Java tutorial
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See License.txt in the project root. package; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * This command returns a fully filled out workspace object. */ public class GetWorkspaceCommand extends Command<Workspace> { private final String workspaceName; public GetWorkspaceCommand(final ServerContext context, final String workspaceName) { super("workspaces", context); ArgumentHelper.checkNotEmptyString(workspaceName, "workspaceName"); this.workspaceName = workspaceName; } @Override public ToolRunner.ArgumentBuilder getArgumentBuilder() { final ToolRunner.ArgumentBuilder builder = super.getArgumentBuilder().add(workspaceName).addSwitch("format", "xml"); return builder; } /** * Parses the output of the workspaces command. * SAMPLE * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> * <workspaces> * <workspace name="MyNewWorkspace2" owner="username" computer="machine" comment="description" server="http://server:8080/tfs/"> * <working-folder server-item="$/TeamProject" local-item="D:\project1" type="map" depth="full"/> * </workspace> * </workspaces> */ @Override public Workspace parseOutput(final String stdout, final String stderr) { super.throwIfError(stderr); final NodeList workspaceNodeList = super.evaluateXPath(stdout, "/workspaces/workspace"); if (workspaceNodeList != null && workspaceNodeList.getLength() == 1) { final NamedNodeMap workspaceAttributes = workspaceNodeList.item(0).getAttributes(); // Get all the mappings for the workspace final NodeList mappingsNodeList = super.evaluateXPath(stdout, "/workspaces/workspace/working-folder"); final List<Workspace.Mapping> mappings = new ArrayList<Workspace.Mapping>(mappingsNodeList.getLength()); for (int i = 0; i < mappingsNodeList.getLength(); i++) { final NamedNodeMap mappingAttributes = mappingsNodeList.item(i).getAttributes(); final String localPath = getXPathAttributeValue(mappingAttributes, "local-item"); final String depth = getXPathAttributeValue(mappingAttributes, "depth"); final boolean isCloaked = !StringUtils.equals(getXPathAttributeValue(mappingAttributes, "type"), "map"); String serverPath = getXPathAttributeValue(mappingAttributes, "server-item"); if (!StringUtils.equals(depth, "full")) { // The normal way to denote one level mappings (not full mappings) is to end the server path // with a /*. This indicates that the mapping is not recursive to all subfolders. serverPath = WorkspaceHelper.getOneLevelServerPath(serverPath); } mappings.add(new Workspace.Mapping(serverPath, localPath, isCloaked)); } // Get owner name (display name may not be available String owner = getXPathAttributeValue(workspaceAttributes, "owner-display-name"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(owner)) { owner = getXPathAttributeValue(workspaceAttributes, "owner"); } final Workspace workspace = new Workspace(getXPathAttributeValue(workspaceAttributes, "server"), getXPathAttributeValue(workspaceAttributes, "name"), getXPathAttributeValue(workspaceAttributes, "computer"), owner, getXPathAttributeValue(workspaceAttributes, "comment"), mappings); return workspace; } return null; } }