Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ // Warning: This code was generated by a tool. // // Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the // code is regenerated. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ArrayNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.NullNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * Operations for managing the Web Hosting Plans in a resource group. Web * hosting plans (WHPs) represent a set of features and capacity that you can * share across your web sites. Web hosting plans support the 4 Azure Web Sites * pricing tiers (Free, Shared, Basic, and Standard) where each tier has its * own capabilities and capacity. Sites in the same subscription, resource * group, and geographic location can share a web hosting plan. All the sites * sharing a web hosting plan can leverage all the capabilities and features * defined by the web hosting plan tier. All web sites associated with a given * web hosting plan run on the resources defined by the web hosting plan. (see * * for more information) */ public class WebHostingPlanOperationsImpl implements ServiceOperations<WebSiteManagementClientImpl>, WebHostingPlanOperations { /** * Initializes a new instance of the WebHostingPlanOperationsImpl class. * * @param client Reference to the service client. */ WebHostingPlanOperationsImpl(WebSiteManagementClientImpl client) { this.client = client; } private WebSiteManagementClientImpl client; /** * Gets a reference to the * * @return The Client value. */ public WebSiteManagementClientImpl getClient() { return this.client; } /** * Creates a new Web Hosting Plan or updates an existing one. (see * * for more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @param parameters Required. Parameters supplied to the Create Server Farm * operation. * @return The Create Web Hosting Plan operation response. */ @Override public Future<WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateResponse> createOrUpdateAsync(final String resourceGroupName, final WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParameters parameters) { return this.getClient().getExecutorService().submit(new Callable<WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateResponse>() { @Override public WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateResponse call() throws Exception { return createOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, parameters); } }); } /** * Creates a new Web Hosting Plan or updates an existing one. (see * * for more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @param parameters Required. Parameters supplied to the Create Server Farm * operation. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @throws URISyntaxException Thrown if there was an error parsing a URI in * the response. * @return The Create Web Hosting Plan operation response. */ @Override public WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateResponse createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParameters parameters) throws IOException, ServiceException, URISyntaxException { // Validate if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("resourceGroupName"); } if (parameters == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parameters"); } if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parameters.WebHostingPlan"); } if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getLocation() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parameters.WebHostingPlan.Location"); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("resourceGroupName", resourceGroupName); tracingParameters.put("parameters", parameters); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "createOrUpdateAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + "/subscriptions/"; if (this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId(), "UTF-8"); } url = url + "/resourceGroups/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(resourceGroupName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/providers/"; url = url + "Microsoft.Web"; url = url + "/serverFarms/"; if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getName() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getName(), "UTF-8"); } ArrayList<String> queryParameters = new ArrayList<String>(); queryParameters.add("api-version=" + "2014-06-01"); if (queryParameters.size() > 0) { url = url + "?" + CollectionStringBuilder.join(queryParameters, "&"); } String baseUrl = this.getClient().getBaseUri().toString(); // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url. if (baseUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length() - 1) == '/') { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, (baseUrl.length() - 1) + 0); } if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { url = url.substring(1); } url = baseUrl + "/" + url; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpPut httpRequest = new HttpPut(url); // Set Headers httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); // Serialize Request String requestContent = null; JsonNode requestDoc = null; ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode webHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParametersValue = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); requestDoc = webHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParametersValue; if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getProperties() != null) { ObjectNode propertiesValue = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); ((ObjectNode) webHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParametersValue).put("properties", propertiesValue); if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getProperties().getSku() != null) { ((ObjectNode) propertiesValue).put("sku", parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getProperties().getSku().toString()); } ((ObjectNode) propertiesValue).put("numberOfWorkers", parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getProperties().getNumberOfWorkers()); if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getProperties().getWorkerSize() != null) { ((ObjectNode) propertiesValue).put("workerSize", parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getProperties().getWorkerSize().toString()); } if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getProperties().getAdminSiteName() != null) { ((ObjectNode) propertiesValue).put("adminSiteName", parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getProperties().getAdminSiteName()); } } if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getId() != null) { ((ObjectNode) webHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParametersValue).put("id", parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getId()); } if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getName() != null) { ((ObjectNode) webHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParametersValue).put("name", parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getName()); } ((ObjectNode) webHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParametersValue).put("location", parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getLocation()); if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getTags() != null) { ObjectNode tagsDictionary = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getTags().entrySet()) { String tagsKey = entry.getKey(); String tagsValue = entry.getValue(); ((ObjectNode) tagsDictionary).put(tagsKey, tagsValue); } ((ObjectNode) webHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParametersValue).put("tags", tagsDictionary); } if (parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getType() != null) { ((ObjectNode) webHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateParametersValue).put("type", parameters.getWebHostingPlan().getType()); } StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); objectMapper.writeValue(stringWriter, requestDoc); requestContent = stringWriter.toString(); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(requestContent); httpRequest.setEntity(entity); httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getClient().getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromJson(httpRequest, requestContent, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateResponse result = null; // Deserialize Response if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { InputStream responseContent = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); result = new WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateResponse(); JsonNode responseDoc = null; String responseDocContent = IOUtils.toString(responseContent); if (responseDocContent == null == false && responseDocContent.length() > 0) { responseDoc = objectMapper.readTree(responseDocContent); } JsonNode serverFarmValue = responseDoc.get("ServerFarm"); if (serverFarmValue != null && serverFarmValue instanceof NullNode == false) { WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateResponse serverFarmInstance = new WebHostingPlanCreateOrUpdateResponse(); WebHostingPlan webHostingPlanInstance = new WebHostingPlan(); result.setWebHostingPlan(webHostingPlanInstance); JsonNode propertiesValue2 = serverFarmValue.get("properties"); if (propertiesValue2 != null && propertiesValue2 instanceof NullNode == false) { WebHostingPlanProperties propertiesInstance = new WebHostingPlanProperties(); webHostingPlanInstance.setProperties(propertiesInstance); JsonNode skuValue = propertiesValue2.get("sku"); if (skuValue != null && skuValue instanceof NullNode == false) { SkuOptions skuInstance; skuInstance = Enum.valueOf(SkuOptions.class, skuValue.getTextValue()); propertiesInstance.setSku(skuInstance); } JsonNode numberOfWorkersValue = propertiesValue2.get("numberOfWorkers"); if (numberOfWorkersValue != null && numberOfWorkersValue instanceof NullNode == false) { int numberOfWorkersInstance; numberOfWorkersInstance = numberOfWorkersValue.getIntValue(); propertiesInstance.setNumberOfWorkers(numberOfWorkersInstance); } JsonNode workerSizeValue = propertiesValue2.get("workerSize"); if (workerSizeValue != null && workerSizeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { WorkerSizeOptions workerSizeInstance; workerSizeInstance = Enum.valueOf(WorkerSizeOptions.class, workerSizeValue.getTextValue()); propertiesInstance.setWorkerSize(workerSizeInstance); } JsonNode adminSiteNameValue = propertiesValue2.get("adminSiteName"); if (adminSiteNameValue != null && adminSiteNameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String adminSiteNameInstance; adminSiteNameInstance = adminSiteNameValue.getTextValue(); propertiesInstance.setAdminSiteName(adminSiteNameInstance); } } JsonNode idValue = serverFarmValue.get("id"); if (idValue != null && idValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String idInstance; idInstance = idValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setId(idInstance); } JsonNode nameValue = serverFarmValue.get("name"); if (nameValue != null && nameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String nameInstance; nameInstance = nameValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setName(nameInstance); } JsonNode locationValue = serverFarmValue.get("location"); if (locationValue != null && locationValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String locationInstance; locationInstance = locationValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setLocation(locationInstance); } JsonNode tagsSequenceElement = ((JsonNode) serverFarmValue.get("tags")); if (tagsSequenceElement != null && tagsSequenceElement instanceof NullNode == false) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> itr = tagsSequenceElement.getFields(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> property =; String tagsKey2 = property.getKey(); String tagsValue2 = property.getValue().getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.getTags().put(tagsKey2, tagsValue2); } } JsonNode typeValue = serverFarmValue.get("type"); if (typeValue != null && typeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String typeInstance; typeInstance = typeValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setType(typeInstance); } } } result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } } /** * Deletes a Web Hosting Plan (see * * for more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @param webHostingPlanName Required. The name of the Web Hosting Plan to * delete. * @return A standard service response including an HTTP status code and * request ID. */ @Override public Future<OperationResponse> deleteAsync(final String resourceGroupName, final String webHostingPlanName) { return this.getClient().getExecutorService().submit(new Callable<OperationResponse>() { @Override public OperationResponse call() throws Exception { return delete(resourceGroupName, webHostingPlanName); } }); } /** * Deletes a Web Hosting Plan (see * * for more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @param webHostingPlanName Required. The name of the Web Hosting Plan to * delete. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @return A standard service response including an HTTP status code and * request ID. */ @Override public OperationResponse delete(String resourceGroupName, String webHostingPlanName) throws IOException, ServiceException { // Validate if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("resourceGroupName"); } if (webHostingPlanName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("webHostingPlanName"); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("resourceGroupName", resourceGroupName); tracingParameters.put("webHostingPlanName", webHostingPlanName); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "deleteAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + "/subscriptions/"; if (this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId(), "UTF-8"); } url = url + "/resourceGroups/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(resourceGroupName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/providers/"; url = url + "Microsoft.Web"; url = url + "/serverFarms/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(webHostingPlanName, "UTF-8"); ArrayList<String> queryParameters = new ArrayList<String>(); queryParameters.add("api-version=" + "2014-06-01"); if (queryParameters.size() > 0) { url = url + "?" + CollectionStringBuilder.join(queryParameters, "&"); } String baseUrl = this.getClient().getBaseUri().toString(); // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url. if (baseUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length() - 1) == '/') { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, (baseUrl.length() - 1) + 0); } if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { url = url.substring(1); } url = baseUrl + "/" + url; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects CustomHttpDelete httpRequest = new CustomHttpDelete(url); // Set Headers // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getClient().getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromXml(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result OperationResponse result = null; // Deserialize Response result = new OperationResponse(); result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } } /** * Gets details of an existing Web Hosting Plan (see * * for more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @param webHostingPlanName Required. The name of the Web Hosting Plan. * @return The Get Web Hosting Plan operation response. */ @Override public Future<WebHostingPlanGetResponse> getAsync(final String resourceGroupName, final String webHostingPlanName) { return this.getClient().getExecutorService().submit(new Callable<WebHostingPlanGetResponse>() { @Override public WebHostingPlanGetResponse call() throws Exception { return get(resourceGroupName, webHostingPlanName); } }); } /** * Gets details of an existing Web Hosting Plan (see * * for more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @param webHostingPlanName Required. The name of the Web Hosting Plan. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @throws URISyntaxException Thrown if there was an error parsing a URI in * the response. * @return The Get Web Hosting Plan operation response. */ @Override public WebHostingPlanGetResponse get(String resourceGroupName, String webHostingPlanName) throws IOException, ServiceException, URISyntaxException { // Validate if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("resourceGroupName"); } if (webHostingPlanName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("webHostingPlanName"); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("resourceGroupName", resourceGroupName); tracingParameters.put("webHostingPlanName", webHostingPlanName); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "getAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + "/subscriptions/"; if (this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId(), "UTF-8"); } url = url + "/resourceGroups/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(resourceGroupName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/providers/"; url = url + "Microsoft.Web"; url = url + "/serverFarms/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(webHostingPlanName, "UTF-8"); ArrayList<String> queryParameters = new ArrayList<String>(); queryParameters.add("api-version=" + "2014-06-01"); if (queryParameters.size() > 0) { url = url + "?" + CollectionStringBuilder.join(queryParameters, "&"); } String baseUrl = this.getClient().getBaseUri().toString(); // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url. if (baseUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length() - 1) == '/') { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, (baseUrl.length() - 1) + 0); } if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { url = url.substring(1); } url = baseUrl + "/" + url; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(url); // Set Headers // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getClient().getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromJson(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result WebHostingPlanGetResponse result = null; // Deserialize Response if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { InputStream responseContent = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); result = new WebHostingPlanGetResponse(); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode responseDoc = null; String responseDocContent = IOUtils.toString(responseContent); if (responseDocContent == null == false && responseDocContent.length() > 0) { responseDoc = objectMapper.readTree(responseDocContent); } if (responseDoc != null && responseDoc instanceof NullNode == false) { WebHostingPlan webHostingPlanInstance = new WebHostingPlan(); result.setWebHostingPlan(webHostingPlanInstance); JsonNode propertiesValue = responseDoc.get("properties"); if (propertiesValue != null && propertiesValue instanceof NullNode == false) { WebHostingPlanProperties propertiesInstance = new WebHostingPlanProperties(); webHostingPlanInstance.setProperties(propertiesInstance); JsonNode skuValue = propertiesValue.get("sku"); if (skuValue != null && skuValue instanceof NullNode == false) { SkuOptions skuInstance; skuInstance = Enum.valueOf(SkuOptions.class, skuValue.getTextValue()); propertiesInstance.setSku(skuInstance); } JsonNode numberOfWorkersValue = propertiesValue.get("numberOfWorkers"); if (numberOfWorkersValue != null && numberOfWorkersValue instanceof NullNode == false) { int numberOfWorkersInstance; numberOfWorkersInstance = numberOfWorkersValue.getIntValue(); propertiesInstance.setNumberOfWorkers(numberOfWorkersInstance); } JsonNode workerSizeValue = propertiesValue.get("workerSize"); if (workerSizeValue != null && workerSizeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { WorkerSizeOptions workerSizeInstance; workerSizeInstance = Enum.valueOf(WorkerSizeOptions.class, workerSizeValue.getTextValue()); propertiesInstance.setWorkerSize(workerSizeInstance); } JsonNode adminSiteNameValue = propertiesValue.get("adminSiteName"); if (adminSiteNameValue != null && adminSiteNameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String adminSiteNameInstance; adminSiteNameInstance = adminSiteNameValue.getTextValue(); propertiesInstance.setAdminSiteName(adminSiteNameInstance); } } JsonNode idValue = responseDoc.get("id"); if (idValue != null && idValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String idInstance; idInstance = idValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setId(idInstance); } JsonNode nameValue = responseDoc.get("name"); if (nameValue != null && nameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String nameInstance; nameInstance = nameValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setName(nameInstance); } JsonNode locationValue = responseDoc.get("location"); if (locationValue != null && locationValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String locationInstance; locationInstance = locationValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setLocation(locationInstance); } JsonNode tagsSequenceElement = ((JsonNode) responseDoc.get("tags")); if (tagsSequenceElement != null && tagsSequenceElement instanceof NullNode == false) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> itr = tagsSequenceElement.getFields(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> property =; String tagsKey = property.getKey(); String tagsValue = property.getValue().getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.getTags().put(tagsKey, tagsValue); } } JsonNode typeValue = responseDoc.get("type"); if (typeValue != null && typeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String typeInstance; typeInstance = typeValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setType(typeInstance); } } } result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } } /** * You can retrieve historical usage metrics for a site by issuing an HTTP * GET request. (see * for * more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @param webHostingPlanName Required. The name of the web hosting plan. * @param parameters Required. Parameters supplied to the Get Historical * Usage Metrics Web hosting plan operation. * @return The Get Historical Usage Metrics Web hosting plan operation * response. */ @Override public Future<WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse> getHistoricalUsageMetricsAsync( final String resourceGroupName, final String webHostingPlanName, final WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsParameters parameters) { return this.getClient().getExecutorService() .submit(new Callable<WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse>() { @Override public WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse call() throws Exception { return getHistoricalUsageMetrics(resourceGroupName, webHostingPlanName, parameters); } }); } /** * You can retrieve historical usage metrics for a site by issuing an HTTP * GET request. (see * for * more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @param webHostingPlanName Required. The name of the web hosting plan. * @param parameters Required. Parameters supplied to the Get Historical * Usage Metrics Web hosting plan operation. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @return The Get Historical Usage Metrics Web hosting plan operation * response. */ @Override public WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse getHistoricalUsageMetrics(String resourceGroupName, String webHostingPlanName, WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsParameters parameters) throws IOException, ServiceException { // Validate if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("resourceGroupName"); } if (webHostingPlanName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("webHostingPlanName"); } if (parameters == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parameters"); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("resourceGroupName", resourceGroupName); tracingParameters.put("webHostingPlanName", webHostingPlanName); tracingParameters.put("parameters", parameters); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "getHistoricalUsageMetricsAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + "/subscriptions/"; if (this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId(), "UTF-8"); } url = url + "/resourceGroups/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(resourceGroupName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/providers/"; url = url + "Microsoft.Web"; url = url + "/serverFarms/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(webHostingPlanName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/metrics"; ArrayList<String> queryParameters = new ArrayList<String>(); queryParameters.add("api-version=" + "2014-06-01"); if (parameters.getMetricNames() != null && parameters.getMetricNames().size() > 0) { queryParameters.add("names=" + URLEncoder.encode(CollectionStringBuilder.join(parameters.getMetricNames(), ","), "UTF-8")); } SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS'Z'"); simpleDateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); if (parameters.getStartTime() != null) { queryParameters.add("StartTime=" + URLEncoder.encode(simpleDateFormat.format(parameters.getStartTime().getTime()), "UTF-8")); } SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS'Z'"); simpleDateFormat2.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); if (parameters.getEndTime() != null) { queryParameters.add("EndTime=" + URLEncoder.encode(simpleDateFormat2.format(parameters.getEndTime().getTime()), "UTF-8")); } if (parameters.getTimeGrain() != null) { queryParameters.add("timeGrain=" + URLEncoder.encode(parameters.getTimeGrain(), "UTF-8")); } queryParameters.add("details=" + URLEncoder .encode(Boolean.toString(parameters.isIncludeInstanceBreakdown()).toLowerCase(), "UTF-8")); if (queryParameters.size() > 0) { url = url + "?" + CollectionStringBuilder.join(queryParameters, "&"); } String baseUrl = this.getClient().getBaseUri().toString(); // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url. if (baseUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length() - 1) == '/') { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, (baseUrl.length() - 1) + 0); } if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { url = url.substring(1); } url = baseUrl + "/" + url; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(url); // Set Headers httpRequest.setHeader("x-ms-version", "2014-06-01"); // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getClient().getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromJson(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse result = null; // Deserialize Response if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { InputStream responseContent = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); result = new WebHostingPlanGetHistoricalUsageMetricsResponse(); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode responseDoc = null; String responseDocContent = IOUtils.toString(responseContent); if (responseDocContent == null == false && responseDocContent.length() > 0) { responseDoc = objectMapper.readTree(responseDocContent); } if (responseDoc != null && responseDoc instanceof NullNode == false) { JsonNode propertiesArray = responseDoc.get("properties"); if (propertiesArray != null && propertiesArray instanceof NullNode == false) { for (JsonNode propertiesValue : ((ArrayNode) propertiesArray)) { HistoricalUsageMetric historicalUsageMetricInstance = new HistoricalUsageMetric(); result.getUsageMetrics().add(historicalUsageMetricInstance); JsonNode codeValue = propertiesValue.get("code"); if (codeValue != null && codeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String codeInstance; codeInstance = codeValue.getTextValue(); historicalUsageMetricInstance.setCode(codeInstance); } JsonNode dataValue = propertiesValue.get("data"); if (dataValue != null && dataValue instanceof NullNode == false) { HistoricalUsageMetricData dataInstance = new HistoricalUsageMetricData(); historicalUsageMetricInstance.setData(dataInstance); JsonNode displayNameValue = dataValue.get("displayName"); if (displayNameValue != null && displayNameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String displayNameInstance; displayNameInstance = displayNameValue.getTextValue(); dataInstance.setDisplayName(displayNameInstance); } JsonNode endTimeValue = dataValue.get("EndTime"); if (endTimeValue != null && endTimeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { Calendar endTimeInstance; endTimeInstance = DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(endTimeValue.getTextValue()); dataInstance.setEndTime(endTimeInstance); } JsonNode nameValue = dataValue.get("name"); if (nameValue != null && nameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String nameInstance; nameInstance = nameValue.getTextValue(); dataInstance.setName(nameInstance); } JsonNode primaryAggregationTypeValue = dataValue.get("primaryAggregationType"); if (primaryAggregationTypeValue != null && primaryAggregationTypeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String primaryAggregationTypeInstance; primaryAggregationTypeInstance = primaryAggregationTypeValue.getTextValue(); dataInstance.setPrimaryAggregationType(primaryAggregationTypeInstance); } JsonNode startTimeValue = dataValue.get("startTime"); if (startTimeValue != null && startTimeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { Calendar startTimeInstance; startTimeInstance = DatatypeConverter .parseDateTime(startTimeValue.getTextValue()); dataInstance.setStartTime(startTimeInstance); } JsonNode timeGrainValue = dataValue.get("timeGrain"); if (timeGrainValue != null && timeGrainValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String timeGrainInstance; timeGrainInstance = timeGrainValue.getTextValue(); dataInstance.setTimeGrain(timeGrainInstance); } JsonNode unitValue = dataValue.get("unit"); if (unitValue != null && unitValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String unitInstance; unitInstance = unitValue.getTextValue(); dataInstance.setUnit(unitInstance); } JsonNode valuesArray = dataValue.get("values"); if (valuesArray != null && valuesArray instanceof NullNode == false) { for (JsonNode valuesValue : ((ArrayNode) valuesArray)) { HistoricalUsageMetricSample metricSampleInstance = new HistoricalUsageMetricSample(); dataInstance.getValues().add(metricSampleInstance); JsonNode countValue = valuesValue.get("count"); if (countValue != null && countValue instanceof NullNode == false) { int countInstance; countInstance = countValue.getIntValue(); metricSampleInstance.setCount(countInstance); } JsonNode maximumValue = valuesValue.get("maximum"); if (maximumValue != null && maximumValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String maximumInstance; maximumInstance = maximumValue.getTextValue(); metricSampleInstance.setMaximum(maximumInstance); } JsonNode minimumValue = valuesValue.get("minimum"); if (minimumValue != null && minimumValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String minimumInstance; minimumInstance = minimumValue.getTextValue(); metricSampleInstance.setMinimum(minimumInstance); } JsonNode timeCreatedValue = valuesValue.get("timeCreated"); if (timeCreatedValue != null && timeCreatedValue instanceof NullNode == false) { Calendar timeCreatedInstance; timeCreatedInstance = DatatypeConverter .parseDateTime(timeCreatedValue.getTextValue()); metricSampleInstance.setTimeCreated(timeCreatedInstance); } JsonNode totalValue = valuesValue.get("total"); if (totalValue != null && totalValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String totalInstance; totalInstance = totalValue.getTextValue(); metricSampleInstance.setTotal(totalInstance); } JsonNode instanceNameValue = valuesValue.get("instanceName"); if (instanceNameValue != null && instanceNameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String instanceNameInstance; instanceNameInstance = instanceNameValue.getTextValue(); metricSampleInstance.setInstanceName(instanceNameInstance); } } } } JsonNode messageValue = propertiesValue.get("message"); if (messageValue != null && messageValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String messageInstance; messageInstance = messageValue.getTextValue(); historicalUsageMetricInstance.setMessage(messageInstance); } } } } } result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } } /** * Gets all Web Hosting Plans in a current subscription and Resource Group. * (see * for more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @return The List Web Hosting Plans operation response. */ @Override public Future<WebHostingPlanListResponse> listAsync(final String resourceGroupName) { return this.getClient().getExecutorService().submit(new Callable<WebHostingPlanListResponse>() { @Override public WebHostingPlanListResponse call() throws Exception { return list(resourceGroupName); } }); } /** * Gets all Web Hosting Plans in a current subscription and Resource Group. * (see * for more information) * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @throws URISyntaxException Thrown if there was an error parsing a URI in * the response. * @return The List Web Hosting Plans operation response. */ @Override public WebHostingPlanListResponse list(String resourceGroupName) throws IOException, ServiceException, URISyntaxException { // Validate if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("resourceGroupName"); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("resourceGroupName", resourceGroupName); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "listAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + "/subscriptions/"; if (this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId(), "UTF-8"); } url = url + "/resourceGroups/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(resourceGroupName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/providers/"; url = url + "Microsoft.Web"; url = url + "/serverFarms"; ArrayList<String> queryParameters = new ArrayList<String>(); queryParameters.add("api-version=" + "2014-06-01"); if (queryParameters.size() > 0) { url = url + "?" + CollectionStringBuilder.join(queryParameters, "&"); } String baseUrl = this.getClient().getBaseUri().toString(); // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url. if (baseUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length() - 1) == '/') { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, (baseUrl.length() - 1) + 0); } if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { url = url.substring(1); } url = baseUrl + "/" + url; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(url); // Set Headers // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getClient().getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromJson(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result WebHostingPlanListResponse result = null; // Deserialize Response if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { InputStream responseContent = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); result = new WebHostingPlanListResponse(); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode responseDoc = null; String responseDocContent = IOUtils.toString(responseContent); if (responseDocContent == null == false && responseDocContent.length() > 0) { responseDoc = objectMapper.readTree(responseDocContent); } if (responseDoc != null && responseDoc instanceof NullNode == false) { JsonNode valueArray = responseDoc.get("value"); if (valueArray != null && valueArray instanceof NullNode == false) { for (JsonNode valueValue : ((ArrayNode) valueArray)) { WebHostingPlan webHostingPlanInstance = new WebHostingPlan(); result.getWebHostingPlans().add(webHostingPlanInstance); JsonNode propertiesValue = valueValue.get("properties"); if (propertiesValue != null && propertiesValue instanceof NullNode == false) { WebHostingPlanProperties propertiesInstance = new WebHostingPlanProperties(); webHostingPlanInstance.setProperties(propertiesInstance); JsonNode skuValue = propertiesValue.get("sku"); if (skuValue != null && skuValue instanceof NullNode == false) { SkuOptions skuInstance; skuInstance = Enum.valueOf(SkuOptions.class, skuValue.getTextValue()); propertiesInstance.setSku(skuInstance); } JsonNode numberOfWorkersValue = propertiesValue.get("numberOfWorkers"); if (numberOfWorkersValue != null && numberOfWorkersValue instanceof NullNode == false) { int numberOfWorkersInstance; numberOfWorkersInstance = numberOfWorkersValue.getIntValue(); propertiesInstance.setNumberOfWorkers(numberOfWorkersInstance); } JsonNode workerSizeValue = propertiesValue.get("workerSize"); if (workerSizeValue != null && workerSizeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { WorkerSizeOptions workerSizeInstance; workerSizeInstance = Enum.valueOf(WorkerSizeOptions.class, workerSizeValue.getTextValue()); propertiesInstance.setWorkerSize(workerSizeInstance); } JsonNode adminSiteNameValue = propertiesValue.get("adminSiteName"); if (adminSiteNameValue != null && adminSiteNameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String adminSiteNameInstance; adminSiteNameInstance = adminSiteNameValue.getTextValue(); propertiesInstance.setAdminSiteName(adminSiteNameInstance); } } JsonNode idValue = valueValue.get("id"); if (idValue != null && idValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String idInstance; idInstance = idValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setId(idInstance); } JsonNode nameValue = valueValue.get("name"); if (nameValue != null && nameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String nameInstance; nameInstance = nameValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setName(nameInstance); } JsonNode locationValue = valueValue.get("location"); if (locationValue != null && locationValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String locationInstance; locationInstance = locationValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setLocation(locationInstance); } JsonNode tagsSequenceElement = ((JsonNode) valueValue.get("tags")); if (tagsSequenceElement != null && tagsSequenceElement instanceof NullNode == false) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> itr = tagsSequenceElement.getFields(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> property =; String tagsKey = property.getKey(); String tagsValue = property.getValue().getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.getTags().put(tagsKey, tagsValue); } } JsonNode typeValue = valueValue.get("type"); if (typeValue != null && typeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String typeInstance; typeInstance = typeValue.getTextValue(); webHostingPlanInstance.setType(typeInstance); } } } } } result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } } }