Java tutorial
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See License.txt in the project root. package; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * This command creates a new workspace. * <p/> * workspace /new [/noprompt] [/template:<value>] [/computer:<value>] [/comment:<value>|@valuefile] [/collection:<url>] [/location:server|local] * [/filetime:current|checkin] [/permission:Private|PublicLimited|Public] [<workspacename;[workspaceowner]>] */ public class CreateWorkspaceCommand extends Command<String> { private static String WORKSPACE_EXISTS_ERROR = "An error occurred: The workspace %s;.* already exists on computer .*"; private final String workspaceName; private final String comment; private final Workspace.FileTime fileTime; private final Workspace.Permission permission; /** * Constructor * * @param context This is the server context used for collection and login info (can be null) * @param workspaceName This is the current name of the workspace to update */ public CreateWorkspaceCommand(final ServerContext context, final String workspaceName, final String comment, final Workspace.FileTime fileTime, final Workspace.Permission permission) { super("workspace", context); ArgumentHelper.checkNotEmptyString(workspaceName, "workspaceName"); this.workspaceName = workspaceName; this.comment = comment; this.fileTime = fileTime; this.permission = permission; } @Override public ToolRunner.ArgumentBuilder getArgumentBuilder() { final ToolRunner.ArgumentBuilder builder = super.getArgumentBuilder().addSwitch("new").add(workspaceName); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(comment)) { builder.addSwitch("comment", comment); } if (fileTime != null) { builder.addSwitch("filetime", fileTime.toString()); } if (permission != null) { builder.addSwitch("permission", permission.toString()); } return builder; } /** * There is no useful output from this command unless there is an error. This method parses the error and throws if * one exists. */ @Override public String parseOutput(final String stdout, final String stderr) { throwIfError(stderr); // There is no useful output on success return StringUtils.EMPTY; } /** * Parse for specific error messages from CreateWorkspace command * * @param stderr */ @Override protected void throwIfError(final String stderr) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(stderr)) { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(String.format(WORKSPACE_EXISTS_ERROR, workspaceName)); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(stderr); if (matcher.find()) throw new WorkspaceAlreadyExistsException(workspaceName); } super.throwIfError(stderr); } }