Java tutorial
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See License.txt in the project root. package; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import git4idea.GitCommit; import git4idea.GitRemoteBranch; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; /** * Helper utility class for pull request related methods */ public class PullRequestHelper { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PullRequestHelper.class); public enum PRCreateStatus { UNKNOWN, FAILED, SUCCESS, DUPLICATE } public static final String PR_EXISTS_EXCEPTION_NAME = "GitPullRequestExistsException"; public static final String PR_EXISTS_EXCEPTION_CODE = "TF401179"; private static final String WEB_ACCESS_PR_FORMAT = "%s/pullrequest/%d#view=discussion"; private static final String TF_REF_FORMATTER = "refs/heads/%s"; /** * Create a default title for pull request * <p/> * If there is only one commit, use its subject; otherwise use a standard template * "Merge source to target". * <p/> * Default titles will be less than 120 chars. * * @return default title */ public String createDefaultTitle(final List<GitCommit> commits, final String sourceBranchName, final String targetBranchName) { if (commits == null || commits.isEmpty()) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } if (commits.size() == 1) { // if we only have one commit, use it's title as the title of pull request final GitCommit commit = commits.get(0); final String commitMessage = commit.getSubject(); //WebAcess use 80 (because it's common code for many things, and 80 is such a magic number), //but IMHO 80 is too short for title, set it to 120 final int titleLength = 120; if (commitMessage.length() < titleLength) { return commitMessage; } else { // break at last whitespace right before length 120 final String shortCommitMessage = commitMessage.substring(0, titleLength); return StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(shortCommitMessage, "\\s+"); } } // Standard title "merging source branch to target branch" return TfPluginBundle.message(TfPluginBundle.KEY_CREATE_PR_DEFAULT_TITLE, sourceBranchName, targetBranchName); } /** * Create a default description for pull request * <p/> * If there is only one commit, use its message; otherwise use a standard template * "-Subject" for every commit * * @return default Description */ public String createDefaultDescription(final List<GitCommit> commits) { if (commits == null || commits.isEmpty()) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } if (commits.size() == 1) { final GitCommit commit = commits.get(0); if (commit.getFullMessage().length() > CreatePullRequestModel.MAX_SIZE_DESCRIPTION) { return commit.getFullMessage().substring(0, CreatePullRequestModel.MAX_SIZE_DESCRIPTION - 5) + "..."; } return commit.getFullMessage(); } final StringBuilder descBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); // WebAccess limit, at most we look at the last 10 commits final int descCommitsLimit = 10; for (int i = 0; i < descCommitsLimit && i < commits.size(); ++i) { final GitCommit commit = commits.get(i); descBuilder.append("-").append(commit.getSubject()).append(lineSeparator); } // there is a chance there are more than 10 commits if (commits.size() > descCommitsLimit) { descBuilder.append("..."); } // oh well, if it's longer than 4000 chars, we probably won't care about the last few words // we will lose our "..." and may break off in the middle of a word return descBuilder.length() < CreatePullRequestModel.MAX_SIZE_DESCRIPTION ? descBuilder.toString() : descBuilder.substring(0, CreatePullRequestModel.MAX_SIZE_DESCRIPTION - 10); } /** * A html document points to the webaccess PR link * * @param repositoryRemoteUrl git repo url * @param id pull request id * @return html document with link to specified pull request */ public String getHtmlMsg(final String repositoryRemoteUrl, final int id) { final String text = TfPluginBundle.message(TfPluginBundle.KEY_CREATE_PR_CREATED_MESSAGE, String.valueOf(id)); final String webAccessUrl = String.format(WEB_ACCESS_PR_FORMAT, repositoryRemoteUrl, id); return String.format(UrlHelper.SHORT_HTTP_LINK_FORMATTER, webAccessUrl, text); } public GitPullRequestEx generateGitPullRequest(@NotNull final String title, @NotNull final String description, @NotNull final String branchNameOnRemoteServer, @NotNull final GitRemoteBranch targetBranch, @NotNull final Set<Integer> workItems, @NotNull final ServerContext context) { final GitPullRequestEx pullRequest = new GitPullRequestEx(); pullRequest.setTitle(title); pullRequest.setDescription(description); pullRequest.setSourceRefName(getVSORefName(branchNameOnRemoteServer)); pullRequest.setTargetRefName(getVSORefName(targetBranch.getNameForRemoteOperations())); // add work items that are to be associated to the request try { if (!workItems.isEmpty()) { final ResourceRef[] workItemRefs = new ResourceRef[workItems.size()]; int count = 0; for (final int workItemId : workItems) { final ResourceRef ref = new ResourceRef(); ref.setId(String.valueOf(workItemId)); ref.setUrl(UrlHelper.getWorkItemRefURI(context.getTeamProjectURI(), String.valueOf(workItemId)) .toString()); workItemRefs[count] = ref; count++; } pullRequest.setWorkItemRefs(workItemRefs); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error while adding work items to pull request", e); } return pullRequest; } /** * Parse the exception we got when generating pull request * <p/> * if we have a duplicate pr on server, try locate its id and generate a link to it * * @return status and string message as a pair */ public Pair<PRCreateStatus, String> parseException(final Throwable t, final String sourceBranch, final GitRemoteBranch targetBranch, final ServerContext context, final GitHttpClient gitClient) { if (t == null) { // if there is no throwale, why are we here? return Pair.create(PRCreateStatus.UNKNOWN, StringUtils.EMPTY); } if ((StringUtils.contains(t.getMessage(), PR_EXISTS_EXCEPTION_NAME)) || (StringUtils.contains(t.getMessage(), PR_EXISTS_EXCEPTION_CODE))) { try { // look for the existing PR final UUID repoId = context.getGitRepository().getId(); final GitPullRequestSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new GitPullRequestSearchCriteria(); searchCriteria.setRepositoryId(repoId); searchCriteria.setStatus(PullRequestStatus.ACTIVE); searchCriteria.setSourceRefName(getVSORefName(sourceBranch)); searchCriteria.setTargetRefName(getVSORefName(targetBranch.getNameForRemoteOperations())); List<GitPullRequest> pullRequests = gitClient.getPullRequests(repoId, searchCriteria, null, 0, 1); if (pullRequests != null && pullRequests.size() > 0) { final String repositoryRemoteUrl = context.getGitRepository().getRemoteUrl(); final String notifyMsgInHtml = getHtmlMsg(repositoryRemoteUrl, pullRequests.get(0).getPullRequestId()); return Pair.create(PRCreateStatus.DUPLICATE, notifyMsgInHtml); } } catch (Throwable innerT) { logger.error("Failed to retrieve existing pull request", innerT); // since we are making server calls, it's possible this call will fail, in that case, just return // the original exception, never let any exception bubble up to intellij return Pair.create(PRCreateStatus.FAILED, t.getMessage()); } } return Pair.create(PRCreateStatus.FAILED, t.getMessage()); } private String getVSORefName(final String name) { return String.format(TF_REF_FORMATTER, name); } }