entityType = getEdmType(getMetadata(), entry.getKey() + "." + type.getName()); descendants.add(getNameInNamespace(entityType)); populateDescendants(entityType, descendants); } } } } /** * Returns OData names of given entity type and its descendants. * * @param entityType Source type. * @return OData names of given entity type and its descendants. */ public List<String> getDescendantsOrSelf(final EdmType entityType) { final List<String> descendants = new ArrayList<String>(); descendants.add(getNameInNamespace(entityType)); populateDescendants(entityType, descendants); return descendants; } public String getBasePackage() { return basePackage; } public String getSchemaName() { return schemaName; } public String getNamespace() { return namespace; } public String capitalize(final String str) { return StringUtils.capitalize(str); } public String uncapitalize(final String str) { return StringUtils.uncapitalize(str); } public Map<String, String> getFcProperties(final AbstractProperty property) { final Map<String, String> fcProps = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(property.getFcTargetPath())) { fcProps.put(FC_TARGET_PATH, property.getFcTargetPath()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(property.getFcSourcePath())) { fcProps.put(FC_SOURCE_PATH, property.getFcSourcePath()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(property.getFcNSPrefix())) { fcProps.put(FC_NS_PREFIX, property.getFcNSPrefix()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(property.getFcNSURI())) { fcProps.put(FC_NS_URI, property.getFcNSURI()); } fcProps.put(FC_CONTENT_KIND, property.getFcContentKind().name()); fcProps.put(FC_KEEP_IN_CONTENT, Boolean.toString(property.isFcKeepInContent())); return fcProps; } /** * Extracts type name from fully qualified name. * * @param ns Fully qualified name. * @return OData type name. */ public final String getNameFromNS(final String ns) { return getNameFromNS(ns, false); } /** * Extracts type name from fully qualified name. * * @param ns Fully qualified name. * @param toLowerCase indicates should the result will be lowercased. * @return OData type name. */ public final String getNameFromNS(final String ns, final boolean toLowerCase) { if (ns == null) { return null; } final int lastpt = ns.lastIndexOf('.'); String res = ns.substring(lastpt < 0 ? 0 : lastpt + 1); if (res.endsWith(")")) { // if name like Collection(NameSpace.Type) res = res.substring(0, res.length() - 1); } return toLowerCase ? res.toLowerCase() : res; } /** * Gets navigation binding details. * * @param property Navigation property to be included into result. * @param targetPath Path to target entity type. * @param bindingInfoSchema Schema to be used if it is not specified in targetPath. * @param bindingInfoContainer Container to be used if it is not specified in targetPath. * @return {@link NavigationPropertyBindingDetails} instance containing all necessary data. */ protected NavigationPropertyBindingDetails getNavigationBindingDetails( final AbstractNavigationProperty property, final String targetPath, final AbstractSchema<?, ?, ?, ?> bindingInfoSchema, final AbstractEntityContainer<?> bindingInfoContainer) { final String[] target = targetPath.split("/"); final AbstractEntityContainer<?> targetContainer; final AbstractSchema<?, ?, ?, ?> targetSchema; final AbstractEntitySet targetES; if (target.length > 1) { int lastDot = target[0].lastIndexOf("."); final String targetSchemaNamespace = target[0].substring(0, lastDot); final String containerName = target[0].substring(lastDot + 1); targetSchema = MetadataUtils.getSchemaByNamespaceOrAlias(getMetadata(), targetSchemaNamespace); targetContainer = MetadataUtils.getContainerByName(targetSchema, containerName); targetES = MetadataUtils.getEntitySet(targetContainer, target[1]); } else { targetContainer = bindingInfoContainer; targetSchema = bindingInfoSchema; targetES = MetadataUtils.getEntitySet(targetContainer, target[0]); } return new NavigationPropertyBindingDetails(property, targetES, targetContainer, targetSchema); } /** * Gets return type of navigation property. * * @param property Navigation property to check return type. * @return Navigation property return type (in OData format). */ public abstract String getNavigationType(final AbstractNavigationProperty property); }