Java tutorial
/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package com.micromux.cassandra.jdbc; import com.micromux.cassandra.ConnectionDetails; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import java.sql.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class PooledTest { private static final String HOST = System.getProperty("host", ConnectionDetails.getHost()); private static final int PORT = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("port", ConnectionDetails.getPort() + "")); private static final String KEYSPACE = "testks"; private static final String USER = "JohnDoe"; private static final String PASSWORD = "secret"; private static final String VERSION = "3.0.0"; private static final String CONSISTENCY = "ONE"; // use these for encyrpted connections private static final String TRUST_STORE = System.getProperty("trustStore"); private static final String TRUST_PASS = System.getProperty("trustPass", "cassandra"); private static String OPTIONS = ""; private static java.sql.Connection con = null; @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { // configure OPTIONS if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(TRUST_STORE)) { OPTIONS = String.format("trustStore=%s&trustPass=%s", URLEncoder.encode(TRUST_STORE), TRUST_PASS); } Class.forName("com.micromux.cassandra.jdbc.CassandraDriver"); con = DriverManager .getConnection(String.format("jdbc:cassandra://%s:%d/%s?%s", HOST, PORT, "system", OPTIONS)); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // Drop Keyspace String dropKS = String.format("DROP KEYSPACE \"%s\";", KEYSPACE); try { stmt.execute(dropKS); } catch (Exception e) {/* Exception on DROP is OK */ } // Create KeySpace String createKS = String.format( "CREATE KEYSPACE \"%s\" WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};", KEYSPACE); stmt.execute(createKS); // Create KeySpace String useKS = String.format("USE \"%s\";", KEYSPACE); stmt.execute(useKS); // Create the target Column family String createCF = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY pooled_test (somekey text PRIMARY KEY," + "someInt int" + ") ;"; stmt.execute(createCF); String insertWorld = "UPDATE pooled_test SET someInt = 1 WHERE somekey = 'world'"; stmt.execute(insertWorld); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { if (con != null) con.close(); } @Test public void twoMillionConnections() throws Exception { CassandraDataSource connectionPoolDataSource = new CassandraDataSource(HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, USER, PASSWORD, VERSION, CONSISTENCY, TRUST_STORE, TRUST_PASS); DataSource pooledCassandraDataSource = new PooledCassandraDataSource(connectionPoolDataSource); for (int i = 0; i < 2000000; i++) { Connection connection = pooledCassandraDataSource.getConnection(); connection.close(); } } @Test public void twoMillionPreparedStatements() throws Exception { CassandraDataSource connectionPoolDataSource = new CassandraDataSource(HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, USER, PASSWORD, VERSION, CONSISTENCY, TRUST_STORE, TRUST_PASS); DataSource pooledCassandraDataSource = new PooledCassandraDataSource(connectionPoolDataSource); Connection connection = pooledCassandraDataSource.getConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection .prepareStatement("SELECT someInt FROM pooled_test WHERE somekey = ?"); preparedStatement.close(); } connection.close(); } @Test public void preparedStatement() throws Exception { CassandraDataSource connectionPoolDataSource = new CassandraDataSource(HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, USER, PASSWORD, VERSION, CONSISTENCY, TRUST_STORE, TRUST_PASS); DataSource pooledCassandraDataSource = new PooledCassandraDataSource(connectionPoolDataSource); Connection connection = pooledCassandraDataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection .prepareStatement("SELECT someint FROM pooled_test WHERE somekey = ?"); statement.setString(1, "world"); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); assertTrue(; assertEquals(1, resultSet.getInt(1)); assertFalse(; resultSet.close(); statement.close(); connection.close(); } @Test public void preparedStatementClose() throws Exception { CassandraDataSource connectionPoolDataSource = new CassandraDataSource(HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, USER, PASSWORD, VERSION, CONSISTENCY, TRUST_STORE, TRUST_PASS); DataSource pooledCassandraDataSource = new PooledCassandraDataSource(connectionPoolDataSource); Connection connection = pooledCassandraDataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection .prepareStatement("SELECT someInt FROM pooled_test WHERE somekey = ?"); statement.setString(1, "world"); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); assertTrue(; assertEquals(1, resultSet.getInt(1)); assertFalse(; resultSet.close(); connection.close(); assert statement.isClosed(); } @Test public void statement() throws Exception { CassandraDataSource connectionPoolDataSource = new CassandraDataSource(HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, USER, PASSWORD, VERSION, CONSISTENCY, TRUST_STORE, TRUST_PASS); DataSource pooledCassandraDataSource = new PooledCassandraDataSource(connectionPoolDataSource); Connection connection = pooledCassandraDataSource.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT someInt FROM pooled_test WHERE somekey = 'world'"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(1, resultSet.getInt(1)); assertFalse(; resultSet.close(); statement.close(); connection.close(); } @Test public void statementClosed() throws Exception { CassandraDataSource connectionPoolDataSource = new CassandraDataSource(HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, USER, PASSWORD, VERSION, CONSISTENCY, TRUST_STORE, TRUST_PASS); DataSource pooledCassandraDataSource = new PooledCassandraDataSource(connectionPoolDataSource); Connection connection = pooledCassandraDataSource.getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT someInt FROM pooled_test WHERE somekey = 'world'"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(1, resultSet.getInt(1)); assertFalse(; resultSet.close(); connection.close(); assert statement.isClosed(); } }