Java tutorial
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See License.txt in the project root. package; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; public class UrlHelper { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UrlHelper.class); public static final String URL_SEPARATOR = "/"; // this formatter assumes the entire text is a hyperlink, works for short messages public static final String SHORT_HTTP_LINK_FORMATTER = "<html><body><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></body></html>"; public static final String HOST_VSO = ""; public static final String HOST_TFS_ALL_IN = ""; //azure test subscriptions private static final String URL_GIT_PATH_SEGMENT = "_git"; private static final String URL_BUILD_PATH_SEGMENT = "_build"; private static final String URL_BUILD_SPECIFIC_ITEM_PATH_SEGMENT = "?buildid=%d&_a=summary"; private static final String URL_WIT_PATH_SEGMENT = "_workitems"; private static final String URL_OPTIMIZED_REF_PATH_SEGMENT = "_optimized"; private static final String URL_FULL_REF_PATH_SEGMENT = "_full"; private static final String URL_WIT_SPECIFIC_ITEM_PATH_SEGMENT = "?id=%d&_a=edit"; private static final String HTTP_PROTOCOL = "http"; private static final String HTTPS_PROTOCOL = "https"; public static URI createUri(final String url) { return URI.create(getCmdLineFriendlyUrl(url)); } public static boolean isValidUrl(final String serverUrl) { try { new URL(serverUrl); return true; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { //URL is not in a valid form logger.warn(serverUrl, e); } return false; } public static String asString(final URI uri) { if (uri != null) { return uri.toString(); } return null; } public static String trimTrailingSeparators(final String uri) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(uri)) { int lastIndex = uri.length(); while (lastIndex > 0 && uri.charAt(lastIndex - 1) == URL_SEPARATOR.charAt(0)) { lastIndex--; } if (lastIndex >= 0) { return uri.substring(0, lastIndex); } } return uri; } public static boolean isVSO(final URI uri) { if (uri != null && uri.getHost() != null) { final String host = uri.getHost().toLowerCase(); if (StringUtils.endsWith(host, HOST_VSO) || StringUtils.endsWith(host, HOST_TFS_ALL_IN)) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isTeamServicesUrl(final String url) { if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(url, HOST_VSO) || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(url, HOST_TFS_ALL_IN)) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean isGitRemoteUrl(final String gitRemoteUrl) { return StringUtils.contains(gitRemoteUrl, "/_git/"); } public static boolean isSshGitRemoteUrl(final String gitRemoteUrl) { if (isGitRemoteUrl(gitRemoteUrl) && isTeamServicesUrl(gitRemoteUrl)) { if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(gitRemoteUrl, "https://") || StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(gitRemoteUrl, "http://")) { return false; } if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(gitRemoteUrl, "ssh://")) { return true; } // check for @ in url - team project name, repo name, collection name and account name don't allow @ // E.g of valid url formats: // ssh:// // if (StringUtils.contains(gitRemoteUrl, "@")) { return true; } } return false; } public static String getHttpsUrlFromHttpUrl(final String httpUrl) { final URI uri = createUri(httpUrl); String httpsUrl = httpUrl; if (uri != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme(), "http")) { final URI httpsUri = createUri("https://" + uri.getAuthority() + uri.getPath()); httpsUrl = httpsUri.toString(); } if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(httpsUrl, "https://")) { return httpsUrl; } else { return null; } } public static String getHttpsGitUrlFromSshUrl(final String sshGitRemoteUrl) { if (isSshGitRemoteUrl(sshGitRemoteUrl)) { final URI sshUrl; if (!StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(sshGitRemoteUrl, "ssh://")) { sshUrl = UrlHelper.createUri("ssh://" + sshGitRemoteUrl); } else { sshUrl = UrlHelper.createUri(sshGitRemoteUrl); } final String host = sshUrl.getHost(); final String path = sshUrl.getPath(); final URI httpsUrl = UrlHelper.createUri("https://" + host + path); return httpsUrl.toString(); } return null; } public static String getCmdLineFriendlyUrl(final String url) { return StringUtils.replace(url, " ", "%20"); } public static URI getVSOAccountURI(final String accountName) { return UrlHelper.createUri("https://" + accountName + "." + HOST_VSO); //TODO: how to get account url correctly? } public static URI getCollectionURI(final URI serverUri, final String collectionName) { if (isVSO(serverUri) && getVSOAccountURI(collectionName).equals(serverUri)) { //collection in the domain case on VSTS return serverUri; } return UrlHelper.createUri(serverUri.toString().concat(URL_SEPARATOR).concat(collectionName)); } public static URI getTeamProjectURI(final URI serverUri, final String collectionName, final String teamProjectName) { return UrlHelper.createUri(getCollectionURI(serverUri, collectionName).toString().concat(URL_SEPARATOR) .concat(teamProjectName)); } public static URI getBuildURI(final URI projectUri, final int buildId) { return UrlHelper.createUri(projectUri.toString().concat(URL_SEPARATOR).concat(URL_BUILD_PATH_SEGMENT) .concat(String.format(URL_BUILD_SPECIFIC_ITEM_PATH_SEGMENT, buildId))); } public static URI getCreateWorkItemURI(final URI projectUri) { //TODO: this url isn't exactly correct because we don't know the WI Type to create return UrlHelper.createUri(projectUri.toString().concat(URL_SEPARATOR).concat(URL_WIT_PATH_SEGMENT)); } public static URI getSpecificWorkItemURI(final URI projectUri, final int workItemId) { return UrlHelper.createUri(projectUri.toString().concat(URL_SEPARATOR).concat(URL_WIT_PATH_SEGMENT) .concat(String.format(URL_WIT_SPECIFIC_ITEM_PATH_SEGMENT, workItemId))); } public static URI getMyWorkItemsURI(final URI projectUri) { // The default query when you navigate to the work items section is the "Assigned to me" query results return UrlHelper.createUri(projectUri.toString().concat(URL_SEPARATOR).concat(URL_WIT_PATH_SEGMENT)); } public static boolean haveSameAuthority(final URI remoteUrl1, final URI remoteUrl2) { if (remoteUrl1 != null && remoteUrl2 != null) { return StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(remoteUrl1.getAuthority(), remoteUrl2.getAuthority()); } return false; } /** * Parse URI for branch name * * @param uri ex: vstfs:///Git/Ref/ProjectId%2FRepoId%2FGB<BranchName> * @return branch name */ public static String parseUriForBranch(final String uri) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(uri)) { GitRefArtifactID artifactID = new GitRefArtifactID(uri); return artifactID.getRefName(); } else { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } } /** * This method returns the account name based on the VSO url provided. * * @param vsoUri the VSO url to parse * @return the string after the "http://" and before the first "/". */ public static String getVSOAccountName(final URI vsoUri) { final String[] hostParts = vsoUri.getHost().split("\\."); final String accountName = hostParts.length > 0 ? hostParts[0] : ""; return accountName; } public static URI resolveEndpointUri(URI baseUri, String endpointPath) { if (!baseUri.getPath().endsWith("/")) { baseUri = createUri(baseUri.toString() + "/"); } if (endpointPath.startsWith("/")) { endpointPath = endpointPath.substring(1); } return baseUri.resolve(endpointPath); } /** * Given a git url, try parse the collection and project name out of this url * <p/> * valid schema: * schema://host[:port][/IIS-path]/collection[/project]/_git[/(_optimized|_full)]/repository[/] * <p/> * name restrictions for TFS: * * * @param gitUrl git fetch/push url * @param validator a provided method to validate the validity of the parsed result * this abstracts the authentication requirement away from this utility * @return a parseResult, * parsed and validated result. If parsing isn't successful, every field is null */ public static ParseResult tryParse(final String gitUrl, final ParseResultValidator validator) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(gitUrl)) { return ParseResult.FAILED; } final URI gitUri; try { gitUri = createUri(gitUrl); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("tryParse: creating Uri failed for Git url: {}", gitUrl, t); return ParseResult.FAILED; } // only support http and https (ssh support will come later when the format of the url is better understood) try { final String scheme = gitUri.getScheme() != null ? gitUri.getScheme().toLowerCase() : null; if (HTTPS_PROTOCOL.equals(scheme) || HTTP_PROTOCOL.equals(scheme)) { return HttpGitUrlParser.tryParse(gitUri, validator); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("tryParse: unexpected error for gitUrl = " + gitUrl); logger.warn("tryParse", t); } return ParseResult.FAILED; } public static class ParseResult { public static final ParseResult FAILED = new ParseResult(null, null, null, null, null, null); private final String accountName; private final String serverUrl; private final String collectionUrl; private final String collectionName; private final String projectName; private final String repoName; // A ParseResult.Builder might make a lot of sense here if we really want this ctor to be public. public ParseResult(final String serverUrl, final String collectionUrl, final String collectionName, final String projectName, final String repoName, final String accountName) { this.serverUrl = serverUrl; this.collectionUrl = collectionUrl; this.collectionName = collectionName; this.projectName = projectName; this.repoName = repoName; this.accountName = accountName; } public boolean isSuccess() { return this != FAILED; } public boolean isVSO() { return UrlHelper.isVSO(createUri(this.serverUrl)); } public String getServerUrl() { return serverUrl; } public String getCollectionUrl() { return collectionUrl; } public String getCollectionName() { return collectionName; } public String getProjectName() { return projectName; } public String getRepoName() { return repoName; } public String getAccountName() { return accountName; } @Override public String toString() { return "ServerUrl = " + serverUrl + " " + "CollectionUrl = " + collectionUrl + " " + "CollectionName = " + collectionName + " " + "ProjectName = " + projectName + " " + "RepoName = " + repoName + " " + "AccountName = " + accountName; } } private static class HttpGitUrlParser { private static ParseResult tryParse(final URI gitUri, final ParseResultValidator validator) { // not all valid uri is valid http url if (!isValidUrl(gitUri.toString())) { return ParseResult.FAILED; } final String[] pathSegments = getPathSegments(gitUri); if (!isPathSegmentValid(pathSegments)) { return ParseResult.FAILED; } // first assuming no "project" in git url, this is true for the default/first repository in a project // there is no "project" path segment, collection url is all the way upto _git, and project name == repo name final ParseResult result = buildParseResult(gitUri, pathSegments, false); if (validator.validate(result)) { return result; } // so first attempt of no "project" segment failed, repo is not the same as project, try the explicit project name at // the third to last segment final ParseResult alternateResult = buildParseResult(gitUri, pathSegments, true); if (validator.validate(alternateResult)) { return alternateResult; } return ParseResult.FAILED; } private static String[] getPathSegments(final URI gitUri) { //strip leading and trailing slashes final String gitUrlPath = gitUri.normalize().getPath().replaceAll("/$", "").replaceAll("^/", ""); return gitUrlPath.split("/"); } private static boolean isPathSegmentValid(final String[] segments) { // must have "collection", "_git", and "repository" at a minimum if (segments == null || segments.length < 3) { return false; } // if "_git" is the n-1 segment for a regular url, it's good final String secondToLastSegment = segments[segments.length - 2]; if (URL_GIT_PATH_SEGMENT.equals(secondToLastSegment)) { return true; } // or "_git" must be the n-2 segment for a limited ref url, and n-1 segment is either "_optimized" or "_full" final String thirdToLastSegment = segments[segments.length - 3]; if (URL_GIT_PATH_SEGMENT.equals(thirdToLastSegment) && (URL_OPTIMIZED_REF_PATH_SEGMENT.equals(secondToLastSegment) || URL_FULL_REF_PATH_SEGMENT.equals(secondToLastSegment))) { return true; } return false; } private static int getGitPathSegmentPosition(final String[] segments) { /* assuming the array passed in is wellformed, i.e. should have passed the isPathSegmentValid test */ final String secondToLastSegment = segments[segments.length - 2]; if (URL_GIT_PATH_SEGMENT.equals(secondToLastSegment)) { return segments.length - 2; } final String thirdToLastSegment = segments[segments.length - 3]; if (URL_GIT_PATH_SEGMENT.equals(thirdToLastSegment)) { return segments.length - 3; } // error position return -1; } private static ParseResult buildParseResult(final URI gitUri, final String[] pathSegments, final boolean explicitProjectName) { // if this is vso then the account name is the very first part of the url final String accountName = UrlHelper.getVSOAccountName(gitUri); // carry over scheme and authority (host+port) final StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder(gitUri.getScheme()).append("://") .append(gitUri.getAuthority()).append("/"); final int gitSegmentPos = getGitPathSegmentPosition(pathSegments); final int collectionSegmentPos = explicitProjectName ? gitSegmentPos - 2 : gitSegmentPos - 1; // Add all segments before the collection segment to collectionUrlBuilder for (int i = 0; i < collectionSegmentPos; ++i) { urlBuilder.append(pathSegments[i]).append("/"); } final String serverUrl = urlBuilder.toString(); // now add the collection name final String collectionName = pathSegments[collectionSegmentPos]; urlBuilder.append(collectionName).append("/"); final String collectionUrl = urlBuilder.toString(); final int size = pathSegments.length; // repo is always the last segment final String repositoryName = pathSegments[size - 1]; final String projectName = explicitProjectName ? pathSegments[collectionSegmentPos + 1] : repositoryName; return new ParseResult(serverUrl, collectionUrl, collectionName, projectName, repositoryName, accountName); } } public interface ParseResultValidator { boolean validate(final ParseResult parseResult); } }