Java tutorial
/* * * Certain versions of software and/or documents (Material?) accessible here may contain branding from * Hewlett-Packard Company (now HP Inc.) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company. As of September 1, 2017, * the Material is now offered by Micro Focus, a separately owned and operated company. Any reference to the HP * and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks is historical in nature, and the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE * marks are the property of their respective owners. * __________________________________________________________________ * MIT License * * Copyright 2012-2018 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates. * * The only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affiliates * and licensors (Micro Focus?) are set forth in the express warranty statements * accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as * constituting an additional warranty. Micro Focus shall not be liable for technical * or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. * The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. * ___________________________________________________________________ * */ /* * Implements the main method of loadtest * * */ package; import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import; import; import hudson.FilePath; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.*; import hudson.console.HyperlinkNote; import; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import com.microfocus.adm.performancecenter.plugins.common.pcentities.*; import; public class PcClient { private PcModel model; private PcRestProxy restProxy; private boolean loggedIn; private PrintStream logger; private DateFormatter dateFormatter = new DateFormatter(""); public PcClient(PcModel pcModel, PrintStream logger) { try { model = pcModel; String credentialsProxyId = model.getCredentialsProxyId(true); UsernamePasswordCredentials usernamePCPasswordCredentialsForProxy = PcBuilder .getCredentialsId(credentialsProxyId); String proxyOutUser = (usernamePCPasswordCredentialsForProxy == null || model.getProxyOutURL(true).isEmpty()) ? "" : usernamePCPasswordCredentialsForProxy.getUsername(); String proxyOutPassword = (usernamePCPasswordCredentialsForProxy == null || model.getProxyOutURL(true).isEmpty()) ? "" : usernamePCPasswordCredentialsForProxy.getPassword().getPlainText(); if (model.getProxyOutURL(true) != null && !model.getProxyOutURL(true).isEmpty()) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.UsingProxy(), model.getProxyOutURL(true))); if (!proxyOutUser.isEmpty()) { if (model.getCredentialsProxyId().startsWith("$")) logger.println(String.format("%s - %s %s.", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.UsingProxyCredentialsBuildParameters(), proxyOutUser)); else logger.println(String.format("%s - %s %s.", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.UsingProxyCredentialsConfiguration(), proxyOutUser)); } } restProxy = new PcRestProxy(model.isHTTPSProtocol(), model.getPcServerName(true), model.getAlmDomain(true), model.getAlmProject(true), model.getProxyOutURL(true), proxyOutUser, proxyOutPassword); this.logger = logger; } catch (PcException e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), e.getMessage())); } } public <T extends PcRestProxy> PcClient(PcModel pcModel, PrintStream logger, T proxy) { model = pcModel; restProxy = proxy; this.logger = logger; } public boolean login() { try { String credentialsId = model.getCredentialsId(true); UsernamePasswordCredentials usernamePCPasswordCredentials = PcBuilder.getCredentialsId(credentialsId); if (usernamePCPasswordCredentials != null) { if (model.getCredentialsId().startsWith("$")) logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.UsingPCCredentialsBuildParameters())); else logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.UsingPCCredentialsConfiguration())); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s\n[PCServer='%s://%s/loadtest', User='%s']", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.TryingToLogin(), model.isHTTPSProtocol(), model.getPcServerName(true), usernamePCPasswordCredentials.getUsername())); loggedIn = restProxy.authenticate(usernamePCPasswordCredentials.getUsername(), usernamePCPasswordCredentials.getPassword().getPlainText()); } else { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s\n[PCServer='%s://%s/loadtest', User='%s']", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.TryingToLogin(), model.isHTTPSProtocol(), model.getPcServerName(true), PcBuilder.usernamePCPasswordCredentials.getUsername())); loggedIn = restProxy.authenticate(PcBuilder.usernamePCPasswordCredentials.getUsername(), PcBuilder.usernamePCPasswordCredentials.getPassword().getPlainText()); } } catch (PcException e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), e.getMessage())); } catch (Exception e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), e)); } logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), loggedIn ? Messages.LoginSucceeded() : Messages.LoginFailed())); return loggedIn; } public boolean isLoggedIn() { return loggedIn; } public int startRun() throws NumberFormatException, ClientProtocolException, PcException, IOException { int testID = Integer.parseInt(model.getTestId(true)); int testInstance = getCorrectTestInstanceID(testID); setCorrectTrendReportID(); logger.println(String.format( "%s - \n" + "%s \n" + "====================\n" + "%s: %s \n" + "%s: %s \n" + "%s: %s \n" + "%s: %s \n" + "%s: %s \n" + "%s: %s \n" + "%s: %s \n" + "====================\n", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.ExecutingLoadTest(), Messages.Domain(), model.getAlmDomain(true), Messages.Project(), model.getAlmProject(true), Messages.TestID(), Integer.parseInt(model.getTestId(true)), Messages.TestInstanceID(), testInstance, Messages.TimeslotDuration(), model.getTimeslotDuration(), Messages.PostRunAction(), model.getPostRunAction().getValue(), Messages.UseVUDS(), model.isVudsMode())); PcRunResponse response = null; try { response = restProxy.startRun(testID, testInstance, model.getTimeslotDuration(), model.getPostRunAction().getValue(), model.isVudsMode()); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s (TestID: %s, RunID: %s, TimeslotID: %s)", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.RunStarted(), response.getTestID(), response.getID(), response.getTimeslotID())); return response.getID(); } catch (NumberFormatException | ClientProtocolException | PcException ex) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s. Error: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.StartRunFailed(), ex.getMessage())); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s. IOException Error: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.StartRunFailed(), ex.getMessage())); } if (!("RETRY".equals(model.getRetry()))) { return 0; } else { //counter int retryCount = 0; //values int retryDelay = Integer.parseInt(model.getRetryDelay()); int retryOccurrences = Integer.parseInt(model.getRetryOccurrences()); while (retryCount <= retryOccurrences) { retryCount++; try { if (retryCount <= retryOccurrences) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s. %s (%s %s). %s: %s.", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.StartRunRetryFailed(), Messages.AttemptingStartAgainSoon(), retryDelay, Messages.Minutes(), Messages.AttemptsRemaining(), retryOccurrences - retryCount + 1)); Thread.sleep(retryDelay * 60 * 1000); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.println(String.format("%s - wait failed", dateFormatter.getDate())); } try { response = restProxy.startRun(testID, testInstance, model.getTimeslotDuration(), model.getPostRunAction().getValue(), model.isVudsMode()); } catch (NumberFormatException | ClientProtocolException | PcException ex) { logger.println(String.format("%s -%s. %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.StartRunRetryFailed(), Messages.Error(), ex.getMessage())); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.println(String.format("%s -%s. %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.StartRunRetryFailed(), Messages.Error(), ex.getMessage())); } int ret = 0; if (response != null) { try { ret = response.getID(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s. %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.RetrievingIDFailed(), Messages.Error(), ex.getMessage())); } } if (ret != 0) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s (TestID: %s, RunID: %s, TimeslotID: %s)\n", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.RunStarted(), response.getTestID(), response.getID(), response.getTimeslotID())); return ret; } } } return 0; } private int getCorrectTestInstanceID(int testID) throws IOException, PcException { if ("AUTO".equals(model.getAutoTestInstanceID())) { try { logger.println( String.format("%s - %s.", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.SearchingTestInstance())); PcTestInstances pcTestInstances = null; try { pcTestInstances = restProxy.getTestInstancesByTestId(testID); } catch (PcException ex) { logger.println(String.format("%s - getTestInstancesByTestId %s. Error: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.Failure(), Messages.Error(), ex.getMessage())); } int testInstanceID; if (pcTestInstances != null && pcTestInstances.getTestInstancesList() != null) { PcTestInstance pcTestInstance = pcTestInstances.getTestInstancesList() .get(pcTestInstances.getTestInstancesList().size() - 1); testInstanceID = pcTestInstance.getInstanceId(); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.FoundTestInstanceID(), testInstanceID)); } else { logger.println( String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.NotFoundTestInstanceID())); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.SearchingAvailableTestSet())); // Get a random TestSet PcTestSets pcTestSets = restProxy.GetAllTestSets(); if (pcTestSets != null && pcTestSets.getPcTestSetsList() != null) { PcTestSet pcTestSet = pcTestSets.getPcTestSetsList() .get(pcTestSets.getPcTestSetsList().size() - 1); int testSetID = pcTestSet.getTestSetID(); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s (testID: %s, TestSetID: %s)", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.CreatingNewTestInstance(), testID, testSetID)); testInstanceID = restProxy.createTestInstance(testID, testSetID); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.TestInstanceCreatedSuccessfully(), testInstanceID)); } else { String msg = Messages.NoTestSetAvailable(); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), msg)); throw new PcException(msg); } } return testInstanceID; } catch (Exception e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - getCorrectTestInstanceID %s. %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.Failure(), Messages.Error(), e.getMessage())); return Integer.parseInt(null); } } return Integer.parseInt(model.getTestInstanceId(true)); } private void setCorrectTrendReportID() throws IOException, PcException { // If the user selected "Use trend report associated with the test" we want the report ID to be the one from the test String msg = Messages.NoTrendReportAssociated() + "\n" + Messages.PleaseTurnAutomaticTrendOn() + "\n" + Messages.PleaseTurnAutomaticTrendOnAlternative(); if (("ASSOCIATED").equals(model.getAddRunToTrendReport()) && model.getPostRunAction() != PostRunAction.DO_NOTHING) { PcTest pcTest = restProxy.getTestData(Integer.parseInt(model.getTestId(true))); //if the trend report ID is parametrized if (!model.getTrendReportId().startsWith("$")) { if (pcTest.getTrendReportId() > -1) model.setTrendReportId(String.valueOf(pcTest.getTrendReportId())); else { throw new PcException(msg); } } else { try { if (Integer.parseInt(model.getTrendReportId(true)) > -1) model.setTrendReportId(String.valueOf(model.getTrendReportId(true))); else { throw new PcException(msg); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PcException(msg + System.getProperty("line.separator") + ex); } } } } public String getTestName() throws IOException, PcException { try { PcTest pcTest = restProxy.getTestData(Integer.parseInt(model.getTestId(true))); return pcTest.getTestName(); } catch (IOException | PcException ex) { logger.println(String.format("%s - getTestData %s (testId : %s)", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.Failure(), model.getTestId(true))); throw ex; } } public PcRunResponse waitForRunCompletion(int runId) throws InterruptedException, ClientProtocolException, PcException, IOException { return waitForRunCompletion(runId, 5000); } public PcRunResponse waitForRunCompletion(int runId, int interval) throws InterruptedException, ClientProtocolException, PcException, IOException { RunState state = RunState.UNDEFINED; switch (model.getPostRunAction()) { case DO_NOTHING: state = RunState.BEFORE_COLLATING_RESULTS; break; case COLLATE: state = RunState.BEFORE_CREATING_ANALYSIS_DATA; break; case COLLATE_AND_ANALYZE: state = RunState.FINISHED; break; } return waitForRunState(runId, state, interval); } private PcRunResponse waitForRunState(int runId, RunState completionState, int interval) throws InterruptedException, ClientProtocolException, PcException, IOException { int counter = 0; RunState[] states = { RunState.BEFORE_COLLATING_RESULTS, RunState.BEFORE_CREATING_ANALYSIS_DATA }; PcRunResponse response = null; RunState lastState = RunState.UNDEFINED; int threeStrikes = 3; do { try { if (threeStrikes < 3) { logger.println(String.format( "%s - Cannot get response from PC about the state of the Run (ID=%s) %s time(s) consecutively", dateFormatter.getDate(), runId, (3 - threeStrikes))); if (threeStrikes == 0) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.StoppingMonitoringOnRun(), runId)); break; } Thread.sleep(2000); login(); } response = restProxy.getRunData(runId); RunState currentState = RunState.get(response.getRunState()); if (lastState.ordinal() < currentState.ordinal()) { lastState = currentState; logger.println(String.format("%s - RunID: %s - State = %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), runId, currentState.value())); } // In case we are in state before collate or before analyze, we will wait 1 minute for the state to change otherwise we exit // because the user probably stopped the run from PC or timeslot has reached the end. if (Arrays.asList(states).contains(currentState)) { counter++; Thread.sleep(1000); if (counter > 60) { logger.println(String.format("%s - Run ID: %s - %s = %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), runId, Messages.StoppedFromPC(), currentState.value())); break; } } else { counter = 0; Thread.sleep(interval); } threeStrikes = 3; } catch (InterruptedException | PcException e) { threeStrikes--; } } while (lastState.ordinal() < completionState.ordinal()); return response; } public FilePath publishRunReport(int runId, String reportDirectory) throws IOException, PcException, InterruptedException { PcRunResults runResultsList = restProxy.getRunResults(runId); if (runResultsList.getResultsList() != null) { for (PcRunResult result : runResultsList.getResultsList()) { if (result.getName().equals(PcBuilder.pcReportArchiveName)) { File dir = new File(reportDirectory); dir.mkdirs(); String reportArchiveFullPath = dir.getCanonicalPath() + IOUtils.DIR_SEPARATOR + PcBuilder.pcReportArchiveName; logger.println( String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.PublishingAnalysisReport())); restProxy.GetRunResultData(runId, result.getID(), reportArchiveFullPath); FilePath fp = new FilePath(new File(reportArchiveFullPath)); fp.unzip(fp.getParent()); fp.delete(); FilePath reportFile = fp.sibling(PcBuilder.pcReportFileName); if (reportFile.exists()) return reportFile; } } } logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.FailedToGetRunReport())); return null; } public boolean logout() { if (!loggedIn) return true; boolean logoutSucceeded = false; try { logoutSucceeded = restProxy.logout(); loggedIn = !logoutSucceeded; } catch (PcException e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), e.getMessage())); } catch (Exception e) { logger.println(e); } logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), logoutSucceeded ? Messages.LogoutSucceeded() : Messages.LogoutFailed())); return logoutSucceeded; } public boolean stopRun(int runId) { boolean stopRunSucceeded = false; try { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.StoppingRun())); stopRunSucceeded = restProxy.stopRun(runId, "stop"); } catch (PcException e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), e.getMessage())); } catch (Exception e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), e)); } logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), stopRunSucceeded ? Messages.StopRunSucceeded() : Messages.StopRunFailed())); return stopRunSucceeded; } public PcRunEventLog getRunEventLog(int runId) { try { return restProxy.getRunEventLog(runId); } catch (PcException e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), e.getMessage())); } catch (Exception e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), e.getMessage())); } return null; } public void addRunToTrendReport(int runId, String trendReportId) { TrendReportRequest trRequest = new TrendReportRequest(model.getAlmProject(true), runId, null); logger.println(String.format("%s - Adding run: %s to trend report: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), runId, trendReportId)); try { restProxy.updateTrendReport(trendReportId, trRequest); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.PublishingRun(), runId, Messages.OnTrendReport(), trendReportId)); } catch (PcException e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.FailedToAddRunToTrendReport(), e.getMessage())); } catch (IOException e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s.", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.FailedToAddRunToTrendReport(), Messages.ProblemConnectingToPCServer())); } } public void waitForRunToPublishOnTrendReport(int runId, String trendReportId) throws PcException, IOException, InterruptedException { ArrayList<PcTrendedRun> trendReportMetaDataResultsList; boolean publishEnded = false; int counterPublishStarted = 0; int counterPublishNotStarted = 0; boolean resultNotFound = true; do { trendReportMetaDataResultsList = restProxy.getTrendReportMetaData(trendReportId); if (trendReportMetaDataResultsList.isEmpty()) break; for (PcTrendedRun result : trendReportMetaDataResultsList) { resultNotFound = result.getRunID() != runId; if (resultNotFound) continue; if (result.getState().equals(PcBuilder.TRENDED) || result.getState().equals(PcBuilder.ERROR)) { publishEnded = true; logger.println(String.format("%s - Run: %s %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), runId, Messages.PublishingStatus(), result.getState())); break; } else { Thread.sleep(5000); counterPublishStarted++; if (counterPublishStarted >= 120) { String msg = String.format("%s: %s", Messages.Error(), Messages.PublishingEndTimeout()); throw new PcException(msg); } } } if (!publishEnded && resultNotFound) { Thread.sleep(5000); counterPublishNotStarted++; if (counterPublishNotStarted >= 120) { //waiting 10 minutes for timeout String msg = String.format("%s", Messages.PublishingStartTimeout()); throw new PcException(msg); } else if (counterPublishNotStarted % 12 == 0) { //warning every minute until timeout logger.println(String.format("%s - %s. %s: %s ... ", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.WaitingForTrendReportToStart(), Messages.MinutesUntilTimeout(), 10 - (counterPublishNotStarted / 12))); } } } while (!publishEnded && counterPublishStarted < 120 && counterPublishNotStarted < 120); } public boolean downloadTrendReportAsPdf(String trendReportId, String directory) throws PcException { try { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.DownloadingTrendReport(), trendReportId, Messages.InPDFFormat())); InputStream in = restProxy.getTrendingPDF(trendReportId); File dir = new File(directory); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } String filePath = directory + IOUtils.DIR_SEPARATOR + "trendReport" + trendReportId + ".pdf"; Path destination = Paths.get(filePath); Files.copy(in, destination, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.TrendReport(), trendReportId, Messages.SuccessfullyDownloaded())); } catch (Exception e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - %s: %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), Messages.FailedToDownloadTrendReport(), e.getMessage())); throw new PcException(e.getMessage()); } return true; } public void publishTrendReport(String filePath, String trendReportId) { if (filePath == null) { return; } // return String.format( HyperlinkNote.encodeTo(filePath, "View trend report " + trendReportId)); logger.println(String.format("%s - %s", dateFormatter.getDate(), HyperlinkNote.encodeTo(filePath, Messages.ViewTrendReport() + " " + trendReportId))); } // This method will return a map with the following structure: <transaction_name:selected_measurement_value> // for example: // <Action_Transaction:0.001> // <Virtual transaction 2:0.51> // This function uses reflection since we know only at runtime which transactions data will be reposed from the rest request. public Map<String, String> getTrendReportByXML(String trendReportId, int runId, TrendReportTypes.DataType dataType, TrendReportTypes.PctType pctType, TrendReportTypes.Measurement measurement) throws IOException, PcException, IntrospectionException, NoSuchMethodException { Map<String, String> measurmentsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); measurmentsMap.put("RunId", "_" + runId + "_"); measurmentsMap.put("Trend Measurement Type", measurement.toString() + "_" + pctType.toString()); TrendReportTransactionDataRoot res = restProxy.getTrendReportByXML(trendReportId, runId); // java.lang.reflect.Method rootMethod = res.getClass().getMethod("getTrendReport" + dataType.toString() + "DataRowsList"); // ArrayList<Object> RowsListObj = (ArrayList<Object>) rootMethod.invoke(res); // RowsListObj.get(0); List<Object> RowsListObj = res.getTrendReportRoot(); for (int i = 0; i < RowsListObj.size(); i++) { try { java.lang.reflect.Method rowListMethod = RowsListObj.get(i).getClass() .getMethod("getTrendReport" + dataType.toString() + "DataRowList"); for (Object DataRowObj : (ArrayList<Object>) rowListMethod.invoke(RowsListObj.get(i))) { if (DataRowObj.getClass().getMethod("getPCT_TYPE").invoke(DataRowObj) .equals(pctType.toString())) { java.lang.reflect.Method method; method = DataRowObj.getClass().getMethod("get" + measurement.toString()); measurmentsMap.put( DataRowObj.getClass().getMethod("getPCT_NAME").invoke(DataRowObj).toString(), method.invoke(DataRowObj) == null ? "" : method.invoke(DataRowObj).toString()); } } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // logger.println("No such method exception: " + e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.println(String.format("%s - Error on getTrendReportByXML: %s ", dateFormatter.getDate(), e)); } } // logger.print(res); return measurmentsMap; } }