Java tutorial
/* * ApplicationInsights-Java * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation * All rights reserved. * * MIT License * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS*, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import; /** * The class is responsible for managing the back-offs of Sender Threads. * * Sending threads are expected to: * 1. Call 'backOffCurrentSenderThread' when they need to suspend their work with a Transmission. * A typical scenario is when the thread was given a 'Throttled' response from the server. * 2. Call 'onDoneSending' when the thread doesn't need to re-send the Transmission. This might * happen when the Transmission was successfully sent, or when there are errors that lead to this decision. * * In either way, each send activity must be followed by calling one of those methods. Failing to do so, might result in undefined behavior. * * Created by gupele on 2/9/2015. */ final class SenderThreadsBackOffManager extends ThreadLocal<SenderThreadLocalBackOffData> { // The back-off timeouts that will be used by sender threads when need to back-off. private long[] backOffTimeoutsInMilliseconds = null; // All the thread local data private final ArrayList<SenderThreadLocalBackOffData> allSendersData; // A way to distinct private final AtomicInteger threadsSecondsDifference = new AtomicInteger(-1); private SenderThreadLocalBackOffData senderThreadLocalData; private boolean stopped; public SenderThreadsBackOffManager(BackOffTimesPolicy backOffTimesContainer) { allSendersData = new ArrayList<SenderThreadLocalBackOffData>(); initializeBackOffTimeouts(backOffTimesContainer); } public void onDoneSending() { SenderThreadLocalBackOffData currentThreadData = this.get(); currentThreadData.onDoneSending(); } public boolean backOffCurrentSenderThread() { SenderThreadLocalBackOffData currentThreadData = this.get(); return currentThreadData.backOff(); } public synchronized void stopAllSendersBackOffActivities() { for (SenderThreadLocalBackOffData sender : allSendersData) { sender.stop(); } stopped = true; } @Override protected SenderThreadLocalBackOffData initialValue() { int addSeconds = threadsSecondsDifference.incrementAndGet(); senderThreadLocalData = new SenderThreadLocalBackOffData(backOffTimeoutsInMilliseconds, addSeconds * 1000); registerSenderData(senderThreadLocalData); return senderThreadLocalData; } private synchronized void registerSenderData(SenderThreadLocalBackOffData senderData) { if (stopped) { senderData.stop(); } allSendersData.add(senderData); } /** * Initialize the 'backOffTimeoutsInSeconds' container, which should be done only once. * @param container The container that supplies the back-off timeouts in seconds. * Note that if the container returns null, an exception (NullPointerException) will be thrown. */ private synchronized void initializeBackOffTimeouts(BackOffTimesPolicy container) { if (backOffTimeoutsInMilliseconds != null) { return; } if (container == null) { backOffTimeoutsInMilliseconds = new ExponentialBackOffTimesPolicy().getBackOffTimeoutsInMillis(); InternalLogger.INSTANCE.trace("No BackOffTimesContainer, using default values."); return; } long[] injectedBackOffTimeoutsInSeconds = container.getBackOffTimeoutsInMillis(); ArrayList<Long> validBackOffTimeoutsInSeconds = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (injectedBackOffTimeoutsInSeconds != null) { for (long backOffValue : injectedBackOffTimeoutsInSeconds) { if (backOffValue <= 0) { continue; } validBackOffTimeoutsInSeconds.add(backOffValue); } } if (validBackOffTimeoutsInSeconds.isEmpty()) { backOffTimeoutsInMilliseconds = new ExponentialBackOffTimesPolicy().getBackOffTimeoutsInMillis(); InternalLogger.INSTANCE.trace("BackOff timeouts are not supplied or not valid, using default values."); return; } backOffTimeoutsInMilliseconds = Longs.toArray(validBackOffTimeoutsInSeconds); } }