Java tutorial
/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package com.micromux.cassandra.jdbc; import com.datastax.driver.core.ConsistencyLevel; import com.micromux.cassandra.ConnectionDetails; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class JdbcRegressionTest { private static final String HOST = System.getProperty("host", ConnectionDetails.getHost()); private static final int PORT = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("port", ConnectionDetails.getPort() + "")); private static final String KEYSPACE = "testks"; private static final String TABLE = "regressiontest"; private static final String TYPETABLE = "datatypetest"; // use these for encrypted connections private static final String TRUST_STORE = System.getProperty("trustStore"); private static final String TRUST_PASS = System.getProperty("trustPass", "cassandra"); private static String OPTIONS = ""; private static final String CONSISTENCY_QUORUM = "QUORUM"; private static java.sql.Connection con = null; @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { // configure OPTIONS if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(TRUST_STORE)) { OPTIONS = String.format("trustStore=%s&trustPass=%s", URLEncoder.encode(TRUST_STORE), TRUST_PASS); } Class.forName("com.micromux.cassandra.jdbc.CassandraDriver"); String URL = String.format("jdbc:cassandra://%s:%d/%s?%s", HOST, PORT, "system", OPTIONS); System.out.println("Connection URL = '" + URL + "'"); con = DriverManager.getConnection(URL); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // Drop Keyspace String dropKS = String.format("DROP KEYSPACE \"%s\";", KEYSPACE); try { stmt.execute(dropKS); } catch (Exception e) { /* Exception on DROP is OK */} // Create KeySpace String createKS = String.format( "CREATE KEYSPACE \"%s\" WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};", KEYSPACE); System.out.println("createKS = '" + createKS + "'"); stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute("USE system;"); stmt.execute(createKS); // Use Keyspace String useKS = String.format("USE \"%s\";", KEYSPACE); stmt.execute(useKS); // Create the target Column family String createCF = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY " + TABLE + " (keyname text PRIMARY KEY," + " bValue boolean," + " iValue int" + ");"; stmt.execute(createCF); //create an index stmt.execute("CREATE INDEX ON " + TABLE + " (iValue)"); String createCF2 = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY " + TYPETABLE + " ( " + " id uuid PRIMARY KEY, " + " blobValue blob," + " blobSetValue set<blob>," + " dataMapValue map<text,blob>," + ") WITH comment = 'datatype TABLE in the Keyspace'" + ";"; stmt.execute(createCF2); stmt.close(); con.close(); // open it up again to see the new CF con = DriverManager .getConnection(String.format("jdbc:cassandra://%s:%d/%s?%s", HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, OPTIONS)); System.out.println(con); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { if (con != null) con.close(); } /** * Test an update statement; confirm that the results can be read back. */ @Test public void testExecuteUpdate() throws Exception { String insert = "INSERT INTO regressiontest (keyname,bValue,iValue) VALUES( 'key0',true, 2000);"; Statement statement = con.createStatement(); statement.executeUpdate(insert); statement.close(); statement = con.createStatement(); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT bValue,iValue FROM regressiontest WHERE keyname='key0';");; boolean b = result.getBoolean(1); assertTrue(b); int i = result.getInt(2); assertEquals(2000, i); } /** * Verify that the driver navigates a resultset according to the JDBC rules. * In all cases, the resultset should be pointing to the first record, which can * be read without invoking {@code next()}. * @throws Exception Fatal error. */ @Test public void testResultSetNavigation() throws Exception { Statement statement = con.createStatement(); String truncate = "TRUNCATE regressiontest;"; statement.execute(truncate); String insert1 = "INSERT INTO regressiontest (keyname,bValue,iValue) VALUES( 'key0',true, 2000);"; statement.executeUpdate(insert1); String insert2 = "INSERT INTO regressiontest (keyname,bValue) VALUES( 'key1',false);"; statement.executeUpdate(insert2); String select = "SELECT * from regressiontest;"; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(select); ResultSetMetaData metadata = result.getMetaData(); int colCount = metadata.getColumnCount(); System.out.println("Before doing a next()"); System.out.printf("(%d) ", result.getRow()); for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) { System.out.print(showColumn(i, result) + " "); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Fetching each row with a next()"); while ( { metadata = result.getMetaData(); colCount = metadata.getColumnCount(); System.out.printf("(%d) ", result.getRow()); for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) { System.out.print(showColumn(i, result) + " "); } System.out.println(); } } /** * Create a column group and confirm that the {@code ResultSetMetaData} works. */ @Test public void testResultSetMetaData() throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // Create the target Column family String createCF = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY t33 (k int PRIMARY KEY," + "c text " + ") ;"; stmt.execute(createCF); stmt.close(); con.close(); // open it up again to see the new CF con = DriverManager .getConnection(String.format("jdbc:cassandra://%s:%d/%s?%s", HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, OPTIONS)); // paraphrase of the snippet from the ISSUE #33 provided test PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("update t33 set c=? where k=123"); statement.setString(1, "mark"); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT k, c FROM t33;"); ResultSetMetaData metadata = result.getMetaData(); int colCount = metadata.getColumnCount(); System.out.println("Test Issue #33"); DatabaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("--------------"); System.out.println("Driver Version : " + md.getDriverVersion()); System.out.println("DB Version : " + md.getDatabaseProductVersion()); System.out.println("Catalog term : " + md.getCatalogTerm()); System.out.println("Catalog : " + con.getCatalog()); System.out.println("Schema term : " + md.getSchemaTerm()); System.out.println("--------------"); while ( { metadata = result.getMetaData(); colCount = metadata.getColumnCount(); assertEquals("Total column count should match schema for t33", 2, metadata.getColumnCount()); System.out.printf("(%d) ", result.getRow()); for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) { System.out.print(showColumn(i, result) + " "); switch (i) { case 1: assertEquals("First Column: k", "k", metadata.getColumnName(1)); assertEquals("First Column Type: int", Types.INTEGER, metadata.getColumnType(1)); break; case 2: assertEquals("Second Column: c", "c", metadata.getColumnName(2)); assertEquals("Second Column Type: text", Types.NVARCHAR, metadata.getColumnType(2)); break; } } System.out.println(); } } /** * Test the meta-data logic for the database. This should allow you to query the * schema information dynamically. Previously this was <i>Issue 40</i>. */ @Test public void testDatabaseMetaData() throws Exception { DatabaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData(); // test various retrieval methods ResultSet result = md.getTables(con.getCatalog(), null, "%", new String[] { "TABLE" }); assertTrue("Make sure we have found a table",; result = md.getTables(null, KEYSPACE, TABLE, null); assertTrue("Make sure we have found the table asked for",; result = md.getTables(null, KEYSPACE, TABLE, new String[] { "TABLE" }); assertTrue("Make sure we have found the table asked for",; result = md.getTables(con.getCatalog(), KEYSPACE, TABLE, new String[] { "TABLE" }); assertTrue("Make sure we have found the table asked for",; // check the table name String tn = result.getString("TABLE_NAME"); assertEquals("Table name match", TABLE, tn); System.out.println("Found table via dmd : " + tn); // load the columns result = md.getColumns(con.getCatalog(), KEYSPACE, TABLE, null); assertTrue("Make sure we have found first column",; assertEquals("Make sure table name match", TABLE, result.getString("TABLE_NAME")); String cn = result.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); System.out.println("Found (default) PK column : " + cn); assertEquals("Column name check", "keyname", cn); assertEquals("Column type check", Types.VARCHAR, result.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertTrue("Make sure we have found second column",; cn = result.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); System.out.println("Found column : " + cn); assertEquals("Column name check", "bvalue", cn); assertEquals("Column type check", Types.BOOLEAN, result.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertTrue("Make sure we have found thirth column",; cn = result.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); System.out.println("Found column : " + cn); assertEquals("Column name check", "ivalue", cn); assertEquals("Column type check", Types.INTEGER, result.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); // make sure we filter result = md.getColumns(con.getCatalog(), KEYSPACE, TABLE, "bvalue");; assertFalse("Make sure we have found requested column only",; } /** * Test a simple resultset. This technically also demonstrates the upsert functionality * of Cassandra. */ @Test public void testSimpleResultSet() throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // Create the target Column family String createCF = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY t59 (k int PRIMARY KEY," + "c text " + ") ;"; stmt.execute(createCF); stmt.close(); con.close(); // open it up again to see the new CF con = DriverManager .getConnection(String.format("jdbc:cassandra://%s:%d/%s?%s", HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, OPTIONS)); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("update t59 set c=? where k=123", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); statement.setString(1, "hello"); statement.executeUpdate(); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM t59;"); System.out.println(resultToDisplay(result, 59, null)); } /** * Test the {@code Set} object in Cassandra. */ @Test public void testObjectSet() throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // Create the target Column family String createCF = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY t65 (key text PRIMARY KEY," + "int1 int, " + "int2 int, " + "intset set<int> " + ") ;"; stmt.execute(createCF); stmt.close(); con.close(); // open it up again to see the new CF con = DriverManager .getConnection(String.format("jdbc:cassandra://%s:%d/%s?%s", HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, OPTIONS)); Statement statement = con.createStatement(); String insert = "INSERT INTO t65 (key, int1,int2,intset) VALUES ('key1',1,100,{10,20,30,40});"; statement.executeUpdate(insert); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT intset FROM t65 where key = 'key1';"); // read the Set of Integer back out again Object rsObject = result.getObject(1); assertNotNull("Object Should Exist", rsObject); assertTrue("Object Should be Set", (rsObject instanceof Set)); int sum = 0; // sum up the set - it should be 100 for (Object rsEntry : ((Set) rsObject).toArray()) { assertTrue("Entry should be Integer", (rsEntry instanceof Integer)); sum += ((Integer) rsEntry).intValue(); } assertEquals("Total Should be 100", 100, sum); //System.out.println(resultToDisplay(result,65, "with set = {10,20,30,40}")); String update = "UPDATE t65 SET intset=? WHERE key=?;"; PreparedStatement pstatement = con.prepareStatement(update); Set<Integer> mySet = new HashSet<Integer>(); pstatement.setObject(1, mySet, Types.OTHER); pstatement.setString(2, "key1"); pstatement.executeUpdate(); result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM t65;"); System.out.println(resultToDisplay(result, 65, " with set = <empty>")); } /** * Confirm that the connection can accept a different consistency level. */ @Test public void testConsistencyLevel() throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // Create the target Column family String createCF = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY t71 (k int PRIMARY KEY," + "c text " + ") ;"; stmt.execute(createCF); stmt.close(); con.close(); // open it up again to see the new CF con = DriverManager.getConnection(String.format("jdbc:cassandra://%s:%d/%s?%s&consistency=%s", HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, OPTIONS, CONSISTENCY_QUORUM)); // at this point defaultConsistencyLevel should be set the QUORUM in the connection stmt = con.createStatement(); ConsistencyLevel cl = statementExtras(stmt).getConsistencyLevel(); assertTrue(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM == cl); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Test Issue #71"); System.out.println("--------------"); System.out.println("statement.consistencyLevel = " + cl); } @Test public void testObjectTimestamp() throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); // Create the target Column family //String createCF = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY t74 (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, col1 TIMESTAMP)"; String createCF = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY t74 (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, col1 TIMESTAMP)"; stmt.execute(createCF); stmt.close(); con.close(); // open it up again to see the new CF con = DriverManager .getConnection(String.format("jdbc:cassandra://%s:%d/%s?%s", HOST, PORT, KEYSPACE, OPTIONS)); Statement statement = con.createStatement(); String insert = "INSERT INTO t74 (id, col1) VALUES (?, ?);"; PreparedStatement pstatement = con.prepareStatement(insert); pstatement.setLong(1, 1L); pstatement.setObject(2, new Timestamp(now.getTime()), Types.TIMESTAMP); pstatement.execute(); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM t74;"); assertTrue(; assertEquals(1L, result.getLong(1)); // try reading Timestamp directly Timestamp stamp = result.getTimestamp(2); assertEquals(now, stamp); // try reading Timestamp as an object stamp = result.getObject(2, Timestamp.class); assertEquals(now, stamp); System.out.println(resultToDisplay(result, 74, "current date")); } /** * Verify that even with an empty ResultSet; the resultset meta-data can still * be queried. Previously, this was <i>Issue 75</i>. */ @Test public void testEmptyResultSet() throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); String truncate = "TRUNCATE regressiontest;"; stmt.execute(truncate); String select = "select ivalue from " + TABLE; ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(select); assertFalse("Make sure we have no rows",; ResultSetMetaData rsmd = result.getMetaData(); assertTrue("Make sure we do get a result", rsmd.getColumnDisplaySize(1) != 0); assertNotNull("Make sure we do get a label", rsmd.getColumnLabel(1)); System.out.println( "Found a column in ResultsetMetaData even when there are no rows: " + rsmd.getColumnLabel(1)); stmt.close(); } /** * Previously this was <i>Issue 76</i>. */ @Test public void testDatabaseMetaViaResultSet() throws Exception { DatabaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData(); // test various retrieval methods ResultSet result = md.getIndexInfo(con.getCatalog(), KEYSPACE, TABLE, false, false); assertTrue("Make sure we have found an index",; // check the column name from index String cn = result.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); assertEquals("Column name match for index", "ivalue", cn); System.out.println("Found index via dmd on : " + cn); } @Test public void testIssue77() throws Exception { DatabaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Test Issue #77"); System.out.println("--------------"); // test various retrieval methods ResultSet result = md.getPrimaryKeys(con.getCatalog(), KEYSPACE, TABLE); assertTrue("Make sure we have found an pk",; // check the column name from index String cn = result.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); assertEquals("Column name match for pk", "keyname", cn); System.out.println("Found pk via dmd : " + cn); } @Test public void testIssue78() throws Exception { DatabaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData(); // load the columns, with no catalog and schema ResultSet result = md.getColumns(null, "%", TABLE, "ivalue"); assertTrue("Make sure we have found an column",; } @Test public void testBlob() throws Exception { UUID blobId = UUID.randomUUID(); CassandraBlob blobValue = new CassandraBlob(RandomStringUtils.random(10)); String insert = "INSERT INTO " + TYPETABLE + " (id,blobValue,dataMapValue) " + " VALUES(" + blobId.toString() + ", ?, {'12345': bigintAsBlob(12345)});"; PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(insert); statement.setBlob(1, blobValue); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); Statement select1 = con.createStatement(); String query = "SELECT blobValue FROM " + TYPETABLE + " WHERE id=" + blobId.toString() + ";"; ResultSet result = select1.executeQuery(query);; Blob blobResult = result.getBlob(1); assertEquals(blobValue, blobResult); Statement select2 = con.createStatement(); String query2 = "SELECT dataMapValue FROM " + TYPETABLE + " WHERE id=" + blobId.toString() + ";"; ResultSet result2 = select2.executeQuery(query2);; Object mapResult = result2.getObject(1); assertTrue(mapResult instanceof Map); assertEquals("There should be 1 record in the map", 1, ((Map) mapResult).size()); assertNotNull("Entry for '12345' should be in the map", ((Map) mapResult).get("12345")); assertNull("Entry for '54321' should NOT be in the map", ((Map) mapResult).get("54321")); } @Test public void isValid() throws Exception { assert con.isValid(3); } @Test public void isNotValid() throws Exception { // PreparedStatement currentStatement = ((CassandraConnection) con).isAlive; // PreparedStatement mockedStatement = mock(PreparedStatement.class); // when(mockedStatement.executeQuery()).thenThrow(new SQLException("A mocked ERROR")); // ((CassandraConnection) con).isAlive = mockedStatement; // assert con.isValid(5) == false; // ((CassandraConnection) con).isAlive = currentStatement; } private String showColumn(int index, ResultSet result) throws SQLException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[").append(index).append("]"); sb.append(result.getObject(index)); return sb.toString(); } private String resultToDisplay(ResultSet result, int issue, String note) throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Test Issue #" + issue + " - " + note + "\n"); ResultSetMetaData metadata = result.getMetaData(); int colCount = metadata.getColumnCount(); sb.append("--------------").append("\n"); while ( { metadata = result.getMetaData(); colCount = metadata.getColumnCount(); sb.append(String.format("(%d) ", result.getRow())); for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) { sb.append(showColumn(i, result) + " "); } sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private CassandraStatementExtras statementExtras(Statement statement) throws Exception { Class cse = Class.forName("com.micromux.cassandra.jdbc.CassandraStatementExtras"); return (CassandraStatementExtras) statement.unwrap(cse); } }