Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ // Warning: This code was generated by a tool. // // Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the // code is regenerated. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.NullNode; /** * The Storage Management Client. */ public class StorageManagementClientImpl extends ServiceClient<StorageManagementClient> implements StorageManagementClient { private String apiVersion; /** * Gets the API version. * @return The ApiVersion value. */ public String getApiVersion() { return this.apiVersion; } private URI baseUri; /** * Gets the URI used as the base for all cloud service requests. * @return The BaseUri value. */ public URI getBaseUri() { return this.baseUri; } private SubscriptionCloudCredentials credentials; /** * Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure * subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every * service call. * @return The Credentials value. */ public SubscriptionCloudCredentials getCredentials() { return this.credentials; } private int longRunningOperationInitialTimeout; /** * Gets or sets the initial timeout for Long Running Operations. * @return The LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout value. */ public int getLongRunningOperationInitialTimeout() { return this.longRunningOperationInitialTimeout; } /** * Gets or sets the initial timeout for Long Running Operations. * @param longRunningOperationInitialTimeoutValue The * LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout value. */ public void setLongRunningOperationInitialTimeout(final int longRunningOperationInitialTimeoutValue) { this.longRunningOperationInitialTimeout = longRunningOperationInitialTimeoutValue; } private int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout; /** * Gets or sets the retry timeout for Long Running Operations. * @return The LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout value. */ public int getLongRunningOperationRetryTimeout() { return this.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout; } /** * Gets or sets the retry timeout for Long Running Operations. * @param longRunningOperationRetryTimeoutValue The * LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout value. */ public void setLongRunningOperationRetryTimeout(final int longRunningOperationRetryTimeoutValue) { this.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout = longRunningOperationRetryTimeoutValue; } private StorageAccountOperations storageAccounts; /** * Operations for managing storage accounts. * @return The StorageAccountsOperations value. */ public StorageAccountOperations getStorageAccountsOperations() { return this.storageAccounts; } private UsageOperations usage; /** * Operations for listing usage. * @return The UsageOperations value. */ public UsageOperations getUsageOperations() { return this.usage; } /** * Initializes a new instance of the StorageManagementClientImpl class. * * @param httpBuilder The HTTP client builder. * @param executorService The executor service. */ public StorageManagementClientImpl(HttpClientBuilder httpBuilder, ExecutorService executorService) { super(httpBuilder, executorService); this.storageAccounts = new StorageAccountOperationsImpl(this); this.usage = new UsageOperationsImpl(this); this.apiVersion = "2015-06-15"; this.longRunningOperationInitialTimeout = -1; this.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout = -1; } /** * Initializes a new instance of the StorageManagementClientImpl class. * * @param httpBuilder The HTTP client builder. * @param executorService The executor service. * @param credentials Required. Gets subscription credentials which uniquely * identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of * the URI for every service call. * @param baseUri Optional. Gets the URI used as the base for all cloud * service requests. */ @Inject public StorageManagementClientImpl(HttpClientBuilder httpBuilder, ExecutorService executorService, @Named(ManagementConfiguration.SUBSCRIPTION_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS) SubscriptionCloudCredentials credentials, @Named(ManagementConfiguration.URI) URI baseUri) { this(httpBuilder, executorService); if (credentials == null) { throw new NullPointerException("credentials"); } else { this.credentials = credentials; } if (baseUri == null) { try { this.baseUri = new URI(""); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { } } else { this.baseUri = baseUri; } } /** * Initializes a new instance of the StorageManagementClientImpl class. * * @param httpBuilder The HTTP client builder. * @param executorService The executor service. * @param credentials Required. Gets subscription credentials which uniquely * identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of * the URI for every service call. * @throws URISyntaxException Thrown if there was an error parsing a URI in * the response. */ public StorageManagementClientImpl(HttpClientBuilder httpBuilder, ExecutorService executorService, SubscriptionCloudCredentials credentials) throws URISyntaxException { this(httpBuilder, executorService); if (credentials == null) { throw new NullPointerException("credentials"); } this.credentials = credentials; this.baseUri = new URI(""); } /** * Initializes a new instance of the StorageManagementClientImpl class. * * @param httpBuilder The HTTP client builder. * @param executorService The executor service. * @param credentials Required. Gets subscription credentials which uniquely * identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of * the URI for every service call. * @param baseUri Optional. Gets the URI used as the base for all cloud * service requests. * @param apiVersion Optional. Gets the API version. * @param longRunningOperationInitialTimeout Required. Gets or sets the * initial timeout for Long Running Operations. * @param longRunningOperationRetryTimeout Required. Gets or sets the retry * timeout for Long Running Operations. */ public StorageManagementClientImpl(HttpClientBuilder httpBuilder, ExecutorService executorService, SubscriptionCloudCredentials credentials, URI baseUri, String apiVersion, int longRunningOperationInitialTimeout, int longRunningOperationRetryTimeout) { this(httpBuilder, executorService); this.credentials = credentials; this.baseUri = baseUri; this.apiVersion = apiVersion; this.longRunningOperationInitialTimeout = longRunningOperationInitialTimeout; this.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout = longRunningOperationRetryTimeout; } /** * Initializes a new instance of the StorageManagementClientImpl class. * * @param httpBuilder The HTTP client builder. * @param executorService The executor service. */ protected StorageManagementClientImpl newInstance(HttpClientBuilder httpBuilder, ExecutorService executorService) { return new StorageManagementClientImpl(httpBuilder, executorService, this.getCredentials(), this.getBaseUri(), this.getApiVersion(), this.getLongRunningOperationInitialTimeout(), this.getLongRunningOperationRetryTimeout()); } /** * Parse enum values for type AccountType. * * @param value The value to parse. * @return The enum value. */ static AccountType parseAccountType(String value) { if ("Standard_LRS".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return AccountType.StandardLRS; } if ("Standard_ZRS".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return AccountType.StandardZRS; } if ("Standard_GRS".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return AccountType.StandardGRS; } if ("Standard_RAGRS".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return AccountType.StandardRAGRS; } if ("Premium_LRS".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return AccountType.PremiumLRS; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("value"); } /** * Convert an enum of type AccountType to a string. * * @param value The value to convert to a string. * @return The enum value as a string. */ static String accountTypeToString(AccountType value) { if (value == AccountType.StandardLRS) { return "Standard_LRS"; } if (value == AccountType.StandardZRS) { return "Standard_ZRS"; } if (value == AccountType.StandardGRS) { return "Standard_GRS"; } if (value == AccountType.StandardRAGRS) { return "Standard_RAGRS"; } if (value == AccountType.PremiumLRS) { return "Premium_LRS"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("value"); } /** * The Get Create Operation Status operation returns the status of the * specified create operation. After calling the asynchronous Begin Create * operation, you can call Get Create Operation Status to determine whether * the operation has succeeded, failed, or is still in progress. * * @param operationStatusLink Required. The URL where the status of the * long-running create operation can be checked. * @return The Create storage account operation response. */ @Override public Future<StorageAccountCreateResponse> getCreateOperationStatusAsync(final String operationStatusLink) { return this.getExecutorService().submit(new Callable<StorageAccountCreateResponse>() { @Override public StorageAccountCreateResponse call() throws Exception { return getCreateOperationStatus(operationStatusLink); } }); } /** * The Get Create Operation Status operation returns the status of the * specified create operation. After calling the asynchronous Begin Create * operation, you can call Get Create Operation Status to determine whether * the operation has succeeded, failed, or is still in progress. * * @param operationStatusLink Required. The URL where the status of the * long-running create operation can be checked. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @throws URISyntaxException Thrown if there was an error parsing a URI in * the response. * @return The Create storage account operation response. */ @Override public StorageAccountCreateResponse getCreateOperationStatus(String operationStatusLink) throws IOException, ServiceException, URISyntaxException { // Validate if (operationStatusLink == null) { throw new NullPointerException("operationStatusLink"); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("operationStatusLink", operationStatusLink); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "getCreateOperationStatusAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + operationStatusLink; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(url); // Set Headers httpRequest.setHeader("x-ms-client-request-id", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK && statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED && statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromJson(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result StorageAccountCreateResponse result = null; // Deserialize Response if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { InputStream responseContent = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); result = new StorageAccountCreateResponse(); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode responseDoc = null; String responseDocContent = IOUtils.toString(responseContent); if (responseDocContent == null == false && responseDocContent.length() > 0) { responseDoc = objectMapper.readTree(responseDocContent); } if (responseDoc != null && responseDoc instanceof NullNode == false) { StorageAccount storageAccountInstance = new StorageAccount(); result.setStorageAccount(storageAccountInstance); JsonNode idValue = responseDoc.get("id"); if (idValue != null && idValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String idInstance; idInstance = idValue.getTextValue(); storageAccountInstance.setId(idInstance); } JsonNode nameValue = responseDoc.get("name"); if (nameValue != null && nameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String nameInstance; nameInstance = nameValue.getTextValue(); storageAccountInstance.setName(nameInstance); } JsonNode typeValue = responseDoc.get("type"); if (typeValue != null && typeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String typeInstance; typeInstance = typeValue.getTextValue(); storageAccountInstance.setType(typeInstance); } JsonNode locationValue = responseDoc.get("location"); if (locationValue != null && locationValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String locationInstance; locationInstance = locationValue.getTextValue(); storageAccountInstance.setLocation(locationInstance); } JsonNode tagsSequenceElement = ((JsonNode) responseDoc.get("tags")); if (tagsSequenceElement != null && tagsSequenceElement instanceof NullNode == false) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> itr = tagsSequenceElement.getFields(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> property =; String tagsKey = property.getKey(); String tagsValue = property.getValue().getTextValue(); storageAccountInstance.getTags().put(tagsKey, tagsValue); } } JsonNode propertiesValue = responseDoc.get("properties"); if (propertiesValue != null && propertiesValue instanceof NullNode == false) { JsonNode provisioningStateValue = propertiesValue.get("provisioningState"); if (provisioningStateValue != null && provisioningStateValue instanceof NullNode == false) { ProvisioningState provisioningStateInstance; provisioningStateInstance = EnumUtility.fromString(ProvisioningState.class, provisioningStateValue.getTextValue()); storageAccountInstance.setProvisioningState(provisioningStateInstance); } JsonNode accountTypeValue = propertiesValue.get("accountType"); if (accountTypeValue != null && accountTypeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { AccountType accountTypeInstance; accountTypeInstance = .parseAccountType(accountTypeValue.getTextValue()); storageAccountInstance.setAccountType(accountTypeInstance); } JsonNode primaryEndpointsValue = propertiesValue.get("primaryEndpoints"); if (primaryEndpointsValue != null && primaryEndpointsValue instanceof NullNode == false) { Endpoints primaryEndpointsInstance = new Endpoints(); storageAccountInstance.setPrimaryEndpoints(primaryEndpointsInstance); JsonNode blobValue = primaryEndpointsValue.get("blob"); if (blobValue != null && blobValue instanceof NullNode == false) { URI blobInstance; blobInstance = new URI(blobValue.getTextValue()); primaryEndpointsInstance.setBlob(blobInstance); } JsonNode queueValue = primaryEndpointsValue.get("queue"); if (queueValue != null && queueValue instanceof NullNode == false) { URI queueInstance; queueInstance = new URI(queueValue.getTextValue()); primaryEndpointsInstance.setQueue(queueInstance); } JsonNode tableValue = primaryEndpointsValue.get("table"); if (tableValue != null && tableValue instanceof NullNode == false) { URI tableInstance; tableInstance = new URI(tableValue.getTextValue()); primaryEndpointsInstance.setTable(tableInstance); } JsonNode fileValue = primaryEndpointsValue.get("file"); if (fileValue != null && fileValue instanceof NullNode == false) { URI fileInstance; fileInstance = new URI(fileValue.getTextValue()); primaryEndpointsInstance.setFile(fileInstance); } } JsonNode primaryLocationValue = propertiesValue.get("primaryLocation"); if (primaryLocationValue != null && primaryLocationValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String primaryLocationInstance; primaryLocationInstance = primaryLocationValue.getTextValue(); storageAccountInstance.setPrimaryLocation(primaryLocationInstance); } JsonNode statusOfPrimaryValue = propertiesValue.get("statusOfPrimary"); if (statusOfPrimaryValue != null && statusOfPrimaryValue instanceof NullNode == false) { AccountStatus statusOfPrimaryInstance; statusOfPrimaryInstance = EnumUtility.fromString(AccountStatus.class, statusOfPrimaryValue.getTextValue()); storageAccountInstance.setStatusOfPrimary(statusOfPrimaryInstance); } JsonNode lastGeoFailoverTimeValue = propertiesValue.get("lastGeoFailoverTime"); if (lastGeoFailoverTimeValue != null && lastGeoFailoverTimeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { Calendar lastGeoFailoverTimeInstance; lastGeoFailoverTimeInstance = DatatypeConverter .parseDateTime(lastGeoFailoverTimeValue.getTextValue()); storageAccountInstance.setLastGeoFailoverTime(lastGeoFailoverTimeInstance); } JsonNode secondaryLocationValue = propertiesValue.get("secondaryLocation"); if (secondaryLocationValue != null && secondaryLocationValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String secondaryLocationInstance; secondaryLocationInstance = secondaryLocationValue.getTextValue(); storageAccountInstance.setSecondaryLocation(secondaryLocationInstance); } JsonNode statusOfSecondaryValue = propertiesValue.get("statusOfSecondary"); if (statusOfSecondaryValue != null && statusOfSecondaryValue instanceof NullNode == false) { AccountStatus statusOfSecondaryInstance; statusOfSecondaryInstance = EnumUtility.fromString(AccountStatus.class, statusOfSecondaryValue.getTextValue()); storageAccountInstance.setStatusOfSecondary(statusOfSecondaryInstance); } JsonNode creationTimeValue = propertiesValue.get("creationTime"); if (creationTimeValue != null && creationTimeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { Calendar creationTimeInstance; creationTimeInstance = DatatypeConverter .parseDateTime(creationTimeValue.getTextValue()); storageAccountInstance.setCreationTime(creationTimeInstance); } JsonNode customDomainValue = propertiesValue.get("customDomain"); if (customDomainValue != null && customDomainValue instanceof NullNode == false) { CustomDomain customDomainInstance = new CustomDomain(); storageAccountInstance.setCustomDomain(customDomainInstance); JsonNode nameValue2 = customDomainValue.get("name"); if (nameValue2 != null && nameValue2 instanceof NullNode == false) { String nameInstance2; nameInstance2 = nameValue2.getTextValue(); customDomainInstance.setName(nameInstance2); } JsonNode useSubDomainValue = customDomainValue.get("useSubDomain"); if (useSubDomainValue != null && useSubDomainValue instanceof NullNode == false) { boolean useSubDomainInstance; useSubDomainInstance = useSubDomainValue.getBooleanValue(); customDomainInstance.setUseSubDomain(useSubDomainInstance); } } JsonNode secondaryEndpointsValue = propertiesValue.get("secondaryEndpoints"); if (secondaryEndpointsValue != null && secondaryEndpointsValue instanceof NullNode == false) { Endpoints secondaryEndpointsInstance = new Endpoints(); storageAccountInstance.setSecondaryEndpoints(secondaryEndpointsInstance); JsonNode blobValue2 = secondaryEndpointsValue.get("blob"); if (blobValue2 != null && blobValue2 instanceof NullNode == false) { URI blobInstance2; blobInstance2 = new URI(blobValue2.getTextValue()); secondaryEndpointsInstance.setBlob(blobInstance2); } JsonNode queueValue2 = secondaryEndpointsValue.get("queue"); if (queueValue2 != null && queueValue2 instanceof NullNode == false) { URI queueInstance2; queueInstance2 = new URI(queueValue2.getTextValue()); secondaryEndpointsInstance.setQueue(queueInstance2); } JsonNode tableValue2 = secondaryEndpointsValue.get("table"); if (tableValue2 != null && tableValue2 instanceof NullNode == false) { URI tableInstance2; tableInstance2 = new URI(tableValue2.getTextValue()); secondaryEndpointsInstance.setTable(tableInstance2); } JsonNode fileValue2 = secondaryEndpointsValue.get("file"); if (fileValue2 != null && fileValue2 instanceof NullNode == false) { URI fileInstance2; fileInstance2 = new URI(fileValue2.getTextValue()); secondaryEndpointsInstance.setFile(fileInstance2); } } } } } result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("Location").length > 0) { result.setOperationStatusLink(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("Location").getValue()); } if (httpResponse.getHeaders("Retry-After").length > 0) { result.setRetryAfter( DatatypeConverter.parseInt(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("Retry-After").getValue())); } if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT) { result.setStatus(OperationStatus.Failed); } if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED) { result.setStatus(OperationStatus.InProgress); } if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { result.setStatus(OperationStatus.InProgress); } if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { result.setStatus(OperationStatus.Succeeded); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } } }